Mya wé zon loo

About me

Currently, I am pursuing my third year of PhD at Université Paris Cité and I am part of the Functional Analysis team  of IMJ-PRG. I work under the supervision of Cosmin Burtea and David Gérard-VaretI was granted the Cofund MathInParis-2020 scholarship for my PhD.

Previously, I obtained my bachelor's degree at IMSP in Benin, followed by a Master's in fundamental mathematics, also at IMSP. Subsequently, I was awarded the PGSM scholarship from FSMP, which allowed me to do  Master 2 in Mathematical of Modeling at Sorbonne University. Here is my resume CV .


Main interests:

I dedicate my free time to assisting high school students with their math homework. It only takes up one hour per week, and generally, they just need a little help to understand some concepts. Don't hesitate to offer your assistance, it will be greatly appreciated. I usually find assignments on the website of the French government here