78 Transformation Monoids

A transformation monoid is a monoid of transformations of n points (see chapter Transformations). These monoids occur for example in the theory of finite state automata and as the results of enumerations of finitely presented monoids. In the theory of semigroups and monoids they ply to some extend the role that is taken by permutation groups in group theory. In fact, there are close relations between permutation groups and transformation monoids. One of these relations is manifested by the Schützenberger group of an element of a transformation monoid, which is represented as a permutation group rather than a group of transformations. Another relation which is used by most functions that deal with transformation monoids is the fact that a transformation monoid can be efficiently described in terms of several permutation groups (for details see LPRR1 and LPRR2).

This chapter describes the functions that deal with transformation monoids.

The chapter starts with the description of the function that tests whether or not a given object is a transformation monoid (see IsTransMonoid). Then there is the function that determines the degree of a transformation monoid (see Degree of a Transformation Monoid).

There are a function to construct the full transformation monoid of degree n (see FullTransMonoid) and a function to construct the monoid of all partial transformations of degree n (see PartialTransMonoid).

Then there are a function that determines all images of a transformation monoid (see ImagesTransMonoid) and a function that determines all kernels of a transformation monoid (see KernelsTransMonoid).

Because each transformation monoid is a domain all set theoretic functions can be applied to it (see chapter "Domains" and Set Functions for Transformation Monoids). Also because a transformation monoid is after all a monoid all monoid functions can be applied to it (see chapter Monoids and Semigroups and Monoid Functions for Transformation Monoids).

Next the functions that determine Green classes in transformation monoids are described (see H Classes for Transformation Monoids, R Classes for Transformation Monoids, L Classes for Transformation Monoids, and D Classes for Transformation Monoids).

Finally, there is a section about how a transformation monoid is displayed (see Display a Transformation Monoid). The last section in this chapter describes how transformation monoids are represented as records in GAP3 (see Transformation Monoid Records).

The functions described here are in the file "monotran.g".


  1. IsTransMonoid
  2. Degree of a Transformation Monoid
  3. FullTransMonoid
  4. PartialTransMonoid
  5. ImagesTransMonoid
  6. KernelsTransMonoid
  7. Set Functions for Transformation Monoids
  8. Monoid Functions for Transformation Monoids
  9. SchutzenbergerGroup for Transformation Monoids
  10. H Classes for Transformation Monoids
  11. R Classes for Transformation Monoids
  12. L Classes for Transformation Monoids
  13. D Classes for Transformation Monoids
  14. Display a Transformation Monoid
  15. Transformation Monoid Records

78.1 IsTransMonoid

IsTransMonoid( obj )

IsTransMonoid returns true if the object obj, which may be an object of an arbitrary type, is a transformation monoid, and false otherwise. It will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable.

    gap> IsTransMonoid( Monoid( [ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ) ] ) );
    gap> IsTransMonoid( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ) );
    gap> IsTransMonoid( [ 1, 2, 1 ] );

78.2 Degree of a Transformation Monoid

Degree( M )

Degree returns the degree of a transformation monoid M, which is the common degree of all the generators of M.

    gap> Degree( Monoid( Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ) ) );

The degree of a transformation monoid is the number of points it acts upon.

78.3 FullTransMonoid

FullTransMonoid( n )

FullTransMonoid returns the full transformation monoid of degree n.

    gap> M:= FullTransMonoid( 8 );
    Monoid( [ Transformation( [ 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] ), 
      Transformation( [ 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] ), 
      Transformation( [ 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] ) ] ) 
    gap> Size( M );

The full transformation monoid of degree n is the monoid of all transformations of degree n.

78.4 PartialTransMonoid

PartialTransMonoid( n )

PartialTransMonoid returns the monoid of partial transformations of degree n.

    gap> M:= PartialTransMonoid( 8 );
    Monoid( [ Transformation( [ 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] ), 
      Transformation( [ 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 ] ), 
      Transformation( [ 9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] ), 
      Transformation( [ 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] ) ] )
    gap> Size( M );

A partial transformation of degree n is a mapping from {1, ..., n} to itself where every point i ∈ {1, ..., n} has at most one image. Here the undefined point is represented by n+1.

