6 Fields

Fields are important algebraic domains. Mathematically a field is a commutative ring F (see chapter Rings), such that every element except 0 has a multiplicative inverse. Thus F has two operations + and * called addition and multiplication. (F,+) must be an abelian group, whose identity is called 0F. (F-{0F},*) must be an abelian group, whose identity element is called 1F.

GAP3 supports the field of rationals (see Rationals), subfields of cyclotomic fields (see Subfields of Cyclotomic Fields), and finite fields (see Finite Fields).

This chapter begins with sections that describe how to test whether a domain is a field (see IsField), how to find the smallest field and the default field in which a list of elements lies (see Field and DefaultField), and how to view a field over a subfield (see Fields over Subfields).

The next sections describes the operation applicable to field elements (see Comparisons of Field Elements and Operations for Field Elements).

The next sections describe the functions that are applicable to fields (see GaloisGroup) and their elements (see Conjugates, Norm, Trace, CharPol, and MinPol).

The following sections describe homomorphisms of fields (see Field Homomorphisms, IsFieldHomomorphism, KernelFieldHomomorphism, Mapping Functions for Field Homomorphisms).

The last section describes how fields are represented internally (see Field Records).

Fields are domains, so all functions that are applicable to all domains are also applicable to fields (see chapter Domains).

All functions for fields are in LIBNAME/"field.g".


  1. IsField
  2. Field
  3. DefaultField
  4. Fields over Subfields
  5. Comparisons of Field Elements
  6. Operations for Field Elements
  7. GaloisGroup
  8. MinPol
  9. CharPol
  10. Norm
  11. Trace
  12. Conjugates
  13. Field Homomorphisms
  14. IsFieldHomomorphism
  15. KernelFieldHomomorphism
  16. Mapping Functions for Field Homomorphisms
  17. Field Records

6.1 IsField

IsField( D )

IsField returns true if the object D is a field and false otherwise.

More precisely IsField tests whether D is a field record (see Field Records). So, for example, a matrix group may in fact be a field, yet IsField would return false.

    gap> IsField( GaloisField(16) );
    gap> IsField( CyclotomicField(9) );
    gap> IsField( rec( isDomain := true, isField := true ) );
    true    # it is possible to fool IsField
    gap> IsField( AsRing( Rationals ) );
    false    # though this ring is, as a set, still Rationals 

6.2 Field

Field( z,.. ) Field( list )

In the first form Field returns the smallest field that contains all the elements z,.. etc. In the second form Field returns the smallest field that contains all the elements in the list list. If any element is not an element of a field or the elements lie in no common field an error is raised.

    gap> Field( Z(4) );
    gap> Field( E(9) );
    gap> Field( [ Z(4), Z(9) ] );
    Error, CharFFE: <z> must be a finite field element, vector, or matrix
    gap> Field( [ E(4), E(9) ] );

Field differs from DefaultField (see DefaultField) in that it returns the smallest field in which the elements lie, while DefaultField may return a larger field if that makes sense.

6.3 DefaultField

DefaultField( z,.. ) DefaultField( list )

In the first form DefaultField returns the default field that contains all the elements z,.. etc. In the second form DefaultField returns the default field that contains all the elements in the list list. If any element is not an element of a field or the elements lie in no common field an error is raised.

The field returned by DefaultField need not be the smallest field in which the elements lie. For example for elements from cyclotomic fields DefaultField may return the smallest cyclotomic field in which the elements lie, which need not be the smallest field overall, because the elements may in fact lie in a smaller number field which is not a cyclotomic field.

For the exact definition of the default field of a certain type of elements read the chapter describing this type (see Finite Fields and Subfields of Cyclotomic Fields).

