阿姨 a1yi2 n. mother's sister; nurse (in a family) 阿猫阿狗 a1mao1a1gou3 f.e. (topo.) people of little importance 阿妹 a1mei4 n. (topo.) younger sister; address for young girl 阿谀 e1yu2 v. fawn on 阿胶 e1jiao1 n. (Chin. med.) donkey-hide gelatin 快去啊! kuai4qu4a come quickly! 小心阿! xiao3xin1a caution! 啊,出虹了! a1chu1hong2le Ah, a rainbow! 啊,什么? a2shen2me What? 啊,真的? a3zhen1de Really? 啊,您真美! a4nin2zhen1mei3 Ah, you are really beautiful! 哎呀 ai1ya1 (interj.) Damn; Ah; My God (wonder, admiration, shock) 哎哟 ai1yo1 (interj.) Hey; Ouch; Ow (surprise, pain) 哀伤 ai1shang1 s.v. grieved; sad; distressed 哀悼 ai1dao4 v. grieve over sb.'s death 悲哀 bei1ai1 s.v. grieved; sorrowful 致哀 zhi4ai1 v.o. show mourning; pay respects to the dead; condole 埃及 ai1ji2 p.w. Egypt 尘埃 chen2ai1 n. dust 黄埃 huang2ai1 n. yellow earth/soil 挨著 ai1zhe v. be next to; get close to 挨近 ai1jin4 v. get close to; be near to 紧挨 jin3ai1 v. be next to closely 挨打 ai2da3 v.o. take a beating, get a thrashing; come under attack 挨饿 ai2e4 v.o. suffer from hunger, famish 唉声叹气 ai1sheng1tan4qi4 f.e. heave deep sighs; sigh in despair 唉,在这儿 ai1zai4zhe4r Oh, here. 唉,又输了! ai1you4shu1le Oh, we have lost again. 癌症 ai2zheng4 n. cancer 矮子 ai3zi n. a short person; dwarf 矮墙 ai3qiang2 n. low wall 高矮 gao1ai3 n. height 低矮 di1ai3 attr. low 和蔼 he2ai3 s.v. kindly; affable; amiable 艾叶 ai4ye4 (Chin. med.) 艾卷 ai4juan4 (Chin. med.) 自怨自艾 zi4yuan4zi4yi4 f.e. repent and redress one's errors; blame and censure oneself 方兴未艾 fang1xing1wei4ai4 f.e. be just unfolding, be in the ascendant 爱国 ai4guo2 v.o. love one's country; s.v. patriotic 爱好 ai4hao4 v. love (non personal); like; n. hobby 友爱 you3ai4 n. friendly affection; fraternal love 热爱 re4ai4 v. ardently love; have deep love (or affection) for 碍事 ai4shi4 v.o./s.v. be in the way; be a hindrance; be of consequence; matter 碍手碍脚 ai4shou3ai4jiao3 f.e. be in the way; be a hindrance 妨碍 fang2ai4 v. hinder; hamper; impede; obstruct 阻碍 zu3ai4 v. hinder; block; impede 安全 an1quan1 n. safety, security; s.v. safe, secure 安排 an1pai2 v./n. arrange, plan, fix up 平安 ping2an1 s.v. safe and sound 早安 zao3an1 f.e. good morning 桉树 an1shu4 n. eucalyptus 桉油 an1you2 n. eucalyptus oil 鹌鹑 an1chun2 n. quail M: zhi1 鞍马 an1ma3 n. saddle and horse 鞍子 an1zi5 n. saddle 马鞍 ma3an1 n. saddle 俺们 an3men5 (topo.) we 俺家 an3jia1 (topo.) my family 岸边 an4bian1 n. shore 岸上 an4shang4 p.w. ashore 河岸 he2an4 n. river bank 两岸 liang3an4 n. two sides (of a river; of the Taiwan Straits) 按时 an4shi2 adv. on time 按照 an4zhao4 conj. according to 按捺 an4na4 v. restrain, control 按理 an4li3 adv. normally 案子 an4zi n. long table; law case 案板 an4ban3 n. kneading or chopping board M: kuai4/ge4 方案 fang1an4 n. scheme, plan 破案 po4an4 v.o. solve a (criminal) case 暗淡 an4dan4 s.v. dim, faint; dismal, gloomy 暗示 an4shi4 n./v. suggest(ion), hint 黑暗 hei1an4 s.v. dark 阴暗 yin1an4 s.v. dark, gloomy 黯淡 an4dan4 s.v. dim, faint; dismal, gloomy 黯然 an4ran2 v.p. dim; dejected; low-spirited 肮脏 ang1zang1 s.v. dirty, filthy 昂首 ang2shou3 v.o. perk, hold up one's head 昂贵 ang2gui4 v.o. expensive, costly 气昂昂 qi4ang2ang2 r.f. in high spirits 凹陷 ao1xian4 v.p. hollow, sunken, depressed 凹面 ao1mian4 n. hollow side, concavity 遨游 ao2you2 v. stroll, go on a pleasure tour 嗷嗷叫 ao2ao2jiao4 on. cry (animal; human being in pain) 嗷嗷待哺 ao2ao2dai4bu3 f.e. cry piteously for food 熬药 ao2yao4 v.o. decoct herbs 嗷粥 ao2zhou1 v.o. cook congee 煎熬 jian1ao2 n./v. torture 苦熬 ku3ao2 v. endure years of suffering and hardship 翱翔 ao2xiang2 v. hover; soar 拗断 ao3duan4 r.v. break off 拗口 ao4kou3 s.v. hard to pronounce; awkward sounding 违拗 wei2ao4 v. disobey 拗不过 niu4bu4guo4 r.v. unable to dissuade; fail to talk sb. out of doing sth. 执拗 zhi2niu4 s.v. mulish, stubborn 脾气拗 pi2qi4niu4 of stubborn temperament 夹袄 jia2ao3 n. lined jacket M: jian4 棉袄 mian2ao3 n. cotton-padded jacket M: jian4 皮袄 pi2ao3 n. fur-lined jacket M: jian4 山坳 shan1ao4 n. col 傲慢 ao4man4 s.v. arrogant, haughty 傲气 ao4qi4 n. air of arrogance, haughtyness 傲骨 ao4gu3 n. lofty and unyielding character 骄傲 jiao1ao4 s.v. arrogant, conceited;take pride in; pride 奥林匹克 ao4lin2pi3ke4 n. Olympics 奥秘 ao4mi4 n. profound mystery 深奥 shen1ao4 s.v. abstruse, profound, recondite 八方 ba1fang1 n. the eight points of the compass; all directions 八哥 ba1ge1 myna n. bird 老八板儿 lao3ba1ban3r n. old mossback, conservative 巴结 ba1jie v. fawn on 巴望 ba1wang4 v. (topo.) look forward to; n. good prospects 巴不得 ba1bu4de2 (coll.) be only to anxious (to do sth.) 扒皮 ba1pi2 v.o. peel off the skin 扒拉 ba1la v. push lightly 叭的一声 ba1deyi1sheng1 sharp noise (gunfire etc.) 好吧 hao3ba ok 去吧 qu4ba go, will you. 捌元 ba1yuan2 eight yuan (on checks) 捌拾 ba1shi2 eighty (on checks) 疤瘌 ba1la n. scar 刀疤 dao1ba1 n. scar left by a knife-cut 伤疤 shang1ba1 n. scar 疮疤 chuang1ba1 n. scar 笆斗 ba1dou3 n. round-bottomed shallow basket M: zhi1, ge4 笆篓 ba1lou3 n. round-bottomed deep basket 篱笆 li2ba n. bamboo or twig fence 拔草 ba2cao3 v.o. pull up weeds 拔河 ba2he2 n./v.o. (sports) tug-of-war 自拔 zi4ba2 v. free oneself, extricate oneself 选拔 xuan3ba2 v. select; choose 把持 ba3chi2 v. monopolize; dominate 把握 ba3wo4 v. grasp firmly 一把好手 yi1ba3hao3shou3 n. a skilled hand 地已耙过了 di4yi3ba4guo4le the ground is already harrowed 耙子 pa2zi rake; harrow M: ba3 耙开 pa2kai1 rake open 钉齿耙 ding1chi3pa2 n. spike-tooth harrow M: ba3 靶场 ba3chang3 n. shooting range 靶子 ba3zi n. target 打靶 da3ba3 v.o. shoot at a target 箭靶 jian4ba3 n. target 坝子 ba4zi n. embankment; dam 大坝 da4ba4 n. dam M: ge4, zuo4 水坝 shui3ba4 