71 Sisyphos

This chapter describes the GAP3 accessible functions of the Sisyphos (Version 0.6) share library package for computing with modular group algebras of p-groups, namely a function to convert a p-group into Sisyphos readable format (see PrintSisyphosInputPGroup), several functions that compute automorphism groups of p-groups (see SAutomorphisms), functions that compute normalized automorphism groups as polycyclically presented groups (see AgNormalizedAutomorphisms, AgNormalizedOuterAutomorphisms), functions that test two p-groups for isomorphism (see IsIsomorphic) and compute isomorphisms between p-groups (see Isomorphisms), and a function to compute the element list of an automorphism group that is given by generators (see AutomorphismGroupElements).

The Sisyphos functions for group rings are not yet available, with the only exception of a function that computed the group of normalized units (see NormalizedUnitsGroupRing).

The algorithms require presentations that are compatible with a characteristic series of the group with elementary abelian factors, e.g. the p-central series. If necessary such a presentation is computed secretly using the p-central series, the computations are done using this presentation, and then the results are carried back to the original presentation. The check of compatibility is done by the function IsCompatiblePCentralSeries (see IsCompatiblePCentralSeries). The component isCompatiblePCentralSeries of the group will be either true or false then. If you know in advance that your group is compatible with a series of the kind required, e.g. the Jennings-series, you can avoid the check by setting this flag to true by hand.

Before using any of the functions described in this chapter you must load the package by calling the statement

gap> RequirePackage( "sisyphos" );


  1. PrintSISYPHOSWord
  2. PrintSisyphosInputPGroup
  3. IsCompatiblePCentralSeries
  4. SAutomorphisms
  5. AgNormalizedAutomorphisms
  6. AgNormalizedOuterAutomorphisms
  7. IsIsomorphic
  8. Isomorphisms
  9. CorrespondingAutomorphism
  10. AutomorphismGroupElements
  11. NormalizedUnitsGroupRing

71.1 PrintSISYPHOSWord

PrintSISYPHOSWord( P, a )

For a polycyclically presented group P and an element a of P, PrintSISYPHOSWord( P ,a ) prints a string that encodes a in the input format of the Sisyphos system.

The string "1" means the identity element, the other elements are products of powers of generators, the i-th generator is given the name gi.

    gap> g := SolvableGroup ( "D8" );;
    gap> PrintSISYPHOSWord ( g, g.2*g.1 ); Print( "\n" );

71.2 PrintSisyphosInputPGroup

PrintSisyphosInputPGroup( P, name, type )

prints the presentation of the finite p-group P in a format readable by the Sisyphos system. P must be a polycyclically or freely presented group.

In Sisyphos, the group will be named name. If P is polycyclically presented the i-th generator gets the name gi. In the case of a free presentation the names of the generators are not changed; note that Sisyphos accepts only generators names beginning with a letter followed by a sequence of letters, digits,underscores and dots.

type must be either "pcgroup" or the prime dividing the order of P. In the former case the Sisyphos object has type pcgroup, P must be polycyclically presented for that. In the latter case a Sisyphos object of type group is created. For avoiding computations in freely presented groups, is neither checked that the presentation describes a p-group, nor that the given prime really divides the group order.

See the Sisyphos manual Wur93 for details.

    gap> g:= SolvableGroup( "D8" );;
    gap> PrintSisyphosInputPGroup( g, "d8", "pcgroup" );
    d8 = pcgroup(2,
    g1^2 = 1,
    g2^2 = 1,
    g3^2 = 1,
    [g2,g1] = g3));
    gap> q8 := FreeGroup ( 2 );;
    gap> q8.relators := [q8.1^4,q8.2^2/q8.1^2,Comm(q8.2,q8.1)/q8.1^2];;
    gap> PrintSisyphosInputPGroup ( q8, "q8", 2 );
    #I  PQuotient: class 1 : 2
    #I  PQuotient: Runtime : 0
    q8 = group (minimal,

71.3 IsCompatiblePCentralSeries

IsCompatiblePCentralSeries( G )

If the component G.isCompatiblePCentralSeries of the polycyclically presented p-group G is bound, its value is returned, otherwise the exponent-p-central series of G is computed and compared to the given presentation. If the generators of each term of this series form a subset of the generators of G the component G.isCompatiblePCentralSeries is set to true, otherwise to false. This value is then returned by the function.

