Sacha Mangerel

Sacha Mangerel, Durham University, Durham, Royaume-Uni

Explicit constructions of multiplicative functions with small correlations

There is a well-known relationship between the distribution of primes and distribution of ±1 signs of the Liouville function (the
completely multiplicative function taking the value -1 at all primes). A conjecture of Chowla, analogising the Hardy-Littlewood
prime k-tuples conjecture, predicts that the autocorrelations of λ, e.g. 1xnx λn+1 ... λn+k tend to 0 on average as x tends to ∞.
This conjecture, along with its generalisation to the broader collection of bounded "non-pretentious" multiplicative functions, due
originally to Elliott, remain wide open for k ≥ 2. Previously, there were no explicit examples in the literature of (deterministic and
scale-independent) non-pretentious multiplicative functions known to satisfy Elliott's conjecture. In this talk I will present a const-
ruction of a non-pretentious multiplicative function f : N → {-1,1} all of whose auto-correlations tend to 0 on average, answering
a(n ergodic theory) question of Lemanczyk and de la Rue. I will further discuss the following applications of this construction:

i) a proof that Chowla's conjecture does not imply the Riemann Hypothesis, i.e., there are ±1-valued multiplicative functions f all of
whose autocorrelations tend to 0, but that do not exhibit square-root cancellation on average (the object of some recent speculation);

ii) there are multiplicative subsemigroups of N with Poissonian gap statistics, thus giving an unconditional multiplicative analogue
of a classical result of Gallagher about primes in short intervals.

(Joint work with Oleksiy Klurman, Par Kurlberg and Joni Teravainen.)