46 Records

Records are next to lists the most important way to collect objects together. A record is a collection of components. Each component has a unique name, which is an identifier that distinguishes this component, and a value, which is an object of arbitrary type. We often abbreviate value of a component to element. We also say that a record contains its elements. You can access and change the elements of a record using its name.

Record literals are written by writing down the components in order between rec( and ), and separating them by commas ,. Each component consists of the name, the assignment operator :=, and the value. The empty record, i.e., the record with no components, is written as rec().

    gap> rec( a := 1, b := "2" );    # a record with two components
      a := 1,
      b := "2" )
    gap> rec( a := 1, b := rec( c := 2 ) );    # record may contain records
      a := 1,
      b := rec(
          c := 2 ) ) 

Records usually contain elements of various types, i.e., they are usually not homogeneous like lists.

The first section in this chapter tells you how you can access the elements of a record (see Accessing Record Elements).

The next sections tell you how you can change the elements of a record (see Record Assignment and Identical Records).

The next sections describe the operations that are available for records (see Comparisons of Records, Operations for Records, In for Records, and Printing of Records).

The next section describes the function that tests if an object is a record (see IsRec).

The next sections describe the functions that test whether a record has a component with a given name, and delete such a component (see IsBound and Unbind). Those functions are also applicable to lists (see chapter Lists).

The final sections describe the functions that create a copy of a record (see Copy and ShallowCopy). Again those functions are also applicable to lists (see chapter Lists).


  1. Accessing Record Elements
  2. Record Assignment
  3. Identical Records
  4. Comparisons of Records
  5. Operations for Records
  6. In for Records
  7. Printing of Records
  8. IsRec
  9. IsBound
  10. Unbind
  11. Copy
  12. ShallowCopy
  13. RecFields

46.1 Accessing Record Elements


The above construct evaluates to the value of the record component with the name name in the record rec. Note that the name is not evaluated, i.e., it is taken literal.

    gap> r := rec( a := 1, b := 2 );;
    gap> r.a;
    gap> r.b;


This construct is similar to the above construct. The difference is that the second operand name is evaluated. It must evaluate to a string or an integer otherwise an error is signalled. The construct then evaluates to the element of the record rec whose name is, as a string, equal to name.

    gap> old := rec( a := 1, b := 2 );;
    gap> new := rec();
    gap> for i  in RecFields( old )  do
    >        new.(i) := old.(i);
    >    od;
    gap> new;
      a := 1,
      b := 2 ) 

If rec does not evaluate to a record, or if name does not evaluate to a string, or if rec.name is unbound, an error is signalled. As usual you can leave the break loop (see Break Loops) with quit;. On the other hand you can return a result to be used in place of the record element by return expr;.

46.2 Record Assignment

rec.name := obj;

The record assignment assigns the object obj, which may be an object of arbitrary type, to the record component with the name name, which must be an identifier, of the record rec. That means that accessing the element with name name of the record rec will return obj after this assignment. If the record rec has no component with the name name, the record is automatically extended to make room for the new component.

    gap> r := rec( a := 1, b := 2 );;
    gap> r.a := 10;;  r;
      a := 10,
      b := 2 )
    gap> r.c := 3;;  r;
      a := 10,
      b := 2,
      c := 3 ) 

The function IsBound (see IsBound) can be used to test if a record has a component with a certain name, the function Unbind (see Unbind) can be used to remove a component with a certain name again.

Note that assigning to a record changes the record. The ability to change an object is only available for lists and records (see Identical Records).

rec.(name) := obj;

This construct is similar to the above construct. The difference is that the second operand name is evaluated. It must evaluate to a string or an integer otherwise an error is signalled. The construct then assigns obj to the record component of the record rec whose name is, as a string, equal to name.

If rec does not evaluate to a record, name does not evaluate to a string, or obj is a call to a function that does not return a value, e.g., Print (see Print), an error is signalled. As usual you can leave the break loop (see Break Loops) with quit;. On the other hand you can continue the assignment by returning a record in the first case, a string in the second, or an object to be assigned in the third, using return expr;.

46.3 Identical Records

With the record assignment (see Record Assignment) it is possible to change a record. The ability to change an object is only available for lists and records. This section describes the semantic consequences of this fact.

