95 Reflection cosets

Let W⊂GL(V) be a complex reflection group on the vector space V. Let φ be an element of GL(V) which normalizes W. Then the coset is called a reflection coset.

A reference for these cosets is BMM99; the main motivation is that in the case where W is a rational reflection group (a Weyl group) such cosets, that we will call Weyl cosets, model rational structures on finite reductive groups. Finally, when W is a so-called Spetsial group, they are the basic object for the construction of a Spetses, which is an object attached to a complex reflection group from which one can derive combinatorially some attributes shared with finite reductive groups, like unipotent degrees, etc....

We say that a reflection coset is irreducible if W is irreducible. A general coset is a direct product of descents of scalars, which is the case where φ is transitive on the irreducible components of W. The irreducible cosets have been classified in BMM99: up to multiplication of φ by a scalar, there is usually only one or two possible cosets for a given irreducible group.

In CHEVIE we deal only with finite order cosets, that is, we assume there is a (minimal) integer δ such that (Wφ)δ=Wφ. Then the group generated by W and φ is finite, of order δ|W|.

A subset C of a is called a conjugacy class if one of the following equivalent conditions is fulfilled:

C is the orbit of an element in under the conjugation action of W.

C is a conjugacy class of ⟨ W,φ ⟩ contained in .

The set {w∈ W| wφ∈ C} is a φ-conjugacy class of W (two elements v,w∈ W are called φ-conjugate, if and only if there exists x∈ W with v = xwφ(x-1)).

An irreducible character of ⟨ W,φ ⟩ has some non-zero values on if and only if its restriction to W is irreducible. Further, two characters χ1 and χ2 which have same irreducible restriction to W differ by a character of the cyclic group ⟨φ⟩ (which identifies to the quotient ⟨ W,φ ⟩/W). A set containing one extension to ⟨ W,φ ⟩ of each φ-invariant character of W is called a set of irreducible characters of . Two such characters are orthogonal for the scalar product on the class functions on given by

⟨ χ,ψ ⟩ := 1/| W|∑w∈ W χ(wφ)ψ(wφ).
For rational groups (Weyl groups), Lusztig has defined a canonical choice of a set of irreducible characters for (called the preferred extensions), but for more general reflection cosets we have made some rather arbitrary choices, which however have the property that their values lie in the smallest possible field.

The character table of is the table of values of a set of irreducible characters on the conjugacy classes.

A subcoset Lwφ of is given by a reflection subgroup L of W and an element w of W such that normalizes L.

We then have a natural notion of restriction of class functions on to class functions on Lwφ as well as of induction in the other direction. These maps are adjoint with respect to the scalar product defined above (see BMM99).

In CHEVIE the most general construction of a reflection coset is by starting from a reflection datum, and giving in addition the matrix phiMat of the map φ:V→ V (see the command ReflectionCoset). However, at present, general cosets are only implemented for groups represented as permutation groups on a set of roots, and it is required that the automorphism given preserves this set up to a scalar (it is allowed that these scalars depend on the pair of an irreducible component and its image). If it also allowed to specify φ by the permutation it induces on the roots; in this case it is assumed that φ acts trivially on the orthogonal of the roots, but the roots could be those of a parent group, generating a larger space. Thus in any case we have a permutation representation of ⟨ W,φ ⟩ and we consider the coset to be a set of permutations.

Reflection cosets are implemented in CHEVIE by a record which points to a reflection group record and has additional fields holding phiMat and the corresponding permutation phi. In the general case, on each component of W which is a descent of scalars, phiMat will permute the components and differ by a scalar on each component from an automorphism which preserves the roots. In this case, we have a permutation phi and a scalar which is stored for that component.

