55 Monomiality Questions

This chapter describes functions dealing with monomiality questions.

Section More about Monomiality Questions gives some hints how to use the functions in the package.

The next sections (see Alpha, Delta, BergerCondition) describe functions that deal with character degrees and derived length.

The next sections describe tests for homogeneous restriction, quasiprimitivity, and induction from a normal subgroup of a group character (see TestHomogeneous, TestQuasiPrimitive, IsPrimitive for Characters, TestInducedFromNormalSubgroup).

The next sections describe tests for subnormally monomiality, monomiality, and relatively subnormally monomiality of a group or group character (see TestSubnormallyMonomial, TestMonomialQuick, TestMonomial, TestRelativelySM).

The final sections IsMinimalNonmonomial and MinimalNonmonomialGroup describe functions that construct minimal nonmonomial groups, or check whether a group is minimal nonmonomial.

All examples in this chapter use the symmetric group S4 and the special linear group Sl(2,3). For running the examples, you must first define the groups.

    gap> S4:= SolvableGroup( "S4" );;
    gap> Sl23:= SolvableGroup( "Sl(2,3)" );; 


  1. More about Monomiality Questions
  2. Alpha
  3. Delta
  4. BergerCondition
  5. TestHomogeneous
  6. TestQuasiPrimitive
  7. IsPrimitive for Characters
  8. TestInducedFromNormalSubgroup
  9. TestSubnormallyMonomial
  10. TestMonomialQuick
  11. TestMonomial
  12. TestRelativelySM
  13. IsMinimalNonmonomial
  14. MinimalNonmonomialGroup

55.1 More about Monomiality Questions

Group Characters

All the functions in this package assume characters to be character records as described in chapter Class Functions.

Property Tests

When we ask whether a group character χ has a certain property, like quasiprimitivity, we usually want more information than yes or no. Often we are interested in the reason why a group character χ could be proved to have a certain property, e.g., whether monomiality of χ was proved by the observation that the underlying group is nilpotent, or if it was necessary to construct a linear character of a subgroup from that χ can be induced. In the latter case we also may be interested in this linear character.

Because of this the usual property checks of GAP3 that return either true or false are not sufficient for us. Instead there are test functions that return a record with the possibly useful information. For example, the record returned by the function TestQuasiPrimitive (see TestQuasiPrimitive) contains the component isQuasiPrimitive which is the known boolean property flag, a component comment which is a string telling the reason for the value of the isQuasiPrimitive component, and in the case that the argument χ was a not quasiprimitive character the component character which is an irreducible constituent of a nonhomogeneous restriction of χ to a normal subgroup.

The results of these test functions are stored in the respective records, in our example χ will have a component testQuasiPrimitive after the call of TestQuasiPrimitive.

Besides these test functions there are also the known property checks, e.g., the function IsQuasiPrimitive which will call TestQuasiPrimitive and return the value of the isQuasiPrimitive component of the result.

Where one should be careful

Monomiality questions usually involve computations in a lot of subgroups and factor groups of a given group, and for these groups often expensive calculations like that of the character table are necessary. If it is probable that the character table of a group will occur at a later stage again, one should try to store the group (with the character table stored in the group record) and use this record later rather than a new record that describes the same group.

An example: Suppose you want to restrict a character to a normal subgroup N that was constructed as a normal closure of some group elements, and suppose that you have already computed normal subgroups (by calls to NormalSubgroups or MaximalNormalSubgroups) and their character tables. Then you should look in the lists of known normal subgroups whether N is contained, and if yes you can use the known character table.

A mechanism that supports this for normal subgroups is described in Storing Subgroup Information. The following hint may be useful in this context.

If you know that sooner or later you will compute the character table of a group G then it may be advisable to do this as soon as possible. For example if you need the normal subgroups of G then they can be computed more efficiently if the character table of G is known, and they can be stored compatibly to the contained G-conjugacy classes. This correspondence of classes list and normal subgroup can be used very often.

Package Information

Some of the functions print (perhaps useful) information if the function InfoMonomial is set to the value Print.

55.2 Alpha

Alpha( G )

returns for a solvable group G a list whose i-th entry is the maximal derived length of groups <G> / ker(χ) for χ∈ Irr(G) with χ(1) at most the i-th irreducible degree of G.

