62 The Double Coset Enumerator

\def\= {\hangafter=1\hangindent=2cm\hspace1.5cm} \def\Stab{\mathordStab} \def\gen(#1)\left\langle#1\right\rangle \let\iso=\cong \def\split{\mathop:}


  1. Double Coset Enumeration
  2. Authorship and Contact Information
  3. Installing the DCE Package
  4. Mathematical Introduction
  5. Gain Group Representation
  6. DCE Words
  7. DCE Presentations
  8. Examples of Double Coset Enumeration
  9. The DCE Universe
  10. Informational Messages from DCE
  11. DCE
  12. DCESetup
  13. DCEPerm
  14. DCEPerms
  15. DCEWrite
  16. DCERead
  17. Example of DCE Functions
  18. Strategies for Double Coset Enumeration
  19. Example of Double Coset Enumeration Strategies
  20. Functions for Analyzing Double Coset Tables
  21. DCEColAdj
  22. DCEHOrbits
  23. DCEColAdjSingle
  24. Example of DCEColAdj
  25. Double Coset Enumeration and Symmetric Presentations
  26. SetupSymmetricPresentation
  27. Examples of DCE and Symmetric Presentations

62.1 Double Coset Enumeration

Double Coset Enumeration (DCE) can be seen either as a space- (and time-) saving variant of ordinary Coset Enumeration (the Todd-Coxeter procedure), as a way of constructing finite quotients of HNN-extensions of known groups or as a way of constructing groups given by symmetric presentations in a sense defined by Robert Curtis. A double coset enumeration works with a finitely-presented group G, a finitely generated subgroup H (given by generators) and a finite subgroup K, given explicitly, usually as a permutation group. The action of G on the cosets of H divides into orbits under K, and is constructed as such, using only a relatively small amount of information for each orbit.

The next two sections Authorship and Contact Information and Installing the DCE Package describe the authorship of the package, and the simple procedure for installing it.

In Mathematical Introduction the calculation performed by the double coset enumerator, and the meaning of the input is described more precisely. The following sections: Gain Group Representation, DCE Words and DCE Presentations describe how the input is organized as GAP3 data, and a number of examples are given in Examples of Double Coset Enumeration.

The data structure returned by DCE is described in The DCE Universe and the control of the comments printed during calculation in Informational Messages from DCE. Succeeding sections: DCE, DCESetup, DCEPerm, DCEPerms, DCEWrite and DCERead describe the basic functions used to run DCE, extract information from the result, and save and restore double coset tables. The use of these functions is shown in Example of DCE Functions.

The user can exert considerable control over the behaviour of DCE, as described in Strategies for Double Coset Enumeration and Example of Double Coset Enumeration Strategies.

Since double coset enumeration can construct permutation representations of very high degree, it may not be feasible to extract permutations from the result. Nevertheless, some analysis of the permutation representation may be possible. This is described in Functions for Analyzing Double Coset Tables and the functions used are documented in: DCEColAdj, DCEHOrbits and DCEColAdjSingle and demonstrated in Example of DCEColAdj.

Finally, the link with Robert Curtis' notion of a symmetric presentation is described in Double Coset Enumeration and Symmetric Presentations with detailed documentation in SetupSymmetricPresentation and Examples of DCE and Symmetric Presentations.

More detailed documentation of the data structures used in double coset enumeration, and the internal functions available to access them is found in the document ``GAP Double Coset Enumerator -- Internals'', found in the doc directory of the dce package.

62.2 Authorship and Contact Information

The dce package was written by Steve Linton of the Division of Computer Science, University of St. Andrews, North Haugh, St. Andrews, Fife, KY16 9SS, UK
e-mail: sal@dcs.st-and.ac.uk, and any problems or questions should be directed to him.

The work was done mainly during a visit to Lehrstuhl D f"ur Mathematik, RWTH-Aachen, Aachen, Germany, and the author gratefuly acknowledges the hospitality of Lehrstuhl D and the financial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

62.3 Installing the DCE Package

The DCE package is completely written in the GAP3 language, it does not require any additional programs and/or compilations. It will run on any computer that runs GAP3. In the following we will describe the installation under UNIX. The installation on the Atari ST, TT or IBM PC is similar.

In the example we give we will assume that GAP3 is installed in the home directory of a pseudo user gap and that you, as user gap, want to install the DCE package. Note that certain parts of the output in the examples should only be taken as rough outline, especially file sizes and file dates are not to be taken literally.

First of all you have to get the file dce.zoo (see Getting GAP). Then you must locate the GAP3 directories containing lib/ and doc/, this is usually gap3r4p2 where 2 is to be replaced by the current the patch level.

    user@host:~ > ls -l
    drwxr-xr-x  11 gap      gap          1024 Jul  8 14:05 gap3r4p2
    -rw-r--r--   1 gap      gap         76768 Sep 11 12:33 dce.zoo
    user@host:~ > ls -l gap3r4p2
    drwxr-xr-x   2 gap      gap          3072 Aug 26 11:53 doc
    drwxr-xr-x   2 gap      gap          1024 Jul  8 14:05 grp
    drwxr-xr-x   2 gap      gap          2048 Aug 26 09:42 lib
    drwxr-xr-x   2 gap      gap          2048 Aug 26 09:42 src
    drwxr-xr-x   2 gap      gap          1024 Aug 26 09:42 tst

Unpack the package using unzoo (see Installation of GAP for UNIX). Note that you must be in the directory containing gap3r4p2 to unpack the files. After you have unpacked the source you may remove the archive-file.

    user@host:~ > unzoo x dce.zoo
    user@host:~ > ls -l gap3r4p2/pkg/dce
    -rw-r--r--   1 gap      gap          1536 Nov 22 04:16 README
    -rw-r--r--   1 gap      gap        116553 Nov 22 04:02 init.g
    -rw-r--r--   1 gap      gap         48652 Nov 22 04:18 dce.tex
    -rw-r--r--   1 gap      gap        549708 Nov 22 04:18 dce.dvi
    -rw-r--r--   1 gap      gap         14112 Nov 22 04:18 dce-inte.tex
    -rw-r--r--   1 gap      gap        116553 Nov 22 03:41 dce.g

Copy the file dce.tex into the doc/ directory, and edit manual.tex (also in the doc/ directory) and add a line \Include{dce} after the line \Include{cohomolo} near the end of the file. Finally run latex again (see Installation of GAP for UNIX).

