58 ANU Pq

The ANU p-quotient program (pq) may be called from GAP3. Using this program, GAP3 provides access to the following: the p-quotient algorithm; the p-group generation algorithm; a standard presentation algorithm; an algorithm to compute the automorphism group of a p-group.

The following section describes the function Pq, which gives access to the p-quotient algorithm.

The next section describes the function PqDescendants, which gives access to the p-group generation algorithm.

The next sections describe functions for saving results to file (see PqList and SavePqList).

The next section describes the function StandardPresentation which gives access to the standard presentation algorithm and to the algorithm used to compute the automorphism group of a p-group.

The last sections describes the function IsIsomorphicPGroup which implements an isomorphism test for p-groups using the standard presentation algorithm.


  1. Pq
  2. PqHomomorphism
  3. PqDescendants
  4. PqList
  5. SavePqList
  6. StandardPresentation
  7. IsomorphismPcpStandardPcp
  8. AutomorphismsPGroup
  9. IsIsomorphicPGroup

58.1 Pq

Pq( F, ... )

Let F be a finitely presented group. Then Pq returns the desired p-quotient of F as an ag group.

The following parameters or parameter pairs are supported.

"Prime", p:

Compute the p-quotient for the prime p.

"ClassBound", n:

The p-quotient computed has lower exponent-p class at most n.

"Exponent", n:

The p-quotient computed has exponent n. By default, no exponent law is enforced.


The largest metabelian p-quotient is constructed.


The runtime-information generated by the ANU pq is displayed. By default, pq works silently.

"OutputLevel", n:

The runtime-information generated by the ANU pq is displayed at output level n, which must be a integer from 0 to 3. This parameter implies "Verbose".

"SetupFile", name:

Do not run the ANU pq, just construct the input file and store it in the file name. In this case true is returned.

Alternatively, you can pass Pq a record as a parameter, which contains as entries some (or all) of the above mentioned. Those parameters which do not occur in the record are set to their default values.

See also PqHomomorphism.

    gap> RequirePackage("anupq");
    gap> f2 := FreeGroup( 2, "f2" );
    Group( f2.1, f2.2 )
    gap> Pq( f2, rec( Prime := 2,  ClassBound := 3 ) );
    Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6, G.7, G.8, G.9, G.10 )
    gap> g := f2 / [ f2.1^4, f2.2^4 ];;
    gap> Pq( g, rec( Prime := 2, ClassBound := 3 ) );
    Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6, G.7, G.8 )
    gap> Pq( g, "Prime", 2, "ClassBound", 3, "Exponent", 4 );
    Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6, G.7 )
    gap> g := f2 / [ f2.1^25, Comm(Comm(f2.2,f2.1),f2.1), f2.2^5 ];;
    gap> Pq( g, "Prime", 5, "Metabelian", "ClassBound", 5 );
    Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6, G.7 ) 

This function requires the package "anupq" (see RequirePackage).

58.2 PqHomomorphism

PqHomomorphism( G, images )

Let G be a p-quotient of F computed using Pq. If images is a list of images of F.generators under an automorphism of F, PqHomomorphism will return the corresponding automorphism of G.

    gap> F := FreeGroup (2, "F");
    Group( F.1, F.2 )
    gap> G := Pq (F, "Prime", 5, "Class", 2);
    Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5 )
    gap> PqHomomorphism (G, [F.2, F.1]);
    GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5 ), Group(
    G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5 ), [ G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5 ],
    [ G.2, G.1, G.3^4, G.5, G.4 ] ) 

58.3 PqDescendants

PqDescendants( G, ... )

Let G be an ag group of prime power order with a consistent power-commutator presentation (see IsConsistent). PqDescendants returns a list of descendants of G.

If G does not have p-class 1, then a list of automorphisms of G must be bound to the record component G.automorphisms such that G.automorphisms together with the inner automorphisms of G generate the automorphism group of G.

