34 Matrices

Matrices are an important tool in algebra. A matrix nicely represents a homomorphism between two vector spaces with respect to a choice of bases for the vector spaces. Also matrices represent systems of linear equations.

In GAP3 matrices are represented by list of vectors (see Vectors). The vectors must all have the same length, and their elements must lie in a common field. The field may be the field of rationals (see Rationals), a cyclotomic field (see Cyclotomics), a finite field (see Finite Fields), or a library and/or user defined field (or ring) such as a polynomial ring (see Polynomials).

The first section in this chapter describes the operations applicable to matrices (see Operations for Matrices). The next sections describes the function that tests whether an object is a matrix (see IsMat). The next sections describe the functions that create certain matrices (see IdentityMat, NullMat, TransposedMat, and KroneckerProduct). The next sections describe functions that compute certain characteristic values of matrices (see DimensionsMat, TraceMat, DeterminantMat, RankMat, and OrderMat). The next sections describe the functions that are related to the interpretation of a matrix as a system of linear equations (see TriangulizeMat, BaseMat, NullspaceMat, and SolutionMat). The last two sections describe the functions that diagonalize an integer matrix (see DiagonalizeMat and ElementaryDivisorsMat).

Because matrices are just a special case of lists, all operations and functions for lists are applicable to matrices also (see chapter Lists). This especially includes accessing elements of a matrix (see List Elements), changing elements of a matrix (see List Assignment), and comparing matrices (see Comparisons of Lists).


  1. Operations for Matrices
  2. IsMat
  3. IdentityMat
  4. NullMat
  5. TransposedMat
  6. KroneckerProduct
  7. DimensionsMat
  8. IsDiagonalMat
  9. IsLowerTriangularMat
  10. IsUpperTriangularMat
  11. DiagonalOfMat
  12. DiagonalMat
  13. PermutationMat
  14. TraceMat
  15. DeterminantMat
  16. RankMat
  17. OrderMat
  18. TriangulizeMat
  19. BaseMat
  20. NullspaceMat
  21. SolutionMat
  22. DiagonalizeMat
  23. ElementaryDivisorsMat
  24. PrintArray

34.1 Operations for Matrices

mat + scalar
scalar + mat

This forms evaluates to the sum of the matrix mat and the scalar scalar. The elements of mat and scalar must lie in a common field. The sum is a new matrix where each entry is the sum of the corresponding entry of mat and scalar.

mat1 + mat2

This form evaluates to the sum of the two matrices mat1 and mat2, which must have the same dimensions and whose elements must lie in a common field. The sum is a new matrix where each entry is the sum of the corresponding entries of mat1 and mat2.

mat - scalar
scalar - mat
mat1 - mat2

The definition for the - operator are similar to the above definitions for the + operator, except that - subtracts of course.

mat * scalar
scalar * mat

This forms evaluate to the product of the matrix mat and the scalar scalar. The elements of mat and scalar must lie in a common field. The product is a new matrix where each entry is the product of the corresponding entries of mat and scalar.

vec * mat

This form evaluates to the product of the vector vec and the matrix mat. The length of vec and the number of rows of mat must be equal. The elements of vec and mat must lie in a common field. If vec is a vector of length n and mat is a matrix with n rows and m columns, the product is a new vector of length m. The element at position i is the sum of vec[l] * mat[l][i] with l running from 1 to n.

mat * vec

This form evaluates to the product of the matrix mat and the vector vec. The number of columns of mat and the length of vec must be equal. The elements of mat and vec must lie in a common field. If mat is a matrix with m rows and n columns and vec is a vector of length n, the product is a new vector of length m. The element at position i is the sum of mat[i][l] * vec[l] with l running from 1 to n.

mat1 * mat2

This form evaluates to the product of the two matrices mat1 and mat2. The number of columns of mat1 and the number of rows of mat2 must be equal. The elements of mat1 and mat2 must lie in a common field. If mat1 is a matrix with m rows and n columns and mat2 is a matrix with n rows and o columns, the result is a new matrix with m rows and o columns. The element in row i at position k of the product is the sum of mat1[i][l] * mat2[l][k] with l running from 1 to n.

