88 Reflection subgroups

Let W be a finite (possibly complex) reflection group on the vector space V. A reflection subgroup H of W is a subgroup generated by the reflections it contains. A parabolic subgroup of W is the fixator in W of some subset of V. By a difficult theorem of Steinberg (easy in the real case) a parabolic subgroup is a reflection subgroup.

The function ReflectionSubgroup can be used to construct a reflection subgroup of W. It takes as arguments the original record for W and a list of indices for the reflections.

If V is real, so that W is a Coxeter group with generators S, then {wsw-1 | w ∈ W, s∈ S} is the set of all reflections in W. A reflection subgroup generated by a subset of S is parabolic; it is called standard parabolic subgroup of W. Any parabolic subgroup is conjugate to some standard parabolic subgroup. Let R be the set of roots of W, and let Q be the set of roots of H, that is the set of roots for which the corresponding reflection lies in H; by Steinberg's theorem it can be seen that a reflection subgroup H which is not parabolic is characterized by the fact that Q is not closed under linear combinations in R.

It is a theorem discovered by Deodhar Deo89 and Dyer Dye90 independently at the same time that a reflection subgroup H of a Coxeter group has a canonical set of fundamental roots even if it is not parabolic: a fundamental system of roots for H is given by the positive roots t ∈ Q such that the subset of R of roots whose sign is changed by the reflection with root t meets Q in the single element t. This is used by the routine ReflectionSubgroup to determine the root system Q of a reflection subgroup H.

    gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "G", 2 );
    gap> W.roots[4];
    [ 1, 2 ]
    gap> H := ReflectionSubgroup( W, [ 2, 4 ] );
    ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("G",2), [ 2, 3 ])
    gap> PrintDiagram( H );         # not a parabolic subgroup
    ~A2 2 - 3

We see that the result of the above algorithm is that W.roots[2] and W.roots[3] form a system of simple roots in H.

The line containing the Dynkin diagram of H introduces a convention: we use the notation "~A" to denote a root subsystem of type "A" generated by short roots.

We now point the differences which occur when considering complex reflection groups. First, a subgroup generated by a subset of the standard generators need not always be parabolic, if W needs more than dim V reflections to be generated. The type of a reflection subgroup is not known a priori, but CHEVIE will try to determine it if you call ReflectionType or any operation which needs the classification on the constructed subgroup. However there are no canonical way to choose the generators; CHEVIE will try to choose generators giving the same Cartan matrix as the one for the standard group of the same type defined by CHEVIE; failing that, it will at least try to find generators which satisfy the appropriate braid relations.

The record for a reflection subgroup contains additional components the most important of which is rootInclusion which gives the positions of the roots of H in the roots of W:

    gap> H.rootInclusion;
    [ 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 ]

The inverse (partial) map is stored in H.rootRestriction.

If H is a standard parabolic subgroup of a Coxeter group W then the length function on H (with respect to its set of generators) is the restriction of the length function on W. This need not no longer be true for arbitrary reflection subgroups of W:

    gap> CoxeterLength( W, H.generators[2] );
    gap> CoxeterLength( H, H.generators[2] );

In GAP3, finite reflection groups W are represented as permutation groups on a set of roots. Consequently, a reflection subgroup H ⊆ W is a permutation subgroup, i.e., its elements are represented as permutations of the roots of the parent group. This has to be kept in mind when working with reduced expressions and functions like CoxeterWord, and EltWord.

Reduced words in simple reflections of H:

    gap> el := CoxeterWords( H );
    [ [  ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 3, 2 ], [ 2, 3, 2 ] ]

Reduced words in the generators of H:

    gap> el1 := List( el, x -> H.rootRestriction{ x } );
    [ [  ], [ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 2, 1 ], [ 1, 2, 1 ] ]