DefaultField is used by Conjugates, Norm, Trace, CharPol, and MinPol (see Conjugates, Norm, Trace, CharPol, and MinPol) if no explicit field is given.

    gap> DefaultField( Z(4) );
    gap> DefaultField( E(9) );
    gap> DefaultField( [ Z(4), Z(9) ] );
    Error, CharFFE: <z> must be a finite field element, vector, or matrix
    gap> DefaultField( [ E(4), E(9) ] );

Field (see Field) differs from DefaultField in that it returns the smallest field in which the elements lie, while DefaultField may return a larger field if that makes sense.

6.4 Fields over Subfields

F / G

The quotient operator / evaluates to a new field H. This field has the same elements as F, i.e., is a domain equal to F. However H is viewed as a field over the field G, which must be a subfield of F.

What subfield a field is viewed over determines its Galois group. As described in GaloisGroup the Galois group is the group of field automorphisms that leave the subfield fixed. It also influences the results of Norm, Trace, CharPol, and MinPol, because they are defined in terms of the Galois group.

    gap> F := GF(2^12);
    gap> G := GF(2^2);
    gap> Q := F / G;
    gap> Norm( F, Z(2^6) );
    gap> Norm( Q, Z(2^6) );

The operator / calls G.operations./( F, G ).

The default function called this way is FieldOps./, which simply makes a copy of F and enters G into the record component F.field (see Field Records).

6.5 Comparisons of Field Elements

f = g
f <> g

The equality operator = evaluates to true if the two field elements f and g are equal, and to false otherwise. The inequality operator <> evaluates to true if the two field elements f and g are not equal, and to false otherwise. Note that any two field elements can be compared, even if they do not lie in compatible fields. In this case they cn, of course, never be equal. For each type of fields the equality of those field elements is given in the respective chapter.

Note that you can compare field elements with elements of other types; of course they are never equal.

f < g
f <= g
f > g
f >= g

The operators <, <=, >, and >= evaluate to true if the field element f is less than, less than or equal to, greater than, or greater than or equal to the field element g. For each type of fields the definition of the ordering of those field elements is given in the respective chapter. The ordering of field elements is as follows. Rationals are smallest, next are cyclotomics, followed by finite field elements.

Note that you can compare field elements with elements of other types; they are smaller than everything else.

6.6 Operations for Field Elements

The following operations are always available for field elements. Of course the operands must lie in compatible fields, i.e., the fields must be equal, or at least have a common superfield.

f + g

The operator + evaluates to the sum of the two field elements f and g, which must lie in compatible fields.

f - g

The operator - evaluates to the difference of the two field elements f and g, which must lie in compatible fields.

f * g

The operator * evaluates to the product of the two field elements f and g, which must lie in compatible fields.

f / g

The operator / evaluates to the quotient of the two field elements f and g, which must lie in compatible fields. If the divisor is 0 an error is signalled.

f ^ n

The operator ^ evaluates to the n-th power of the field element f. If n is a positive integer then f^n is f*f*..*f (n factors). If n is a negative integer f^n is defined as 1 / f-n. If 0 is raised to a negative power an error is signalled. Any field element, even 0, raised to the 0-th power yields 1.

For the precedence of the operators see Operations.

6.7 GaloisGroup

GaloisGroup( F )

GaloisGroup returns the Galois group of the field F as a group (see Groups) of field automorphisms (see Field Homomorphisms).

The Galois group of a field F over a subfield F.field is the group of automorphisms of F that leave the subfield F.field fixed. This group can be interpreted as a permutation group permuting the zeroes of the characteristic polynomial of a primitive element of F. The degree of this group is equal to the number of zeroes, i.e., to the dimension of F as a vector space over the subfield F.field. It operates transitively on those zeroes. The normal divisors of the Galois group correspond to the subfields between F and F.field.

    gap> G := GaloisGroup( GF(4096)/GF(4) );;
    gap> Size( G );
    gap> IsCyclic( G );
    true    # the Galois group of every finite field is
            # generated by the Frobenius automorphism
    gap> H := GaloisGroup( CF(60) );;
    gap> Size( H );
    gap> IsAbelian( H );

The default function FieldOps.GaloisGroup just raises an error, since there is no general method to compute the Galois group of a field. This default function is overlaid by more specific functions for special types of domains (see Field Functions for Finite Fields and GaloisGroup for Number Fields).