    user@host:~ > cd gap3r4p2/pkg/dce
    user@host:../dce > cp dce.tex ../../doc
    user@host:../dce > cd ../../doc
    user@host:../doc > vi manual.tex # and add the necessary line
    user@host:../doc > latex manual
    # a few messages about undefined references
    user@host:../doc > latex manual
    # a few messages about undefined references
    user@host:../doc > makeindex manual
    # 'makeindex' prints some diagnostic output
    user@host:../doc > latex manual
    # there should be no warnings this time

Now it is time to test the installation. Let us assume that the executable of GAP3 lives in src/ and is called gap.

    user@host:~/gap3r4p2 > src/gap -b
    gap> RequirePackage( "dce" );
    gap> k := SymmetricGroup(3);
    Group( (1,3), (2,3) )
    gap> c := AbstractGenerator("c");;
    gap> d := AbstractGenerator("d");;
    gap> S5Pres := rec(
    >    groupK := k,
    >    gainGroups := [rec(), rec(dom := 3)],
    >    gens := [rec(name := c, invol := true, wgg := 2),
    >             rec(name := d, invol := true, wgg := 1)],
    >    relators := [DCEWord(k,c*d)^3,DCEWord(k,[(2,3),c])^3],
    >    subgens := [DCEWord(k,(1,2,3)), DCEWord(k,(1,2)), DCEWord(k,c)]);
      groupK := Group( (1,3), (2,3) ),
      gainGroups := [ rec(
               ), rec(
              dom := 3 ) ],
      gens := [ rec(
              name := c,
              invol := true,
              wgg := 2 ), rec(
              name := d,
              invol := true,
              wgg := 1 ) ],
      relators :=
       [ DCEWord(Group( (1,3), (2,3) ),[c, d])^3, DCEWord(Group( (1,3),
            (2,3) ),[(2,3), c])^3 ],
      subgens :=
       [ DCEWord(Group( (1,3), (2,3) ),[(1,2,3)]), DCEWord(Group( (1,3),
            (2,3) ),[(1,2)]), DCEWord(Group( (1,3), (2,3) ),[c]) ] )
    gap> u := DCE(S5Pres);
    #I Set up generators and inverses
    #I Set up column structure: 4 columns
    #I Pre-processed relators
    #I Done subgroup generators
    #I Also done relators in subgroup
    #I Pushing at weight 3
    #I      1 double 1 single 1 blanks
    #I 1 DCEWord(K,[c, d])^3
    #I   1 cases
    #I 1 DCEWord(K,[(2,3), c])^3
    #I   1 cases
    #I Pushing at weight 5
    #I      3 double 5 single 1 blanks
    #I 2 DCEWord(K,[c, d])^3
    #I   1 cases
    #I 2 DCEWord(K,[(2,3), c])^3
    #I   1 cases
    #I 3 DCEWord(K,[c, d])^3
    #I   2 cases
    #I 3 DCEWord(K,[(2,3), c])^3
    #I   3 cases
    #I Pushing at weight 101
    #I      3 double 5 single 0 blanks
    #I 1 DCEWord(K,[c, c])
    #I   1 cases
    #I 1 DCEWord(K,[d, d])
    #I   1 cases
    #I Pushing at weight 103
    #I      3 double 5 single 0 blanks
    #I 2 DCEWord(K,[c, c])
    #I   1 cases
    #I 2 DCEWord(K,[d, d])
    #I   1 cases
    #I 3 DCEWord(K,[c, c])
    #I   2 cases
    #I 3 DCEWord(K,[d, d])
    #I   1 cases
    << Double coset table "No name" closed 3 double 5 single >>

If RequirePackage signals an error check the permissions of the subdirectories pkg/ and dce/.

62.4 Mathematical Introduction

Coset Enumeration can be considered as a means of constructing a permutation representation of a finitely-presented group. Let G be such a group, and let Ω= H \ G be the set of right cosets of a subgroup H, on which G acts. Let K be a subgroup of G. The action of K will divide Ω into orbits corresponding to the double cosets H \ G/K. Now, suppose that x∈ G and let L = K∩ Kx-1. Let D∈ H \ G/K be a double coset and let d be a fixed single coset contained in it (so that D=dK). Let l∈ L. Then

(dl)x = (dx)lx ∈ (dx)K
so that the action of x on Ω can be computed from its action on a set of orbit representatives of L and its action on L, which takes place within K. If L is large this can provide a considerable saving of space. This space saving is the motivation for double coset enumeration. The group L is called the gain group of x, since the space saving is approximately a factor of |L|.

The input to the double coset enumeration algorithm includes a specification of a group K, and of a set of generators X. For each x∈ X, a pair of subgroups Lx, L(x) ≤ K is given, together with an isomorphism θx : Lx → L(x). This information defines a group F, obtained from the free product of K with the free group FX by requiring that each x act by conjugation on Lx according to the map θx. Technically F is a multiple HNN-extension of K.

The final parts of the input (mathematically speaking, in practice additional input is used to guide the program towards efficiency) are a set of relators R and a set of subgroup generators W, consisting of elements of the free product of K and FX, that is words composed of the letters x and elements of K.

The algorithm then constructs a compact representation of the action of a group G = F/N, where N =⟨ R⟩F, on the set Ω of cosets of H = ⟨ W⟩ N/N. This can also be viewed as a permutation action of F, with kernel N and point stabiliser ⟨ W⟩ N. We take this view to avoid writing KN/N all the time.

This representation is organized in terms of the orbits (double cosets) of K on Ω. For each orbit D, an arbitrary representative d∈ D is chosen, and the group Md = StabK(d) is recorded (as a subgroup of K). For historical reasons this group is known as the ``muddle group'' of the double coset. This allows us to refer to elements of Ω by expressions of the form dk, with

d1k1 = d2k2 \iff d1 = d2 and k1k2-1∈ Md1.
We call such an expression a name for the element of Ω.

In addition for each x∈ X, and for each orbit of Lx contained in D, with representative dk, a name for the point dkx is recorded. By the arguments of the initial paragraph, the action of x on any dk can then be computed, and the action of K is by right multiplication, so the full action of F (or equivalently G) is available.