dam M: tiao2 爸爸 ba4ba4 n. father 阿爸 a1ba4 n. (topo.) father 罢课 ba4ke4 v. strike (by students) 罢工 ba4gong1 v.o./n. go on strike; a strike 罢了 ba4le v.p. indicating limitation: that's all 作罢 zuo4ba4 v. relinquish; give up 也罢 ye3ba4 f.e. all right; never mind 霸道 ba4dao4 s.v. overbearing; strong; rule (n.) by force 霸占 ba4zhan4 v. forcibly occupy; seize 独霸 du2ba4 v. dominate; monopolize 恶霸 e4ba4 n. local despot 掰开 bai1kai1 r.v. nip off with fingers and thumb; force apart with the hands 掰成两半儿 bai1cheng2liang3ba4r divide (with the hands) into two halves 白昼 bai2zhou4 n. daytime 交白卷 jiao1bai2juan4 v.o. hand in a blank examination paper; completely fail at a task 坦白 tan3bai2 s.v. frank 清白 qing1bai2 s.v. pure, clean; n. innocence 百般 bai3ban1 adv. in 100 ways, by every means 百货商店 bai3huo4shang1dian4 p.w. department store 柏树 bai3shu4 n. cypress M: ke1; 柏叶 bai3ye4 n. louver (window) 柏 bai3 (surname) 柏林 Bo2lin2 p.w. Berlin 摆布 bai3bu5 v. decorate, arrange; order about, manipulate 摆设 bai3she4 n. ornaments, decor; v. arrange, display 下摆 xia4bai3 n. lower hem of a gown ... ; width of such a hem 钟摆 zhong1bai3 n. pendulum 败露 bai4lu4 v. fall through and stand exposed (of a plot etc.) 败阵 bai4zhen4 v.o. be beaten in a battle/contest 失败 shi1bai4 n./v. be defeated, lose; fail (e.g. experiment) 腐败 fu3bai4 s.v. rotten; corrupt 拜托 bai4tuo1 v. request sb. to do stho.; (TW) please! 拜访 bai4fang3 v. pay a visit, call on 礼拜 li3bai4 n. religious service; week (coll.); day of the week; weekend, Sunday 崇拜 chong2bai4 v. worship, adore 扳闸 ban1zha2 v.o. operate a switch; shift gear 扳回 ban1hui2 ? 扳道岔 ban1dao4cha4 pull a railroad switch 班级 ban1ji2 classes and grades in school 班车 ban1che1 n. regular bus (service); work unit bus 早班 zao3ban1 n. morning shift 接班 jie1ban1 v.o. take one's turn of duty; succeed; carry on 一般 yi1ban1 s.v. general, ordinary, common; same as; just like; n. sort, kind 百般 bai3ban1 adv. in 100 ways, by every means 兄弟般 xiong1di4ban1 ? 颁布 ban1bu4 v. promulgate, issue, publish 颁发 ban1fa1 v. issue, promulgate; award 斑驳 ban1bo2 v.p. mottled, motley (spotted or blotched with different shades or colors) 斑斓 ban1lan2 v.p. gorgeous, resplendent, multicolored 斑马 ban1ma3 n. zebra M: pi3 雀斑 que4ban1 n. freckles 搬家 ban1jia1 v.o. move from one home to another 搬弄 ban1nong4 v. move sth. about, fiddle with; show off; incite, sow discord 搬开 ban1kai1 r.v. remove 搬动 ban1dong4 r.v. move, shift 板报 ban3bao4 n. blackboard newspaper 板凳 ban3deng4 n. wooden bench/stool M: 条 黑板 hei1ban3 n. blackboard M: kuai4 木板 mu4ban3 n. plank, board M: kuai4 版本 ban3ben3 n. edition; version 版画 ban3hua4 n. etching; engraving; block print M: 幅 出版 chu1ban3 v. come off the press; publish; come out 底版 di3ban3 n. negative photographic plate M: 张 办法 ban4fa3 n. way, means, measure 办理 ban4li3 v. handle; conduct; transact 创办 chuang4ban4 v. establish; set up 主办 zhu3ban4 v. direct; sponsor; host 半岛 ban4dao3 n. peninsula M: ge4/zuo4 半夜 ban4ye4 n. midnight, (in) the middle of the night; half a night 对半 dui4ban4 n. half-and-half, fifty-fifty; double 多半 duo1ban4 adv. probably; most likely; n. the greater part 扮演 ban4yan3 v. play the part of; act 扮相 ban4xiang4 n. actor's appearance after putting on costume and makeup 打扮 da3ban v. dress/make up; pose as; n. a way/style of dressing 装扮 zhuang1ban4 v. dress up; disguise; pretend, feign 伴侣 ban4lv3 n. companion, mate, partner 伴奏 ban4zou4 v. accompany (with musical instruments) 陪伴 pei2ban4 v. accampany; keep sb. company 相伴 xiang1ban4 v. be together; accompany each other 拌和 ban4huo v. mix and stir; blend 拌嘴 ban4zui3 v.o. bicker; squabble 搅拌 jiao3ban4 v. stir; agitate; mix 绊脚石 ban4jiao3shi2 n. stumbling block; obstacle 绊了一跤 ban4leyi1jiao1 stumbled ? 瓣膜 ban4mo2 n. (phys.) valve 花瓣 hua1ban4 n. (flower) petal M: duo3 豆瓣 dou4ban4 n. bean segment M: pian4/ban4r 邦交 bang1jiao1 n. diplomatic relations 联邦 lian2ban1 n. federation; union; commonwealth 友邦 you3bang1 p.w. friendly nation 邻邦 lin2bang1 n. neighboring country 帮助 bang1zhu4 v./n. help; assist 帮忙 bang1mang2 v.o. help; do a favor; give a hand 马帮 ma3bang1 n. caravan; train of horses carrying goods 鞋帮 xie2bang1 n. upper (of shoes) 梆子 bang1zi n. (trad.) watchman's clapper; (coll.) rascal, villain; shoe upper 梆响 bang1xiang3 clapping ? 洋泾浜 yang2jing1bang1 n. (lg.) pidgin 沙家浜 sha1jia1bang1 (place name) 绑在一起 bang3zai4yi1qi3 v. bind together 捆绑 kun3bang3 v. truss up; bind 松绑 song1bang3 v.o. untie a person (gei3) 榜样 bang3yang4 n. example, model 发榜 fa1bang3 v.o. publish the list of successful candidates 光荣榜 guang1roung2bang3 n. honor roll 膀子 bang3zi n. (upper) arm; shoulder; wing 膀臂 bang3bi4 (topo.) (upper) arm; reliable helper, right-hand person 肩膀 jian1bang3 n. shoulder 翅膀 chi4bang3 n. wing M: zhi1 膀胱 pang2guang1 n. urinary bladder 脸都膀了 lian3 dou1 pang1 le (his) face was all swollen 蚌壳 bang4ke2 n. clam shell 鹬蚌相争 yu4bang4xiang1zheng1 quarrel/fight that benefits only a third party (yu4=sandpiper, snipe) 蚌埠 beng4bu4 Bengbu (city in Anhui) 棒子 bang4zi n. stick, club; (topo.) maize, corn 棒球 bang4qiu2 n. baseball 真棒 zhen1bang4 v.p. (coll.) truly wonderful; It's really great! 