78.5 ImagesTransMonoid

ImagesTransMonoid( M )

ImagesTransMonoid returns the set of images of all elements of the transformation monoid M (see Image of a Transformation).

    gap> M:= Monoid( Transformation( [ 1, 4, 4, 2 ] ),    
    >       Transformation( [ 2, 4, 4, 4 ] ) );;   
    gap> ImagesTransMonoid(M);                                              
    [ [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], [ 1, 2, 4 ], [ 2 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 4 ] ] 

78.6 KernelsTransMonoid

KernelsTransMonoid( M )

KernelsTransMonoid returns the set of kernels of all elements of the transformation monoid M (see Kernel of a Transformation).

    gap> M:= Monoid( [ Transformation( [ 1, 4, 4, 2 ] ),    
    >       Transformation( [ 2, 4, 4, 4 ] ) ] );;   
    gap> KernelsTransMonoid(M);
    [ [ [ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ], [ 4 ] ], [ [ 1 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 4 ] ], 
      [ [ 1 ], [ 2, 3, 4 ] ], [ [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ] ] 

78.7 Set Functions for Transformation Monoids

All set theoretic functions described in chapter "Domains" are also applicable to transformation monoids. This section describes which functions are implemented specially for transformation monoids. Functions not mentioned here are handled by the default methods described in the respective sections of chapter "Domains".

Size( M )

Size calls RClasses (see RClasses), if necessary, and returns the sum of the sizes of all R classes of M.

    gap> Size( Monoid( Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ) ) );

Elements( M )

Elements calls RClasses (see RClasses) if necessary, and returns the union of the elements of all R classes of M.

    gap> Elements( Monoid( Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ) ) );
    [ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ), Transformation( [ 1 .. 3 ] ) ] 

obj in M

The membership test of elements of transformation monoids first checks whether obj is a transformation in the first place (see IsTransformation) and if so whether the degree of obj (see Degree of a Transformation) coincides with the degree of M (see Degree of a Transformation Monoid). Then the image and the kernel of obj is used to locate the possible R class of obj in M and the membership test is delegated to that R class (see Set Functions for Green Classes).

   gap> M:= Monoid( Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ) );;
    gap> (1,2,3) in M;
    gap> Transformation( [1, 2, 1 ] ) in M;
    gap> Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1, 4 ] ) in M;

78.8 Monoid Functions for Transformation Monoids

All functions described in chapter Monoids and Semigroups can be applied to transformation monoids.

Green classes are special subsets of a transformation monoid. In particular, they are domains so all set theoretic functions for domains (see chapter "Domains") can be applied to Green classes. This is described in Set Functions for Green Classes. Single Green classes of a transformation monoid are constructed by the functions RClass (see RClass and R Classes for Transformation Monoids), LClass (see LClass and L Classes for Transformation Monoids), DClass (see DClass and D Classes for Transformation Monoids), and HClass (see HClass and H Classes for Transformation Monoids). The list of all Green classes of a given type in a transformation monoid is constructed by the functions RClasses (see RClasses), LClasses (see LClasses), DClasses (see DClasses), and HClasses (see HClasses).

78.9 SchutzenbergerGroup for Transformation Monoids

SchutzenbergerGroup( M, s )
SchutzenbergerGroup( class )

SchutzenbergerGroup returns the Schützenberger group of the element s in the transformation monoid M as a permutation group on the image of s.

In the second form SchutzenbergerGroup returns the Schützenberger group of the Green class class of a transformation monoid, where class is either an H class, an R class or a D class. The Schützenberger group of an H class class is the same as the Schützenberger group of class. The Schützenberger group of an R class class is the generalised right Schützenberger group of the representative of class and the Schützenberger group of an L class class is the generalised left Schützenberger group of the representative of class. Note that the Schützenberger of an R class is only unique up to conjugation.