6.8 MinPol

MinPol( z )
MinPol( F, z )

In the first form MinPol returns the coefficients of the minimal polynomial of the element z in its default field over its prime field (see DefaultField). In the second form MinPol returns the coefficients of the minimal polynomial of the element z in the field F over the subfield F.field.

Let F/S be a field extension and L a minimal normal extension of S, containing F. The minimal polynomial of z in F over S is the squarefree polynomial whose roots are precisely the conjugates of z in L (see Conjugates). Because the set of conjugates is fixed under the Galois group of L over S (see GaloisGroup), so is the polynomial. Thus all the coefficients of the minimal polynomial lie in S.

    gap> MinPol( Z(2^6) );
    [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ]
    gap> MinPol( GF(2^12), Z(2^6) );
    [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ]
    gap> MinPol( GF(2^12)/GF(2^2), Z(2^6) );
    [ Z(2^2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] 

The default function FieldOps.MinPol, which works only for extensions with abelian Galois group, multiplies the linear factors x - c with c ranging over the set of conjugates of z in F (see Conjugates). For generic algebraic extensions, it is overlayed by solving a system of linear equations, given by the coefficients of powers of z in respect to a given base.

6.9 CharPol

CharPol( z )
CharPol( F, z )

In the first form CharPol returns the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of the element z in its default field over its prime field (see DefaultField). In the second form CharPol returns the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of the element z in the field F over the subfield F.field. The characteristic polynomial is returned as a list of coefficients, the i-th entry is the coefficient of xi-1.

The characteristic polynomial of an element z in a field F over a subfield S is the ([F:S])/( deg μ)-th power of μ, where μ denotes the minimal polynomial of z in F over S. It is fixed under the Galois group of the normal closure of F. Thus all the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial lie in S. The constant term is (-1)F.degree/S.degree=(-1)[F:S] times the norm of z (see Norm), and the coefficient of the second highest degree term is the negative of the trace of z (see Trace). The roots (including their multiplicities) in F of the characteristic polynomial of z in F are the conjugates (see Conjugates) of z in F.

    gap> CharPol( Z(2^6) );
    [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ]
    gap> CharPol( GF(2^12), Z(2^6) );
    [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 
      Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ]
    gap> CharPol( GF(2^12)/GF(2^2), Z(2^6) );
    [ Z(2^2)^2, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] 

The default function FieldOps.CharPol multiplies the linear factors x - c with c ranging over the conjugates of z in F (see Conjugates). For nonabelian extensions, it is overlayed by a function, which computes the appropriate power of the minimal polynomial.

6.10 Norm

Norm( z )
Norm( F, z )

In the first form Norm returns the norm of the field element z in its default field over its prime field (see DefaultField). In the second form Norm returns the norm of z in the field F over the subfield F.field.

The norm of an element z in a field F over a subfield S is (-1)F.degree/S.degree=(-1)[F:S] times the constant term of the characteristic polynomial of z (see CharPol). Thus the norm lies in S. The norm is the product of all conjugates of z in the normal closure of F over S (see Conjugates).

    gap> Norm( Z(2^6) );
    gap> Norm( GF(2^12), Z(2^6) );
    gap> Norm( GF(2^12)/GF(2^2), Z(2^6) );

The default function FieldOps.Norm multiplies the conjugates of z in F (see Conjugates). For nonabelian extensions, it is overlayed by a function, which obtains the norm from the characteristic polynomial.

6.11 Trace

Trace( z )
Trace( F, z )

In the first form Trace returns the trace of the field element z in its default field over its prime field (see DefaultField). In the second form Trace returns the trace of the element z in the field F over the subfield F.field.

