2011 年度中法算术几何暑期学校

将于 2011 年 6 月 27 日 -- 7 月 15 日在陈省身数学研究所(中国天津)举行

活动主题: Arakelov 几何, 丢番图几何, 代数簇的有理点, D-模

暑期学校由 Jussieu 数学研究所陈省身数学研究所共同主办

资助方: 法国国家科研中心 (CNRS)
中国自然基金委员会 (NSFC)
Jussieu 数学研究所
Rennes 第一大学
组织者: Régis de la Bretèche, 陈华一, 扶磊





Sebastien Boucksom, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris
   Equidistribution and arithmetic volumes 课程计划
Tim Browning, University of Bristol, Bristol
   Analytic number theory and counting points on algebraic varieties 课程计划
Antoine Chambert-Loir, Université de Rennes I, Rennes
   Arakelov geometry and heights 课程计划
João Dos Santos, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris
   Algebraic Geometry with a differential shade 课程计划
Marc Hindry, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris
   Introduction to Diophantine geometry 课程计划
Christophe Mourougane, Université de Rennes I, Rennes
   Introduction to complex analytic geometry 课程计划
Claude Sabbah, CMLS,École Polytechnique, Palaiseau
   Introduction to the theory of D-Modules 课程计划  讲义
田野, 中国科学院数学研究所, 北京
   Algebraic number theory 课程计划


Stephan Baier (Göttingen), Inhomogeneous cubic congruences and Manin's conjecture for a Del Pezzo surface of degree 2 摘要
David Bourqui (Rennes), Moduli spaces of curves and universal torsors 摘要
Jörg Brüdern (Göttingen), A family of height zeta functions, and the hyperbola method 摘要
José Burgos (Madrid), Arakelov geometry of toric varieties 摘要
Daniel Caro (Caen), Weil II for arithmetic D-modules 摘要
Ulrich Derenthal (Munich), Gaussian rational points on a singular cubic surface 摘要
Dennis Eriksson (Göteborgs), On the order of discriminants 摘要
Gerard Freixas (Paris), An arithmetic Noether formula for singular metrics on weighted curves 摘要
Carlo Gasbarri (Strasbourg), On the canonical degree of curves on varieties of general type 摘要
川口周 (大阪), Analytic torsion related to the moduli of cubic surfaces 摘要
Klaus Künnemann (Regensburg), Arithmetic extensions associated with arithmetic surfaces 摘要
Oscar Marmon (Göteborgs), Sums and differences of four k-th powers 摘要
Adriano Marmora (Strasbourg), Product formula for p-adic epsilon factors 摘要
森脇淳 (京都), Toward Dirichlet's unit theorem on arithmetic varieties 摘要
Ritabrata Munshi (Mumbai), Intersections of quadrics
Nicolas Ratazzi (Orsay), Torsion in abelian varieties over number fields
Gaël Rémond (Grenoble), Height lower bounds and application to Zilber-Pink conjecture 摘要
Olivier Robert (Saint-Étienne), On the number of the integers representable as a sum of three powers 摘要
Damian Rössler (Toulouse), On a canonical class of Green currents for the unit sections of abelian schemes (joint with V. Maillot) 摘要
Erwan Rousseau (Strasbourg), Orbifolds, holomorphic maps and rational points 摘要
Per Salberger (Göteborgs), Counting integral and rational points on algebraic varieties 摘要
Martín Sombra (Barcelone), Heights of varieties and arithmetic Nullstellensatze 摘要
Christophe Soulé (Bures-sur-Yvette), On the arithmetic Chern character 摘要
Damiano Testa (Oxford), The surface of cuboids and Siegel modular threefolds 摘要