Advanced series of Lectures (Master/Invited research lectures) :

  • Quantum affine algebras and categorifications
    East China Normal University, Shanghai (China, 2020).
  • Opérateurs d'entrelacement : théorie de Lie et géometrie
    Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris, 2017)
  • R-matrices, affine quantum groups and applications
    Course ESI Vienne (Austria, 2017)
  • Théorie de Lie et représentations
    Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris, 2015)
  • Baxter's relations and spectra of quantum integrable models
    Course for the summer school "Quantum integrable systems", Uni. Hamburg (Germany, 2014)
  • From quantum affine algebras to cluster algebras
    Mini course for the Seminar "Cluster algebras and representation theory", MFO Oberwolfach (Germany, 2013)
  • Quantum affine algebras and categofications
    Mini course for the conference "Representation Theory in Mathematics and Physics", ETH Zurich (Switzerland, 2012)
  • Algèbres affines quantiques et catégorifications
    Mini course for the conference "Théorie de Lie et analogues quantiques", CIRM (Luminy, 2012)
  • Introduction to quantum groups
    Mini course pour the meeting of the ANR project "q-diff", CIRM (Luminy, 2011)
  • Introduction to Galois Theory
    Advances Master Lecture, sino-french center, Guangzhou (China, 2010)
  • Categories and representations
    Advanced Master Lecture, Sino-french center, Guangzhou (China, 2009)
  • Representation theory and Lie theory
    Advanced Master Lecture, Sino-french center, Guangzhou (China, 2008)
  • Geometric small property, Kirillov-Reshetikhin conjecture, and double affine quantum algebras
    Lectures, workshop on Representation Theory, UC Berkeley (USA, 2008)
  • Character formulas for quantum affine algebras
    Workshop on the proof of the Kirillov-Reshetikhin conjecture, Osaka University (Japan, 2007)
  • Kac-Moody algebras, representations and applications
    Master class, Sun Yat Sen University, Guangzhou (China, 2007)
  • An introduction to affine Kac-Moody algebras
    Master class, University of Aarhus (Denmark, 2006)
  • Introduction to the representation theory of quantum affine algebras
    Advanced Master Lecture, Sun Yat Sen University, Guangzhou (China, 2005)
  • Representation theory and Lie theory
    Advanced Master Lecture, Sun Yat Sen University, Guangzhou (China, 2005)
  • Introduction to the representation theory of quantum affine algebras
    Advanced Master Lectures, East China Normal University, Shanghai (China, 2005)
  • Introduction to the representation theory of quantum groups : basic examples and applications
    Mini course, University Tor Vergata Rome 2 (Italy, 2005)
  • Introduction to the representation theory of quantum affine algebras
    Series of lectures, ENS-Paris (Paris, 2005)