The result is stored in the group record as G.alpha.

Note that calling this function will cause the computation of factor groups of G, so it works efficiently only for AG groups.

    gap> Alpha( Sl23 );
    [ 1, 3, 3 ]
    gap> Alpha( S4 );
    [ 1, 2, 3 ] 

55.3 Delta

Delta( G )

returns for a solvable group G the list [ 1, alp[2]-alp[1], ..., alp[n]-alp[n-1] ] where alp = Alpha( G ) (see Alpha).

    gap> Delta( Sl23 );
    [ 1, 2, 0 ]
    gap> Delta( S4 );
    [ 1, 1, 1 ] 

55.4 BergerCondition

BergerCondition( chi )
BergerCondition( G )

Called with an irreducible character chi of the group G of degree d, BergerCondition returns true if chi satisfies Mker(χ) for every normal subgroup M of G with the property that M ≤ ker(ψ) for all ψ ∈ Irr(G) with ψ(1) < χ(1), and false otherwise.

Called with a group G, BergerCondition returns true if all irreducible characters of G satisfy the inequality above, and false otherwise; in the latter case InfoMonomial tells about the smallest degree for that the inequality is violated.

For groups of odd order the answer is always true by a theorem of T. R. Berger (see Ber76, Thm. 2.2).

    gap> BergerCondition( S4 );
    gap> BergerCondition( Sl23 );
    gap> List( Irr( Sl23 ), BergerCondition );
    [ true, true, true, false, false, false, true ]
    gap> List( Irr( Sl23 ), Degree );
    [ 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3 ] 

55.5 TestHomogeneous

TestHomogeneous( chi, N )

returns a record with information whether the restriction of the character chi of the group G to the normal subgroup N of G is homogeneous, i.e., is a multiple of an irreducible character of N.

N may be given also as list of conjugacy class positions w.r. to G.

The components of the result are


true or false,


a string telling a reason for the value of the isHomogeneous component,


irreducible constituent of the restriction, only bound if the restriction had to be checked,


multiplicity of the character component in the restriction of chi.

    gap> chi:= Irr( Sl23 )[4];
    Character( Sl(2,3), [ 2, -2, 0, -1, 1, -1, 1 ] )
    gap> n:= NormalSubgroupClasses( Sl23, [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
    Subgroup( Sl(2,3), [ b, c, d ] )
    gap> TestHomogeneous( chi, [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
      isHomogeneous := true,
      comment := "restricts irreducibly" )
    gap> chi:= Irr( Sl23 )[7];
    Character( Sl(2,3), [ 3, 3, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] )
    gap> TestHomogeneous( chi, n );
    #W  Warning: Group has no name
      isHomogeneous := false,
      comment := "restriction checked",
      character := Character( Subgroup( Sl(2,3), [ b, c, d ] ),
        [ 1, 1, -1, 1, -1 ] ),
      multiplicity := 1 ) 

55.6 TestQuasiPrimitive

TestQuasiPrimitive( chi )

returns a record with information about quasiprimitivity of the character chi of the group G (i.e., whether chi restricts homogeneously to every normal subgroup of G).

The record contains the components


true or false,


a string telling a reason for the value of the isQuasiPrimitive component,


an irreducible constituent of a nonhomogeneous restriction of chi, bound only if chi is not quasi-primitive.

IsQuasiPrimitive( chi )

returns true or false, depending on whether the character chi of the group G is quasiprimitive.

    gap> chi:= Irr( Sl23 )[4];
    Character( Sl(2,3), [ 2, -2, 0, -1, 1, -1, 1 ] )
    gap> TestQuasiPrimitive( chi );
    #W  Warning: Group has no name
      isQuasiPrimitive := true,
      comment := "all restrictions checked" )
    gap> chi:= Irr( Sl23 )[7];
    Character( Sl(2,3), [ 3, 3, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] )
    gap> TestQuasiPrimitive( chi );
      isQuasiPrimitive := false,
      comment := "restriction checked",
      character := Character( Subgroup( Sl(2,3), [ b, c, d ] ), 
        [ 1, 1, -1, 1, -1 ] ) ) 

55.7 IsPrimitive for Characters

IsPrimitive( chi )

returns true if the irreducible character chi of the solvable group G is not induced from any proper subgroup of G, and false otherwise.

