
All talks and coffee breaks will take place in the new building Institut Galilee

The talks will take place in Amphitheater Euler

9:30-10:00registration and coffee
10:00-10:20Opening session
10:30-11:20 Johannes Sjöstrand
Distribution of eigenvalues for close to self-adjoint operators in two dimensions.
11:30-12:20Thierry Ramond
Long time behaviour of the Schrödinger group at the barrier top energy
14:00-14:50André Martinez
Analytic singularities for long range Schrödinger equations
15:00-15:50Frédéric Hérau
Tunnelling effect for Krammers Fokker-Planck operators, the multiple well case.
coffee break
16:20-17:10Maher Zerzeri
Fonction de décalage spectrale pour des perturbations de l'opérateur de Schrödinger périodique.
10:00-10:50Vladimir Buslaev
New approach to the quantum three-body scattering problem. One dimensional charged particles.
coffee break
11:20-12:10Alexander Fedotov
Typical growth of Gaussian sums
14:00-14:50Mouez Dimassi
Quelques propriétes spectrales de l' opérateur de Schrödinger avec champ magnétique en dimension deux
15:00-15:50Galina Perelman
Vey theorem in infinite dimensions and its application to the KdV equation
16:30--Cocktail Reception at Paris 13
9:30-10:20Christian Gérard
Le modèle de Nelson à coefficients variables
coffee break
10:50-11:40Laurent Michel
Semiclassical analysis of the Metropolis algorithm on bounded domains
11:50-12:40Bernard Helffer
Semi-classical analysis for magnetic bottles