Lola Thompson

Lola Thompson Oberlin College, USA et Max Planck Institut, Bonn, Allemagne

Summing μ(n): a faster elementary algorithm

Consider either of two related problems: determining the precise number π(x) of prime numbers up to x, and computing
the Mertens function M(x) = Σnx μ(n), where μ is the Möbius function. The two best algorithms known are the following:
1) An analytic algorithm (Lagarias-Odlyzko, 1987), with computations based on integrals of ζ(s); its running time is O(x1/2 + ε).
2) A more elementary algorithm (Meissel-Lehmer, 1959 and Lagarias-Miller-Odlyzko, 1985; refined by Deléglise-Rivat, 1996),
     with running time about O(x2/3).

The analytic algorithm had to wait for almost 30 years to receive its first rigorous, unconditional implementation (Platt), which
concerns only the computation of π(x). Moreover, in the range explored to date (x ≤ 1024), the elementary algorithm is faster in
practice. We present a new elementary algorithm with running time about O(x3/5) for computing M(x). The algorithm should be
adaptable to computing π(x) and other related problems.

This talk is based on joint work with Harald Andrés Helfgott.