The most common situation where cosets with non-trivial phi arise is as sub-cosets of reflection groups. Here is an ``exotic'' example, see the next chapter for more classical examples involving Coxeter groups.

    gap> W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(14);
    gap> PrintDiagram(W);
    G14 1--8--2(3)
    gap> R:=ReflectionSubgroup(W,[2,4]);
    ReflectionSubgroup(ComplexReflectionGroup(14), [ 2, 4 ])
    gap> PrintDiagram(R);
    G5(ER(6)) 2(3)==4(3)
    gap> Rphi:=ReflectionCoset(R,W.1);
    gap> PrintDiagram(Rphi);
    phi acts as (2,4) on the component below
    G5(ER(6)) 2(3)==4(3)
    gap> ReflectionDegrees(Rphi);
    [ [ 6, 1 ], [ 12, -1 ] ]

The last line shows for each reflection degree the corresponding factor of the coset, which is the scalar by which φ acts on the corresponding fundamental reflection invariant. The factors characterize the coset.

The variable CHEVIE.PrintSpets determines if a coset is printed in an abbreviated form which describes its type, as above (G5 twisted by 2, with a Cartan matrix which differs from the standard one by a factor of √ 6), or in a form which could be input back in GAP3. The above example was for the default value CHEVIE.PrintSpets=rec(). With the same data we have:

    gap> CHEVIE.PrintSpets:=rec(GAP:=true);;
    gap> Rphi;
    Spets(ReflectionSubgroup(ComplexReflectionGroup(14), [ 2, 4 ]), (1,3)(\ 
    gap> CHEVIE.PrintSpets:=rec();;


  1. ReflectionCoset
  2. Spets
  3. ReflectionSubCoset
  4. SubSpets
  5. Functions for Reflection cosets
  6. ChevieCharInfo for reflection cosets
  7. ReflectionType for reflection cosets
  8. ReflectionDegrees for reflection cosets
  9. Twistings
  10. ChevieClassInfo for Reflection cosets
  11. CharTable for Reflection cosets

95.1 ReflectionCoset

ReflectionCoset( W[, phiMat ] )

ReflectionCoset( W[, phiPerm] )

This function returns a reflection coset as a GAP3 object. The argument W must be a reflection group (created by ComplexReflectionGroup, CoxeterGroup, PermRootGroup or ReflectionSubgroup). In the first form the argument phiMat must be an invertible matrix with Rank(W) rows, which normalizes the parent of W (if any) as well as W. In the second form phiPerm is a permutation which describes the images of the roots under phi (only the image of the roots corresponding to the generating reflections need be given, since they already determine a unique phiMat). This second form is only allowed if the semisimple rank of W equals the rank (i.e., the roots are a basis of V). If there is no second argument the default for phiMat is the identity matrix, so the result is the trivial coset equal to W itself.

ReflectionCoset returns a record from which we document the following components:

isDomain, isFinite:



the group W


the matrix acting on V which represents φ.


the permutation on the roots of W induced by phiMat.

    gap> W := CoxeterGroup("A",3);;
    gap> Wphi := ReflectionCoset( W, (1,3));
    gap> m:=MatXPerm(W,(1,3));
    [ [ 0, 0, 1 ], [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ]
    gap> ReflectionCoset( W,m);

95.2 Spets

Spets is a synonym for ReflectionCoset. See ReflectionCoset.

95.3 ReflectionSubCoset

ReflectionSubCoset( WF, r, [w] )

Returns the reflection subcoset of the reflection coset WF generated by the reflections specified by r. r is a list of indices specifying a subset of the roots of W where W is the reflection group Group(WF). If specified, w must be an element of W such that w*WF.phi normalizes up to scalars the subroot system generated by r. If absent, the default value for w is (). If the subroot system is not normalized then false is returned, with a warning message if InfoChevie=Print.

    gap> W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(14);
    gap> Wphi:=ReflectionCoset(W);
    gap> ReflectionSubCoset(Wphi,[2,4],W.1);
    gap> WF:=ReflectionCoset(CoxeterGroup("A",4),(1,4)(2,3));
    gap> ReflectionSubCoset(WF,[2,3]);
    gap> ReflectionSubCoset(WF,[1,2]);
    #I permutation for F0 must normalize set of roots.