You may think that in the following example the second assignment changes the integer, and that therefore the above sentence, which claimed that only records and lists can be changed, is wrong.

    i := 3;
    i :=  i + 1;

But in this example not the integer 3 is changed by adding one to it. Instead the variable i is changed by assigning the value of i+1, which happens to be 4, to i. The same thing happens in the following example

    r := rec( a := 1 );
    r := rec( a := 1, b := 2 );

The second assignment does not change the first record, instead it assigns a new record to the variable r. On the other hand, in the following example the record is changed by the second assignment.

    r := rec( a := 1 );
    r.b := 2;

To understand the difference first think of a variable as a name for an object. The important point is that a record can have several names at the same time. An assignment var := record; means in this interpretation that var is a name for the object record. At the end of the following example r2 still has the value rec( a := 1 ) as this record has not been changed and nothing else has been assigned to r2.

    r1 := rec( a := 1 );
    r2 := r1;
    r1 := rec( a := 1, b := 2 );

But after the following example the record for which r2 is a name has been changed and thus the value of r2 is now rec( a := 1, b := 2 ).

    r1 := rec( a := 1 );
    r2 := r1;
    r1.b := 2;

We shall say that two records are identical if changing one of them by a record assignment also changes the other one. This is slightly incorrect, because if two records are identical, there are actually only two names for one record. However, the correct usage would be very awkward and would only add to the confusion. Note that two identical records must be equal, because there is only one records with two different names. Thus identity is an equivalence relation that is a refinement of equality.

Let us now consider under which circumstances two records are identical.

If you enter a record literal then the record denoted by this literal is a new record that is not identical to any other record. Thus in the following example r1 and r2 are not identical, though they are equal of course.

    r1 := rec( a := 1 );
    r2 := rec( a := 1 );

Also in the following example, no records in the list l are identical.

    l := [];
    for i  in [1..10]  do
        l[i] := rec( a := 1 );

If you assign a record to a variable no new record is created. Thus the record value of the variable on the left hand side and the record on the right hand side of the assignment are identical. So in the following example r1 and r2 are identical records.

    r1 := rec( a := 1 );
    r2 := r1;

If you pass a record as argument, the old record and the argument of the function are identical. Also if you return a record from a function, the old record and the value of the function call are identical. So in the following example r1 and r2 are identical record

    r1 := rec( a := 1 );
    f := function ( r )  return r;  end;
    r2 := f( r1 );

The functions Copy and ShallowCopy (see Copy and ShallowCopy) accept a record and return a new record that is equal to the old record but that is not identical to the old record. The difference between Copy and ShallowCopy is that in the case of ShallowCopy the corresponding elements of the new and the old records will be identical, whereas in the case of Copy they will only be equal. So in the following example r1 and r2 are not identical records.

    r1 := rec( a := 1 );
    r2 := Copy( r1 );

If you change a record it keeps its identity. Thus if two records are identical and you change one of them, you also change the other, and they are still identical afterwards. On the other hand, two records that are not identical will never become identical if you change one of them. So in the following example both r1 and r2 are changed, and are still identical.

    r1 := rec( a := 1 );
    r2 := r1;
    r1.b := 2;

46.4 Comparisons of Records

rec1 = rec2
rec1 <> rec2

The equality operator = returns true if the record rec1 is equal to the record rec2 and false otherwise. The inequality operator <> returns true if the record rec1 is not equal to rec2 and false otherwise.

Usually two records are considered equal, if for each component of one record the other record has a component of the same name with an equal value and vice versa. You can also compare records with other objects, they are of course different, unless the record has a special comparison function (see below) that says otherwise.

    gap> rec( a := 1, b := 2 ) = rec( b := 2, a := 1 );
    gap> rec( a := 1, b := 2 ) = rec( a := 2, b := 1 );
    gap> rec( a := 1 ) = rec( a := 1, b := 2 );
    gap> rec( a := 1 ) = 1;

However a record may contain a special operations record that contains a function that is called when this record is an operand of a comparison. The precise mechanism is as follows. If the operand of the equality operator = is a record, and if this record has an element with the name operations that is a record, and if this record has an element with the name = that is a function, then this function is called with the operands of = as arguments, and the value of the operation is the result returned by this function. In this case a record may also be equal to an object of another type if this function says so. It is probably not a good idea to define a comparison function in such a way that the resulting relation is not an equivalence relation, i.e., not reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. Note that there is no corresponding <> function, because left <> right is implemented as not left = right.