One method which may be used to obtain such a generating set for the automorphism group is to call StandardPresentation. The record returned has a generating set for the automorphism group of G stored as a component (see StandardPresentation).

The following optional parameters or parameter pairs are supported.

"ClassBound", n:

PqDescendants generates only descendants with lower exponent-p class at most n. The default value is the exponent-p class of G plus one.

"OrderBound", n:

PqDescendants generates only descendants of size at most pn . Note that you cannot set both "OrderBound" and "StepSize".

"StepSize", n:

Let n be a positive integer. PqDescendants generates only those immediate descendants which are pn bigger than their parent group.

"StepSize", l:

Let l be a list of positive integers such that the sum of the length of l and the exponent-p class of G is equal to the class bound "ClassBound". Then l describes the step size for each additional class.


The automorphisms stored in G.automorphisms are a PAG generating sequence for the automorphism group of G supplied in reverse order.

"RankInitialSegmentSubgroups", n:

Set the rank of the initial segment subgroup chosen to be n. By default, this has value 0.


The ANU pq performs calculations more slowly but with greater space efficiency. This flag is frequently necessary for groups of large Frattini quotient rank. The space saving occurs because only one permutation is stored at any one time. This option is only available in conjunction with the "AgAutomorphisms" flag.


By default, only capable descendants are constructed. If this flag is set, compute all descendants.

"Exponent", n:

Construct only descendants with exponent n. Default is no exponent law.


Construct only metabelian descendants.

"SubList", sub:

Let L be the list of descendants generated. If list sub is supplied, PqDescendants returns Sublist( L,sub ). If an integer n is supplied, PqDescendants returns L[n].


The runtime-information generated by the ANU pq is displayed. By default, pq works silently.

"SetupFile", name:

Do not run the ANU pq, just construct the input file and store it in the file name. In this case true is returned.

"TmpDir", dir:

PqDescendants stores intermediate results in temporary files; the location of these files is determined by the value selected by TmpName. If your default temporary directory does not have enough free disk space, you can supply an alternative path dir. In this case PqDescendants stores its intermediate results in a temporary subdirectory of dir. Alternatively, you can globally set the variable ANUPQtmpDir, for instance in your ".gaprc" file, to point to a suitable location.

Alternatively, you can pass PqDescendants a record as a parameter, which contains as entries some (or all) of the above mentioned. Those parameters which do not occur in the record are set to their default values.

Note that you cannot set both "OrderBound" and "StepSize".

In the first example we compute all descendants of the Klein four group which have exponent-2 class at most 5 and order at most 26.

    gap> f2 := FreeGroup( 2, "g" );;
    gap> g := AgGroupFpGroup(f2 / [f2.1^2, f2.2^2, Comm(f2.2,f2.1)]);
    Group( g.1, g.2 )
    gap> g.name := "g";;
    gap> l := PqDescendants( g, "OrderBound", 6, "ClassBound", 5,
    >                        "AllDescendants" );;
    gap> Length(l);
    gap> Number( l, x -> x.isCapable );
    gap> List( l, x -> Size(x) );
    [ 8, 8, 8, 16, 16, 16, 32, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 32, 32, 64, 64, 32,
      32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
      32, 32, 32, 32, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 32, 32,
      32, 32, 32, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
      64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 ]
    gap> List( l, x -> Length( PCentralSeries( x, 2 ) ) - 1 );
    [ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
      3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
      3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
      4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 ] 

In the second example we compute all capable descendants of order 27 of the elementary abelian group of order 9. Here, we supply automorphisms which form a PAG generating sequence (in reverse order) for the class 1 group, since this makes the computation more efficient.

