Abstract of lectures by P. Boalch: Deligne's approach to the Riemann-Hilbert problem taught us that representations of the fundamental group (say of a punctured smooth complex algebraic curve) correspond to regular singular connections on algebraic vector bundles, i.e. to those connections whose solutions satisfy a polynomial growth condition. Thus one obtains a vast family of generalisations of spaces of fundamental group representations by considering more general, irregular, connections. The aim of this course is to describe (without proof) the notion of generalised monodromy data, Stokes data, classifying such objects and some of the geometry of their moduli spaces. For example one obtains new complete hyperkahler manifolds in this way, and a geometric understanding of the so-called quantum Weyl group. Possible division of the lectures: 1) Irregular connections on curves and their monodromy/Stokes data 2) Overview of nonabelian Hodge theory on curves and its irregular extension 3) Symplectic geometry of moduli spaces of Stokes data (wild character varieties) 4) Braiding of Stokes data (irregular mapping class groups)