The following example shows one piece of the definition of residue classes, using record operations. Of course this is far from a complete implementation (see About Defining New Group Elements). Note that the = must be quoted, so that it is taken as an identifier (see Identifiers).

    gap> ResidueOps := rec( );;
    gap> ResidueOps.\= := function ( l, r )
    >   return (l.modulus = r.modulus)
    >     and (l.representative-r.representative) mod l.modulus = 0;
    > end;;
    gap> Residue := function ( representative, modulus )
    >   return rec(
    >     representative := representative,
    >     modulus        := modulus,
    >     operations     := ResidueOps );
    > end;;
    gap> l := Residue( 13, 23 );;
    gap> r := Residue( -10, 23 );;
    gap> l = r;
    gap> l = Residue( 10, 23 );

rec1 < rec2
rec1 <= rec2
rec1 > rec2
rec1 >= rec2

The operators <, <=, >, and >= evaluate to true if the record rec1 is less than, less than or equal to, greater than, and greater than or equal to the record rec2, and to false otherwise.

To compare records we imagine that the components of both records are sorted according to their names. Then the records are compared lexicographically with unbound elements considered smaller than anything else. Precisely one record rec1 is considered less than another record rec2 if rec2 has a component with name name2 and either rec1 has no component with this name or rec1.name2 < rec2.name2 and for each component of rec1 with name name1 < name2 rec2 has a component with this name and rec1.name1 = rec2.name1. Records may also be compared with objects of other types, they are greater than anything else, unless the record has a special comparison function (see below) that says otherwise.

    gap> rec( a := 1, b := 2 ) < rec( b := 2, a := 1 );
    false    # they are equal
    gap> rec( a := 1, b := 2 ) < rec( a := 2, b := 0 );
    true    # the a elements are compared first and 1 is less than 2
    gap> rec( a := 1 ) < rec( a := 1, b := 2 );
    true    # unbound is less than 2
    gap> rec( a := 1 ) < rec( a := 0, b := 2 );
    false    # the a elements are compared first and 0 is less than 1
    gap> rec( b := 1 ) < rec( b := 0, a := 2 );
    true    # the a-s are compared first and unbound is less than 2
    gap> rec( a := 1 ) < 1;
    false    # other objects are less than records 

However a record may contain a special operations record that contains a function that is called when this record is an operand of a comparison. The precise mechanism is as follows. If the operand of the equality operator < is a record, and if this record has an element with the name operations that is a record, and if this record has an element with the name < that is a function, then this function is called with the operands of < as arguments, and the value of the operation is the result returned by this function. In this case a record may also be smaller than an object of another type if this function says so. It is probably not a good idea to define a comparison function in such a way that the resulting relation is not an ordering relation, i.e., not antisymmetric, and transitive. Note that there are no corresponding <=, >, and >= functions, since those operations are implemented as not right < left, right < left, and not left < right respectively.

The following example shows one piece of the definition of residue classes, using record operations. Of course this is far from a complete implementation (see About Defining New Group Elements). Note that the < must be quoted, so that it is taken as an identifier (see Identifiers).

    gap> ResidueOps := rec( );;
    gap> ResidueOps.\< := function ( l, r )
    >   if l.modulus <> r.modulus  then
    >     Error("<l> and <r> must have the same modulus");
    >   fi;
    >   return   l.representative mod l.modulus
    >          < r.representative mod r.modulus;
    > end;;
    gap> Residue := function ( representative, modulus )
    >   return rec(
    >     representative := representative,
    >     modulus        := modulus,
    >     operations     := ResidueOps );
    > end;;
    gap> l := Residue( 13, 23 );;
    gap> r := Residue( -1, 23 );;
    gap> l < r;
    true    # 13 is less than 22
    gap> l < Residue( 10, 23 );
    false    # 10 is less than 13 

46.5 Operations for Records

Usually no operations are defined for record. However a record may contain a special operations record that contains functions that are called when this record is an operand of a binary operation. This mechanism is detailed below for the addition.

obj + rec, rec + obj

If either operand is a record, and if this record contains an element with name operations that is a record, and if this record in turn contains an element with the name + that is a function, then this function is called with the two operands as arguments, and the value of the addition is the value returned by that function. If both operands are records with such a function rec.operations.+, then the function of the right operand is called. If either operand is a record, but neither operand has such a function rec.operations.+, an error is signalled.

obj - rec, rec - obj
obj * rec, rec * obj
obj / rec, rec / obj
obj mod rec, rec mod obj
obj ^ rec, rec ^ obj

This is evaluated similar, but the functions must obviously be called -, *, /, mod, ^ respectively.