95.4 SubSpets

SubSpets is a synonym for ReflectionSubCoset. See ReflectionSubCoset.

95.5 Functions for Reflection cosets

Group( WF ):

returns the reflection group of which WF is a coset.

Quite a few functions defined for domains, permutation groups or reflection groups have been implemented to work with reflection Cosets.

Size, Rank, SemisimpleRank:

these functions use the corresponding functions for Group( WF ). Elements, Random, Representative, in:
these functions use the corresponding functions for Group( WF ) and multiply the result by WF.phi.

ConjugacyClasses( WF ):

returns the conjugacy classes of the coset WF (see the introduction of this Chapter). Let W be Group(WF). Then the classes are defined to be the W-orbits on W φ, where W acts by conjugation (they coincide with the W φ-orbits, W φ acting by the conjugation); by the translation w → wφ-1 they are sent to the φ-conjugacy classes of W.

PositionClass( WF , x ):

for any element x in WF this returns the number i such that x is an element of ConjugacyClasses(WF)[i] (to work fast, the classification of reflection groups is used).

FusionConjugacyClasses( WF1, WF ):

works in the same way as for groups. See the section ReflectionSubCoset.

Print( WF ):

if WF.name is bound then this is printed, else this function prints the coset in a form which can be input back into GAP3.

InductionTable( HF, WF ):

works in the same way as for groups. It gives the induction table from the Reflection subcoset HF to the Reflection coset WF. If H wφ is a Reflection subcoset of W φ, restriction of characters is defined as restriction of functions from W φ to H wφ, and induction as the adjoint map for the natural scalar product ⟨ f, g⟩ =1/| W|∑v∈ W f(v φ)g(v φ).

    gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 4 );;
    gap> Wphi := ReflectionCoset( W, (1,4)(2,3) );
    gap> Display(InductionTable(ReflectionSubCoset(Wphi,[2,3 ]),Wphi));
    Induction from 2A2<2,3>.(q-1)(q+1) to 2A4
          |111 21 3
    11111 |  1  . .
    2111  |  .  1 .
    221   |  1  . .
    311   |  1  . 1
    32    |  .  . 1
    41    |  .  1 .
    5     |  .  . 1

InductionTable and FusionConjugacyClasses work only between cosets. If the parent coset is the trivial coset it should still be given as a coset and not as a group:

    gap> Wphi:=ReflectionCoset(W);
    gap> L:=ReflectionSubCoset(Wphi,[2,3],LongestCoxeterElement(W));
    gap> InductionTable(L,W);
    Error, A2<2,3>.(q-1)(q+1) is a coset but CoxeterGroup("A",4) is not in
    S.operations.FusionConjugacyClasses( S, R ) called from
    FusionConjugacyClasses( u, g ) called from
    InductionTable( L, W ) called from
    main loop
    gap> InductionTable(L,Wphi);
    InductionTable(A2<2,3>.(q-1)(q+1), A4)

ReflectionName( WF ):

returns a string which describes the isomorphism type of the group W⋊⟨ F⟩, associated to WF, as described in the introduction of this Chapter. An orbit of φ=WF.phi on the components is put in brackets if of length k greater than 1, and is preceded by the order of phik on it, if this is not 1. For example "2(A2xA2)" denotes 2 components of type A2 permuted by φ, and such that phi2 induces the non-trivial diagram automorphism on any of them, while 3D4 denotes an orbit of length 1 on which phi is of order 3.

    gap> W:=ReflectionCoset(CoxeterGroup("A",2,"G",2,"A",2),(1,5,2,6));
    gap> ReflectionName( W );

PrintDiagram( WF ):

this is a purely descriptive routine (as was already the case for finite Reflection groups themselves). It prints the Dynkin diagram of ReflectionGroup(WF) together with the information how WF.phi acts on it. Going from the above example:

    gap> PrintDiagram( W );
    phi permutes the next 2 components
    phi^2 acts as (1,2) on the component below
    A2 1 - 2
    A2 5 - 6
    G2 3 >>> 4

ChevieClassInfo( WF ), see the explicit description in ChevieClassInfo for Reflection cosets.