木棒 mu4bang4 wooden stick/club/cudgel M: gen1 傍晚 bang4wan3 n. nightfall 傍亮 bang4liang4 n. (topo.) dawn; daybreak 依傍 yi1bang4 v. depend on; slavishly imitate 磅秤 bang4cheng4 n. platform scale M: tai2 一磅 yi1bang4 one pound 过磅 guo4bang4 v.o. weigh (on scales) 磅礴 pang2bo2 s.v. boundless, majestic; all-embracing, overwhelming; v. fill, permeate 英镑 Ying1bang4 n. (loan) pound sterling 包扎 bao1zha1 v. pack, bundle, wrap; dress a wound; tie/bind up 包扎 bao1za1 n. packing; (cloth) bandage 包裹 bao1guo3 v. wrap/bind up; n. bundle, parcel, package 书包 shu1bao1 schoolbag, satchel 皮包 pi2bao1 leather handbag/briefcase M: zhi1 苞片 bao1pian4 n. (bot.) bract (modified or specialized leaf, from the axil of which a flower or flower stalk arises) 花苞 hua1bao1 n. bud, calyx M: duo3 含苞未放 han2bao1wei4fang4 f.e. budding blossoms waiting to burst forth 胞兄 bao1xiong1 n. elder brother born to the same parents 胞妹 bao1mei4 n. younger sister born of the same parents 细胞 xi4bao1 n. cell; (coll.) aptitude for 同胞 tong2bao1 n. offspring of the same parents; compatriot 雹子 bao2zi n. hail; hailstone 雹灾 bao2zai1 n. disaster caused by hail M: chang2 冰雹 bing1bao2 n. hail(stone) 饱满 bao3man3 s.v. full, plump; vigorous, abundant 温饱 wen1bao3 attr./n. be warmly dressed and well-fed 吃饱 chi1bao3 r.v. eat one's fill 宝贵 bao3gui4 s.v. valuable, precious 宝藏 bao3zang4 n. precious (mineral) deposits; (Budd.) the treasure of Buddha's law 财宝 cai2bao3 n. money and valuables M: pi1 珍宝 zhen1bao3 n. jewelry, treasure M: jian4 保护 bao3hu4 v. protect; safeguard 保证 bao3zheng4 v./n. pledge; guarantee 保卫 bao3wei4 v. defend, safeguard; n. guard 确保 que4bao3 v. ensure; guarantee 报纸 bao4zhi3 n. newspaper M: zhang1/fen4 报告 bao4gao4 v. report, make known; n. report, speech 捷报 jie2bao4 n. report of success/victory 喜报 xi3bao4 n. glad tidings M: fen4/zhang1 刨子 bao4zi n. carpenter's plane M: ba3 刨床 bao4chuang2 n. planer, planing machine M: jia4/zuo4/tai2 刨平 bao4ping2 r.v. make plane using a planer 刨花 bao4hua1 wood shavings 刨坑 pao2keng1 v.o. dig a pit/hole 刨去 pao2qu4 r.v. (coll.) take away; remove 抱负 bao4fu4 n. aspiration; ambition 抱怨 bao4yuan4 v. complain, grumble, bear a grudge 拥抱 yong1bao4 v. embrace 环抱 huan2bao4 v. encircle; hem in 趵突泉 bao4tu1quan2 n. famous fountain in Ji3nan2 (capital of Shandong) ; n. (beer brand) 豹子 bao4zi n. leopard, panther M: zhi1 豺狼虎豹 chai2lang2hu3bao4 (=jackal, wolf, tiger, leopard) ? 暴躁 bao4zao4 s.v. irascible, irritable 暴行 bao4xing2 n. savage act, outrage, atrocity 风暴 feng1bao4 n. windstorm, tempest 残暴 can2bao4 s.v. ruthless, brutal 爆炸 bao4zha4 v. explode; blow up 爆竹 bao4zhu2 n. firecracker 爆破 bao4po4 v. blow up, demolish, blast 起爆 qi3bao4 r.v. detonate 杯子 bei1zi n. cup, glass M: zhi1/ge 茶杯 cha2bei1 teacup, tea-glass M: zhi1 酒杯 jiu3bei1 n. win cup/glass 卑鄙 bei1bi3 s.v. base, mean, contemptible, despicable 卑劣 bei1lie4 s.v. base, mean, despicable 尊卑 zun1bei1 n. seniors and juniors, superiors and inferiors 自卑 zi4bei1 s.v. feel oneself inferior, have low self-esteem 悲痛 bei1tong4 s.v. grieved, sorrowful 悲哀 bei1ai1 s.v. grieved, sorrowful 悲剧 bei1ju4 n. tragedy 伤悲 shang1bei1 s.v. sad, sorrowful 碑文 bei1wen2 n. an inscription on stone tablet, epigraphy M: pian1 里程碑 li3cheng2bei1 n. milestone 北方 bei3fang1 p.w. north; northern part of a country 北极 bei3ji2 p.w. North Pole 南北 nan2-bei3 attr. north-south 败北 bai4bei3 id. (wr.) suffer defeat 贝壳 bei4ke2/bei4qiao4 n. clamshell 贝雕 bei4diao1 n. scrimshaw (whale bone carving) 宝贝 bao3bei4 n. treasured object, treasaure, darling 扇贝 shan4bei4 n. (zoo.) scallop M: zhi1 狼狈 lang2bei4 helplessly dependent; in an awkward situation; complicit; n. (derog.) Scum! 狼狈为奸 lang2bei4wei2jian1 f.e. act in collusion 好呗 hao3bei ? (bei1: indicating obviousness or grudging agreement) 这就行了呗 zhe4jiu4xing2lebei ? 备课 bei4ke4 v.o. (PRC) prepare lessons (by teachers) 备注 bei4zhu4 n. annotations, remarks 准备 zhun3bei4 v. prepare, get ready; intend, plan 责备 ze2bei4 a.t. blame; reprove 背后 bei4hou4 p.w. behind, in the rear 背叛 bei4pan4 v. betray; rebel against; n. treason 违背 wei2bei4 v. violate; go against 刀背 dao1bei4 back of a knife blade; occasion on which money spent is wasted 背负 bei1fu4 v. bear, carry on back; shoulder 背枪 bei1qiang1 ? 倍数 bei4shu4 n. (math.) a multiple (mathematics) 加倍 jia1bei4 v.o./adv. double, redouble 事半功倍 shi4ban4gong1bei4 f.e. get twice the result with half the effort 被子 bei4zi n. quilt M: tiao2/chuang2 被动 bei4dong4 s.v. passive; disadvantageous 棉被 mian2bei4 n. quilt with cotton wadding M: tiao2 植被 zhi2bei4 n. (bot.) vegetation, vegetation cover over an area 辈出 bei4chu1 r.v. come forth in large numbers 辈份 bei4fen n. seniority/position in family/clan 同辈 tong2bei4 n. (of) the same generation 长辈 zhang3bei4 n. elder generation M: wei4 疲惫 pi2bei4 s.v. tired-out, exhausted; tire sb. out 困惫 kun4bei4 s.v. (wr.) exhausted 衰惫 shua1bei4 v.p. (wr.) weak and tired, feeble, weary 奔波 ben1bo1* v. rush about, be busy running about; work very hard 奔驰 ben1chi2* v. run quickly, speed; n. (loan) Mercedes Benz 飞奔 fei1ben1 v. dash, tear/speed along 狂奔 kuang2ben1 v.p. run wild, run about madly 奔命 ben4ming4 v.o. (wr.) rush about, be kept busy 投奔 tou4ben4 v. seek refuge 本身 ben3shen1 n. itself, oneself, per se 本领 ben3ling3 n. skill, ability, capability 课本 ke4ben3 n. textbook M: ben3 根本 gen1ben3 n. essence, foundation; attr. basic, fundamental; adv. at all, simply, utterly 畚箕 ben3ji1 n. (topo.) bamboo/wicker scoop; dustpan 本土 ben3tu3* n. one's native country; metropolitan territory 笨拙 ben4zhuo1 s.v. clumsy, awkward 笨重 ben4zhong4 s.v. heavy, cumbersome, unwieldy 愚笨 yu4ben4* s.v. foolish, stupid, clumsy 嘴笨 zui3ben4 v.p. be inarticulate, e.g. ta1zui3hen3ben4 崩塌 beng1ta1 v. collapse, crumble 崩裂 beng1lie4* v. burst apart, crack 崩溃 beng1kui4 v. collapse, fall apart 雪崩 xue3beng1* n. snowslide, avalanche M: ci4/chang2 绷直 beng1zhi2 r.v. straighten 绷带 beng1dai4 n. (loan) bandage M: tiao2 紧绷 jin3beng1 v. stretch taut 绷着脸 beng3zhelian3 v.o. (coll.) pull a long face, show displeasure 嘣嘣响 beng1beng1xiang3 on. sound of heart-beat 迸裂 beng4lie4 v. split, burst (open) 迸发 beng4fa1 v. burst forth/out 飞迸 fei1beng4 v. burst forth 乱迸 luan4beng4 ? 