    gap> f2 := FreeGroup( 2, "g" );;
    gap> g := AgGroupFpGroup(f2 / [ f2.1^3, f2.2^3, Comm(f2.1,f2.2) ]);
    Group( g.1, g.2 )
    gap> g.name := "g";;
    gap> g.automorphisms := [];;
    gap> GroupHomomorphismByImages(g, g, [g.1, g.2], [g.1^2, g.2^2]);;
    gap> Add( g.automorphisms, last );
    gap> GroupHomomorphismByImages(g, g, [g.1, g.2], [g.2^2, g.1]);;
    gap> Add( g.automorphisms, last );
    gap> GroupHomomorphismByImages(g,g,[g.1,g.2],[g.1*g.2^2,g.1^2*g.2^2]);;
    gap> Add( g.automorphisms, last );
    gap> GroupHomomorphismByImages(g, g, [g.1,g.2], [g.1,g.1^2*g.2]);;
    gap> Add( g.automorphisms, last );
    gap> GroupHomomorphismByImages(g, g, [g.1, g.2], [g.1^2, g.2]);;
    gap> Add( g.automorphisms, last );
    gap> l := PqDescendants( g, "OrderBound", 3,
    >                           "ClassBound", 2,
    >                           "AgAutomorphisms" );;
    gap> Length(l);
    gap> List( l, x -> Size(x) );
    [ 27, 27 ]
    gap> List( l, x -> Length( PCentralSeries( x, 3 ) ) - 1 );
    [ 2, 2 ] 

In the third example, we compute all capable descendants of the elementary abelian group of order 52 which have exponent-5 class at most 3, exponent 5, and are metabelian.

    gap> f2 := FreeGroup( 2, "g" );;
    gap> g := AgGroupFpGroup( f2 / [f2.1^5, f2.2^5, Comm(f2.2,f2.1)] );
    Group( g.1, g.2 )
    gap> g.name := "g";;
    gap> l := PqDescendants(g,"Metabelian","ClassBound",3,"Exponent",5);;
    gap> List( l, x -> Length( PCentralSeries( x, 5 ) ) - 1 );
    [ 2, 3, 3 ]
    gap> List( l, x -> Length( DerivedSeries( x ) ) );
    [ 3, 3, 3 ]
    gap> List( l, x -> Maximum( List( Elements(x), y -> Order(x,y) ) ) );
    [ 5, 5, 5 ] 

This function requires the package "anupq" (see RequirePackage).

58.4 PqList

PqList( file )
PqList( file, sub )
PqList( file, n )

The function PqList reads a file file and returns the list L of ag groups defined in this file.

If list sub is supplied as a parameter, the function returns Sublist( L, sub ). If an integer n is supplied, PqList returns L[n].

This function and SavePqList (see SavePqList) can be used to save and restore a list of descendants (see PqDescendants).

This function requires the package "anupq" (see RequirePackage).

58.5 SavePqList

SavePqList( name, list )

The function SavePqList writes a list of descendants list to a file name.

This function and PqList (see PqList) can be used to save and restore results of PqDescendants (see PqDescendants).

This function requires the package "anupq" (see RequirePackage).

58.6 StandardPresentation

StandardPresentation( F, p, ... )
StandardPresentation( F, G, ... )

Let F be a finitely presented group. Then StandardPresentation returns the standard presentation for the desired p-quotient of F as an ag group.

Let H be the p-quotient whose standard presentation is computed. A generating set for a supplement to the inner automorphism group of H is also returned, stored as the component H.automorphisms. Each generator is described by its action on each of the generators of the standard presentation of H.

A finitely-presented group F must be supplied as input. Usually, the user will also supply a prime p and the program will compute the standard presentation for the desired p-quotient of F.

Alternatively, a user may supply an ag group G which is the class 1 p-quotient of F. If this is so, a list of automorphisms of G must be bound to the record component G.automorphisms such that G.automorphisms together with the inner automorphisms of G generate the automorphism group of G. The presentation for G can be constructed by an initial call to Pq (see Pq).

Of course, G need not be the class 1 p-quotient of F. However, G.automorphisms must contain a description of the automorphism group of G and this is most readily available when G is an elementary abelian group. Where the necessary information is available for a p-quotient of higher class, one can apply the standard presentation algorithm from that class onwards.