    gap> g:= SolvableGroup( "D8" );;
    gap> IsCompatiblePCentralSeries ( g );
    gap> a := AbstractGenerators ( "a", 5 );;
    gap> h := AgGroupFpGroup ( rec (
    > generators := a,
    > relators := 
    > [a[1]^2/(a[3]*a[5]),a[2]^2/a[3],a[3]^2/(a[4]*a[5]),a[4]^2,a[5]^2]));;
    gap> h.name := "H";;
    gap> IsCompatiblePCentralSeries ( h );
    gap> PCentralSeries ( h, 2 );
    [ H, Subgroup( H, [ a3, a4, a5 ] ), Subgroup( H, [ a4*a5 ] ), 
      Subgroup( H, [  ] ) ] 

71.4 SAutomorphisms

SAutomorphisms( P )
OuterAutomorphisms( P )
NormalizedAutomorphisms( P )
NormalizedOuterAutomorphisms( P )

all return a record with components


the size of the group of outer automorphisms of P,


the size of the group of inner automorphisms of P,


the size of the full automorphism group of P,


a list of group automorphisms that generate the group of all, outer, normalized or normalized outer automorphisms of the polycyclically presented p-group P, respectively. In the case of outer or normalized outer automorphisms, this list consists of preimages in Aut(P) of a generating set for Aut(P)/Inn(P) or Autn(P)/Inn(P), respectively.

    gap> g:= SolvableGroup( "Q8" );;
    gap> SAutomorphisms( g );
    sizeAutG := 24,
    sizeInnG := 4,
    sizeOutG := 6,
    generators := 
    [ GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ b, a, c ] ), 
      GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a*b, b, c ] ), 
      GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a, b*c, c ] ), 
      GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a*c, b, c ] ) ] )
    gap> OuterAutomorphisms( g );
    sizeAutG := 24,
    sizeInnG := 4,
    sizeOutG := 6,
    generators := 
    [ GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ b, a, c ] ), 
      GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a*b, b, c ] ) ] ) 

Note: If the component P.isCompatiblePCentralSeries is not bound it is computed using IsCompatiblePCentralSeries.

71.5 AgNormalizedAutomorphisms

AgNormalizedAutomorphisms( P )

returns a polycyclically presented group isomorphic to the group of all normalized automorphisms of the polycyclically presented p-group P.

    gap> g:= SolvableGroup( "D8" );;
    gap> aut:= AgNormalizedAutomorphisms( g );
    Group( g0, g1 )
    gap> Size( aut );

Note: If the component P.isCompatiblePCentralSeries is not bound it is computed using IsCompatiblePCentralSeries.

71.6 AgNormalizedOuterAutomorphisms

AgNormalizedOuterAutomorphisms( P )

returns a polycyclically presented group isomorphic to the group of normalized outer automorphisms of the polycyclically presented p-group P.

    gap> g:= SolvableGroup( "D8" );;
    gap> aut:= AgNormalizedOuterAutomorphisms( g );
    Group( IdAgWord ) 

Note: If the component P.isCompatiblePCentralSeries is not bound it is computed using IsCompatiblePCentralSeries.

71.7 IsIsomorphic

IsIsomorphic( P1, P2 )

returns true if the polycyclically or freely presented p-group P1 and the polycyclically presented p-group P2 are isomorphic, false otherwise.

    gap> g:= SolvableGroup( "D8" );;
    gap> nonab:= AllTwoGroups( Size, 8, IsAbelian, false );
    [ Group( a1, a2, a3 ), Group( a1, a2, a3 ) ]
    gap> List( nonab, x -> IsIsomorphic( g, x ) );
    [ true, false ] 

(The function Isomorphisms returns isomorphisms in case the groups are isomorphic.)

Note: If the component P2.isCompatiblePCentralSeries is not bound it is computed using IsCompatiblePCentralSeries.