蹦得高 beng4de2gao1 jump high 欢蹦乱跳 huan1beng4luan4tiao4 f.e. joyful and vivacious, exuberant 逼近 bi1jin4* v. press on towards, approach 逼真 bi1zhen1* s.v. lifelike, true to life; distinct, clear 威逼 wei1bi1 v. coerce, intimidate 强逼 qiang3bi1 v. force (sb. to do sth.) 鼻子 bi2zi* n. nose 鼻祖 bi2zu3* n. earliest ancestor, originator (of a school of thought) 针鼻儿 zhen1bi2r n. eye of a needle 匕首 bi3shou3* n. dagger 比方 bi3fang1* n. analogy, instance; v. describe by analogy 比喻 bi3yu4* n. metaphor, analogy; v. compare, draw a parallel 类比 lei4bi3 n. analogoy; v. compare 排比 pai2bi3 n. arrangement; parllelism; v. arrange in order 彼此 bi3ci3* adv. each other; one another; I/me too 彼岸 bi3an4 n. the other shore; (Budd.) Paramita 知己知彼 zhi1ji3zhi1bi3 f.e. know one's self and know the enemy 秕子 bi3zi n. blighted grain 秕谷 bi3gu3* n. rice grain not fully grown 糖秕 tang2bi3 ? 笔名 bi3ming2 n. pen name, pseudonym 笔直 bi3zhi2 v.p. ramrod stright 毛笔 mao2bi3 n. writing brush M: zhi1 伏笔 fu2bi3* n. foreshadowing 鄙弃 bi3qi4 v. disdain, loathe 鄙视 bi3shi4 v. dispise, disdain 鄙薄 bi3bo2 a.t. dispise, scorn 卑鄙 bei1bi3* s.v. base, mean, contemptible, despicable 币值 bi4zhi2 n. (econ.) currency value 币制 bi4zhi4 n. (econ.) currency system 钱币 qian2bi4 n. coin, money, currency 纸币 zhi3bi4 n. paper money/currency, note M: zhang1 必需 bi4xu1 attr. essential, indispensable; aux. need, require 必然 bi4ran2 inevitable, certain; adv. certainly; n. (phil.) necessity 务必 wu4bi4* aux. must, should 不必 bu4bi4* aux. need not; not have to 毕竟 bi4jing4* adv. after all, when all is said and done 毕业 bi4ye4* v.o. graduate, finish school 完毕 wan2bi4* v. finish, complete 闭幕 bi4mu4* v.o. the curtain falls; close, conclude 闭塞 bi4si4* stop up, close off; shelter/hide from; s.v. ignorant, provincial; inaccessible 闭会 bi4hui4 v.o. close/adjourn a meeting 关闭 guan1bi4* v. close, shut (down) 毙命 bi4ming4* v.o. (wr.) meet violent death, get killed 击毙 ji1bi4 r.v. shoot dead 枪毙 qiang1bi4 v. execute by shooting; (slang) reject, veto 敝性 bi4xing4* f.e. (humb.) my surname is 敝帚千金 bi4zhou3qian1jin1 f.e. cherish a possession of little value 敝帚自珍 bi4zhou3zi4zhen1 f.e. value one's own modest creations 蓖麻 bi4ma2 (bot.) castor-oil plant 碧草 bi4cao3 verdant/green grass 碧绿 bi4lv4 s.v. dark green 碧蓝 bi4lan2 s.v. azure, dark blue 碧血 bi4xie3/bi4xue4 n. blood shed in a just cause 遮蔽 zhe1bi4* v. hide from view; obstruct, block; (mil.) defilade 隐蔽 yin3bi4* v. conceal (oneself), take cover 一言以蔽之 yi1yan2yi3bi4zhi1 f.e. sum up in a word 弊病 bi4bing4* n. evil, malpractice; drawback, disadvantage; weakness allowing abuse 弊端 bi4duan1* n. malpractice, abuse, corrupt practice 利弊 li4-bi4* n. pros and cons 作弊 zuo4bi4* v.o. practice fraud/corruption; cheat on a test/exam 壁报 bi4bao4 n. wall newspaper 壁画 bi4hua4 n. mural (wall painting), fresco M: fu2 绝壁 jue2bi4* n. precipice M: dao4 峭壁 qiao4bi4 n. cliff, precipice M: zuo4/mian4 墙壁 qiang2bi4* n. wall M: mian4 避雨 bi4yu3 v.o. take shelter from rain 避难 bi4nan4 v.o. take refuge, seek asylum 躲避 duo3bi4 v. hide (oneself); elude, dodge 回避 hui2bi4* v. evade, dodge 避免 bi4mian3* v. avoid, refrain from, avert 逃避 tao2bi4* v. escape, evade, shirk 臂力 bi4li4 n. arm strength 手臂 shou3bi4* n. arm M: tiao2; reliable helper 臂章 bi4zhang* n. armband, armlet; (mil.) shoulder emblem/patch, chevron, rank insignia 左膀右臂 zuo3bang3you4bi4 f.e. capable assistant 胳臂 ge1bei* n. arm M: dui4/zhi1 璧玉 bi4yu4 n. (trad.) a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its cener 边远 bian1yuan3 attr. far from the center, remote, outlying 边境 bian1jiang4* n. border, frontier 旁边 pang2bian1 n. side 上边 shang4bian* p.w. above, on the surface of; above-mentioned; higher authorities 编织 bian1zhi1 v. weave, knit, plait, braid 编辑 bian1ji2* v. edit, compile; n. editor, compiler 改编 gai3bian1 v. adapt, rearrange, revise; reorganize, redesignate; n. (lg.) adaptation 续编 xu4bian1 n. continuation (of a book), sequel M: ben3/ce4 蝙蝠 bian1fu2 n. (zoo.) bat M: zhi1 鞭策 bian1ce4 v. spur/urge on, encourage; n. horsewhip 鞭子 bian1zi n. whip M: gen1 马鞭 ma3bian1* n. horse whip M: gen1 皮鞭 pi2bian1* n. leather-thonged whip M: tiao2 贬低 bian3di1* v. belittle, play down 贬值 bian3zhi2 v.o. (econ.) devalue, devaluate; depreciate 褒贬 bao1bian3* v. pass judgment on, appraise; praise and disparage; n. criticisms, comments 褒贬 bao1bian5 v. (coll.) speak ill of; cry down 扁平 bian3ping2 s.v. thin and flat 扁担 bian3dan5* n. carrying/shoulder pole 扁圆 bian3yuan2 attr. oblate (shape of a "smartie") 压扁 ya1bian3 r.v. press flat, flatten 扁舟 pian1zhou1* n. (wr.) small boat, skiff M: zhi1 匾额 bian3e2 n. horizontal inscribed board; votive tablet M: kuai4 横匾 heng2bian3 n. horizontal inscribed board 汴京 Bian4jing1 name of a place in Henan 汴梁 Bian4liang2 ? 变化 bian4hua4* v. change, vary; n. change, transformation 变动 bian4dong4 v. change; fluctuate; n. change; fluctuation; vicissitudes 改变 gai3bian4* v. change, transform 转变 zhuan3bian4 n./v. change, transform, shift; (lg.) metathesis 便利 bianli4 s.v. convenient, easy; v. facilitate 便于 bian4yu2* v.p. easy to, convenient for 灵便 ling2bian4 s.v. resourceful, adroit; manageable, handy 灵便 ling2bian5 s.v. nimble agile; easy to handle, handy 不便 bu4bian2* s.v. inconvenient, inappropriate; (coll.) short of cash; n. inconvenience 便宜 pian2yi5* s.v. cheap; n. small advantages; v. let sb. off lightly 便宜 bian4yi2* s.v. convenient; acting on one's initiative (in emergency etc.) 