62.5 Gain Group Representation

In the representation described in section Mathematical Introduction, computing the action of a generator x on a double coset named dk depends on finding the Lx-orbit representative of dk. The Lx orbits lying in D = dK correspond to the double cosets Md \ K/Lx and so to the orbits of Md on the left cosets Lx.

The effect of this is that the program spends most of its time computing with the action of K on the left cosets of the various groups Lx. If this action can be represented in some more direct way, such as an action on points, tuples or sets, then there is a huge performance gain. The input format of the program is set up to reflect this. Each gain group Lx is specified by giving an action of K on some domain which is permutationally equivalent to the action of K on left cosets of Lx.

It sometimes happens that two generators x and y have identical, or conjugate, gain groups. The program does a considerable amount of pre-computation with each gain group, and builds some potentially large data structures, so it is sensible to combine these for identical or conjugate gain groups. To allow this, the gain groups are specified as one part of the input, and then another part specifies, for each generator, a reference to the gain group and possibly a conjugating element.

62.6 DCE Words

As indicated in section Mathematical Introduction, the relators and subgroup generators are specified as elements of the free product, K*FX which is to say products of elements of K and generators from X (and their inverses). These are represented in GAP3 as DCE Words, created using the DCEWord function. This is called as DCEWord(K, l) where l is an element of K, a word in abstract generators or a list of these. DCE Words are in GroupElements and can be multiplied (when the groups K match), inverted, raised to powers and so forth.

Note that the abstract generators are used here simply as place-holders. Although, in general, creating abstract generators with AbstractGenerator rather than FreeGroup is a bad idea, it will not cause problems here. A new version of this package will be produced for GAP3 4 which will avoid this problem.

62.7 DCE Presentations

The input to the GAP3 Double Coset Enumerator is presented as a record. This has the following compulsory components.

The group K, given as a GAP3 group. In general, it is best to represent K as a permutation group of low degree.

This specifies the types (K-conjugacy classes) of gain groups L associated with the generators. It takes the form of a list of records, each with the following components:

\= dom -- A representative of a set on which K acts in the same way that it acts on the left cosets of L. If this is not given then L=K and other fields are set accordingly.

\= op -- The operation of K on this set. This should be a GAP3 operation such as OnPoints. If op is not given, and dom is an integer then op defaults to OnPoints. If op is not given and dom is a set, then the op defaults to OnSets.

This field specifies the generators (the set X). It is a list of records, each with the fields:

\= name -- The abstract generator that will be used to denote this generator in the relations and subgroup generators.

\= invol -- A Boolean value indicating whether this generator should be considered as its own inverse. Default false.

\= inverse -- The 'name' of the inverse of this generator. This field is ignored if invol is present. If both inverse and invol are absent then a new generator will be created to be an inverse.

\= wgg -- The index (in gainGroups) of the gain group of this generator (up to conjugacy).

\= ggconj -- The gain group conjugator. The actual gain group of this generator will be that defined by entry wgg of the gainGroups list, conjugated by the element ggconj (of K). If this field is absent then it is taken to be the identity of K.

\= action -- This specifies the isomorphism θx induced by x between Lx and Lx-1. It can be false, indicating no action, an element of K, indicating action by conjugation, or it can be an explicit isomorphism. The default is false. If an explicit homomorphism is given and the the field invol is not present, then the field inverse must be present; that is, a generator inverse to x cannot be synthesized in this case.

The relations of the presentation, as a list of DCE Words. Certain additional fields may be added to the words (which are represented as records) to optimize the calculation. These are described below.

The generators of H, as a list of DCE Words.

62.8 Examples of Double Coset Enumeration

To save space and avoid clutter the examples are shown without the gap> and > prompts, as they might appear in an input file. For examples of DCE in operation see Example of DCE Functions and Example of Double Coset Enumeration Strategies.

The Symmetric group of degree 5

It is well known that

rcl G = S5 = ⟨a,b,c,d .| a2 = b2 = c2 = d2 = (ab)3 = (bc)3 = (cd)3 =
.(ac)2 = (ad)2 = (bd)2 = 1⟩.
For brevity we denote this presentation by a Coxeter diagram:

\setlength\unitlength1cm beg-picture(4,1)(0,0.1) \put(0.5,0.5){\line(1,0)3} \multiput(0.5,0.5)(1,0)4{\circle0.1} \put(0.5,0.6){\makebox(0,0)[b]a} \put(1.5,0.6){\makebox(0,0)[b]b} \put(2.5,0.6){\makebox(0,0)[b]c} \put(3.5,0.6){\makebox(0,0)[b]d} end-picture

We let K=\gen(a,b)\iso S3 and identify a with (1,2) and b with (2,3). Then G is generated by K and X = {c,d}. We can see from the presentation that Lc = \gen(a) = StabK(3), while Ld = K. We set H=\gen(a,b,c)\iso S4 and obtain the following presentation:

    gap> k := SymmetricGroup(3);
    Group( (1,3), (2,3) )
    gap> c := AbstractGenerator("c");;
    gap> d := AbstractGenerator("d");;
    gap> S5Pres := rec(
    >    groupK := k,
    >    gainGroups := [rec(),           # default to L=K
    >                   rec(dom := 3)],  # default to action on points
    >    gens := [rec(name := c, invol := true, wgg := 2),
    >             rec(name := d, invol := true, wgg := 1)],
    >    relators := [DCEWord(k,c*d)^3,DCEWord(k,[(2,3),c])^3],
    >    subgens := [DCEWord(k,(1,2,3)), DCEWord(k,(1,2)), DCEWord(k,c)]);;

The Weyl Group of Type E6

We consider another group given by a Coxeter presentation

beg-picture(5,2)(0,-0.9) \put(0.5,0.5){\line(1,0)4} \multiput(0.5,0.5)(1,0)5{\circle0.1} \put(0.5,0.6){\makebox(0,0)[b]a} \put(1.5,0.6){\makebox(0,0)[b]b} \put(2.5,0.6){\makebox(0,0)[b]c} \put(3.5,0.6){\makebox(0,0)[b]d} \put(4.5,0.6){\makebox(0,0)[b]e} \put(2.5,-0.5){\circle0.1} \put(2.5,-0.5){\line(0,1)1} \put(2.6,-0.5){\makebox(0,0)[l]f} end-picture

This time we take K=H=\gen(a,b,c,d,e)\iso S6 and obtain the presentation:

    gap> k := SymmetricGroup(6);
    Group( (1,6), (2,6), (3,6), (4,6), (5,6) )
    gap> f := AbstractGenerator("f");;
    gap> WE6Pres := rec (
    >    groupK := k,
    >    gainGroups := [rec(dom := [1,2,3])],  # action defaults to OnSets
    >    gens := [rec(name := f,wgg := 1, invol := true)],
    >    relators := [DCEWord(k,[(3,4),f])^3],
    >    subgens := [DCEWord(k,(1,2,3,4,5,6)),DCEWord(k,(1,2))] );;

S5 revisited

To illustrate other features of the program, we consider the presentation of S5 again, but this time we choose K=\gen(b,c)\iso S3 and identify b with (1,2) and c with (2,3). Now La = \gen(c) = StabK(1), while Ld = \gen(b) = StabK(3). These are two conjugate subgroups of K, so we can use the ggconj feature to combine the data structures for them.

