International Peace Bureau resolution on East Timor

The I.P.B. passed the following resolution at its 101st annual assembly in October in London. The resolution was moved by Mavis Robertson of the Australian Coalition for Disarmament and Peace and Katie Boanas-Dewes of Peace Movement Aotearoa (New Zealand).

"This 1993 conference of the International Peace Bureau reaffirms its support for the right of all nations to self-determiantion. In this context it reaffirms its support for the independnce movement of East Timor, calls for the withdrawl of Indonesian occupying forces and the immediate release of the leaders and members of FRETILIN now serving sentences in indonesian prisons.

Support for East timor can also be built by demanding that our national governments do not trade in arms with Indonesia and do not assist its army in any way while the occuaption of East Timor continues."

The Geneva-based I.P.B. is the world's major umbrella for peace and disarmament organizations. For more information, see the conference