Ram Krishna Pandey

Ram Krishna Pandey, Université de Saint-Étienne

Motzkin's density problem and the equivalent colouring problems in graph theory

For a given set M of positive integers, Motzkin asked to find the quantity μ(M), which is the supremum
of all upper densities δ(S), where S is a set of nonnegative integers with the property that aS, bS
a - bM. This problem is equivalent to two colouring problems in graph theory. The first problem
is the "Asymptotic T-colouring efficiency" due to Rabinowitz and Proulx and the second problem is the
"Fractional chromatic number of the distance graph generated by M" due to Chang, Liu and Zhu. In this
seminar I will survey the progress in the density problem and show the equivalence of the density problem
with the colouring problems.