Symplectic manifolds and isomonodromic deformations Given any connection on an algebraic vector bundle on a smooth complex curve, there are various pieces of topological data one can define, and then use to classify such connections. I'll compare various approaches and show how the notion of ``wild monodromy'' leads to a simple presentation of the resulting moduli space (the wild character variety). Many varieties well-known in representation theory occur as examples. Then I'll review the TQFT-type approach to their symplectic/Poisson structures, using the framework of quasi-Hamiltonian geometry (complementing the original analytic approach from 1999). Finally I'll discuss the notion of ``wild Riemann surface'' that involves recognising that some of the boundary conditions behave exactly like the moduli of the curve, and how varying this structure leads to the ``wild mapping class group'' and its action by algebraic Poisson automorphisms on the wild character variety, generalising the usual (tame) case. The final step in this project (the twisted case) is joint work with D. Yamakawa (arXiv:1512.08091).