mat1 / mat2
scalar / mat
mat / scalar
vec / mat

In general left / right is defined as left * right^-1. Thus in the above forms the right operand must always be invertable.

mat ^ int

This form evaluates to the int-th power of the matrix mat. mat must be a square matrix, int must be an integer. If int is negative, mat must be invertible. If int is 0, the result is the identity matrix, even if mat is not invertible.

mat1 ^ mat2

This form evaluates to the conjugation of the matrix mat1 by the matrix mat2, i.e., to mat2^-1 * mat1 * mat2. mat2 must be invertible and mat1 must be such that these product can be computed.

vec ^ mat

This is in every respect equivalent to vec * mat. This operations reflects the fact that matrices operate on the vector space by multiplication from the right.

scalar + matlist
matlist + scalar
scalar - matlist
matlist - scalar
scalar * matlist
matlist * scalar
matlist / scalar

A scalar scalar may also be added, subtracted, multiplied with, or divide into a whole list of matrices matlist. The result is a new list of matrices where each matrix is the result of performing the operation with the corresponding matrix in matlist.

mat * matlist
matlist * mat

A matrix mat may also be multiplied with a whole list of matrices matlist. The result is a new list of matrices, where each matrix is the product of mat and the corresponding matrix in matlist.

matlist / mat

This form evaluates to matlist * mat^-1. mat must of course be invertable.

vec * matlist

This form evaluates to the product of the vector vec and the list of matrices mat. The length l of vec and matlist must be equal. All matrices in matlist must have the same dimensions. The elements of vec and the elements of the matrices in matlist must lie in a common field. The product is the sum of vec[i] * matlist[i] with i running from 1 to l.

Comm( mat1, mat2 )

Comm returns the commutator of the matrices mat1 and mat2, i.e., mat1^-1 * mat2^-1 * mat1 * mat2. mat1 and mat2 must be invertable and such that these product can be computed.

There is one exception to the rule that the operands or their elements must lie in common field. It is allowed that one operand is a finite field element, a finite field vector, a finite field matrix, or a list of finite field matrices, and the other operand is an integer, an integer vector, an integer matrix, or a list of integer matrices. In this case the integers are interpreted as int * GF.one, where GF is the finite field (see Operations for Finite Field Elements).

For all the above operations the result is new, i.e., not identical to any other list (see Identical Lists). This is the case even if the result is equal to one of the operands, e.g., if you add zero to a matrix.

34.2 IsMat

IsMat( obj )

IsMat return true if obj, which can be an object of arbitrary type, is a matrix and false otherwise. Will cause an error if obj is an unbound variable.

    gap> IsMat( [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 1 ] ] );
    true    # a matrix is a list of vectors
    gap> IsMat( [ [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] ] );
    gap> IsMat( [ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] );
    gap> IsMat( [ [ Z(2)^0, 0 ], [ 0, Z(2)^0 ] ] );
    false    # Z(2)^0 and 0 do not lie in a common field
    gap> IsMat( [ 1, 0 ] );
    false    # a vector is not a matrix
    gap> IsMat( 1 );
    false    # neither is a scalar 

34.3 IdentityMat

IdentityMat( n )
IdentityMat( n, F )

IdentityMat returns the identity matrix with n rows and n columns over the field F. If no field is given, IdentityMat returns the identity matrix over the field of rationals. Each call to IdentityMat returns a new matrix, so it is safe to modify the result.

    gap> IdentityMat( 3 );
    [ [ 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ] ]
    gap> PrintArray( last );
    [ [  1,  0,  0 ],
      [  0,  1,  0 ],
      [  0,  0,  1 ] ]
    gap> PrintArray( IdentityMat( 3, GF(2) ) );
    [ [  Z(2)^0,  0*Z(2),  0*Z(2) ],
      [  0*Z(2),  Z(2)^0,  0*Z(2) ],
      [  0*Z(2),  0*Z(2),  Z(2)^0 ] ] 

34.4 NullMat

NullMat( m )
NullMat( m, n )
NullMat( m, n, F )