The following example shows one piece of the definition of a residue classes, using record operations. Of course this is far from a complete implementation (see About Defining New Group Elements). Note that the * must be quoted, so that it is taken as an identifier (see Identifiers).

    gap> ResidueOps := rec( );;
    gap> ResidueOps.\* := function ( l, r )
    >   if l.modulus <> r.modulus  then
    >     Error("<l> and <r> must have the same modulus");
    >   fi;
    >   return rec(
    >     representative := (l.representative * r.representative)
    >                       mod l.modulus,
    >     modulus        := l.modulus,
    >     operations     := ResidueOps );
    > end;;
    gap> Residue := function ( representative, modulus )
    >   return rec(
    >     representative := representative,
    >     modulus        := modulus,
    >     operations     := ResidueOps );
    > end;;
    gap> l := Residue( 13, 23 );;
    gap> r := Residue( -1, 23 );;
    gap> s := l * r;
      representative := 10,
      modulus := 23,
      operations := rec(
          \* := function ( l, r ) ... end ) ) 

46.6 In for Records

element in rec

Usually the membership test is only defined for lists. However a record may contain a special operations record, that contains a function that is called when this record is the right operand of the in operator. The precise mechanism is as follows.

If the right operand of the in operator is a record, and if this record contains an element with the name operations that is a record, and if this record in turn contains an element with the name in that is a function, then this function is called with the two operands as arguments, and the value of the membership test is the value returned by that function. The function should of course return true or false.

The following example shows one piece of the definition of residue classes, using record operations. Of course this is far from a complete implementation (see About Defining New Group Elements). Note that the in must be quoted, so that it is taken as an identifier (see Identifiers).

    gap> ResidueOps := rec( );;
    gap> ResidueOps.\in := function ( l, r )
    >   if IsInt( l )  then
    >     return (l - r.representative) mod r.modulus = 0;
    >   else
    >     return false;
    >   fi;
    > end;;
    gap> Residue:= function ( representative, modulus )
    >   return rec(
    >     representative := representative,
    >     modulus        := modulus,
    >     operations     := ResidueOps );
    > end;;
    gap> l := Residue( 13, 23 );;
    gap> -10 in l;
    gap> 10 in l;

46.7 Printing of Records

Print( rec )

If a record is printed by Print (see Print, PrintTo, and AppendTo) or by the main loop (see Main Loop), it is usually printed as record literal, i.e., as a sequence of components, each in the format name := value, separated by commas and enclosed in rec( and ).

    gap> r := rec();;  r.a := 1;;  r.b := 2;;
    gap> r;
      a := 1,
      b := 2 ) 

But if the record has an element with the name operations that is a record, and if this record has an element with the name Print that is a function, then this function is called with the record as argument. This function must print whatever the printed representation of the record should look like.

The following example shows one piece of the definition of residue classes, using record operations. Of course this is far from a complete implementation (see About Defining New Group Elements). Note that it is typical for records that mimic group elements to print as a function call that, when evaluated, will create this group element record.

    gap> ResidueOps := rec( );;
    gap> ResidueOps.Print := function ( r )
    >   Print( "Residue( ",
    >               r.representative mod r.modulus, ", ",
    >               r.modulus, " )" );
    > end;;
    gap> Residue := function ( representative, modulus )
    >   return rec(
    >     representative := representative,
    >     modulus        := modulus,
    >     operations     := ResidueOps );
    > end;;
    gap> l := Residue( 33, 23 );
    Residue( 10, 23 ) 

46.8 IsRec

IsRec( obj )

IsRec returns true if the object obj, which may be an object of arbitrary type, is a record, and false otherwise. Will signal an error if obj is a variable with no assigned value.

    gap> IsRec( rec( a := 1, b := 2 ) );
    gap> IsRec( IsRec );

46.9 IsBound

IsBound( rec.name )
IsBound( list[n] )

In the first form IsBound returns true if the record rec has a component with the name name, which must be an ident and false otherwise. rec must evaluate to a record, otherwise an error is signalled.

In the second form IsBound returns true if the list list has a element at the position n, and false otherwise. list must evaluate to a list, otherwise an error is signalled.

    gap> r := rec( a := 1, b := 2 );;
    gap> IsBound( r.a );
    gap> IsBound( r.c );
    gap> l := [  , 2, 3,  , 5,  , 7,  ,  ,   , 11 ];;
    gap> IsBound( l[7] );
    gap> IsBound( l[4] );
    gap> IsBound( l[101] );

Note that IsBound is special in that it does not evaluate its argument, otherwise it would always signal an error when it is supposed to return false.

46.10 Unbind

Unbind( rec.name )
Unbind( list[n] )

In the first form Unbind deletes the component with the name name in the record rec. That is, after execution of Unbind, rec no longer has a record component with this name. Note that it is not an error to unbind a nonexisting record component. rec must evaluate to a record, otherwise an error is signalled.