Note that an irreducible character of a solvable group is primitive if and only if it is quasi-primitive (see TestQuasiPrimitive).

    gap> IsPrimitive( Irr( Sl23 )[4] );
    gap> IsPrimitive( Irr( Sl23 )[7] );

55.8 TestInducedFromNormalSubgroup

TestInducedFromNormalSubgroup( chi, N )
TestInducedFromNormalSubgroup( chi )

returns a record with information about whether the irreducible character chi of the group G is induced from a proper normal subgroup of G.

If chi is the only argument then it is checked whether there is a maximal normal subgroup of G from that chi is induced. If there is a second argument N, a normal subgroup of G, then it is checked whether chi is induced from N. N may also be given as the list of positions of conjugacy classes contained in the normal subgroup in question.

The result contains the components


true or false,


a string telling a reason for the value of the isInduced component,


if bound, a character of a maximal normal subgroup of G or of the argument N from that chi is induced.

IsInducedFromNormalSubgroup( chi )

returns true if the group character chi is induced from a proper normal subgroup of the group of chi, and false otherwise.

    gap> List( Irr( Sl23 ), IsInducedFromNormalSubgroup );
    [ false, false, false, false, false, false, true ]
    gap> List( Irr( S4 ){ [ 1, 3, 4 ] },
    >          TestInducedFromNormalSubgroup );
    #W  Warning: Group has no name
    [ rec(
          isInduced := false,
          comment := "linear character" ), rec(
          isInduced := true,
          comment := "induced from component '.character'",
          character := Character( Subgroup( S4, [ b, c, d ] ), 
            [ 1, 1, E(3), E(3)^2 ] ) ), rec(
          isInduced := false,
          comment := "all maximal normal subgroups checked" ) ] 

55.9 TestSubnormallyMonomial

TestSubnormallyMonomial( G )
TestSubnormallyMonomial( chi )

returns a record with information whether the group G or the irreducible group character chi of the group G is subnormally monomial.

The result contains the components


true or false,


a string telling a reason for the value of the isSubnormallyMonomial component,


if bound, a character of G that is not subnormally monomial.

IsSubnormallyMonomial( G )
IsSubnormallyMonomial( chi )

returns true if the group G or the group character chi is subnormally monomial, and false otherwise.

    gap> TestSubnormallyMonomial( S4 );
      isSubnormallyMonomial := false,
      character := Character( S4, [ 3, -1, 0, -1, 1 ] ),
      comment := "found not SM character" )
    gap> TestSubnormallyMonomial( Irr( S4 )[4] );
      isSubnormallyMonomial := false,
      comment := "all subnormal subgroups checked" )
    gap> TestSubnormallyMonomial( SolvableGroup( "A4" ) );
    #W  Warning: Group has no name
      isSubnormallyMonomial := true,
      comment := "all irreducibles checked" ) 

55.10 TestMonomialQuick

TestMonomialQuick( chi )
TestMonomialQuick( G )

does some easy checks whether the irreducible character chi or the group G are monomial. TestMonomialQuick returns a record with components


either true or false or the string "?", depending on whether (non)monomiality could be proved, and


a string telling the reason for the value of the isMonomial component.

A group G is proved to be monomial by TestMonomialQuick if its order is not divisible by the third power of a prime, or if G is nilpotent or Sylow abelian by supersolvable. Nonsolvable groups are proved to me nonmonomial by TestMonomialQuick.

An irreducible character is proved to be monomial if it is linear, or if its codegree is a prime power, or if its group knows to be monomial, or if the factor group modulo the kernel can be proved to be monomial by TestMonomialQuick.

    gap> TestMonomialQuick( Irr( S4 )[3] );
      isMonomial := true,
      comment := "kernel factor group is supersolvable" )
    gap> TestMonomialQuick( S4 );
      isMonomial := true,
      comment := "abelian by supersolvable group" )
    gap> TestMonomialQuick( Sl23 );
      isMonomial := "?",
      comment := "no decision by cheap tests" ) 

55.11 TestMonomial

TestMonomial( chi )
TestMonomial( G )

returns a record containing information about monomiality of the group G or the group character chi of a solvable group, respectively.