NullMat returns the null matrix with m rows and n columns over the field F; if n is omitted, it is assumed equal to m. If no field is given, NullMat returns the null matrix over the field of rationals. Each call to NullMat returns a new matrix, so it is safe to modify the result.

    gap> PrintArray( NullMat( 2, 3 ) );
    [ [  0,  0,  0 ],
      [  0,  0,  0 ] ]
    gap> PrintArray( NullMat( 2, 2, GF(2) ) );
    [ [  0*Z(2),  0*Z(2) ],
      [  0*Z(2),  0*Z(2) ] ] 

34.5 TransposedMat

TransposedMat( mat )

TransposedMat returns the transposed of the matrix mat. The transposed matrix is a new matrix trn, such that trn[i][k] is mat[k][i].

    gap> TransposedMat( [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ] );
    [ [ 1, 3 ], [ 2, 4 ] ]
    gap> TransposedMat( [ [ 1..5 ] ] );
    [ [ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ], [ 4 ], [ 5 ] ] 

34.6 KroneckerProduct

KroneckerProduct( mat1, ..., matn )

KroneckerProduct returns the Kronecker product of the matrices mat1, ..., matn. If mat1 is a m by n matrix and mat2 is a o by p matrix, the Kronecker product of mat1 by mat2 is a m*o by n*p matrix, such that the entry in row (i1-1)*o+i2 at position (k1-1)*p+k2 is mat1[i1][k1] * mat2[i2][k2].

    gap> mat1 := [ [ 0, -1, 1 ], [ -2, 0, -2 ] ];;
    gap> mat2 := [ [ 1, 1 ], [ 0, 1 ] ];;
    gap> PrintArray( KroneckerProduct( mat1, mat2 ) );
    [ [   0,   0,  -1,  -1,   1,   1 ],
      [   0,   0,   0,  -1,   0,   1 ],
      [  -2,  -2,   0,   0,  -2,  -2 ],
      [   0,  -2,   0,   0,   0,  -2 ] ] 

34.7 DimensionsMat

DimensionsMat( mat )

DimensionsMat returns the dimensions of the matrix mat as a list of two integers. The first entry is the number of rows of mat, the second entry is the number of columns.

    gap> DimensionsMat( [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ] ] );
    [ 2, 3 ]
    gap> DimensionsMat( [ [ 1 .. 5 ] ] );
    [ 1, 5 ] 

34.8 IsDiagonalMat

IsDiagonalMat( mat )

mat must be a matrix. This function returns true if mat is square and all entries mat[i][j] with i<>j are equal to 0*mat[i][j] and false otherwise.

    gap> mat := [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 1 ] ];;
    gap> IsDiagonalMat( mat );

34.9 IsLowerTriangularMat

IsLowerTriangularMat( mat )

mat must be a matrix. This function returns true if all entries mat[i][j] with j>i are equal to 0*mat[i][j] and false otherwise.

    gap> a := [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 1 ] ];;
    gap> IsLowerTriangularMat( a );
    gap> a[1][2] := 0;;
    gap> IsLowerTriangularMat( a );

34.10 IsUpperTriangularMat

IsUpperTriangularMat( mat )

mat must be a matrix. This function returns true if all entries mat[i][j] with j < i are equal to 0*mat[i][j] and false otherwise.

    gap> a := [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 1 ] ];;
    gap> IsUpperTriangularMat( a );
    gap> a[2][1] := 0;;
    gap> IsUpperTriangularMat( a );

34.11 DiagonalOfMat

DiagonalOfMat( mat )

This function returns the list of diagonal entries of the matrix mat, that is the list of mat[i][i].

    gap> mat := [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 1 ] ];;
    gap> DiagonalOfMat( mat );
    [ 1, 1 ] 

34.12 DiagonalMat

DiagonalMat( mat1, ... , matn )

returns the block diagonal direct sum of the matrices mat1, ..., matn. Blocks of size 1× 1 may be given as scalars.