Permutations on the roots of W:

    gap> el2 := List( el, x -> EltWord( H, x ) );
    [ (), ( 1, 5)( 2, 8)( 3, 4)( 7,11)( 9,10),
      ( 1,12)( 2, 4)( 3, 9)( 6, 7)( 8,10),
      ( 1, 5,12)( 2,10, 3)( 4, 9, 8)( 6, 7,11),
      ( 1,12, 5)( 2, 3,10)( 4, 8, 9)( 6,11, 7),
      ( 2, 9)( 3, 8)( 4,10)( 5,12)( 6,11) ]

Reduced words in the generators of W:

    gap> List( el2, x -> CoxeterWord( W, x ) );
    [ [  ], [ 2 ], [ 1, 2, 1 ], [ 2, 1, 2, 1 ], [ 1, 2, 1, 2 ],
      [ 2, 1, 2, 1, 2 ] ]

Another basic result about reflection subgroups of Coxeter groups is that each coset of H in W contains a unique element of minimal length. Since a coset is a subset of W, the length of elements is taken with respect to the roots of W. See ReducedRightCosetRepresentatives.

In many applications it is useful to know the decomposition of the irreducible characters of W when we restrict them from W to a reflection subgroup H. In order to apply the usual GAP3 functions for inducing and restricting characters and computing scalar products, we need to know the fusion map for the conjugacy classes of H into those of W. This is done, as usual, with the GAP3 function FusionConjugacyClasses, which calls a special implementation for Coxeter groups. The decomposition of induced characters into irreducibles then is a simple matter of combining some functions which already exist in GAP3. The package CHEVIE provides a function InductionTable which performs this job.

    gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "G", 2 );;
    gap> W.roots[4];
    [ 1, 2 ]
    gap> H := ReflectionSubgroup( W, [ 2, 4 ] );;
    gap> Display( InductionTable( H, W ) );
    Induction from ~A2 to G2
               |111 21 3
    phi{1,0}   |  .  . 1
    phi{1,6}   |  1  . .
    phi{1,3}'  |  .  . 1
    phi{1,3}'' |  1  . .
    phi{2,1}   |  .  1 .
    phi{2,2}   |  .  1 .

We have similar functions for the j-induction and the J-induction of characters. These operations are obtained by truncating the induced characters by using the a-invariants and b-invariants associated with the irreducible characters of W (see jInductionTable for Macdonald-Lusztig-Spaltenstein induction and JInductionTable).


  1. ReflectionSubgroup
  2. Functions for reflection subgroups
  3. ReducedRightCosetRepresentatives
  4. PermCosetsSubgroup
  5. StandardParabolic
  6. jInductionTable for Macdonald-Lusztig-Spaltenstein induction
  7. JInductionTable

88.1 ReflectionSubgroup

ReflectionSubgroup( W, r )

Returns the reflection subgroup of the real or complex reflection group W generated by the reflections with roots specified by r. r is a list of indices specifying a subset of the roots of W.

A reflection subgroup H of W is a permutation subgroup, and otherwise has the same fields as W, with some new ones added which express the relationship with the parent W:


the indices of the roots in the roots of W


the number of positive roots of W (for Coxeter groups)


a list of length 2*H.parentN with entries in positions H.rootInclusion bound to [1..2*H.N].

A reflection group which is not a subgroup actually also contains these fields, set to the trivial values: rootInclusion = [ 1 .. 2*W.N ], parentN = W.N and rootRestriction = [ 1 .. 2*W.N ].

With these fields, the method IsLeftDescending(H,w,i) is written (where w is given as a permutation of the roots of the parent)


ReflectionSubgroup returns a subgroup of the parent group of the argument (like the GAP3 function Subgroup).

    gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "F", 4 );;
    gap> H := ReflectionSubgroup( W, [ 1, 2, 11, 20 ] );
    ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("F",4), [ 1, 2, 9, 16 ])
    gap> ReflectionName( H );  # not a parabolic subgroup
    gap> H.rootRestriction;
    [ 1, 2,,, 5,,,, 3,, 6,,, 8,, 4,, 7,, 9,, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,,, 17,,,,
      15,, 18,,, 20,, 16,, 19,, 21,, 22, 23, 24 ]
    gap> ReflectionSubgroup( H, [ 1, 2, 6 ] );
    ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("F",4), [ 1, 2, 3 ])