In the second form Unbind deletes the element at the position n in the list list. That is, after execution of Unbind, list no longer has an assigned value at the position n. Note that it is not an error to unbind a nonexisting list element. list must evaluate to a list, otherwise an error is signalled.

    gap> r := rec( a := 1, b := 2 );;
    gap> Unbind( r.a );  r;
      b := 2 )
    gap> Unbind( r.c );  r;
      b := 2 )
    gap> l := [  , 2, 3,  5,  , 7,  ,  ,  , 11 ];;
    gap> Unbind( l[3] );  l;
    [ , 2,, 5,, 7,,,, 11 ]
    gap> Unbind( l[4] );  l;
    [ , 2,,,, 7,,,, 11 ] 

Note that Unbind does not evaluate its argument, otherwise there would be no way for Unbind to tell which component to remove in which record, because it would only receive the value of this component.

46.11 Copy

Copy( obj )

Copy returns a copy new of the object obj. You may apply Copy to objects of any type, but for objects that are not lists or records Copy simply returns the object itself.

For lists and records the result is a new list or record that is not identical to any other list or record (see Identical Lists and Identical Records). This means that you may modify this copy new by assignments (see List Assignment and Record Assignment) or by adding elements to it (see Add and Append), without modifying the original object obj.

    gap> list1 := [ 1, 2, 3 ];;
    gap> list2 := Copy( list1 );
    [ 1, 2, 3 ]
    gap> list2[1] := 0;;  list2;
    [ 0, 2, 3 ]
    gap> list1;
    [ 1, 2, 3 ] 

That Copy returns the object itself if it is not a list or a record is consistent with this definition, since there is no way to change the original object obj by modifying new, because in fact there is no way to change the object new.

Copy basically executes the following code for lists, and similar code for records.

    new := [];
    for i  in [1..Length(obj)]  do
        if IsBound(obj[i])  then
            new[i] := Copy( obj[i] );

Note that Copy recursively copies all elements of the object obj. If you only want to copy the top level use ShallowCopy (see ShallowCopy).

    gap> list1 := [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ];;
    gap> list2 := Copy( list1 );
    [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ]
    gap> list2[1][1] := 0;;  list2;
    [ [ 0, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ]
    gap> list1;
    [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ] 

The above code is not entirely correct. If the object obj contains a list or record twice this list or record is not copied twice, as would happen with the above definition, but only once. This means that the copy new and the object obj have exactly the same structure when view as a general graph.

    gap> sub := [ 1, 2 ];;  list1 := [ sub, sub ];;
    gap> list2 := Copy( list1 );
    [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2 ] ]
    gap> list2[1][1] := 0;;  list2;
    [ [ 0, 2 ], [ 0, 2 ] ]
    gap> list1;
    [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2 ] ] 

46.12 ShallowCopy

ShallowCopy( obj )

ShallowCopy returns a copy of the object obj. You may apply ShallowCopy to objects of any type, but for objects that are not lists or records ShallowCopy simply returns the object itself.

For lists and records the result is a new list or record that is not identical to any other list or record (see Identical Lists and Identical Records). This means that you may modify this copy new by assignments (see List Assignment and Record Assignment) or by adding elements to it (see Add and Append), without modifying the original object obj.

    gap> list1 := [ 1, 2, 3 ];;
    gap> list2 := ShallowCopy( list1 );
    [ 1, 2, 3 ]
    gap> list2[1] := 0;;  list2;
    [ 0, 2, 3 ]
    gap> list1;
    [ 1, 2, 3 ] 

That ShallowCopy returns the object itself if it is not a list or a record is consistent with this definition, since there is no way to change the original object obj by modifying new, because in fact there is no way to change the object new.

ShallowCopy basically executes the following code for lists, and similar code for records.

    new := [];
    for i  in [1..Length(obj)]  do
        if IsBound(obj[i])  then
            new[i] := obj[i];

Note that ShallowCopy only copies the top level. The subobjects of the new object new are identical to the corresponding subobjects of the object obj. If you want to copy recursively use Copy (see Copy).

46.13 RecFields

RecFields( rec )

RecFields returns a list of strings corresponding to the names of the record components of the record rec.

    gap> r := rec( a := 1, b := 2 );;
    gap> RecFields( r );
    [ "a", "b" ] 

Note that you cannot use the string result in the ordinary way to access or change a record component. You must use the rec.(name) construct (see Accessing Record Elements and Record Assignment).

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27 Nov 2023