We can present this as:

    gap> k := SymmetricGroup(3);
    Group( (1,3), (2,3) )
    gap> a := AbstractGenerator("a");;
    gap> d := AbstractGenerator("d");;
    gap> b := (1,2);;
    gap> c := (2,3);;
    gap> S5PresA := rec (
    >    groupK := k,
    >    gainGroups := [rec(dom := 1)],
    >    gens := [rec(name := a, invol := true, wgg := 1),
    >             rec(name := d, invol := true, wgg := 1, ggconj := (1,3))],
    >    relators := [DCEWord(k,[c,d])^3,DCEWord(k,[a,b])^3,
    >                 DCEWord(k,[a,d])^2],
    >    subgens := [DCEWord(k,(1,2,3)),DCEWord(k,(1,2)), DCEWord(k,a)] );;

The Harada-Norton Group

The almost-simple group HN: 2 can be constructed as follows. Take the symmetric group S12 acting naturally on {1,...,12} and let L be the stabiliser of {1,2,3,4,5,6}. Then L \iso S6× S6. Extend S12 by adjoining an element a which normalizes L and acts on each factor S6 by its outer automorphism. Impose the additional relations a2 = 1 and (a(6,7))5=1.

With H=K, this construction translates directly into DCE input:

    gap> a := AbstractGenerator("a");;
    gap> K := Group((1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12),(1,2));;
    gap> L := Stabilizer(K,[1,2,3,4,5,6],OnSets);;
    gap> f := GroupHomomorphismByImages( L,L,
    >    [(1,5,4,3,2),(5,6),(12,8,9,10,11),(7,8)],
    >    [(1,5,4,3,2),(1,4)(2,3)(5,6),(12,8,9,10,11),(12,9)(10,11)(7,8)] );;
    gap> HNPres := rec(
    >    groupK := K,
    >    gainGroups := [ rec(dom := [1,2,3,4,5,6], op := OnSets)],
    >    gens := [ rec( name := a, invol := true, wgg := 1, action := f)],
    >    relators := [DCEWord(K,[a,(6,7)])^5],
    >    strategy := rec(whichStrategy := "HLT", EC := [1140000]),
    >    subgens := [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12),(1,2)]);;

A Non-permutation Example

The programs were written with the case of K a permutation group uppermost in the author's mind, however other representations are possible.

In this example, we represent the symmetric group S4 as an AG-group in the Coxeter presentation of S6. This example also demonstrates the explicit use of the action of K on left cosets of Lx, when no suitable action on points, sets or similar is available.

    gap> k := AgGroup(SymmetricGroup(4));
    Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 )
    gap> a := PreImage(k.bijection,(1,2));
    gap> b := PreImage(k.bijection,(2,3));
    gap> c := PreImage(k.bijection,(3,4));
    gap> d := AbstractGenerator("d");;
    gap> e := AbstractGenerator("e");;
    gap> l := Subgroup(k,[a,b]);
    Subgroup( Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 ), [ g1, g1*g2 ] )
    gap> OurOp := function(cos,g)
    >     return g^-1*cos;                   # note the inversion
    > end;;
    gap> Pres := rec (
    >    groupK := k,
    >    gainGroups := [rec(dom := k.identity*l, op := OurOp),rec()],
    >    gens := [rec(name := d, invol := true, wgg := 1),
    >             rec(name := e, invol := true, wgg := 2)],
    >    relators := [DCEWord(k,d*e)^3,DCEWord(k,[c,d])^3],
    >    subgens := [DCEWord(k,a),DCEWord(k,b), DCEWord(k,c),DCEWord(k,d)]);;

62.9 The DCE Universe

The various user functions described below operate on a record called a DCE Universe. This is created by the function DCESetup (or by DCE, which calls DCESetup) and is then passed as first argument to all other DCE functions. The following fields are likely to be of most interest:

The group K. For brevity this group is given the name ``K''.

The presentation from which this universe was created.

Always true.

A string describing the status of the enumeration. Values include:

\= ``in end game'' -- The program believes that the enumeration is almost complete and has shifted to a Felsch-like strategy to try and finish it.

\= ``early-closed'' -- The table is closed, that is has no blank entries, but the program has not actually proved that the permutation representation described satisfies all the relations. The program will stop under these circumstances if the degree falls within a range set by the user (see Strategies for Double Coset Enumeration

\= ``running'' -- Enumeration is in progress.

\= ``closed'' -- The enumeration has been completed.

\= ``Setting up'' -- The data structures are still being initialized.

\= ``Set up'' -- The data structures are initialized but computation has not yet started.

The number of single cosets represented by the current double coset table.

The number of double cosets in the current table.

62.10 Informational Messages from DCE






The level of information printed by the programs can be controlled by setting the variables InfoDCE1, InfoDCE2, InfoDCE3 and InfoDCE4. These can be (sensibly) set to either DCEInfoPrint or to Ignore. By default InfoDCE1 is set to DCEInfoPrint and the rest to Ignore. Setting further variables to DCEInfoPrint produces more detailed comments. The higher numbered variables are intended mainly for debugging.

62.11 DCE


The basic command to run the double coset enumerator is DCE. This takes one argument, the presentation record in the format described above, and returns a DCE Universe of status ``closed'' or ``early-closed''. The exact details of operation are controlled by various fields in the input structure, as described in Strategies for Double Coset Enumeration.

62.12 DCESetup


This function is called by DCE to initialize all the data structures needed. It returns a DCE Universe of status ``Set up''.

