Michael Harris
Université Paris 7


       The goal of this series of lectures is to present some of the recent developments in Langlands' program, outlined
       more than thirty years ago, to study the Galois representations attached to certain classes of automorphic representations
       using Shimura varieties.  I will concentrate on the automorphic representations of unitary groups, since these are most
       closely related to GL(n) and lend themselves to a number of applications.  Specific attention will be devoted to the
       ideas and techniques involved in my recent proof with Clozel, Shepherd-Barron, and Taylor of the Sato-Tate conjecture
       for those elliptic curves over Q that satisfy a certain degeneracy hypothesis.  Recent results on the stabilization of the
       Selberg trace formula have undoubtedly made this hypothesis superfluous, and I will sketch a proof in the general
       case, making use of work in progress of a number of people.   

       Rather than attempt to present complete proofs, I will stress the relations between various approaches to automorphic
       forms on unitary groups.   Whenever possible, I will indicate unsolved problems that may or may not be accessible
       using available techniques.

TENTATIVE PROGRAM as of 3/7/2008

January 25:    The Sato-Tate conjecture for one or two elliptic curves, and the relation to L-functions
February 1:    Automorphic representations of GL(n) and their associated Galois representations:  the state of the art
February 8:    Automorphic induction and its opposite:  applications to symmetric powers
February 15:  Odd symmetric powers, concluded; the problem of irreducibility of automorphic Galois representations
February 22:  The method of potential automorphy and Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces
February 29:  Deformations of polarized regular Galois representations
March 7:        Hecke algebras for unitary groups
March 14:      The (Kisin)-Taylor-Wiles method for unitary automorphic forms
April 4:          Constructing automorphic Galois representations, step 3 (p-adic continuity)
                                            NOTE:  THIS LECTURE STARTS AT 1:30 PM

April 11:        Constructing automorphic Galois representations, step 1 (analysis of the stable spectrum of unitary groups)
April 18:        Constructing automorphic Galois representations, step 2 (analysis of the endoscopic spectrum of unitary groups)
April 25:        The theta correspondence as an alternative to step 2, and special values of L-functions
May 2:           Prospects:  topics to be announced.