88.2 Functions for reflection subgroups

All functions for Reflection groups are actually defined for reflection subgroups, provided their reflection type is known (this is automatic in the Coxeter case, otherwise use ReflectionType as mentioned in introduction). The generators for the subgroups are labeled according to the corresponding number of the root they represent in the parent group. This affects the labeling given by all functions dealing with words and generators, e.g., PrintDiagram or EltWord.

    gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "F", 4 );
    gap> H := ReflectionSubgroup( W, [ 10, 11, 12 ] );
    ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("F",4), [ 10, 11, 12 ])
    gap> PrintDiagram( H );
    B2 10 <=< 11
    ~A1 12
    gap> LongestCoxeterWord( H );
    [ 10, 11, 10, 11, 12 ]

Note that for the functions ReflectionType, ReflectionName and PrintDiagram for Coxeter subgroups, an irreducible subsystem which consists of short roots in a system which has longer roots (i.e., type "B", "C", "G" or "F") is labeled as type "~A".

ReducedInRightCoset( H , w ):

this function works in a more general context for reflection subgroups of finite Coxeter groups than for general Coxeter groups. The only condition is that w is a permutation of the roots of the parent group of H, which leaves invariant the set of roots of H and thus induces an automorphism of H. ReducedInRightCoset returns the unique element in the right coset H.w which sends all roots of H to positive roots.

    gap> W := CoxeterGroup("F", 4 );;
    gap> H := ReflectionSubgroup( W, [ 1, 2, 9, 16 ] );;
    gap> PrintDiagram( H );
    D4 9
         1 - 16
    gap> w := EltWord( W, [ 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2 ] );;
    gap> f := ReducedInRightCoset( H, w );;
    gap> CoxeterWord( W, f );
    [ 4, 3 ]
    gap> H.rootInclusion{[ 1 ..4 ]};
    [ 1, 2, 9, 16 ]

The triality automorphism of D4 is induced by f:

    gap> OnTuples( H.rootInclusion{[ 1 .. 4 ]}, f );
    [ 1, 9, 16, 2 ]

88.3 ReducedRightCosetRepresentatives

ReducedRightCosetRepresentatives( W, H [,l])

returns a list of reduced elements in the Coxeter group W which are distinguished representatives for the right cosets of the reflection subgroup H in W. The distinguished representative in the coset H.w is the unique element in the coset which sends all roots of H to positive roots (the element returned by ReducedInRightCoset). It is also the element of minimal length in the coset. The representatives are returned in order of increasing length.

    gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "B", 3 );;
    gap> H := ReflectionSubgroup(W, [ 2, 3 ]);;
    gap> List( ReducedRightCosetRepresentatives( W, H ),
    >                                x-> CoxeterWord( W, x ) );
    [ [  ], [ 1 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2, 1 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 1, 3 ],
      [ 1, 2, 1, 3, 2 ], [ 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1 ] ]

If a third argument l is given, it should be an integer or a list of integers, and only the representatives whose CoxeterLength is in l are returned. This form is the only one which makes sense for infinite Coxeter groups.

    gap> W:=Affine(CoxeterGroup("A",2));
    gap> H:=ReflectionSubgroup(W,[1]);
    ReflectionSubgroup(Affine(CoxeterGroup("A",2)), [ 1 ])
    gap> List(ReducedRightCosetRepresentatives(W,H,[0..3]),
    >                                x-> CoxeterWord( W, x ) );
    [ [  ], [ 3 ], [ 2 ], [ 3, 1 ], [ 2, 1 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 3, 2 ],
      [ 2, 1, 3 ], [ 3, 1, 2 ], [ 2, 3, 2 ], [ 2, 3, 1 ], [ 3, 2, 1 ] ]

88.4 PermCosetsSubgroup

PermCosetsSubgroup( W, H )

returns the list of permutations induced by the standard generators of the Coxeter group W on the cosets of the Coxeter subgroup H. The cosets are in the order determined by the result of the function ReducedRightCosetRepresentatives( W, H ).

    gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "F", 4 );;
    gap> PermCosetsSubgroup( W, ReflectionSubgroup( W, [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) );
    [ ( 4, 5)( 6, 7)( 8,10)(16,18)(17,20)(19,21),
      ( 3, 4)( 7, 9)(10,12)(14,16)(15,17)(21,22),
      ( 2, 3)( 4, 6)( 5, 7)( 9,11)(12,14)(13,15)(17,19)(20,21)(22,23),
      ( 1, 2)( 6, 8)( 7,10)( 9,12)(11,13)(14,15)(16,17)(18,20)(23,24) ]

88.5 StandardParabolic

StandardParabolic( W, H )

returns an element w of W which conjugates the reflection subgroup H of W to a standard parabolic subgroup (that is, a reflection subgroup generated by a subset of the generators of W), if such a w exists. Otherwise returns false.

The returned element w is thus such that H^w is a standard parabolic subgroup of W.

    gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("E",6);;
    gap> R:=ReflectionSubgroup(W,[20,30,19,22]);
    ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("E",6), [ 1, 9, 19, 20 ])
    gap> StandardParabolic(W,R);
    ( 1, 4,49,12,10)( 2,54,62, 3,19)( 5,17,43,60, 9)( 6,21,34,36,20)
    ( 7,24,45,41,53)( 8,65,50,15,22)(11,32,31,27,28)(13,48,46,37,40)
    gap> R^last;
    ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("E",6), [ 4, 5, 2, 6 ])
    gap> R:=ReflectionSubgroup(W,[1,2,3,5,6,35]);;
    gap> ReflectionName(R);
    gap> StandardParabolic(W,R);

88.6 jInductionTable for Macdonald-Lusztig-Spaltenstein induction

jInductionTable( H, W )

computes the decomposition into irreducible characters of the reflection group W of the j-induced of the irreducible characters of the reflection subgroup H. The j-induced of χ is the sum of the irreducible components of the induced of χ which have same b-function (see LowestPowerFakeDegrees) as χ. In the table the rows correspond to the characters of the parent group, the columns to those of the subgroup. What is returned is actually a record with several fields: scalar contains the induction table proper, and there is a Display method. The other fields contain labeling information taken from the character tables of H and W when it exists.

    gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "D", 4);;
    gap> H := ReflectionSubgroup( W, [ 1, 3 ] );;
    gap> Display( jInductionTable( H, W ) );
    j-Induction from A2 to D4
          |111 21 3
    11+   |  .  . .
    11-   |  .  . .
    1.111 |  .  . .
    .1111 |  .  . .
    11.2  |  .  . .
    1.21  |  1  . .
    .211  |  .  . .
    2+    |  .  . .
    2-    |  .  . .
    .22   |  .  . .
    1.3   |  .  1 .
    .31   |  .  . .
    .4    |  .  . 1

88.7 JInductionTable

JInductionTable( H, W )

JInductionTable computes the decomposition into irreducible characters of the reflection group W of the J-induced of the irreducible characters of the reflection subgroup H. The J-induced of χ is the sum of the irreducible components of the induced of χ which have same a-function (see LowestPowerGenericDegrees) as χ. In the table the rows correspond to the characters of the parent group, the columns to those of the subgroup. What is returned is actually a record with several fields: scalar contains the induction table proper, and there is a Display method. The other fields contain labeling information taken from the character tables of H and W when it exists.

    gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "D", 4 );;
    gap> H := ReflectionSubgroup( W, [ 1, 3 ] );;
    gap> Display( JInductionTable( H, W ) );
    J-Induction from A2 to D4
          |111 21 3
    11+   |  .  . .
    11-   |  .  . .
    1.111 |  .  . .
    .1111 |  .  . .
    11.2  |  1  . .
    1.21  |  1  . .
    .211  |  .  . .
    2+    |  .  . .
    2-    |  .  . .
    .22   |  .  . .
    1.3   |  .  1 .
    .31   |  .  . .
    .4    |  .  . 1

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