78.10 H Classes for Transformation Monoids

In addition to the usual components of an H class record, the record representing the H class hClass of s in a transformation monoid can have the following components. They are created by the function SchutzenbergerGroup (see SchutzenbergerGroup) which is called whenever the size, the list of elements of hClass, or a membership test in hClass is asked for.


set to the Schützenberger group of hClass as a permutation group on the set of images of hClass.representative (see SchutzenbergerGroup for Transformation Monoids).


the R class of hClass.representative.


the L class of hClass.representative.

The following functions have a special implementation in terms of these components.

Size( hClass )

returns the size of the H class hClass. This function calls SchutzenbergerGroup and determines the size of hClass as the size of the resulting group.

Elements( hClass )

returns the set of elements of the H class hClass. This function calls SchutzenbergerGroup and determines the set of elements of hClass as the set of elements of the resulting group multiplied by the representative of hClass.

x in hClass

returns true if x is an element of the H class hClass and false otherwise. This function calls SchutzenbergerGroup and tests whether the quotient of the representative of hClass and x (see PermLeftQuoTrans) is in the resulting group.

78.11 R Classes for Transformation Monoids

In addition to the usual components of an R class record, the record representing the R class rClass of s in a transformation monoid can have the following components. They are created by the function SchutzenbergerGroup (see SchutzenbergerGroup) which is called whenever the size, the list of elements of rClass, or a membership test in rClass is asked for.


set to the Schützenberger group of rClass as a permutation group on the set of images of rClass.representative (see SchutzenbergerGroup for Transformation Monoids).


is the list of different image sets occurring in the R class rClass. The first entry in this list is the image set of rClass.representative.


is a list of permutations such that the product of the representative of rClass and the inverse of the ith entry in the list yields an element of rClass whose image set is the ith entry in the list rClass.images.

The following functions have a special implementation in terms of these components.

Size( rClass )

returns the size of the R class rClass. This function calls SchutzenbergerGroup and determines the size of rClass as the size of the resulting group times the length of the list rClass.images.

Elements( rClass )

returns the set of elements of the R class rClass. This function calls SchutzenbergerGroup and determines the set of elements of rClass as the set of elements of the resulting group multiplied by the representative of rClass and each single permutation in the list rClass.rMults.

x in rClass

returns true if x is an element of the R class rClass and false otherwise. This function calls SchutzenbergerGroup and tests whether the quotient of the representative of rClass and x * rClass.rMults[i] (see PermLeftQuoTrans) is in the resulting group where i is the position of the image set of x in rClass.images.

HClasses( rClass )

returns the list of H classes contained in the R class rClass.

78.12 L Classes for Transformation Monoids

In addition to the usual components of an L class record, the record representing the L class lClass of s in a transformation monoid can have the following components. They are created by the function SchutzenbergerGroup (see SchutzenbergerGroup) which is called whenever the size, the list of elements of lClass, or a membership test in lClass is asked for.


set to the Schützenberger group of lClass as a permutation group on the set of images of lClass.representative (see SchutzenbergerGroup for Transformation Monoids).


is the list of different kernels occurring in the L class lClass. The first entry in this list is the kernel of rClass.representative.


is a list of binary relations such that the product of the inverse of the ith entry in the list and the representative of rClass yields an element of rClass whose kernel is the ith entry in the list rClass.kernels.

The following functions have a special implementation in terms of these components.

Size( lClass )

returns the size of the L class lClass. This function calls SchutzenbergerGroup and determines the size of lClass as the size of the resulting group times the length of the list lClass.kernels.

Elements( lClass )

returns the set of elements of the L class lClass. This function calls SchutzenbergerGroup and determines the set of elements of lClass as the set of elements of the resulting group premultiplied by the representative of lClass and each single binary relation in the list lClass.lMults.

x in lClass

returns true if x is an element of the L class lClass and false otherwise. This function calls SchutzenbergerGroup and tests whether the quotient of the representative of lClass and lClass.lMults[i] * x (see PermLeftQuoTrans) is in the resulting group where i is the position of the kernel of x in lClass.kernels.

