103 CHEVIE utility functions

The functions described below, used in various parts of the CHEVIE package, are of a general nature and should really be included in other parts of the GAP3 library. We include them here for the moment for the commodity of the reader.


  1. SymmetricDifference
  2. DifferenceMultiSet
  3. Rotation
  4. Rotations
  5. Inherit
  6. Dictionary
  7. GetRoot
  8. CharParams
  9. CharName
  10. PositionId
  11. PermutationOnClasses
  12. PermutationOnCharacters
  13. InductionTable
  14. CharRepresentationWords
  15. Transversals
  16. AbelianGenerators

103.1 SymmetricDifference

SymmetricDifference( S, T)

This function returns the symmetric difference of the sets S and T, which can be written in GAP3 as Difference(Union(x,y),IntersectionSet(x,y).

    gap> SymmetricDifference([1,2],[2,3]);
    [ 1, 3 ]

103.2 DifferenceMultiSet

DifferenceMultiSet( l, s )

This function returns the difference of the multisets l and s. That is, l and s are lists which may contain several times the same item. The result is a list which is like l, excepted if an item occurs a times in s, the first a occurrences of this item in l have been deleted (all the occurrences if a is greater than the times it occurred in l).

    gap> DifferenceMultiSet("ababcbadce","edbca");

103.3 Rotation

Rotation(l, i)

This function returns l rotated i steps.

    gap> l:=[1..5];;
    gap> Rotation(l,1);
    [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 1 ]
    gap> Rotation(l,0);
    [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
    gap> Rotation(l,-1);
    [ 5, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

103.4 Rotations


This function returns the list of rotations of the list l.

    gap> Rotations("abcd");
    [ "abcd", "bcda", "cdab", "dabc" ]
    gap> Rotations([1,0,1,0]);
    [ [ 1, 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 0, 1 ], [ 1, 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 0, 1 ] ]

103.5 Inherit


This functions copies to the record rec1 all the fields of the record rec2. If an additional argument fields is given, it should be a list of field names, and then only the fields specified by fields are copied. The function returns the modified rec1.

    gap> r:=rec(a:=1,b:=2);
      a := 1,
      b := 2 )
    gap> s:=rec(c:=3,d:=4);
      c := 3,
      d := 4 )
    gap> Inherit(r,s);
      a := 1,
      b := 2,
      c := 3,
      d := 4 )
    gap> r:=rec(a:=1,b:=2);
      a := 1,
      b := 2 )
    gap> Inherit(r,s,["d"]);
      a := 1,
      b := 2,
      d := 4 )

103.6 Dictionary


This function creates a dictionary data type. The created object is a record with two functions:

get the value associated to key k; it returns false if there is no such key.

Insert(k,v) sets in the dictionary the value associated to key k to be v.

The main advantage compared to records is that keys may be of any type.

    gap> d:=Dictionary();
    Dictionary with 0 entries
    gap> d.Insert("a",1);
    gap> d.Insert("b",2);
    gap> d.Get("a");
    gap> d.Get("c");
    gap> d;
    Dictionary with 2 entries

103.7 GetRoot

GetRoot( x, n [, msg])

n must be a positive integer. GetRoot returns an n-th root of x when possible, else signals an error. If msg is present and InfoChevie=Print a warning message is printed about which choice of root has been made, after printing msg.

In the current implementation, it is possible to find an n-th root when x is one of the following GAP3 objects:

1- a monomial of the form a*q^(b*n) when we know how to find a root of a. The root chosen is GetRoot(a,n)*q^b.

2- a root of unity of the form E(a)^i. The root chosen is E(a*n)^i.

3- an integer, when n=2 (the root chosen is ER(x)) or when x is a perfect n-th power of a (the root chosen is a).

4- a product of an x of form 2- by an x of form 3-.

