Irreducible Specht modules for Hecke algebras of type $A$ -- revisited

by Matthew Fayers, Queen Mary, University of London.

Thanks to the work of Gordon James, Andrew Mathas, Sin\' ead Lyle and the speaker, the classification of irreducible Specht modules for Hecke algebras of type $A$ was completed a few years ago in almost all cases. I will give a very brief review of this work, and then talk about some recent progress with the remaining case, where the quantum parameter for the Hecke algebra equals $-\negthinspace1$. I will present a conjectured classification of irreducilbe Specht modules in the case where the underlying field is $\bbc$, and then I will talk about a theorem (proved jointly with Sin'e ad Lyle) where we prove the reducibility of a large class of Specht modules.