Consider where is a real parameter; and are non constant, periodic real valued functions i.e. is locally square integrable and is analytic in a neighborhood of the real axis. Family of quasi-periodic equations on : lots of works on their spectral theory during last 30 years (Avron, Bellissard, Bourgain, Buslaev, Chulaevsky, Damanik, Dinaburg, Eliasson, Helffer, Hermann, Jitomirskaya, Last, Lenz, Pastur, Puig, Shubin, Simon, Sinaï, Sjöstrand, Sorets, Spencer, Wilkinson,...). Adiabatic equations when is small: lots of works too (Buslaev, Dimassi, Dimitrieva, Gérard, Grigis, Helffer, Poupaud, Sjöstrand, Papanicolaou, Spohn,...).