5- when x is a record and has a method x.operations.GetRoot the work is delegated to that method.

    gap> q:=X(Cyclotomics);;q.name:="q";;
    gap> GetRoot(E(3)*q^2,2,"test");
warning: test: E3^2q chosen as 2nd root of (E(3))*q^2
    gap> GetRoot(1,2,"test");
warning: test: 1 chosen as 2nd root of 1

The example above shows that GetRoot is not compatible with specialization: E(3)*q^2 evaluated at E(3) is 1 whose root chosen by GetRoot is 1, while (-E(3)^2)*q evaluated at E(3) is -1. Actually it can be shown that it is not possible mathematically to define a function GetRoot compatible with specializations. This is why there is a provision in functions for character tables of Hecke algebras to provide explicit roots.

    gap> GetRoot(8,3);
    gap> GetRoot(7,3);
    Error, : unable to compute 3-th root of 7
    GetRoot( 7, 3 ) called from
    main loop

103.8 CharParams


G should be a group or another object which has a method CharTable, or a character table. The function CharParams tries to determine a list of labels for the characters of G. If G has a method CharParams this is called. Otherwise, if G is not a character table, its CharTable is called. If the table has a field .charparam in .irredinfo this is returned. Otherwise, the list [1..Length(G.irreducibles)] is returned.

    gap> CharParams(CoxeterGroup("A",2));
    [ [ [ 1, 1, 1 ] ], [ [ 2, 1 ] ], [ [ 3 ] ] ]
    gap> CharParams(Group((1,2),(2,3)));
    #W  Warning: Group has no name
    [ 1 .. 3 ]

103.9 CharName

CharName(G, param)

G should be a group and param a parameter of a character of that group (as returned by CharParams). If G has a method CharName, the function returns the result of that method, which is a string which displays nicely param (this is used by CHEVIE to nicely fill the .charNames in a CharTable -- all finite reflection groups have such methods CharName).

    gap> G:=CoxeterGroup("G", 2);
    gap> CharParams(G);
    [ [ [ 1, 0 ] ], [ [ 1, 6 ] ], [ [ 1, 3, 1 ] ], [ [ 1, 3, 2 ] ],
      [ [ 2, 1 ] ], [ [ 2, 2 ] ] ]
    gap>  List(last,x->CharName(G,x));
    [ "phi{1,0}", "phi{1,6}", "phi{1,3}'", "phi{1,3}''", "phi{2,1}",
      "phi{2,2}" ]

103.10 PositionId

PositionId( G )

G should be a group, a character table, an Hecke algebra or another object which has characters. PositionId returns the position of the identity character in the character table of G.

    gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "D", 4 );;
    gap> PositionId( W );

103.11 PermutationOnClasses

PermutationOnClasses( G, aut)

aut is an automorphism of the group G (for a permutation group, this could be given as a permutation normalizing G). The result is the permutation of [1..NrConjugacyClasses(G)] induced ny aut.

    gap> WF:=RootDatum("3D4");
    gap> PermutationOnClasses(Group(WF),WF.phi);
    ( 2, 8, 7)( 5,13,12)

103.12 PermutationOnCharacters

PermutationOnCharacters( G, aut)

aut is an automorphism of the group G (for a permutation group, this could be given as a permutation normalizing G). The result is the permutation of [1..NrConjugacyClasses(G)] (representing indices of irreducible characters) induced by aut.

    gap> WF:=RootDatum("3D4");
    gap> PermutationOnCharacters(Group(WF),WF.phi);
    ( 1, 7, 2)( 8,12, 9)

103.13 InductionTable

InductionTable( S, G )

InductionTable computes the decomposition of the induced characters from the subgroup S into irreducible characters of G. The rows correspond to the characters of the parent group, the columns to those of the subgroup. What is returned is actually a record with several fields: .scalar contains the induction table proper, and there are Display and Format methods. The other fields contain labeling information taken from the character tables of S and G when it exists.

