Lilian Matthiesen

Lilian Matthiesen, Université de Bristol (Royaume Uni)

(voir aussi ici)

Counting rational points on the intersection of certain quadrics

The representation function of a positive definite binary quadratic
form f is defined as rf(n) = | {(x,y) : f(x,y) = n} |. Building on the first
talk, we will show how to obtain asymptotics for linear correlations
of such representation functions rf. These correlations correspond
to the divisor problems of the first talk, that is, they include for ins-
tance averages of the form Σn,r&leN rf1(n) rf2(n+r) rf3(n+2r)... rfk-1(n+kr).
As an immediate consequence we obtain asymptotic counts of integer
solutions of certain systems of quadratic equations.