    gap> C1 := [ [   2,  -1,   0,   0 ],
    >            [  -1,   2,  -1,   0 ],
    >            [   0,  -1,   2,  -1 ],
    >            [   0,   0,  -1,   2 ] ];;
    gap> C2 := [ [   2,   0,  -1 ],
    >            [   0,   2,  -1 ],
    >            [  -1,  -1,   2 ] ];;
    gap> PrintArray( DiagonalMat( C1, 3, C2 ) );
    [ [   2,  -1,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0 ],
      [  -1,   2,  -1,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0 ],
      [   0,  -1,   2,  -1,   0,   0,   0,   0 ],
      [   0,   0,  -1,   2,   0,   0,   0,   0 ],
      [   0,   0,   0,   0,   3,   0,   0,   0 ],
      [   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   2,   0,  -1 ],
      [   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   2,  -1 ],
      [   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,  -1,  -1,   2 ] ]

To make a diagonal matrix with a specified diagonal d use ApplyFunc(DiagonalMat, d ).

PermutationMat( perm, dim[, F] ) ( function ) returns a matrix in dimension dim over the field given by F (i.e. the smallest field containing the element F or F itself if it is a field) that represents the permutation perm acting by permuting the basis vectors as it permutes points.

34.13 PermutationMat

PermutationMat( perm, dim [,F])

returns a matrix in dimension dim over the field F (by default the rationals) that represents the permutation perm acting by permuting the basis vectors as it permutes points.

    gap> PermutationMat((1,2,3),4);
    [ [ 0, 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1, 0 ], [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ] ]

34.14 TraceMat

TraceMat( mat )

TraceMat returns the trace of the square matrix mat. The trace is the sum of all entries on the diagonal of mat.

    gap> TraceMat( [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ], [ 7, 8, 9 ] ] );
    gap> TraceMat( IdentityMat( 4, GF(2) ) );

34.15 DeterminantMat

DeterminantMat( mat )

DeterminantMat returns the determinant of the square matrix mat. The determinant is defined by
p ∈ Symm(n){sign(p)∏i=1nmat[i][ip]}.

    gap> DeterminantMat( [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ] );
    gap> DeterminantMat( [ [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ], [ Z(3)^0, Z(3) ] ] );

Note that DeterminantMat does not use the above definition to compute the result. Instead it performs a Gaussian elimination. For large rational matrices this may take very long, because the entries may become very large, even if the final result is a small integer.

34.16 RankMat

RankMat( mat )

RankMat returns the rank of the matrix mat. The rank is defined as the dimension of the vector space spanned by the rows of mat. It follows that a n by n matrix is invertible exactly if its rank is n.

    gap> RankMat( [ [ 4, 1, 2 ], [ 3, -1, 4 ], [ -1, -2, 2 ] ] );

Note that RankMat performs a Gaussian elimination. For large rational matrices this may take very long, because the entries may become very large.

34.17 OrderMat

OrderMat( mat )

OrderMat returns the order of the invertible square matrix mat. The order ord is the smallest positive integer such that mat^ord is the identity.

    gap> OrderMat( [ [ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ],
    >                 [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ],
    >                 [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ] ] );

OrderMat first computes ord1 such that the first standard basis vector is mapped by mat^ord1 onto itself. It does this by applying mat repeatedly to the first standard basis vector. Then it computes mat1 as mat1^ord1. Then it computes ord2 such that the second standard basis vector is mapped by mat1^ord2 onto itself. This process is repeated until all basis vectors are mapped onto themselves. OrderMat warns you that the order may be infinite, when it finds that the order must be larger than 1000.

34.18 TriangulizeMat

TriangulizeMat( mat )

TriangulizeMat brings the matrix mat into upper triangular form. Note that mat is changed. A matrix is in upper triangular form when the first nonzero entry in each row is one and lies further to the right than the first nonzero entry in the previous row. Furthermore, above the first nonzero entry in each row all entries are zero. Note that the matrix will have trailing zero rows if the rank of mat is not maximal. The rows of the resulting matrix span the same vectorspace than the rows of the original matrix mat. The function returns the indices of the lines of the orginal matrix corresponding to the non-zero lines of the triangulized matrix.

    gap> m := [ [ 0, -3, -1 ], [ -3, 0, -1 ], [ 2, -2, 0 ] ];;
    gap> TriangulizeMat( m ); m;
    [ 2, 1 ]
    [ [ 1, 0, 1/3 ], [ 0, 1, 1/3 ], [ 0, 0, 0 ] ] 

Note that for large rational matrices TriangulizeMat may take very long, because the entries may become very large during the Gaussian elimination, even if the final result contains only small integers.