遍地 bian4di4 adv. everywhere, throughout the land 遍布 bian4bu4 v. be found everywhere, be spread all over 一遍 yi1bian4 (measure word verbs) 普遍 pu3bian4 s.v. universal, general, widespread, common, pervasive 辨别 bian4bie2 v. differentiate, discriminate 辨认 bian4ren4* v. identify, recognize 分辨 fen1bian4* v. distinguish, differentiate; n. (phy.) resolution 明辨 ming2bian4* v. discern/distinguish clearly 辩论 bian4lun4 v. argue, debate; n. argument, debate 辩证 bian4zheng4* v. discriminate and verify; attr. (phil.) dialectical 争辩 zheng1bian4* v. argue, contend 分辩 fen2bian4 v. defend oneself (against a charge), offer an explanation 辫子 bian4zi* n. plait, braid; sth. that may be exploited by an opponent M: tiao2 标准 biao1zhun3 n. standard, criterion, norm 标兵 biao1bing1 n. parade guard; example, model, pacesetter 路标 lu4biao1 n. road sign; (mil.) route marking/sign 商标 shang1biao1* n. trademark 膘肥马壮 biao1fei2ma3zhuang4 ? 上膘 shang4biao1 v.o. become fat, fatten (animals) 落膘 luo4biao1 v.o. become thin (of livestock) 表扬 biao3yang2* v./n. praise, commend 表示 biao3shi4* v. show, express, indicate 手表 shou3biao3* n. wristwatch 外表 wai4biao3 n. outward appearance, exterior, surface 憋闷 bie1men5 v.o. feel oppressed/dejected; s.v. (topo.) sad, mournful, stifled 憋气 bie1qi4* v.o. feel suffocated/oppressed; choke with resentment 憋得慌 bie2dehuang r.v. (coll.) be utterly exasperated; be hard pressed to contain oneself 别称 bie2cheng1 n. another name 别墅 bie2shu4 n. villa M: zuo4 个别 ge4bie2* s.v. very few, exceptional; attr. individual, specifie 分别 fen1bie2 v. part, leave each other; distinguish, differentiate; n. difference; adv. separately, respectively differently 闹别扭 nao4bie4niu5 v.o. be at odds with sb. 瘪花生 bie3hua1sheng1 [shrivelled/shrunken peanut] 瘪了 bie3le [it has shrunken] 干瘪 gan1bie3 s.v. shriveled, wizened, dried; dry; dull, dry-as-dust (of writing) 瘪三 bie1san1 n. (topo.) bum, moocher 宾馆 bin1guan3 gusthouse M: zuo4 宾语 bin1yu3 n. (lg.) object, complement 来宾 lai2bin1 n. guest, visitor 外宾 wai4bin1 n. foreign guest/visitor 滨海 bin1hai3 v.o. border on the sea 滨洪 bin1hong2 ? 海滨 hai3bin1 p.w. seashore, seaside 水滨 shui3bin1 p.w. waterside, shore 五彩缤纷 wu3cai3bin1fen1 f.e. blazing with color 殡葬 bin4zang4 n. funeral and burial 出殡 chu1bin4 v.o. carry a coffin to the cemetery; n. burial, funeral (ceremony) 送殡 song4bin4 v.o. attend a funeral 髌骨 bin4gu3 n. kneecap, patella 鬓角 bin4jiao3 n. temples; hair on the temples; sideburns 冰川 bing1chuan1* n. glacier M: dao4/tiao2 冰冷 bing1leng3* s.v. ice-cold; cold or frosty (of expressions etc.) 冻冰 dong4bing1 v. freeze 结冰 jie2bing1 v.o. freeze; ice up/over 兵器 bing1qi4* weaponry, arms M: jian4 兵营 bing1ying2 n. barracks, military camp M: zuo4 民兵 min2bing1 n. people's militia; militiaman 士兵 shi4bing1* rank-and-file soldiers M: wei4 丙等 bing3deng3* n. third rank, grade C 甲乙丙丁 jia3yi3bing3ding1 A, B, C, D (heavenly stems) 秉性 bing3xing4 n. temperament 秉承 bing3cheng2 v. (wr.) receive (commands); continue a heritage 秉公 bing3gong1* adv. justly, impartially 把柄 ba3bing3* n. handle 话柄 hua4bing3* n. subject for ridicule; pretext for attack 饼干 bing3gan1 n. biscuit, cracker, cookie M: kuai4 饼子 bing3zi* n. (maize/millet) pancake; (topo.) obstinate person; spendthrift 月饼 yue4bing3* n. mooon cake M: kuai4/he2 铁饼 tie3bing3 n. (sport) discus M: kuai4 并排 bing4pai2* adv. abreast, side by side 并列 bing4lie4 v. be justaposed, stand side by side 合并 he2bing4 v. merge, amalgamate; be complicated by yet another illness; unify 兼并 jian1bing4 v. annex (territory/property etc.); n. merger 病房 bing4fang2 p.w. (med.) hospital ward; sickroom M: jian1 病人 bing4ren2* n. patient, invalid 疾病 ji2bing4* n. disease, illness M: zhong3 语病 yu3bing4* n. faulty wording; difficulty in speaking caused by vocal defects 拨弄 bo1nong5* v. move to and fro, fiddle with; stir up; toy with 拨款 bo1kuan3 v.o. allocate funds; n. appropriation, allocation 挑拨 tiao3bo1 v. incite, sow discord; provoke, irritate; n. provocation 分拨 fen1bo1 v.o. allocate (materials etc.); assign (people) to different tasks; group (pple.) 波动 bo1dong4* v. undulate, fluctuate; n. (phy.) wave motion; fluctuation, rise and fall 波浪 bo1lang4 n. wave 风波 feng1bo1* disturbance, storm; incidence, crisis; disputes, quarrels M: chang3 余波 yu2bo1* n. repercussions 玻璃 bo1li5* n. glass; (coll.) nylon, plastic M: kuai4 有机玻璃 you3ji1bo1li5 n. plexiglass ("organic glass") M: kuai4 剥夺 bo1duo2 v. deprive of 剥削 bo1xue1* v. exploit; n. exploitation 生吞活剥 sheng1tun1huo2bo1 f.e. accept sth. uncritically 剥皮 bao1pi2/bo1pi1 v.o. skin, peel of the skin; (coll.) punish physically 剥壳 bao1ke2 [open the shell, crust ?] 