HClasses( lClass )

returns the list of H classes contained in the L class lClass.

78.13 D Classes for Transformation Monoids

In addition to the usual components of a D class record, the record representing the D class dClass of s in a transformation monoid can have the following components. They are created by the function SchutzenbergerGroup (see SchutzenbergerGroup) which is called whenever the size, the list of elements of dClass, or a membership test in dClass is asked for.


set to the Schützenberger group of dClass as a permutation group on the set of images of dClass.representative (see SchutzenbergerGroup for Transformation Monoids).


set to the H class of dClass.representative.


set to the L class of dClass.representative.


set to the R class of dClass.representative.


contains a list of (right) coset representatives of the Schützenberger group of dClass in the Schützenberger group of the R class dClass.R.

The following functions have a special implementation in terms of these components.

Size( dClass )

returns the size of the D class dClass. This function calls SchutzenbergerGroup and determines the size of dClass in terms of the sizes of the resulting group and the Schützenberger groups of the R class dClass.R and the L class dClass.L.

Elements( dClass )

returns the set of elements of the D class dClass. This function calls SchutzenbergerGroup and determines the set of elements of dClass as the union of cosets of the Schützenberger group of the L class dClass.L determined through the multipliers dClass.rCosets and dClass.R.rMults.

x in dClass

returns true if x is an element of the D class dClass and false otherwise. This function calls SchutzenbergerGroup and tests whether the quotient of the representative of dClass and a suitable translate of x can be found in one of the cosets of the Schützenberger group of the L class dClass.L determined by the list dClass.rCosets.

HClasses( dClass )

returns the list of H classes contained in the D class dClass.

LClasses( dClass )

returns the list of L classes contained in the D class dClass.

RClasses( dClass )

returns the list of R classes contained in the D class dClass.

78.14 Display a Transformation Monoid

Display( M )

Display displays the Green class structure of the transformation monoid M. Each D class is displayed as a single item on a line according to its rank. A D class displayed as


is a regular D class with a Schützenberger group of size a, consisting of b L classes, or d R classes. A D class displayed as


is a nonregular D class with a Schützenberger group of size a, consisting of <b> × c L classes (of which c have the same kernel), or <d> × e R classes (of which e have the same image).

    gap> M:= Monoid( Transformation( [ 7, 7, 1, 1, 5, 6, 5, 5 ] ), 
    > Transformation( [ 3, 8, 3, 7, 4, 6, 4, 5 ] ) );;
    gap> Size( M );
    gap> Display( M );
    Rank 8: [1.1.1] 
    Rank 6: {1.1x1.1x1} 
    Rank 5: {1.1x1.1x1} 
    Rank 4: {1.1x1.1x1} [2.1.1] 
    Rank 3: {1.1x1.4x1} [1.3.4] 
    Rank 2: [1.5.1] 

78.15 Transformation Monoid Records

In addition to the usual components of a monoid record (see Monoid Records and Semigroup Records) the record representing a transformation monoid M has a component


which is always set to true.

Moreover, such a record will (after a while) acquire the following components.


a list of R classes of M such that every orbit of image sets is represented exactly once.


the list of lists where images[ k ] is the list of all different image sets of size k of the elements of M.


stores the relation between orbitClasses and images. The image set images[k][l] occurs in the orbit of the R class with index imagePos[k][l] in the list orbitClasses.


a list of lists, where rClassReps[l] contains the complete list of representatives of the R classes with the same image orbit as the R class orbitClasses[l].


a list of lists, where lTrans[l][k] is a transformation α such that lTrans[l][k] * rClassReps[l][k] is an element of the R class orbitClasses[l].


a list of lists, where kernels[l][k] is the common kernel of the elements in the R class of rClassReps[l][k].

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