The trace of an element z in a field F over a subfield S is the negative of the coefficient of the second highest degree term of the characteristic polynomial of z (see CharPol). Thus the trace lies in S. The trace is the sum over all conjugates of z in the normal closure of F over S (see Conjugates).

    gap> Trace( Z(2^6) );
    gap> Trace( GF(2^12), Z(2^6) );
    gap> Trace( GF(2^12)/GF(2^2), Z(2^6) );

The default function FieldOps.Trace adds the conjugates of z in F (see Conjugates). For nonabelian extensions, this is overlayed by a function, which obtains the trace from the characteristic polynomial.

6.12 Conjugates

Conjugates( z )
Conjugates( F, z )

In the first form Conjugates returns the list of conjugates of the field element z in its default field over its prime field (see DefaultField). In the second form Conjugates returns the list of conjugates of the field element z in the field F over the subfield F.field. In either case the list may contain duplicates if z lies in a proper subfield of its default field, respectively of F.

The conjugates of an element z in a field F over a subfield S are the roots in F of the characteristic polynomial of z in F (see CharPol). If F is a normal extension of S, then the conjugates of z are the images of z under all elements of the Galois group of F over S (see GaloisGroup), i.e., under those automorphisms of F that leave S fixed. The number of different conjugates of z is given by the degree of the smallest extension of S in which z lies.
For a normal extension F, Norm (see Norm) computes the product, Trace (see Trace) the sum of all conjugates. CharPol (see CharPol) computes the polynomial that has precisely the conjugates with their corresponding multiplicities as roots, MinPol (see MinPol) the squarefree polynomial that has precisely the conjugates as roots.

    gap> Conjugates( Z(2^6) );
    [ Z(2^6), Z(2^6)^2, Z(2^6)^4, Z(2^6)^8, Z(2^6)^16, Z(2^6)^32 ]
    gap> Conjugates( GF(2^12), Z(2^6) );
    [ Z(2^6), Z(2^6)^2, Z(2^6)^4, Z(2^6)^8, Z(2^6)^16, Z(2^6)^32, Z(2^6),
      Z(2^6)^2, Z(2^6)^4, Z(2^6)^8, Z(2^6)^16, Z(2^6)^32 ]
    gap> Conjugates( GF(2^12)/GF(2^2), Z(2^6) );
    [ Z(2^6), Z(2^6)^4, Z(2^6)^16, Z(2^6), Z(2^6)^4, Z(2^6)^16 ] 

The default function FieldOps.Conjugates applies the automorphisms of the Galois group of F (see GaloisGroup) to z and returns the list of images. For nonabelian extensions, this is overlayed by a factorization of the characteristic polynomial.

6.13 Field Homomorphisms

Field homomorphisms are an important class of homomorphisms in GAP3 (see chapter Homomorphisms).

A field homomorphism φ is a mapping that maps each element of a field F, called the source of φ, to an element of another field G, called the range of φ, such that for each pair x,y ∈ F we have (x+y)φ = xφ + yφ and (xy)φ = xφ yφ. We also require that φ maps the one of F to the one of G (that φ maps the zero of F to the zero of G is implied by the above relations).

An Example of a field homomorphism is the Frobinius automorphism of a finite field (see FrobeniusAutomorphism). Look under field homomorphisms in the index for a list of all available field homomorphisms.

Since field homomorphisms are just a special case of homomorphisms, all functions described in chapter Homomorphisms are applicable to all field homomorphisms, e.g., the function to test if a homomorphism is a an automorphism (see IsAutomorphism). More general, since field homomorphisms are just a special case of mappings all functions described in chapter Mappings are also applicable, e.g., the function to compute the image of an element under a homomorphism (see Image).

The following sections describe the functions that test whether a mapping is a field homomorphism (see IsFieldHomomorphism), compute the kernel of a field homomorphism (see KernelFieldHomomorphism), and how the general mapping functions are implemented for field homomorphisms.

6.14 IsFieldHomomorphism

IsFieldHomomorphism( map )

IsFieldHomomorphism returns true if the mapping map is a field homomorphism and false otherwise. Signals an error if map is a multi valued mapping.