71.8 Isomorphisms

Isomorphisms( P1, P2 )

If the polycyclically or freely presented p-groups P1 and the polycyclically presented p-group P2 are not isomorphic, Isomorphisms returns false. Otherwise a record is returned that encodes the isomorphisms from P1 to P2; its components are


a list of images of P1.generators that defines an isomorphism from P1 to P2,


a list of image lists which encode automorphisms that together with the inner automorphisms generate the full automorphism group of P2


size of the group of outer automorphisms of P2,


size of the group of inner automorphisms of P2,


size of the full automorphism group of P2.

    gap> g:= SolvableGroup( "Q8" );;
    gap> nonab:= AllTwoGroups( Size, 8, IsAbelian, false );
    [ Group( a1, a2, a3 ), Group( a1, a2, a3 ) ]
    gap> nonab[2].name:= "im";;
    gap> Isomorphisms( g, nonab[2] );
    sizeAutG := 24,
    sizeInnG := 4,
    sizeOutG := 6,
    epimorphism := [ a1, a2, a3 ],
    generators := 
    [ GroupHomomorphismByImages( im, im, [ a1, a2, a3 ], [ a2, a1, a3 ] ),
      GroupHomomorphismByImages( im, im, [ a1, a2, a3 ], [ a1*a2, a2, a3
         ] ) ] ) 

(The function IsIsomorphic tests for isomorphism of p-groups.)

Note: If the component P2.isCompatiblePCentralSeries is not bound it is computed using IsCompatiblePCentralSeries.

71.9 CorrespondingAutomorphism

CorrespondingAutomorphism( G, w )

If G is a polycyclically presented group of automorphisms of a group P as returned by AgNormalizedAutomorphisms (see AgNormalizedAutomorphisms) or AgNormalizedOuterAutomorphisms (see AgNormalizedOuterAutomorphisms), and w is an element of G then the automorphism of P corresponding to w is returned.

    gap> g:= TwoGroup( 64, 173 );;
    gap> g.name := "G173";;
    gap> autg := AgNormalizedAutomorphisms ( g );
    Group( g0, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8 )
    gap> CorrespondingAutomorphism ( autg, autg.2*autg.1^2 );
    GroupHomomorphismByImages( G173, G173, [ a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 ],
    [ a1, a2*a4, a3*a6, a4*a6, a5, a6 ] ) 

71.10 AutomorphismGroupElements

AutomorphismGroupElements( A )

A must be an automorphism record as returned by one of the automorphism routines or a list consisting of automorphisms of a p-group P.

In the first case a list of all elements of Aut(P) or Autn(P) is returned, if A has been created by SAutomorphisms or NormalizedAutomorphisms (see SAutomorphisms), respectively, or a list of coset representatives of Aut(P) or Autn(P) modulo Inn(P), if A has been created by OuterAutomorphisms or NormalizedOuterAutomorphisms (see SAutomorphisms), respectively.

In the second case the list of all elements of the subgroup of Aut(P) generated by A is returned.

    gap> g:= SolvableGroup( "Q8" );;
    gap> outg:= OuterAutomorphisms( g );;
    gap> AutomorphismGroupElements( outg );
    [ GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a, b, c ] ),
      GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ b, a, c ] ),
      GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a*b, b, c ] ),
      GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a*b*c, a, c ] ),
      GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ b, a*b, c ] ),
      GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a, a*b*c, c ] ) ]
    gap> l:= [ outg.generators[2] ];
    [ GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a*b, b, c ] ) ]
    gap> AutomorphismGroupElements( l );
    [ GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a, b, c ] ),
      GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a*b, b, c ] ),
      GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a*c, b, c ] ),
      GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a*b*c, b, c ] ) ] 

71.11 NormalizedUnitsGroupRing

NormalizedUnitsGroupRing( P )
NormalizedUnitsGroupRing( P, n )

When called with a polycyclicly presented p-group P, the group of normalized units of the group ring FP of P over the field F with p elements is returned.

If a second argument n is given, the group of normalized units of FP / In is returned, where I denotes the augmentation ideal of FP.

The returned group is represented as polycyclicly presented group.

    gap> g:= SolvableGroup( "D8" );;
    gap> NormalizedUnitsGroupRing( g, 1 );
    #D use multiplication table
    Group( IdAgWord )
    gap> NormalizedUnitsGroupRing( g, 2 );
    #D use multiplication table
    Group( g1, g2 )
    gap> NormalizedUnitsGroupRing( g, 3 );
    #D use multiplication table
    Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 )
    gap> NormalizedUnitsGroupRing( g );
    #D use multiplication table
    Group( g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7 ) 

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27 Nov 2023