62.13 DCEPerm


This function computes the permutation action of the DCEWord word on the single cosets described by universe. The status of universe should be ``closed'' or ``early-closed''. The first time this function (or DCEPerms) is called some large data structures are computed and stored in universe.

62.14 DCEPerms


This function returns a list of permutations which generate the permutation group described by universe, which should have status ``closed'' or ``early-closed''. The permutations correspond to the generators X of the presentation (except any which are inverses of preceding generators) and then to the generators of K.

62.15 DCEWrite


This function writes selected information from the DCE Universe universe onto the file filename in a format suitable for recovery with DCERead.

62.16 DCERead


This function recovers the information written to file filename by DCEWrite. universe must be a DCE Universe of status ``Set up'', created from exactly the same presentation as was used to create the universe originally written to the file.

62.17 Example of DCE Functions

We take the first example presentation above, run it and demonstrate the above functions on the result.

    gap> k := S5Pres.groupK;;
    gap> c := S5Pres.gens[1].name;;
    gap> d := S5Pres.gens[2].name;;
    gap> u := DCE(S5Pres);
    #I Set up generators and inverses
    #I Set up column structure: 4 columns
    #I Pre-processed relators
    #I Done subgroup generators
    #I Also done relators in subgroup
    #I Pushing at weight 3
    #I      1 double 1 single 1 blanks
    #I 1 DCEWord(K,[c, d])^3
    #I   1 cases
    #I 1 DCEWord(K,[(2,3), c])^3
    #I   1 cases
    #I Pushing at weight 5
    #I      3 double 5 single 1 blanks
    #I 2 DCEWord(K,[c, d])^3
    #I   1 cases
    #I 2 DCEWord(K,[(2,3), c])^3
    #I   1 cases
    #I 3 DCEWord(K,[c, d])^3
    #I   2 cases
    #I 3 DCEWord(K,[(2,3), c])^3
    #I   3 cases
    #I Pushing at weight 101
    #I      3 double 5 single 0 blanks
    #I 1 DCEWord(K,[c, c])
    #I   1 cases
    #I 1 DCEWord(K,[d, d])
    #I   1 cases
    #I Pushing at weight 103
    #I      3 double 5 single 0 blanks
    #I 2 DCEWord(K,[c, c])
    #I   1 cases
    #I 2 DCEWord(K,[d, d])
    #I   1 cases
    #I 3 DCEWord(K,[c, c])
    #I   2 cases
    #I 3 DCEWord(K,[d, d])
    #I   1 cases
    << Double coset table "No name" closed 3 double 5 single >>
    gap> u.degree;
    gap> u.status;
    gap> u.dcct;
    gap> a1 := DCEWord(k,(1,2));
    gap> b1 := DCEWord(k,(2,3));
    gap> c1 := DCEWord(k,c);
    gap> d1 := DCEWord(k,d);
    gap> DCEPerm(u,a1);
    #I Starting To Add Cosets
    #I Done cosets, starting image
    gap> DCEPerm(u,a1*c1*b1);
    #I Done cosets, starting image
    gap> DCEPerms(u);
    #I Done cosets, starting image
    #I Done cosets, starting image
    #I Done cosets, starting image
    #I Done cosets, starting image
    [ (2,3), (1,2), (3,5), (3,4) ]
    gap> DCEWrite(u,"s5.dct");
    gap> u1 := DCESetup(S5Pres);
    #I Set up generators and inverses
    #I Set up column structure: 4 columns
    #I Pre-processed relators
    << Double coset table "No name" Set up >>
    gap> DCERead(u1,"s5.dct");
    #I Read the file
    gap> u1;
    << Double coset table "No name" closed 3 double 5 single >>
    gap> DCEPerms(u1);
    #I Starting To Add Cosets
    #I Done cosets, starting image
    #I Done cosets, starting image
    #I Done cosets, starting image
    #I Done cosets, starting image
    [ (2,3), (1,2), (3,5), (3,4) ]

62.18 Strategies for Double Coset Enumeration

As with the Todd-Coxeter algorithm, the order of defining new (double) cosets and applying relations can make a huge difference to the performance of the algorithm. There is considerable scope for user control of the strategy followed by the DCE program. This is exercised by setting the strategy field in the presentation record (and less importantly by adding various fields to the relators). This field should be set to a record, for which various fields are meaningful. The most important is whichStrategy, which should take one of three values:

A weighted Haselgrove-Leech-Trotter strategy. This is the default.

A pure Felsch strategy.

A family of hybrid strategies, controlled by three parameters: FF which regulates the use of the preferred definition list to ensure that all definitions get made eventually (high values use the list more); HavN which is the number of double cosets that will be filled by definition before the relators are pushed from HavK double cosets.

When it completes successfully HLT is generally much the fastest strategy.

Apart from the fields FF, HavN and HavK, the other meaningful field in the strategy record is EC, which is the set (usually a range) of degrees at which early-closing is allowed. Even if you know the exact degree of the final representation it is worth-while allowing some ``slack'' so that the ``end-game'' strategy can come into play.

The ``HLT'' strategy can be fine-tuned by setting ``weights'' on the relators. Weights are integers, and a relator with higher weight will be used less than one with lower weight. This is done by adding a field weight to the relator record. The default weight is the base two logarithm of the length of the relator (after consecutive elements of K in the relator have been combined).

Finally, setting the insg field of a relator causes it to be used as a subgroup generator as well.

62.19 Example of Double Coset Enumeration Strategies

We look at a presentation for the sporadic group Fi22, given by the Coxeter diagram:

beg-picture(5,3)(-0.3,-0.3) \put(0,1.4){\line(1,0)2} \multiput(0,1.4)(1,0)3{\circle0.1} \put(2.7,2.1){\circle0.1} \put(3.7,2.1){\circle0.1} \put(4.4,1.4){\circle0.1} \put(2.7,0.7){\circle0.1} \put(3.7,0.7){\circle0.1} \put(4.4,0){\circle0.1} \put(2,1.4){\line(1,1)0.7} \put(2,1.4){\line(1,-1)0.7} \put(2.7,2.1){\line(1,0)1} \put(2.7,0.7){\line(1,0)1} \put(3.7,2.1){\line(1,-1)0.7} \put(3.7,0.7){\line(1,1)0.7} \put(3.7,0.7){\line(1,-1)0.7} \put(0,1.55){\makebox(0,0)[b]\scriptstyle(1,2)} \put(1,1.55){\makebox(0,0)[b]\scriptstyle(2,3)} \put(2.1,1.55){\makebox(0,0)[br]\scriptstyle(3,4)} \put(2.7,2.25){\makebox(0,0)[b]\scriptstyle(4,5)} \put(3.7,2.25){\makebox(0,0)[b]\scriptstyle(5,6)} \put(4.5,1.45){\makebox(0,0)[l]\scriptstyle(6,7)} \put(2.7,0.6){\makebox(0,0)[t]a} \put(4.5,0){\makebox(0,0)[l]g} \put(3.7,0.6){\makebox(0,0)[tr]f} end-picture

with the additional relation (f(4,5)(6,7)(3,4)(5,6)a)4 =1 (the ``hexagon'' relation).