The following parameters or parameter pairs are supported.

"ClassBound", n:

The standard presentation is computed for the largest p-quotient of F having lower exponent-p class at most n.

"Exponent", n:

The p-quotient computed has exponent n. By default, no exponent law is enforced.


The p-quotient constructed is metabelian.


The automorphisms stored in G.automorphisms are a PAG generating sequence for the automorphism group of G supplied in reverse order.


The runtime-information generated by the ANU pq is displayed. By default, pq works silently.

"OutputLevel", n:

The runtime-information generated by the ANU pq is displayed at output level n, which must be a integer from 0 to 3. This parameter implies "Verbose".

"SetupFile", name:

Do not run the ANU pq, just construct the input file and store it in the file name. In this case true is returned.

"TmpDir", dir:

StandardPresentation stores intermediate results in temporary files; the location of these files is determined by the value selected by TmpName. If your default temporary directory does not have enough free disk space, you can supply an alternative path dir. In this case StandardPresentation stores its intermediate results in a temporary subdirectory of dir. Alternatively, you can globally set the variable ANUPQtmpDir, for instance in your ".gaprc" file, to point to a suitable location.

Alternatively, you can pass StandardPresentation a record as a parameter, which contains as entries some (or all) of the above mentioned. Those parameters which do not occur in the record are set to their default values.

We illustrate the method with the following examples.

    gap> f2 := FreeGroup( "a", "b" );;
    gap> g := f2 / [f2.1^25, Comm(Comm(f2.2,f2.1), f2.1), f2.2^5];
    Group( a, b )
    gap> StandardPresentation( g, 5, "ClassBound", 10 );
    Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6, G.7, G.8, G.9, G.10, G.11, G.12,
    G.13, G.14, G.15, G.16, G.17, G.18, G.19, G.20, G.21, G.22, G.23,
    G.24, G.25, G.26 )
    gap> f2 := FreeGroup( "a", "b" );;
    gap> g := f2 / [ f2.1^625,
    >  Comm(Comm(Comm(Comm(f2.2,f2.1),f2.1),f2.1),f2.1)/Comm(f2.2,f2.1)^5,
    >  Comm(Comm(f2.2,f2.1),f2.2), f2.2^625 ];;
    gap> StandardPresentation( g, 5, "ClassBound", 15, "Metabelian" );
    Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6, G.7, G.8, G.9, G.10, G.11, G.12,
    G.13, G.14, G.15, G.16, G.17, G.18, G.19, G.20 )
    gap> f4 := FreeGroup( "a", "b", "c", "d" );;
    gap> g4 := f4 / [ f4.2^4, f4.2^2 / Comm(Comm (f4.2, f4.1), f4.1),
    >                f4.4^16, f4.1^16 / (f4.3 * f4.4),
    >                f4.2^8 / (f4.4 * f4.3^4) ];
    Group( a, b, c, d )
    gap> g := Pq( g4, "Prime", 2, "ClassBound", 1 );
    Group( G.1, G.2 )
    gap> g.automorphisms := [];;
    gap> GroupHomomorphismByImages(g,g,[g.1,g.2],[g.2,g.1*g.2]);;
    gap> Add( g.automorphisms, last );
    gap> GroupHomomorphismByImages(g,g,[g.1,g.2],[g.2,g.1]);;
    gap> Add( g.automorphisms, last );
    gap> StandardPresentation(g4,g,"ClassBound",14,"AgAutomorphisms");
    Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6, G.7, G.8, G.9, G.10, G.11, G.12,
    G.13, G.14, G.15, G.16, G.17, G.18, G.19, G.20, G.21, G.22, G.23,
    G.24, G.25, G.26, G.27, G.28, G.29, G.30, G.31, G.32, G.33, G.34,
    G.35, G.36, G.37, G.38, G.39, G.40, G.41, G.42, G.43, G.44, G.45,
    G.46, G.47, G.48, G.49, G.50, G.51, G.52, G.53 ) 

This function requires the package "anupq" (see RequirePackage).