菠萝 bo1luo2 n. pineapple M: zhi1/ge 菠菜 bo1cai4* n. spinach 播种 bo1zhong3* v.o. sow (seeds) 播种 bo1zhong4 v. sow, plant by sowing seeds: ~ yu4mi3 plant corn 播音 bo1yin1* v.o. transmit, broadcast 广播 guang3bo1* v./n. broadcast 转播 zhuan3bo1 v. relay (radio/TV broadcasts) 伯父 bo2fu4 n. father's older brother 伯仲 bo2zhong4 n. elder and yonger brothers; id. much the same 大伯 da4bo2 n. father's elder brother 老伯 lao3bo2 n. (court.) uncle; friends of one's father; father and his friends 驳斥 bo2chi4 v. refute, denounce; reject 驳杂 bo2za2 v.p. heterogeneous 斑驳 ban1bo2 v.p. (wr.) mottled, motley 批驳 pi1bo2* v. veto an opinion/request from a subordinate body; refute, rebut 泊船 bo2chuan2 v.o. anchor/moor a ship 停泊 ting2bo2 v. anchor, berth 淡泊 dan4bo2 v.p. living tranquilly without seeking fame and wealth; calm, indifferent 湖泊 hu2po1 n. lakes 湖泊 hu2bo2 n. lake 勃发 bo2fa1 v. thrive, prosper; break out 勃然 bo2ran2 adv. agitatedly, excitedly; vigorously; suddenly 蓬勃 peng2bo2 s.v. vigorous, flourishing 勃勃 bo2bo2 r.f. thriving, burgeoning 脖子 bo2zi* n. neck 脖颈 bo2jing3 n. back of the neck, nape 长脖鹿 chang2bo2lu4 ? 博大 bo2da4 v.p. broad, extensive; (be) erudite 博览 bo2lan3 v. read extensively 渊博 yuan1bo2* s.v. profound, erudite 鹁鸪 bo2gu1 n. (zoo.) wood pigeon M: zhi1 鹁鸽 bo2ge1 n. pigeon M: zhi1 搏斗 bo2dou4 v. wrestle, fight 搏动 bo2dong4 v. throb, pulsate 脉搏 mai4bo2 n. pulse; current trend of a society 拼搏 pin1bo2 v. fight with all one's might 赤膊 chi4bo2 attr. bare to the waist 胳膊 ge1bo5 n. arm M: dui4/zhi1 薄命 bo2ming4* v.p. born under an unlucky star; short-lived 薄弱 bo2ruo4 s.v. frail, weak 刻薄 ke4bo2 s.v. unkind, harsh, mean 轻薄 qing2bo2 s.v. frivolous, flippant; v. insult, harass 薄脆 bao2cui4 n. crisp fritter (dish in Beijing cuisine) 薄地 bao2di4 poor land 薄地 bo2di4 n. unfertile land 薄荷 bo4he5 (bot.) peppermint 磅礴 pang2bo2* s.v. boundless, majestic; all-embracing, overwhelming; v. fill, permeate 跛脚 bo3jiao3* n. lame person, cripple 跛子 bo3zi n. lame person, cripple 簸谷 bo3gu3 ? 簸荡 bo3dang4 v. roll, rock, bump/toss and sway 颠簸 dian1bo3* v. bump, toss, jolt 簸箕 bo4ji n. dustpan; winnowing fan; loop (of a fingerprint) 擘画 bo4hua4 v. (wr.) plan, arrange 巨擘 ju4bo4 n. (wr.) thumb; ace, star (of a profession etc.), authority 卜辞 bu3ci2 n. oracle-bone inscription 卜卦 bu3gua4 v.o. devine by Eight Trigrams or 64 hexagrams 占卜 zhan1bu3* v.o. practice divination 萝卜 luo2bo* n. radish, turnip M: ge/zhi1 补偿 bu3chang2* v. compensate, make up for, recompense 补品 bu3pin3* n. tonic M: jian4/fen4 滋补 zibu3* attr./v. nourishing, nutritious 弥补 mi2bu3* make up, remedy, make good 补足 bu3zu2 r.v. bring up to full strength; replenish; attr. competitive 捕食 bu3shi2 v.o. hunt for food; v. prey on 逮捕 dai4bu4* v. make an arrest 搜捕 sou1bu3 v. track down and arrest, raid, search 哺养 bu3yang3 v. (wr.) feed, rear 哺育 bu3yu4 v. feed; nurture, foster 嗷嗷待哺 ao2ao2dai4bu3 f.e. cry piteously for food 不安 bu4'an1 unsettled, troubled; uneasy, restless 不行 bu4xing2 s.v. won't do/work; be no good; not be permitted 不过 bu4guo4* conj. but, however, only; adv. only, merely, no more than 再好不过了 zai4hao3bu4guo4le it couldn't be better 我干不过他 wo3gan4bu4guo4ta1 I can't outdo him 决不 jue2bu4* adv. never, absolutely/definitely not 布景 bu4jing3* n. (art) composition; (drama) setting 布匹 bu4pi3 n. cloth; piece goods 棉布 mian2bu4* n. cotton cloth M: kuai4 宣布 xuan1bu4 v. declare, proclaim, announce 步伐 bu4fa2 n. step, pace 步行 bu4xing2 v. go on foot 脚步 jiao3bu4* n. step, pace 踏步 ta4bu4 v.o. (mil.) mark time, march in place; n. (topo.) a flight of steps 恐怖 kong3bu4 s.v. fearful, horrible; n. terror 部队 bu4dui4 n. army; troops M: zhi1 部门 bu4men2 n. department, branch; classification 内部 nei4bu4 p.w. inside, interior; attr. internal 局部 ju2bu4 n. part; attr. partial, local 簿记 bu4ji4 n. bookkeeping 簿子 bu4zi n. notebook M: ben3 帐簿 zhang4bu4 n. account book M: ben3 练习簿 lian4xi2bu4 n. exercise-book M: ben3 擦脸 ca1lian3 v.o. wipe one's face 擦汗 ca1han4 v.o. wipe off sweat 板擦 ban3ca1 n. blackboard eraser 摩擦 mo2ca1 v. rub, chafe, scour; n. friction, clash 猜想 cai1xiang3 v. suppose, suspect, guess 猜疑 cai1yi2 v. be suspicious, have misgivings 猜谜 cai1mi2* v.o. guess a riddle; guess the real meaning 乱猜 luan4cai1 v. guess wildly 才能 cai2neng2 n. ability, talent; cons. zhi3you3 V1/N ~ V2 only if 材料 cai2liao4* n. material; data; stuff, ingredients M: xie1/pi1 木材 mu4cai2* n. wood, timber, lumber 选材 xuan3cai2 v.o. select material; select a suitable person 财富 cai2fu4 n. wealth, riches M: bi3 财产 cai2chan3 n. property M: bi3 钱财 qian2cai2* n. wealth, money, riches 资材 zi1cai2* n. materials and equipment 裁剪 cai2jian3 v. cut out (garments, by tailor; edit out superfluous parts 裁判 cai2pan4 n. judgment; judge, referee; v. act as referee 独裁 du2cai2 n. dictatorship, despotism 仲裁 zong4cai2* v. arbitrate 采访 cai3fang3 v. hunt for and collect; cover, interview, gather news 采购 cai3gou4 v. choose and purchase 风采 feng1cai3 n. (wr.) elegant demeanor; (wr.) literary grace; (wr.) integrity (of officials) 开采 kai1cai3 v. mine, extract, exploit: ~ jin1kuang4 exploit a gold mine 彩色 cai3se4* n. color; variegation 彩霞 cai3xia2* n. rosy/pink clouds M: duo3 精彩 jing1cai3 s.v. brilliant, splendid, wonderful 喝采 he4cai3* v.o. acclaim, cheer (he4=shout) 理睬 li3cai3 v. pay attention to, heed 睬也不睬 cai3ye3bu4cai3 ? 踩 cai3 v. step on, trample 踩了一脚 cai3le5yi1jiao3 ? 用脚踩 yong4jiao3cai3 use pedal/trample ? 菜园 cai4yuan2 p.w. vegetable garden/farm 菜农 cai4nong2 n. vegetable grower, truck farmer M: wei4 蔬菜 shu1cai4* n. vegetables, greens 饭菜 fan4cai4* n. meal, repast; dishes to go with rice M: yang4 参军 can1jun1 v.o. join the army; enlist 参加 can1jia1 v. join, attend, take part in; give (advice etc.) 