34.19 BaseMat

BaseMat( mat )

BaseMat returns a standard base for the vector space spanned by the rows of the matrix mat. The standard base is in upper triangular form. That means that the first nonzero vector in each row is one and lies further to the right than the first nonzero entry in the previous row. Furthermore, above the first nonzero entry in each row all entries are zero.

    gap> BaseMat( [ [ 0, -3, -1 ], [ -3, 0, -1 ], [ 2, -2, 0 ] ] );
    [ [ 1, 0, 1/3 ], [ 0, 1, 1/3 ] ] 

Note that for large rational matrices BaseMat may take very long, because the entries may become very large during the Gaussian elimination, even if the final result contains only small integers.

34.20 NullspaceMat

NullspaceMat( mat )

NullspaceMat returns a base for the nullspace of the matrix mat. The nullspace is the set of vectors vec such that vec * mat is the zero vector. The returned base is the standard base for the nullspace (see BaseMat).

    gap> NullspaceMat( [ [ 2, -4, 1 ], [ 0, 0, -4 ], [ 1, -2, -1 ] ] );
    [ [ 1, 3/4, -2 ] ] 

Note that for large rational matrices NullspaceMat may take very long, because the entries may become very large during the Gaussian elimination, even if the final result only contains small integers.

34.21 SolutionMat

SolutionMat( mat, vec )

SolutionMat returns one solution of the equation x * mat = vec or false if no such solution exists.

    gap> SolutionMat( [ [ 2, -4, 1 ], [ 0, 0, -4 ], [ 1, -2, -1 ] ],
    >                  [ 10, -20, -10 ] );
    [ 5, 15/4, 0 ]
    gap> SolutionMat( [ [ 2, -4, 1 ], [ 0, 0, -4 ], [ 1, -2, -1 ] ],
    >                  [ 10, 20, -10 ] );

Note that for large rational matrices SolutionMat may take very long, because the entries may become very large during the Gaussian elimination, even if the final result only contains small integers.

34.22 DiagonalizeMat

DiagonalizeMat( mat )

DiagonalizeMat transforms the integer matrix mat by multiplication with unimodular (i.e., determinant +1 or -1) integer matrices from the left and from the right into diagonal form (i.e., only diagonal entries are nonzero). Note that DiagonalizeMat changes mat and returns nothing. If there are several diagonal matrices to which mat is equivalent, it is not specified which one is computed, except that all zero entries on the diagonal are collected at the lower right end (see ElementaryDivisorsMat).

    gap> m := [ [ 0, -1, 1 ], [ -2, 0, -2 ], [ 2, -2, 4 ] ];;
    gap> DiagonalizeMat( m );  m;
    [ [ 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 2, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0 ] ] 

Note that for large integer matrices DiagonalizeMat may take very long, because the entries may become very large during the computation, even if the final result only contains small integers.

34.23 ElementaryDivisorsMat

ElementaryDivisorsMat( mat )

ElementaryDivisors returns a list of the elementary divisors, i.e., the unique d with d[i] divides d[i+1] and mat is equivalent to a diagonal matrix with the elements d[i] on the diagonal (see DiagonalizeMat).

    gap> m := [ [ 0, -1, 1 ], [ -2, 0, -2 ], [ 2, -2, 4 ] ];;
    gap> ElementaryDivisorsMat( m );
    [ 1, 2, 0 ] 

34.24 PrintArray

PrintArray( mat )

PrintArray displays the matrix mat in a pretty way.

    gap> m := [[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12]];
    [ [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], [ 5, 6, 7, 8 ], [ 9, 10, 11, 12 ] ]
    gap> PrintArray( m );
    [ [   1,   2,   3,   4 ],
      [   5,   6,   7,   8 ],
      [   9,  10,  11,  12 ] ]

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