58.7 IsomorphismPcpStandardPcp

IsomorphismPcpStandardPcp( G, S )

Let G be a p-group and let S be the standard presentation computed for G by StandardPresentation. IsomorphismPcpStandardPcp returns the isomorphism from G to S.

We illustrate the function with the following example.

    gap> F := FreeGroup (6);
    Group( f.1, f.2, f.3, f.4, f.5, f.6 )
    gap> x := F.1;; y := F.2;; z := F.3;; w := F.4;; a := F.5;; b := F.6;;
    gap> R := [x^3 / w, y^3 / w * a^2 * b^2, w^3 / b,
    >             Comm (y, x) / z, Comm (z, x), Comm (z, y) / a, z^3 ];;
    gap> q := F / R;;
    gap> G := Pq (q, "Prime", 3, "ClassBound", 3);
    Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 )
    gap> S := StandardPresentation (q, 3, "ClassBound", 3);
    Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 )
    gap> phi := IsomorphismPcpStandardPcp (G, S);
    GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5,
    G.6 ), Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ),
    [ G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ],
    [ G.1*G.2^2*G.3*G.4^2*G.5^2, G.1*G.2*G.3*G.5, G.3^2, G.4*G.6^2, G.5,
      G.6 ] ) 

This function requires the package "anupq" (see RequirePackage).

58.8 AutomorphismsPGroup

AutomorphismsPGroup( G )
AutomorphismsPGroup( G, output-level)

Let G be a p-group. Then AutomorphismsPGroup returns a generating set for the automorphism group of G. Each generator is described by its action on each of the generators of G. The runtime-information generated by the ANU pq is displayed at output-level, which must be a integer from 0 to 3.

We illustrate the function using the p-group considered above.

    gap> Auts := AutomorphismsPGroup (G);
    [ GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5,
        G.6 ), Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ),
        [ G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ],
        [ G.1, G.2*G.5^2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ] ),
      GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5,
        G.6 ), Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ),
        [ G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ],
        [ G.1, G.2*G.3, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ] ),
      GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5,
        G.6 ), Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ),
        [ G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ], [ G.1*G.3^2, G.2, G.3*G.5, G.4,
          G.5, G.6 ] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( G.1, G.2, G.3,
        G.4, G.5, G.6 ), Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ),
        [ G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ],
        [ G.1*G.6, G.2*G.6, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ] ),
      GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5,
        G.6 ), Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ),
        [ G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ], [ G.1*G.5^2, G.2*G.5, G.3, G.4,
          G.5, G.6 ] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( G.1, G.2, G.3,
        G.4, G.5, G.6 ), Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ),
        [ G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ], [ G.1*G.6^2, G.2*G.6, G.3, G.4,
          G.5, G.6 ] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( G.1, G.2, G.3,
        G.4, G.5, G.6 ), Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ),
        [ G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ],
        [ G.1*G.4, G.2*G.4*G.6, G.3, G.4*G.6, G.5, G.6 ] ),
      GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5,
        G.6 ), Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ),
        [ G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ],
        [ G.1^2*G.3^2, G.2^2*G.3, G.3*G.5, G.4^2, G.5^2, G.6^2 ] ) ] 

This function requires the package "anupq" (see RequirePackage).

58.9 IsIsomorphicPGroup

IsIsomorphicPGroup( G, H )

The functions returns true if G is isomorphic to H. Both groups must be ag groups of prime power order.

    gap> p1 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,3) );
    Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,3) )
    gap> p2 := SolvableGroup( 8, 5 );
    gap> p3 := SolvableGroup( 8, 4 );
    gap> IsIsomorphicPGroup( AgGroup(p1), p2 );
    gap> IsIsomorphicPGroup( AgGroup(p1), p3 );

The function computes and compares the standard presentations for G and H (see StandardPresentation).

This function requires the package "anupq" (see RequirePackage).

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27 Nov 2023