CharParams( WF ):

This returns appropriate labels for the characters of the ReflectionCoset. CharNames has also a special version for cosets.

GenericOrder( WF, q ):

Returns the generic order of the associated algebraic group (for a Weyl coset) or Spetses, using the generalized reflection degrees. We also have TorusOrder(WF,i,q) which is the same as GenericOrder(SubSpets(WF,[],Representative(ConjugacyClasses(WF)[i]))).

Note that some functions for elements of a Reflection group work naturally for elements of a Reflection coset: EltWord, ReflectionLength, ReducedInRightCoset, etc...

95.6 ChevieCharInfo for reflection cosets

ChevieCharInfo( WF )

ChevieCharInfo gives for a reflection coset WF a record similar to what it gives for the corresponding group W, excepted that some fields which do not make sense are omitted, and that two fields record information allowing to relate characters of the coset to that of the group:


records for each character of WF the index of the character of W of which it is an extension.


records NrConjugacyClasses(Group(WF)).

    gap> ChevieCharInfo(RootDatum("3D4"));
      extRefl := [ 1, 5, 4, 6, 2 ],
      charparams := [ [ [ [  ], [ 4 ] ] ], [ [ [  ], [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ] ],
          [ [ [  ], [ 2, 2 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1, 1 ], [ 2 ] ] ],
          [ [ [ 1 ], [ 3 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1 ], [ 1, 1, 1 ] ] ],
          [ [ [ 1 ], [ 2, 1 ] ] ] ],
      charRestrictions := [ 13, 4, 10, 5, 11, 3, 6 ],
      nrGroupClasses := 13,
      b := [ 0, 12, 4, 4, 1, 7, 3 ],
      B := [ 0, 12, 8, 8, 5, 11, 9 ],
      charnames := [ ".4", ".1111", ".22", "11.2", "1.3", "1.111", "1.21"
      positionId := 1,
      positionDet := 2,
      a := [ 0, 12, 3, 3, 1, 7, 3 ],
      A := [ 0, 12, 9, 9, 5, 11, 9 ] )

95.7 ReflectionType for reflection cosets

ReflectionType( WF )

returns the type of the Reflection coset WF. This consists of a list of records, one for each orbit of WF.phi on the irreducible components of the Dynkin diagram of Group(WF), which have two fields:


is a list of types of the irreducible components in the orbit. These types are the same as returned by the function ReflectionType for an irreducible untwisted reflection group. The components are ordered according to the action of WF.phi, so WF.phi maps the generating permutations with indices in the first type to indices in the second type in the same order as stored in the type, etc ...


if k is the number of irreducible components in the orbit, this is the permutation which describes the action of WF.phik on the simple roots of the first irreducible component in the orbit.

    gap> W:=ReflectionCoset(CoxeterGroup("A",2,"A",2), (1,3,2,4));
    gap> ReflectionType( W );
    [ rec(orbit := [ rec(rank    := 2,
          series  := "A",
          indices := [ 1, 2 ]), rec(rank    := 2,
          series  := "A",
          indices := [ 3, 4 ]) ],
          twist := (1,2)) ]

95.8 ReflectionDegrees for reflection cosets

ReflectionDegrees( WF )

Let W be the Reflection group corresponding to the Reflection coset WF, and let V be the vector space of dimension W.rank on which W acts as a reflection group. Let f1,...,fn be the basic invariants of W on the symmetric algebra SV of V; they can be chosen so they are eigenvectors of the matrix WF.phiMat. The corresponding eigenvalues are called the factors of φ acting on V; they characterize the coset --- they are equal to 1 for the trivial coset. The generalized degrees of WF are the pairs formed of the reflection degrees and the corresponding factor.

    gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "E", 6 );; WF := ReflectionCoset( W );
    gap> phi := EltWord( W,[6,5,4,2,3,1,4,3,5,4,2,6,5,4,3,1]);;
    gap> HF := ReflectionSubCoset( WF, [ 2..5 ], phi );;
    gap> PrintDiagram( HF );
    phi acts as (2,3,5) on the component below
    D4 2
         4 - 5
    gap> ReflectionDegrees( HF );
    [ [ 1, E(3) ], [ 1, E(3)^2 ], [ 2, 1 ], [ 4, E(3) ], [ 6, 1 ],
      [ 4, E(3)^2 ] ]

95.9 Twistings

Twistings( W, L )

W should be a Reflection group record or a Reflection coset record, and L should be a reflection subgroup of W (or of Group(W) for a coset), or a sublist of the generating reflections of W (resp. Group(W)), in which case the call is the same as Twistings(W,ReflectionSubgroup(W,L)) (resp. Twistings(W,ReflectionSubgroup(Group(W),L))).

The function returns a list of representatives, up to W-conjugacy, of reflection sub-cosets of W whose reflection group is L.

    gap> W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(3,3,4);
    gap> Twistings(W,[1..3]);
    [ G333.(q-1), 3'G333<1,2,3,76>.(q-E3^2), 3G333<1,2,3,76>.(q-E3) ]

95.10 ChevieClassInfo for Reflection cosets

ChevieClassInfo( WF )

returns information about the conjugacy classes of the Reflection coset WF. The result is a record with three components: classtext contains a list of reduced words for the representatives in ConjugacyClasses(WF), classnames contains corresponding names for the classes, and classparams gives corresponding parameters for the classes.

    gap> W:=ReflectionCoset(ComplexReflectionGroup(14));
    gap> Rphi:=ReflectionSubCoset(W,[2,4],Group(W).1);
    gap> ChevieClassInfo(Rphi);
      classtext :=
       [ [  ], [ 2, 4, 4, 2, 4, 4, 2 ], [ 2, 4, 4, 2, 4, 4, 2, 2 ],
          [ 2 ], [ 2, 2, 4, 2, 2 ], [ 2, 2, 4, 4, 2, 2 ], [ 2, 4 ],
          [ 2, 4, 2 ], [ 4, 2, 4, 2 ] ],
      classes := [ 12, 6, 6, 6, 12, 6, 6, 6, 12 ],
      orders := [ 2, 24, 24, 24, 6, 8, 24, 8, 6 ],
      classnames := [ "", "1221221", "12212211", "1", "11211", "112211",
          "12", "121", "2121" ] )

95.11 CharTable for Reflection cosets

CharTable( WF )

This function returns the character table of the Reflection coset WF (see also the introduction of this Chapter). We call ``characters'' of the Reflection coset WF with corresponding Reflection group W the restriction to W φ of a set containing one extension of each φ-invariant character of W to the semidirect product of W with the cyclic group generated by φ. The choice of extension is always the same for a given coset, but rather arbitrary in general; for Weyl cosets it is the "preferred extension" of Lusztig.

The returned record contains almost all components present in the character table of a Reflection group. But if φ is not trivial then there are no components powermap (since powers of elements in the coset need not be in the coset) and orders (if you really need them, use MatXPerm to determine the order of elements in the coset).

    gap> W := ReflectionCoset( CoxeterGroup( "D", 4 ), (1,2,4) );
    gap> Display( CharTable( W ) );

           2  2   2     2      2  2      3      3
           3  1   1     1      .  .      1      1

             C3 ~A2 C3+A1 ~A2+A1 F4 ~A2+A2 F4(a1)

    .4        1   1     1      1  1      1      1
    .1111    -1   1     1     -1  1      1      1
    .22       .   2     2      . -1     -1     -1
    11.2      .   .     .      . -1      3      3
    1.3       1   1    -1     -1  .     -2      2
    1.111    -1   1    -1      1  .     -2      2
    1.21      .   2    -2      .  .      2     -2

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27 Nov 2023