As indicated by the labels on the diagram we take K=S7. The subgroup generated by all the nodes except the left-most has index 3510. An enumeration over that subgroup is coded as:

    gap> k := SymmetricGroup(7);
    Group( (1,7), (2,7), (3,7), (4,7), (5,7), (6,7) )
    gap> aname := AbstractGenerator("a");; a := DCEWord(k,aname);
    DCEWord(Group( (1,7), (2,7), (3,7), (4,7), (5,7), (6,7) ),[a])
    gap> fname := AbstractGenerator("f");; f := DCEWord(k,fname);
    DCEWord(Group( (1,7), (2,7), (3,7), (4,7), (5,7), (6,7) ),[f])
    gap> gname := AbstractGenerator("g");; g := DCEWord(k,gname);
    DCEWord(Group( (1,7), (2,7), (3,7), (4,7), (5,7), (6,7) ),[g])
    gap> hexagon := (f*DCEWord(k,(4,5)*(6,7)*(3,4)*(5,6))*a)^4;
    DCEWord(Group( (1,7), (2,7), (3,7), (4,7), (5,7),
    (6,7) ),[f, (3,4,6,7,5), a])^4
    gap> hexagon.name := "hex";
    gap> rel1 := (a*DCEWord(k,(3,4)))^3;
    DCEWord(Group( (1,7), (2,7), (3,7), (4,7), (5,7), (6,7) ),[a, (3,4)])^
    gap> rel2 := (f*DCEWord(k,(6,7)))^3;
    DCEWord(Group( (1,7), (2,7), (3,7), (4,7), (5,7), (6,7) ),[f, (6,7)])^
    gap> rel3 := (a*g)^2;
    DCEWord(Group( (1,7), (2,7), (3,7), (4,7), (5,7), (6,7) ),[a, g])^2
    gap> rel4 := (f*g)^3;
    DCEWord(Group( (1,7), (2,7), (3,7), (4,7), (5,7), (6,7) ),[f, g])^3
    gap> F22Pres := rec(
    >    groupK := k,
    >    gainGroups := [ rec(), rec(dom := 7, op := OnPoints),
    >                    rec(dom := [1,2,3], op := OnSets)],
    >    gens := [ rec( name := aname, invol := true, wgg := 3),
    >              rec (name := fname, invol := true, wgg := 2),
    >              rec (name := gname, invol := true, wgg := 1)],
    >    relators := [rel1,rel2,rel4,rel3,hexagon],
    >    subgens := [(2,3,4,5,6,7),(3,2),f,a,g] );;

HLT Strategy

As given, this presentation will use the default HLT strategy. On a SparcStation 10-41 this enumeration takes 60.8 CPU seconds and defines a total of 95 double cosets (for a final total of 24).

Since we know the correct index in this example, we can use early-closing, by setting

    gap> F22Pres.strategy := rec(EC := [3510]);
      EC := [ 3510 ] )
    gap> DCE(F22Pres);
    #I Set up generators and inverses
    #I Set up column structure: 43 columns
    #I Pre-processed relators
    #I Done subgroup generators
    #I Also done relators in subgroup
    #I Pushing at weight 3
    #I      1 double 7 single 2 blanks
    #I 1 DCEWord(K,[a, (3,4)])^3
    #I   4 cases

The calculation proceeds identically until, after 40 seconds, it reaches a table with 3510 single cosets and only four blank entries. The program then changes strategies and attempts to fill the blanks as seen in the following piece of output:

    #I 13 hex
    #I   70 cases
    #I 22 DCEWord(K,[a, (3,4)])^3
    #I   39 cases
    #I 22 DCEWord(K,[f, (6,7)])^3
    #I   9 cases
    #I 22 DCEWord(K,[f, g])^3
    #I   3 cases
    #I 22 DCEWord(K,[a, g])^2
    #I   8 cases
    #I 15 hex
    #I   90 cases
    #I Entering Pre-early closing 24 3510 4
    #I 48 DCEWord(K,[a, (3,4)])^3
    #I   29 cases
    #I 48 DCEWord(K,[f, (6,7)])^3
    #I   5 cases
    << Double coset table "No name" early-closed 24 double 3510 single >>

This succeeds after a further 2 seconds, producing a closed table. This method actually defines more double cosets (97), but is much faster.

We can cause the change of strategies to occur a little earlier by widening the range of acceptable indices. With:

    gap> F22Pres.strategy := rec(EC := [3500..3600]);
      EC := [ 3500 .. 3600 ] )
    gap> u := DCE(F22Pres);
    #I Set up generators and inverses
    #I Set up column structure: 43 columns
    #I Pre-processed relators
    #I Done subgroup generators
    #I Also done relators in subgroup
    #I Pushing at weight 3
    #I      1 double 7 single 2 blanks
    #I 1 DCEWord(K,[a, (3,4)])^3
    #I   4 cases

With this option we see:

    #I 13 hex
    #I   70 cases
    #I Entering Pre-early closing 24 3516 18
    #I 22 DCEWord(K,[a, (3,4)])^3
    #I   39 cases
    #I 22 DCEWord(K,[f, (6,7)])^3
    #I   9 cases
    #I 22 DCEWord(K,[f, g])^3
    #I   3 cases
    #I 22 DCEWord(K,[a, g])^2
    #I   8 cases
    #I 22 hex
    #I   130 cases
    #I 22 DCEWord(K,[a, a])
    #I   8 cases
    #I 22 DCEWord(K,[f, f])
    #I   3 cases
    #I 22 DCEWord(K,[g, g])
    #I   1 cases
    #I 36 DCEWord(K,[a, (3,4)])^3
    #I   39 cases
    #I 36 DCEWord(K,[f, (6,7)])^3
    #I   9 cases
    #I 36 DCEWord(K,[f, g])^3
    #I   3 cases
    #I 36 DCEWord(K,[a, g])^2
    #I   8 cases
    #I 36 hex
    #I   130 cases
    << Double coset table "No name" early-closed 24 double 3510 single >>

and a run time of about 37 seconds.

