Instructions for authors


Prepare a file named "info.txt" containing the Author(s) name(s), the Title of the paper, an Abstract and Comments (if any) in the following ASCII or (better) HTML format :

Authors : H. Gillet and C. Soulé

Title : Arithmetic intersection theory

Abstract : This paper describes an intersection theory
for arithmetic varieties.

Comments : This is the first of a series of
papers by the two authors on the same subject.

You may mark up the body of the file (not the header) with HTML commands. For example, the abstract may contain multiple paragraphs, separated by the symbol <P>.

Send an e-mail to the following address : <> with the file "info.txt" and the files that constitute your paper (in .dvi and .ps and/or .pdf format) in attachments.

You may include in the body of the message auxiliary information about handling the files.

That's all.

V. Maillot <>