Pierre-Antoine Guihéneuf


I am maître de conférences at IMJ-PRG, Sorbonne Université (ex Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6), in the Analyse Algébrique team.

I am member of the SMF board (French mathematical society) in charge of outreach activities.

In 2015-2016, I had a post doctoral position at UFF Niteroi (near Rio de Janeiro).

Between 2011 and 2015, I was PhD student in Orsay under the direction of François Beguin. Here is an updated version of my thesis (the initial version can be found on TEL).

I am interested in (among others) discretizations of dynamical systems, 2 dimensional topological dynamics and wild examples in ergodic theory. For more information here is a resume (June 2023).

You can write me in English, French, Portuguese or Spanish.


I organise the conference Surfaces in Banyuls .

Three publications:

  • A study of the midterm action of discretisations on measures for circle expanding maps, in collaboration with Maurizio Monge (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro) : theoretical study, to appear in Nonlinearity, and simulations, to appear in Dynamical Systems : An International Journal (these two papers can be read independently).
  • A Homotopic rotation sets for higher genus surfaces, with Emmanuel Militon (Nice), to appear in Memoirs in the AMS.
Four prepublications:


Dynamics in general: discretizations of dynamics, for generic systems and also from a practical viewpoint, discretizations of linear maps and quasicrystals, topological dynamics on surfaces, examples of systems with wild ergodic behaviour.

Contact informations

Pierre-Antoine Guihéneuf
4 place Jussieu, case 247
75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
office 15-25-525
e-mail : pierre-antoine"poin"guiheneuf"att"imj-prg.fr