Apart from the early-closing criteria, we can tune the behaviour of the HLT algorithm by varying the relator weights. We can see the default weights by doing:

    gap> List(u.relators,r->[r,r.weight]);
    [ [ DCEWord(K,[a, (3,4)])^3, 2 ], [ DCEWord(K,[f, (6,7)])^3, 2 ],
      [ DCEWord(K,[f, g])^3, 2 ], [ DCEWord(K,[a, g])^2, 2 ], [ hex, 3 ],
      [ DCEWord(K,[a, a]), 100 ], [ DCEWord(K,[f, f]), 100 ],
      [ DCEWord(K,[g, g]), 100 ] ]

The relators with weight 100 are simply added automatically to ensure that the algorithm cannot terminate without closing the table.

We could emulate the unweighted HLT algorithm by setting hexagon.weight:= 2;

This produces significantly worse performance, as the long hexagon relation is pushed more often than necessary. On the other hand increasing its weight to 4 also produces worse performance than the default, because unnecessarily much of the infinite hyperbolic reflection group (defined by the other relations) is constructed.

Felsch Strategies

We can try this presentation with the Felsch strategy by simply setting:

F22Pres.strategy := rec(whichStrategy := "Felsch",EC := [3500..3600]);

Using this strategy the enumeration takes longer (92 seconds), but defines only 35 double cosets in total. The Felsch algorithm can often be improved by adding the longer relators as redundant subgroup generators. We can try this by setting hexagon.insg := true; but the improvement is very slight (to 91 seconds and 35 double cosets).

Hybrid strategy

We can access the hybrid methods be setting F22Pres.strategy.whichStrategy := "Havas";

We first look at the preferred definition list alone, by setting

    gap> strat := F22Pres.strategy;
      EC := [ 3500 .. 3600 ] )
    gap> strat.FF := 5;
    gap> strat.HavN := 100;
    gap> strat.HavK := 0;

This turns out to be significantly worse than the simple Felsch algorithm, defining 56 double cosets and taking 145 seconds. Smaller values for FF produce performance closer to the simple Felsch.

By setting

    gap> strat.FF := 1;
    gap> strat.HavN := 5;
    gap> strat.HavK := 2;

We can try a hybrid strategies (without the PDL). This runs in about 100 seconds, making 41 definitions.

62.20 Functions for Analyzing Double Coset Tables

The functions DCEPerm and DCEPerms have already been described, while elementary information (such as the numbers of single and double cosets) can be read directly from the DCE Universe produced by an enumeration. When the number of single cosets is large, however, as in the example of HN: 2 above, DCEPerm requires an improbably large amount of space, so permutations cannot sensibly be obtained. However some analysis of the permutation representation is possible directly from the double coset table.

Specifically, functions exist to study the orbits of H, and compute their sizes and the collapsed adjacency matrices of the orbital graphs. The performance of these functions depends crucially on the size of the group M = H∩ K, which will always be the muddle group of the first double coset HK. When M=K, so that K ≤ H, then each orbit of H is just a union of double cosets and the algorithms are fast, whereas when M=1 there no benefit over extracting permutations.

62.21 DCEColAdj


This function computes the complete set of collapsed adjacency matrices (incidence matrices) for all the orbital graphs in the permutation action implied by universe, which must be a DCE Universe of status ``closed'' or ``early-closed''. For very large degrees, and/or if some of the subgroup generators are long words, this function can take infeasibly long, so some other functions are provided for partial calculations.

62.22 DCEHOrbits


This function determines the orbits of H, as unions of orbits of M=H∩ K. Various additions are made to the data structures in universe, which are described in detail elsewhere. The most comprehensible field is u.orbsizes which gives the number of points (single cosets) in the orbits.

62.23 DCEColAdjSingle


This function determines the single collapsed adjacency matrix corresponding to orbital graph number orbnum (in the ordering of <universe>.orbsizes). This takes time roughly proportional to <universe>.orbsizes[<orbnum>], so that extracting the adjacency matrices corresponding to small orbits in large representations is possible.

62.24 Example of DCEColAdj

We return to the hexagon presentation for Fi22, and join it just as the double coset enumeration is finishing:

    gap> InfoDCE1 := Ignore;
    function (...) internal; end
    gap> u := DCE(F22Pres);
    << Double coset table "No name" early-closed 24 double 3510 single >>
    gap> InfoDCE1 := DCEInfoPrint;;
    gap> DCEHOrbits(u);
    #I Completed preliminaries, index of M is  7
    #I Annotated table
    #I Completed orbit  1  size  1
    #I Completed orbit  2  size  2816
    #I Completed orbit  3  size  693
    gap> u.orbsizes;
    [ 1, 2816, 693 ]
    gap> DCEColAdj(u);
    #I Added contribution from  1 part 1
    #I Added contribution from  1 part 2
    #I Added contribution from  2 part 1
    #I Added contribution from  2 part 5
    #I Added contribution from  3 part 1
    #I Added contribution from  4 part 1

\hspace35mm ...