A mapping map is a field homomorphism if its source F and range G are both fields and if for each pair of elements x, y ∈ F we have (x+y)map = xmap + ymap and (xy)map = xmap ymap. We also require that 1Fmap = 1G.

    gap> f := GF( 16 );
    gap> fun := FrobeniusAutomorphism( f );
    FrobeniusAutomorphism( GF(2^4) )
    gap> IsFieldHomomorphism( fun );

IsFieldHomomorphism first tests if the flag map.isFieldHomomorphism is bound. If the flag is bound, IsFieldHomomorphism returns its value. Otherwise it calls
map.source.operations.IsFieldHomomorphism( map ), remembers the returned value in map.isFieldHomomorphism, and returns it. Note that of course all functions that create field homomorphism set the flag map.isFieldHomomorphism to true, so that no function is called for those field homomorphisms.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.IsFieldHomomorphism. It computes all the elements of the source of map and for each pair of elements x, y tests whether (x+y)map = xmap + ymap and (xy)map = xmap ymap. Look under IsHomomorphism in the index to see for which mappings this function is overlaid.

6.15 KernelFieldHomomorphism

KernelFieldHomomorphism( hom )

KernelFieldHomomorphism returns the kernel of the field homomorphism hom.

Because the kernel must be a ideal in the source and it can not be the full source (because we require that the one of the source is mapped to the one of the range), it must be the trivial ideal. Therefor the kernel of every field homomorphism is the set containing only the zero of the source.

6.16 Mapping Functions for Field Homomorphisms

This section describes how the mapping functions defined in chapter Mappings are implemented for field homomorphisms. Those functions not mentioned here are implemented by the default functions described in the respective sections.

IsInjective( hom )

Always returns true (see KernelFieldHomomorphism).

IsSurjective( hom )

The field homomorphism hom is surjective if the size of the image Size( Image( hom ) ) is equal to the size of the range Size( hom.range ).

hom1 = hom2

The two field homomorphism hom1 and hom2 are are equal if the have the same source and range and if the images of the generators of the source under hom1 and hom2 are equal.

Image( hom )
Image( hom, H )
Images( hom, H )

The image of a subfield under a field homomorphism is computed by computing the images of a set of generators of the subfield, and the result is the subfield generated by those images.

PreImage( hom )
PreImage( hom, H )
PreImages( hom, H )

The preimages of a subfield under a field homomorphism are computed by computing the preimages of all the generators of the subfield, and the result is the subfield generated by those elements.

Look in the index under IsInjective, IsSurjective, Image, Images, PreImage, PreImages, and equality to see for which field homomorphisms these functions are overlaid.

6.17 Field Records

A field is represented by a record that contains important information about this field. The GAP3 library predefines some field records, for example Rationals (see Rationals). Field constructors construct others, for example Field (see Field), and GaloisField (see GaloisField). Of course you may also create such a record by hand.

All field records contain the components isDomain, isField, char, degree, generators, zero, one, field, base, and dimension. They may also contain the optional components isFinite, size, galoisGroup. The contents of all components of a field F are described below.


is always true. This indicates that F is a domain.


is always true. This indicates that F is a field.


is the characteristic of F. For finite fields this is always a prime, for infinite fields this is 0.


is the degree of F as extension of the prime field, not as extension of the subfield S. For finite fields the order of F is given by F.char^ F.degree.


a list of elements that together generate F. That is F is the smallest field over the prime field given by F.char that contains the elements of F.generators.


is the additive neutral element of the finite field.


is the multiplicative neutral element of the finite field.


is the subfield S over which F was constructed. This is either a field record for S, or the same value as F.char, denoting the prime field (see Fields over Subfields).


is a list of elements of F forming a base for F as vector space over the subfield S.


is the dimension of F as vector space over the subfield S.


if present this is true if the field F is finite and false otherwise.


if present this is the size of the field F. If F is infinite this holds the string "infinity".


if present this holds the Galois group of F (see GaloisGroup).

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27 Nov 2023