Conference "Arithmetic L-functions and Differential Geometric Methods (Regulators IV)"
IMJ-PRG (Paris-France), May 23-28 2016

From Monday, May 23 to Saturday, May 28th 2016

Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche
The talks will be delivered at Amphitheatre Turing, inside the Batiment Sophie Germain, Université Paris 7
(Please note that the security guard at the entrance of the building might ask for an ID to match with the list of registered participants).

Sponsored by : ANR "REGULATEURS" and IMJ-PRG

Scientific committee : J. Burgos, H. Darmon, C. Deninger, R. de Jeu, M. Lalin, M. Levine, J. Lewis.
Organizers : P. Charollois, F. Déglise, G. Freixas, X. Ma and V. Maillot

Participation at the conference is free, but registration is compulsory. Applications should be sent at this email address to contact us
Here is the list of participants

Speakers :

G. Ancona : on the standard conjecture of Hodge type for abelian varieties
M. Asakura :
regulator of hypergeometric fibrations
J. Balakrishnan :
iterated p-adic integrals and rational points on curves
N. Bergeron :
torsion homology growth in arithmetic groups
A. Besser :
syntomic regulators for semi-stable curves and application to the toric regulator
J.-M. Bismut :
eta invariants and the hypoelliptic Laplacian
F. Brown : remarks on Kim's method for integral points on curves
I. Dan-Cohen :
towards an explicit motivic Chabauty-Kim approach to the unit equation
H. Esnault :
Chern classes of crystals
A. Huber :
polylog for commutative group schemes
M. Kerr :
higher normal functions and quantum curves
G. Kings :
regulators and the Eisenstein cohomology of Hilbert modular varieties
A. Langer :
p-adic deformation of motivic Chow groups
M. Neururer :
products of Eisenstein series and Mahler measures
W. Niziol
syntomic cohomology and its applications
M. Nori :
CM Hodge structures
D. Patel :
a conjecture of Kato-Saito on Epsilon factors of Tensor Products
G. Quick :
generalized Deligne-Beilinson cohomology theories and regulators maps
J. Raimbault :
torsion in the homology of non-uniform lattices
W. Raskind :
p-adic toric regulators
A. Rodriguez :
the construction of a (weak) Arakelov Cobordism group
V. Rotger :
p-adic L-functions and p-adic regulators associated to rank two Selmer groups
R. Sreekantan :
higher Chow groups and modular forms

Schedule: complete, and shortly :
Monday : 8h30 registration. 9h. Esnault. 10h45 Bergeron. 14h Raimbault. 15h45 Quick.
Tuesday : 9h. Nori. 10h45 Brown. 14h Kings. 15h45 Neururer.
Wednesday : 9h. Raskind. 10h45 Besser.
Thursday : 9h. Niziol. 10h45 Langer. 14h Bismut. 15h45 Huber. 17h Kerr. 18h15. Buffet (not a speaker).
Friday : 9h. Rotger. 10h45 Balakrishnan. 14h Rodriguez. 15h45 Sreekantan.
Saturday : 9h. Patel. 10h45 Asakura. 14h Ancona. 15h45 Dan-Cohen.

Titles and abstracts.

NEW ! (4/6/16) Some pictures of the past event
are here

Accommodation :
here is a list of suggestion for hotels Accommodation.