参观 can1guan1* v. visit, tour 参政 can1zheng4 v.o. participate in politics 参差 cen1ci1 s.v. uneven, irregular; n. disparity, difference 人参 ren2shen1* n. ginseng M: 枝/支 党参 dang3shen1 n. (Ch. med.) dangshen (Codonopsis pilusola) 餐厅 can1ting1 p.w. dining room/hall; restaurant M: jia1, jian1 餐风饮露 can1feng1yin3lu4 f.e. make an extremely arduous journey 早餐 zao3can1 n. breakfast 会餐 hui4can1 v.o. dine together 残疾 can2ji2* n. deformity; physical disability 残暴 can2bao4 s.v. ruthless, brutal 凶残 xiong1can2 s.v. fierce and cruel, savage; n. (wr.) a fierce and cruel person 伤残 shang1can2 n. disability; attr. wounded and disabled 桑蚕 sang1can2 n. silkworm M: tiao2 蚕豆 can2dou4 n. (bot.) broad/lima bean M: ke1/li4 蚕食 can2shi2 v. nibble 养蚕 yang3can2 v.o. raise silkworms 惭愧 can2kui4 s.v. ashamed 自惭 zi4can2 v.p. feel ashamed 大言不惭 da4yan2bu4can2 f.e. boast shamelessly 惨淡 can3dan4 s.v. gloomy, dismal, black; putting oneself out for sb., taking great pains 惨状 can3zhuang4 n. miserable condition/sight 悲惨 bei1can3 s.v. miserable, tragic 凄惨 qi1can3* s.v. wretched, miserable, tragic, heartrending 灿烂 can4lan4 s.v. magnificent, splendid, resplendent 金灿灿 jin1can4can4 r.f. golden-bright and dazzling 仓库 cang1ku4 p.w. warehouse, storehouse M: zuo4 仓促 cang1cu4 adv. hastily, all of a sudden 粮仓 liang2cang1 n. granary, barn M: zuo4 谷仓 gu3cang1 p.w. granary, barn M: ge4/zuo4 苍老 cang1lao3 s.v. old, aged; vigorous, forceful (calligraphy/painting) 苍天 cang1tian1 n. the blue sky; heaven 白发苍苍 bai2fa4cang1cang1 f.e. white-/gray-haired 舱位 cang1wei4 n. cabin seat/berth; shipping space 机舱 ji1cang1 n. engine room (of a ship); passenger cabin (aircraft) 船舱 chuan2cang1 n. ship's hold; cabin 货舱 huo4cang1 n. cargo hold/bay 藏龙卧虎 cang2long2wo4hu3 f.e. unnoticed talent 隐藏 yin3cang2 v. hide, conceal 躲藏 duo3cang2 v. conceal onself, go into hiding; avoid, dodge 西藏 Xi1Zang4 p.w. Tibet 操心 cao1xin1 v.o. worry/trouble about, take pains; wrack one's brains 操纵 cao1zong4 v. operate, control; rig, manipulate 体操 ti3cao1 n. gymnastics, calisthenics 情操 qing2cao1 n. sentiment; personality, integrity; noble thoughts and feelings 糙米 cao1mi3* n. brown/unpolished rice 糙纸 cao1zhi3 n. coarse paper M: zhang1 毛糙 mao2cao5 s.v. crude, coarse; careless 粗糙 cu1cao1 s.v. coarse, rough, crude 曹 Cao2 (surname); b.f. (trad.) plaintiff and defendant; group (~50); division, office; official; people of a certain kind 军曹 jun1cao2* n. sergeant, noncom 阴曹 yin1cao2 p.w. hell 嘈杂 cao2za2 s.v. noisy 槽床 cao2chuang2 n. sieve (e.g. in gold-panning) 槽牙 cao2ya2 n. (med.) molar M: ke1 河槽 he2cao2 n. riverbed, channel M: dao4/tiao2 水槽 shui3cao2* n. water trough/tank; gutter M: tiao2 草案 cao2an4 n. draft (of a plan, law, etc.) M: fen4 草药 cao3yao4 n. herbal medicine, medicinal herbs M: fu4 芳草 fang1cao3 n. fragrant herb/plant; (wr.) esteemed gentlemanly virtue 粮草 liang2cao3* n. army provisions; rations and fodder 册页 ce4ye4 n. (art) an album leaf of paintings/calligraphy M: zhang1 册子 ce4zi n. book, volume M: ben3 画册 hua4ce4 n. album of paintings, picturer album M: ben3 名册 ming2ce4 n. register, roll M: ben3 厕所 ce4suo3 n. lavatory, toilet, W.C. M: jian1 茅厕 mao2ce4 n. (topo.) latrine, toilet M: jian1 女厕 nv3ce4 p.w. ladies' (rest)room M: jian1 侧重 ce4zhong4 v. lay particular emphasis on 侧面 ce4mian4 n. side, flank 两侧 liang3ce4 n. two sides; (bio.) bilateral 测量 ce4liang2 v. survey, measure; n. geodetic survey 测验 ce4yan4 v./n. test, quiz 猜测 cai1ce4 v. guess, surmise 预测 yu4ce4 n./v. calculate, forecast 策略 ce4lve4 n. tactics, strategy; s.v. tactful 策划 ce4hua4 v. plan, plot, engineer 鞭策 bian1ce4 v. spur/urge on, encourage; n. horsewhip 政策 zheng4ce4 n. policy, political tactic 噌 ceng1 v. (coll) scold, bawl out; on. Whoosh! 层次 ceng2ci4 n. rank, order, standing; administrative levels; arrangement of ideas 层层 ceng2ceng2 r.f. layer upon layer, multiple 三层 san1ceng2 n. three layers/stories 阶层 jie1ceng2 n. social stratum 曾经 ceng2jing1 adv. once, ever; 未曾 wei4ceng2 adv. never before, not yet 不曾 bu4ceng2 adv. (wr.) never (in the past), not yet 蹭破 ceng4po4 v. rub/abrade and break 蹭 ceng4 rub; be smeared with; hang around, loiter 磨磨蹭蹭 mo2mo2ceng4ceng4 r.f. slow-going 叉手 cha1shou3 v.o. raise one's joined hands to one's chin to salute sb. 叉子 cha1zi5* n. fork M: ba3 交叉 jiao1cha1 v. intersect, cross; overlap; alternate, stagger 钢叉 gang1cha1* n. steel fork M: ge/gen1 叉住 cha1zhu4 ? 叉着腿 cha4zhe5tui3 stand/sit with one's legs apart 打棉杈 da3mian2cha4 hit cotton branches ? 树杈 shu1cha4 n. tree fork 差别 cha2bie2 n. difference, contrast 差距 cha1ju4* n. difference 偏差 pian1cha1* n. deviation, error M: dian3r/xie1 时差 shi2cha1 n. time difference; jet lag; (astr.) equation of time 差劲 cha4jin4 s.v. no good, disappointing; (coll.) lacking in strength/vitality/character 很差 hen3cha4 s.v. inferior, poor; wrong, false 出差 chu1chai1 v.o. be away on official business or on a business trip 参差 cen1ci1 s.v. uneven, irregular; n. disparity, difference 插曲 cha1qu3 theatrical interlude; songs in films/plays; episode M: shou3 插秧 cha1yang1 v.o. transplant rice seedlings 安插 an1cha1* v. place in a certain position, assign a job 穿插 chuan1cha1 v. alternate, do in turn; weave in, insert 嚓嚓 ca1ca1 on. screech 喀嚓 ka1cha1 on. noise of breaking/snapping 茬子 cha2zi n. stubble 麦茬 mai4cha2 n. wheat stubble 头发茬 tou2fa5cha2 ? 茶叶 cha2ye4* n. tea leaves, tea M: bao1 茶花 cha2hua1 n. (bot.) camellia, tea flower M: ke1/zhu1 喝茶 he2cha2 v.o. drink tea 红茶 hong2cha2* n. black tea M: bao1 查访 cha2fang3* v. make inquiries 查阅 cha2yue4 v. consult, look up (files); examine 调查 diao4cha2 v.n. investigate; survey 检查 jian3cha2* v. check, inspect, examine; n. selfcriticism; examination 搽粉 cha2fen3* v.o. apply make-up 搽药 cha2yao4* v.o. apply ointment/lotion 搽雪花膏 cha2xue3hua1? apply facial/vanishing cream 捕猹 bu3cha2 ? 