    #I Added contribution from  70 part 1
    #I Added contribution from  70 part 3
    #I Added contribution from  70 part 4
    #I Added contribution from  70 part 5
    #I Added contribution from  70 part 7
    #I Added contribution from  77 part 1
    #I Added contribution from  77 part 5
    [ [ [ 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ] ],
      [ [ 0, 2816, 0 ], [ 1, 2248, 567 ], [ 0, 2304, 512 ] ],
      [ [ 0, 0, 693 ], [ 0, 567, 126 ], [ 1, 512, 180 ] ] ]
    gap> DCEColAdjSingle(u,3);
    #I Added contribution from  2 part 5
    #I Added contribution from  6 part 5
    #I Added contribution from  7 part 3
    #I Added contribution from  11 part 2
    #I Added contribution from  13 part 5
    #I Added contribution from  15 part 4
    #I Added contribution from  19 part 1
    #I Added contribution from  20 part 5
    #I Added contribution from  22 part 4
    #I Added contribution from  23 part 4
    #I Added contribution from  26 part 1
    #I Added contribution from  36 part 3
    #I Added contribution from  42 part 7
    #I Added contribution from  44 part 7
    #I Added contribution from  61 part 1
    #I Added contribution from  65 part 7
    #I Added contribution from  70 part 5
    [ [ 0, 0, 693 ], [ 0, 567, 126 ], [ 1, 512, 180 ] ]

62.25 Double Coset Enumeration and Symmetric Presentations

R.T. Curtis has defined the notion of a symmetric presentation: given a group K, permuting a set S, we consider a generating set X in bijection with S, with conjugation by K permuting X as K permutes S. A symmetric presentation is such a set up, together with relations given in terms of the elements of K and T.

It is not hard to see that, at least when K is transitive on S, this is equivalent to the set up for double coset enumeration, with one generator t, and gain group equal to the point stabiliser in K of some s0∈ S. The relations can be written in terms of K, t and conjugates of t by K, and so in terms of K and t.

62.26 SetupSymmetricPresentation

SetupSymmetricPresentation(K,name [, base [, op]])

The function SetupSymmetricPresentation implements the equivalence between presentations for DCE and Symmetric Presentations in the sense of Curtis. The argument K is the group acting, and name is an AbstractGenerator that will be used as t. The optional arguments base and op can be used to specify s0 and the action of K on S. base defaults to 1 and op to OnPoints.

The function returns a record with two components:

a partial DCE Presentation. The fields K, gainGroups and gens are bound. Fields relators and subgens must still be added, and name and strategy may be added, before enumeration.

is a function which converts elements of Orbit(K,base,op) into DCEWords for the corresponding symmetric Generators.

62.27 Examples of DCE and Symmetric Presentations


The following input gives a symmetric presentation of the Mathieu group M12:

    gap> t := AbstractGenerator("t");;
    gap> K := Group((1,2,3,4,5),(1,2,3));
    Group( (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2,3) )
    gap> SGrec := SetupSymmetricPresentation(K,t);
      skeleton := rec(
          groupK := Group( (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2,3) ),
          gainGroups := [ rec(
                  dom := 1,
                  op := function (...) internal; end ) ],
          gens := [ rec(
                  name := t,
                  wgg := 1 ) ] ),
      makeGen := function ( pt ) ... end )
    gap> t := SGrec.makeGen;
    function ( pt ) ... end
    gap> Pres := SGrec.skeleton;
      groupK := Group( (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2,3) ),
      gainGroups := [ rec(
              dom := 1,
              op := function (...) internal; end ) ],
      gens := [ rec(
              name := t,
              wgg := 1 ) ] )
    gap> Pres.name := "M12 Symmetric";
    "M12 Symmetric"
    gap> Pres.strategy := rec(EC := [1000..3000]);
      EC := [ 1000 .. 3000 ] )
    gap> Pres.relators := [t(1)^3,(t(1)/t(2))^2*DCEWord(K,(3,4,5))];
    [ DCEWord(Group( (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2,3) ),[t])^3,
      DCEWord(Group( (1,2,3,4,5),
        (1,2,3) ),[t, (1,3,4,5,2), t^-1, (1,2,5,4,3), t, (1,3,4,5,2), t^-1\ 
    , (1,2,5,4,3), (3,4,5)]) ]
    gap> Pres.subgens := [DCEWord(K,(1,2,3,4,5)),DCEWord(K,(1,2,3)),
    >                  (DCEWord(K,(1,2,3,4,5))*t(1))^8];
    [ DCEWord(Group( (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2,3) ),[(1,2,3,4,5)]),
      DCEWord(Group( (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2,3) ),[(1,2,3)]),
      DCEWord(Group( (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2,3) ),[(1,2,3,4,5), t])^8 ]
    gap> Pres.relators[1].weight := 2;;   # default weight is too low

DCE enumerates this presentation in a few seconds.

    gap> InfoDCE1 := Ignore;
    function (...) internal; end
    gap> u := DCE(Pres);
    << Double coset table "M12 Symmetric" early-closed 47 double
    1584 single >>
    gap> time;

He: 2

The following is a presentation of He: 2 generated by 180 symmetric generators of order 7 permuted by 3S7× 2. This is really 30 generators permuted monomially, but we don't have monomial groups in GAP.

The following can be placed in an input file he2.g.

# The group K we want is 3S7 x 2. We make this from a handy
# representation of 3S7
DoubleP := function(p,n)
    local l;
    l := OnTuples([1..n],p);
    return PermList(l);

Swap := function(n)
    return PermList(Concatenation([n+1..2*n],[1..n]));

K := Group(
    DoubleP((1, 2)( 3, 5)( 4, 7)( 6,10)( 8,12)( 9,14)(11,17)(13,20)
    DoubleP(( 1, 3, 6)(44,65,49)
        ,90),Swap(90) );
# Now lets get the generators we want
x := DCEWord(K,K.1);
y := DCEWord(K,K.2);
a := DCEWord(K,K.3);
# And the name for our generator outside K
t := AbstractGenerator("t");
# Now we can specify our setup
SGrec := SetupSymmetricPresentation(K,t);
SG := SGrec.makeGen;
Pres := SGrec.skeleton;
# We still have to put some fields in the presentation
Pres.name := "He:2 Symmetric";
Pres.relators := [
    SG(1)^7,(SG(1)* SG(2))^2,
    SG(1)^2 / SG(3),
    y^-7 / (SG(1)^-1*SG(2)^-2*SG(1)^2*SG(2)),
    y^9 /  Comm(SG(1),SG(65)),
            (63,77)(67,78)(73,88)(79,83)(89,90),90)) /
    (SG(1)*SG(2)^2*SG(1)^2*SG(2)) ];
Pres.subgens := [t,x,x^(y^3)*x^(y^-1*x*y^-2),
Pres.strategy := rec(EC := [8000..12000]);

We can run this example quietly:

    gap> Read("he2.g");
    gap> InfoDCE1 := Ignore;
    function (...) internal; end
    gap> u := DCE(Pres);
    << Double coset table "He:2 Symmetric" early-closed 9 double
    8330 single >>
    gap> time;
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27 Nov 2023