Yossi Moshe

Yossi Moshe, Université Ben Gourion, Beersheva, Israël, et LRI, Orsay

On subword decomposition and balanced polynomials

Let H(x) be a polynomial over Z and p a prime number. For n ≥ 0
and a in {1,..., p-1}, let Na(n) denote the number of coefficients in
Hn, belonging to the residue class a + pZ. We show that the existence
of certain patterns in the base p representation of n forces Na(n) and
Nb(n) to be almost equal. Then, using Kingman's subadditive ergodic
theorem, we study the asymptotical behavior of

max{0 < a, b < p} |{Na(n)} - {Nb(n)}|.                                                               

Taking H := x + 1, we provide a new result on the distribution of ele-
ments in Pascal's triangle modulo p.