Isomonodromic Deformations
M2 course 2006
Philip Boalch
boalch (at) dma (dot) ens (dot) fr

Wednesdays 11h - 12h30 Chevalerat 0D7
Fridays 11h - 12h30 Chevalerat 0D7

Course Announcement

Date Topics Comments
1/3 Motivation/Introduction Abelian Gauss-Manin connection, Gauss's example,
sketch nonabelian case, Betti and DeRham viewpoints
3/3 Review of differential geometry References:
Frank Warner, Foundations of Differentiable Manifolds and Lie Groups
Libermann and Marle, Symplectic geometry and analytical mechanics
8/3 Lie group basics

Some complex symplectic geometry
Left-invariant vector fields, exponential map, one-parameter subgroups, group actions,
fundamental vector fields, conjugation, Adjoint action, adjoint action
Darboux charts, Hamiltonian vector fields, induced Poisson structure
10/3 More symplectic geometry cotangent bundles, coadjoint orbits and KKS theorem
15/3More symplectic geometry Moment maps, symplectic quotients
20/3 Bundles Fiber bundles, vector bundles, clutching maps, constructions,
vector bundles on the Riemann sphere, jumping lines
22/3 Connections on vector bundles Definitions, covariant derivatives, local expressions, gauge transformations,
curvature, flatness as condition for commuting covariant derivatives
24/3 More connections "Nonabelian Poincare lemma", constructions, local system of solutions, monodromy
29/3 Basic Riemann-Hilbert correspondence Flat holomorphic connections, Flat smooth connections, local systems, bundles with constant clutching maps,
conjugacy classes of fundamental group representations.
Connections on arbitrary fibre bundles (notions of flatness and completeness plus relation with constant clutching maps)
31/3 Logarithmic connections Definitions, residues, restriction to divisor, Fuchsian systems, local non-resonant classification on curves.
5/4 Simple moduli spaces stability, sufficient conditions for smoothness
7/4 Isomonodromic deformations Local system of monodromy manifolds, De Rham interpretation, good trivialisations. Derivation of Schlesinger's equations
28/4 Schlesinger's equations Time-dependent Hamiltonians, Malgrange's universality theorem
1/5 Sixth Painlevé equation Some history, Painleve/Kowalevskaya property, First order equations with Painleve property,
standard relation between PVI and Schlesinger equations
5/5More PVI Nonlinear monodromy, Fricke relation, cubic surfaces, mapping class and braid group actions
Okamoto affine D4 and F4 Weyl group symmetries
30/5Final Exam