110 Posets and relations

Posets are represented in CHEVIE as records where at least one of the two following fields is present:

a boolean matrix such that .incidence[i][j]=true iff i<=j in the poset.

a list representing the Hasse diagram of the poset: the i-th entry is the list of indices of elements which are immediate successors (covers) of the i-th element, that is the list of j such that i<j and such that there is no k such that i<k<j.

If only one field is present, the other is computed on demand. Here is an example of use;

    gap> P:=BruhatPoset(CoxeterGroup("A",2));
    Poset with 6 elements
    gap> Display(P);
    gap> Hasse(P);
    [ [ 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5 ], [ 4, 5 ], [ 6 ], [ 6 ], [  ] ]
    gap> Incidence(P);
    [ [ true, true, true, true, true, true ],
      [ false, true, false, true, true, true ],
      [ false, false, true, true, true, true ],
      [ false, false, false, true, false, true ],
      [ false, false, false, false, true, true ],
      [ false, false, false, false, false, true ] ]


  1. TransitiveClosure of incidence matrix
  2. LcmPartitions
  3. GcdPartitions
  4. Poset
  5. Hasse
  6. Incidence
  7. LinearExtension
  8. Functions for Posets
  9. Partition for posets
  10. Restricted for Posets
  11. Reversed for Posets
  12. IsJoinLattice
  13. IsMeetLattice

110.1 TransitiveClosure of incidence matrix


M should be a square boolean matrix representing a relation; returns a boolean matrix representing the transitive closure of this relation. The transitive closure is computed by the Floyd-Warshall algorithm, which is quite fast even for large matrices.

    gap> M:=List([1..5],i->List([1..5],j->j-i in [0,1]));
    [ [ true, true, false, false, false ],
      [ false, true, true, false, false ],
      [ false, false, true, true, false ],
      [ false, false, false, true, true ],
      [ false, false, false, false, true ] ]
    gap> PrintArray(TransitiveClosure(M));
    [[ true,  true,  true,  true, true],
     [false,  true,  true,  true, true],
     [false, false,  true,  true, true],
     [false, false, false,  true, true],
     [false, false, false, false, true]]

110.2 LcmPartitions

LcmPartitions(p1,...,pn) Each argument is a partition of the same set S, represented by a list of disjoint subsets whose union is S. Equivalently each argument represents an equivalence relation on S.

The result is the finest partition of S such that each argument partition refines it. It represents the or of the equivalence relations represented by the arguments.

    gap> LcmPartitions([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]],[[1],[2,5],[3],[4],[6]]);
    [ [ 1, 2, 5, 6 ], [ 3, 4 ] ]

110.3 GcdPartitions

GcdPartitions(p1,...,pn) Each argument is a partition of the same set S, represented by a list of disjoint subsets whose union is S. Equivalently each argument represents an equivalence relation on S.

The result is the coarsest partition which refines all argument partitions. It represents the and of the equivalence relations represented by the arguments.

    gap> GcdPartitions([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]],[[1],[2,5],[3],[4],[6]]);
    [ [ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ], [ 4 ], [ 5 ], [ 6 ] ]

110.4 Poset



Creates a poset from either an incidence matrix M such that M[i][j]=true if and only if i<=j in the poset, or a Hasse diagram H given as a list whose i-th entry is the list of indices of elements which are immediate successors (covers) of the i-th element, that is M[i] is the list of j such that i<j in the poset and such that there is no k such that i<k<j.


In this last form arg[1] should be a record with a field .operations and the functions calls ApplyFunc(arg[1].operations.Poset,arg).

A poset is represented as a record with the following fields.

the incidence matrix.

the Hasse diagram.

Since the cost of computing one from the other is high, the above fields are optional (only one of them needs to be present) and the other is computed on demand.

the number of elements of the poset.

Finally, an optional field .label may be given for formatting or display purposes. It should be a function label(P,i,opt) which returns a label for the i-th element of the poset P, formatted according to the options (if any) given in the options record opt.

110.5 Hasse


returns the Hasse diagram of the poset P.

    gap> p:=Poset(List([1..5],i->List([1..5],j->j mod i=0)));
    Poset with 5 elements
    gap> Hasse(p);
    [ [ 2, 3, 5 ], [ 4 ], [  ], [  ], [  ] ]

110.6 Incidence


returns the Incidence matrix of the poset P.

    gap> p:=Poset(Concatenation(List([1..5],i->[i+1]),[[]]));
    Poset with 6 elements
    gap> Incidence(p);
    [ [ true, true, true, true, true, true ],
      [ false, true, true, true, true, true ],
      [ false, false, true, true, true, true ],
      [ false, false, false, true, true, true ],
      [ false, false, false, false, true, true ],
      [ false, false, false, false, false, true ] ]

110.7 LinearExtension


returns a linear extension of the poset P, that is a list l containing a permutation of the integers [1..Size(P)] such that if i<j in P, then Position(l,i)<Position(l,j). This is also called a topological sort of P.

    gap> p:=Poset(List([1..5],i->List([1..5],j->j mod i=0)));
    Poset with 5 elements
    gap> Display(p);
    gap> LinearExtension(p);
    [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 4 ]

110.8 Functions for Posets

The function Size returns the number of elements of the poset.

The functions String and Print just indicate the Size of the poset.

The functions Format and Display show the poset as a list of maximal covering chains, with formatting depending on their record of options. They take in account the associated partition (see Partition for posets) to give a more compact description where equivalent elements are listed together, separated by commas.

    gap> p:=Poset(UnipotentClasses(ComplexReflectionGroup(28)));
    Poset with 16 elements
    gap> Display(p);

110.9 Partition for posets


returns the partition of [1..Size(P)] determined by the equivalence relation associated to P; that is, i and j are in the same part of the partition if the relations i<k and j<k as well are k<i and k<j are equivalent for any k in the poset.

    gap> p:=Poset(List([1..8],i->List([1..8],j->i=j or (i mod 4)<(j mod 4))));
    Poset with 8 elements
    gap> Display(p);
    gap> Partition(p);
    [ [ 4, 8 ], [ 2, 6 ], [ 3, 7 ], [ 1, 5 ] ]

110.10 Restricted for Posets


returns the sub-poset of P determined by indices, which must be a sublist of [1..Size(P)].

    gap> Display(p);
    gap> Display(Restricted(p,[2..6]));

110.11 Reversed for Posets


returns the opposed poset to P.

    gap> Display(p);
    gap> Display(Reversed(p));

110.12 IsJoinLattice


returns true if P is a join semilattice, that is any two elements of P have a unique smallest upper bound. It returns false otherwise.

    gap> Display(p);
    gap> IsJoinLattice(p);

110.13 IsMeetLattice


returns true if P is a meet semilattice, that is any two elements of P have a unique highest lower bound. It returns false otherwise.

    gap> Display(p);
    gap> IsMeetLattice(p);

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27 Nov 2023