猹 zha1 n. badger-like wild animal 冰碴儿 bing2cha2 n. thin ice coating on the surface of water; broken ice, bits of ice 找碴儿 zhao3cha2er2 v.o. (topo.) find fault; pick a quarrel 查看 cha2kan4* v. check up, go over, ferret out 察觉 cha2jue2 v. realize, be aware of, perceive 观察 guan1cha2 v. observe, survey, inspect 警察 jing3cha2* n. police, policeman M: ge/ming2/wei4 岔道 cha4dao4 n side road; diverging road M: tiao2 岔开 cha4kai1 r.v. branch off; turn aside, divert; diverge to (another topic); stagger 打岔 da3cha4* v.o. interrupt, cut in; divert the conversation 出岔 chu1cha4 v.o. go wrong/amiss/awry 刹那 cha4na4 n. instant, split second 刹那间 cha4na4jian1 f.e. in the twinkling of an eye 古刹 gu3cha4* n. ancient temple 刹车 sha1che1 v.o. brake a car; turn off a machine; immediately stop a matter; n. brakes 刹住 sha1zhu4* r.v. stop short 衩口 cha4kou3 vent or slit in side of garments 开衩 kai1cha4 v.o. open slits in gown/dress 裤衩 ku4cha3 n. (coll.) underpants M: tiao2 拆信 chai1xin4* v.o. open a letter 拆卸 chai1xie4 v. dismantle; dismoint 拆除 chai1chu2 v. tear down, demolish, remove 拆台 chai1tai2 v.o. undercut 柴禾 chai2he5 n. firewood M: kun3 柴油 chai2you2 n. diesel oil 劈柴 pi1chai2 v.o. cut firewood 劈柴 pi3chai5* n. kindling, firewood M: kuai4, gen1 火柴 huo3chai2 n. match M: gen1/he2 豺狼 chai2lang2 n. cruel and evil people M: zhi1 豺狗 chai2gou3 n. (zoo.) jackal M: tiao2 搀扶 chan1fu2 v. support sb. with one's hand 搀合 chan1he2 v. mix 搀假 chan1jia3 v.o. adulterate 搀杂 chan1za2* mix, mingle; adulterate, make impure 馋嘴 chan2zui3* s.v. gluttonous, greedy 馋涎 chan2xian2 n. drool 嘴馋 zui3chan2 v.p. be gluttonous; be fond of good food 眼馋 yan3chan2* v. (topo.) covet, be envious 缠绵 chan2mian2* s.v. touching, moving; tenderly attached to; tangled (fig.) 缠绕 chan2rao4* v. twine, bind, wind; worry, harrass; n. entanglement 缠手 chan2shou3 s.v. troublesome, hard to deal with 纠缠 jiu1chan2 v. tangle; nag, worry, pester 蝉联 chan2lian2 v. continue to hold post/title; keep on without interr. 缠声 chan2sheng1 n. prolonged musical sound 蝉翼 chan2yi4 n. cicada's wings; a kind of very thin silk 寒蝉 han2chan2 n. cicada; as quiet as a cicada in cold weather M:ge/zhi1 潺潺 chan2chan2 on. murmur, babble; v. run gently (of water) 产生 chan3sheng1* v. produce, engender; emerge, come into being; generate 产量 chan3liang4 n. output, yield 出产 chu1chan3* v. produce, manufacture; n. products 生产 sheng1chan3* v. produce, manufacture; give birth to a child 铲子 chan3zi* n. shovel, spade M: ba3 铲平 chan3ping2 r.v. scrape even; level to the ground, be razed to the gr. 铁铲 tie3chan3 iron shovel (?) 锅铲 guo1chan3 n. a spatula M: ba3 颤抖 chan4dou3* v. shake, quiver, shiver 颤动 chan4dong4 v. vibrate, quiver; shake, tremble; n. tremor, vibration 打颤 da3zhan4 v.o. shudder 震颤 zhen4chan4 v. tremble, quiver 颤栗 zhan4li4 v. tremble, shiver, quake 颤栗 chan4li4* v. (wr.) shiver, tremble 昌盛 chang1sheng4 s.v. prosperous; glory 昌明 chang1ming2 s.v. flourishing, well-developped; glorious, bright; v. expound and elaborate 南昌 Nan2chang1 p.w. Nanchang (capital of Jiangxi) 猖撅 chang1jue2 be rampant 猖狂 chang1kuang2 savage 长远 chang2yuan3* s.v. long-term, long-range 长处 chang2chu* n. forte, strong/good points 专长 zhuan1chang2* n. specialty, special skill/knowledge 身长 shen1chang2* n. height (of a person); length (of a garment); body length (animal) 肠道 chang2dao4 ? 肠炎 chang2yan2 n. (med.) enteritis 断肠 duan4chang2* v.p. heartbroken 香肠 xiang1chang2* n. sausage M: tiao2/gen1 肠管 chang2guan3 n. intestine M: tiao2 尝新 chang2xin1* v.o. sample what is just in season; taste a new delicacy 尝试 chang2shi4* v. attempt, try 品尝 pin3chang2 v. taste, sample, savor 何尝 he2chang2 adv. how can it be that ... 常规 chang2gui1* n. convention, rule, common practice, routine 常识 chang2shi2 n. general/common knowledge; common sense M: dian3/xie1; trivium 经常 jing1chang2* adv. everyday, daily; frequently, constantly, often 平常 ping2chang2 s.v. ordinary, common; normal; adv. generally, usually, as a rule 偿还 chang2huan2 v. repay, pay back 偿命 chang2ming4* v.o. pay with one's life; a life for a life 补偿 bu3chang2* v. compensate, make up, recompense 赔偿 pei2chang2* v. compensate, pay for; n. reparations (paid by a defeated state) 厂矿 chang3kuang4 n. factories and mines M: zuo4 厂房 chang3fang2* p.w. factory building M: zuo4; workshop M: jian1 工厂 gong1chang3* p.w. factory, mill, plant, works M: ge/zuo4 煤场 mei2chang3* p.w. coal yard M: zuo4 场合 chang3he2* n. occasion, situation 场面 chang3mian4* n. scene, spectacle; occasion; appearance, facade; scope; pageantry; decor 剧场 ju4chang3* p.w. theater M: zuo4 广场 guang3chang3 p.w. public square, arena; forum (lit./fig.) 场院 chang2yuan4 n. threshing ground 赶场 gan3chang2* v.o. (topo.) go to the market 敞开 chang3kai1 r.v. open wide; adv. (coll.) unlimitedly, unrestrictedly 敞亮 chang3liang4* s.v. light and spacious; clear 敞着 chang3zhe v. open 宽敞 kuan1chang5* s.v. spacious, roomy 畅快 chang4kuai4* s.v. free from inhibitions, carefree; cheerful and exuberant 畅销 chang4xiao1* v. sell well 流畅 liu2chang4* s.v. easy and smooth; fast-selling 舒畅 shu1chang4* s.v. happy, worry-free 倡导 chang4dao3 v./n. initiate, propose 倡议 chang4yi4* v. propose; make a motion, advocate 提倡 ti2chang4* v. advocate, encourage, recommend 首倡 shou3chang4 v. initiate, start 唱歌 chang4ge1 v.o. sing (a song) 唱和 chang4he4 sing song with others joining in chorus; write a poem to which others reply 演唱 yan3chang4 v. sing in a performance 独唱 du2chang4 n. (vocal) solo