    gap> G := Group( [ (1,2), (2,3), (3,4) ], () );
    Group( (1,2), (2,3), (3,4) )
    gap> S:=Subgroup( G, [ (1,2), (3,4) ] );
    Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (2,3), (3,4) ), [ (1,2), (3,4) ] )
    gap> G.name := "G";; S.name := "S";; # to avoid warnings
    gap> Display( InductionTable( S, G ) );
    Induction from S to G
        |X.1 X.2 X.3 X.4
    X.1 |  1   .   .   .
    X.2 |  .   .   .   1
    X.3 |  1   .   .   1
    X.4 |  .   1   1   1
    X.5 |  1   1   1   .

    gap> G := CoxeterGroup( "G", 2 );;
    gap> S := ReflectionSubgroup( G, [ 1, 4 ] );
    ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("G",2), [ 1, 4 ])
    gap> t := InductionTable( S, G );
    InductionTable(ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("G",2), [ 1, 4 ]), Coxe\ 
    gap> Display( t );
    Induction from A1x~A1 to G2
               |11,11 11,2 2,11 2,2
    phi{1,0}   |    .    .    .   1
    phi{1,6}   |    1    .    .   .
    phi{1,3}'  |    .    1    .   .
    phi{1,3}'' |    .    .    1   .
    phi{2,1}   |    .    1    1   .
    phi{2,2}   |    1    .    .   1

The Display and Format methods take the same arguments as the FormatTable method. For instance to select a subset of the characters of the subgroup and of the parent group, one can call

    gap> Display( t,rec( rows := [5], columns := [3,2] ) );
    Induction from A1x~A1 to G2
             |2,11 11,2
    phi{2,1} |   1    1

It is also possible to get TeX and LaTeX output, see FormatTable.

103.14 CharRepresentationWords

CharRepresentationWords( rep , elts )

given a list rep of matrices corresponding to generators and a list elts of words in the generators it returns the list of traces of the corresponding representation on the elements in elts.

    gap> H := Hecke(CoxeterGroup( "F", 4 ));;
    gap> r := ChevieClassInfo( Group( H ) ).classtext;;
    gap> t := HeckeReflectionRepresentation( H );;
    gap> CharRepresentationWords( t, r );
    [ 4, -4, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, -2, 2, 0, 2, -2, -1, 1, 0, 2, -2, -1, 1,
      0, 0, 2, -2, 0 ]

103.15 Transversals

Transversals( G[, m] )

returns a pair [orb, rep] where orb is a list of the orbits of the permutation group G on [ 1..LargestMovedPoint( G ) ] and rep is a list of list of elements of G such that rep[i][j] applied to orb[i][1] yields orb[i][j] for all i,j. If the optional argument m is given, then LargestMovedPoint( G ) is replaced by the integer m.

    gap> G := Group( (1,7)(2,3)(5,6)(8,9)(11,12),
    >                (1,5)(2,8)(3,4)(7,11)(9,10) );;
    gap> Transversals( G );
    [ [ [ 1, 7, 5, 11, 6, 12 ], [ 2, 3, 8, 4, 9, 10 ] ],
      [ [ (), ( 1, 7)( 2, 3)( 5, 6)( 8, 9)(11,12),
              ( 1, 5)( 2, 8)( 3, 4)( 7,11)( 9,10),
              ( 1,11,12, 7, 5, 6)( 2, 4, 3, 8,10, 9),
              ( 1, 6, 5, 7,12,11)( 2, 9,10, 8, 3, 4),
              ( 1,12)( 2, 4)( 3, 9)( 6, 7)( 8,10) ],
          [ (), ( 1, 7)( 2, 3)( 5, 6)( 8, 9)(11,12),
              ( 1, 5)( 2, 8)( 3, 4)( 7,11)( 9,10),
              ( 1,11,12, 7, 5, 6)( 2, 4, 3, 8,10, 9),
              ( 1, 6, 5, 7,12,11)( 2, 9,10, 8, 3, 4),
              ( 1, 6)( 2,10)( 4, 8)( 5,11)( 7,12) ] ] ]

103.16 AbelianGenerators

AbelianGenerators( A)

A should be an abelian group or the list of its generators. The function returns a list of generators for A of orders given by AbelianInvariants(A).

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27 Nov 2023