If a character chi is proved to be monomial the result contains components isMonomial (then true), comment (a string telling a reason for monomiality), and if it was necessary to compute a linear character from that chi is induced, also a component character.

If chi or G is proved to be nonmonomial the component isMonomial is false, and in the case of G a nonmonomial character is contained in the component character if it had been necessary to compute it.

If the program cannot prove or disprove monomiality then the result record contains the component isMonomial with value "?".

This case occurs in the call for a character chi if and only if chi is not induced from the inertia subgroup of a component of any reducible restriction to a normal subgroup. It can happen that chi is monomial in this situation.

For a group this case occurs if no irreducible character can be proved to be nonmonomial, and if no decision is possible for at least one irreducible character.

IsMonomial( G )
IsMonomial( chi )

returns true if the group G or the character chi of a solvable group can be proved to be monomial, false if it can be proved to be nonmonomial, and the string "?" otherwise.

    gap> TestMonomial( S4 );
      isMonomial := true,
      comment := "abelian by supersolvable group" )
    gap> TestMonomial( Sl23 );
      isMonomial := false,
      comment := "list Delta( G ) contains entry > 1" ) 

IsMonomial( n )

for a positive integer n returns true if every solvable group of order n is monomial, and false otherwise.

    gap> Filtered( [ 1 .. 111 ], x -> not IsMonomial( x ) );
    [ 24, 48, 72, 96, 108 ] 

55.12 TestRelativelySM

TestRelativelySM( G )
TestRelativelySM( chi, N )

If the only argument is a SM group G then TestRelativelySM returns a record with information about whether G is relatively subnormally monomial (relatively SM) with respect to every normal subgroup.

If there are two arguments, an irreducible character chi of a SM group G and a normal subgroup N of G, then TestRelativelySM returns a record with information whether chi is relatively SM with respect to N, i.e, whether there is a subnormal subgroup H of G that contains N such that chi is induced from a character ψ of H where the restriction of ψ to N is irreducible.

The component isRelativelySM is true or false, the component comment contains a string that describes the reason. If the argument is G, and G is not relatively SM with respect to a normal subgroup then the component character contains a not relatively SM character of such a normal subgroup.

Note: It is not checked whether G is SM.

    gap> IsSubnormallyMonomial( SolvableGroup( "A4" ) );
    #W  Warning: Group has no name
    gap> TestRelativelySM( SolvableGroup( "A4" ) );
      isRelativelySM := true,
      comment :=
       "normal subgroups are abelian or have nilpotent factor group" ) 

55.13 IsMinimalNonmonomial

IsMinimalNonmonomial( G )

returns true if the solvable group G is a minimal nonmonomial group, and false otherwise. A group is called minimal nonmonomial if it is nonmonomial, and all proper subgroups and factor groups are monomial.

The solvable minimal nonmonomial groups were classified by van der Waall (see vdW76).

    gap> IsMinimalNonmonomial( Sl23 );
    gap> IsMinimalNonmonomial( S4 );

55.14 MinimalNonmonomialGroup

MinimalNonmonomialGroup( p, factsize )

returns a minimal nonmonomial group described by the parameters factsize and p if such a group exists, and false otherwise.

Suppose that a required group K exists. factsize is the size of the Fitting factor K / F(K); this value must be 4, 8, an odd prime, twice an odd prime, or four times an odd prime.

In the case that factsize is twice an odd prime the centre Z(K) iscyclic of order 2p+1. In all other cases p denotes the (unique) prime that divides the order of F(K).

The solvable minimal nonmonomial groups were classified by van der Waall (see vdW76, the construction follows this article).

    gap> MinimalNonmonomialGroup(  2,  3 ); # SL2(3)
    gap> MinimalNonmonomialGroup(  3,  4 );
    gap> MinimalNonmonomialGroup(  5,  8 );
    gap> MinimalNonmonomialGroup( 13, 12 );
    gap> MinimalNonmonomialGroup(  1, 14 );
    gap> MinimalNonmonomialGroup(  2, 14 );

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