112 Multivariate polynomials and rational fractions

The functions described in this file were written to alleviate the deficiency of GAP3 in manipulating multi-variate polynomials. In GAP3 one can only define one-variable polynomials over a given ring; this allows multi-variate polynomials by taking this ring to be a polynomial ring; but, in addition to providing little flexibility in the choice of coefficients, this "full" representation makes for somewhat inefficient computation. The use of the Mvp (MultiVariate Polynomials) described here is faster than GAP3 polynomials as soon as there are two variables or more. What is implemented here is actually "Puiseux polynomials", i.e. linear combinations of monomials of the type x1a1... xnan where xi are variables and ai are exponents which can be arbitrary rational numbers. Some functions described below need their argument to involve only variables to integral powers; we will refer to such objects as "Laurent polynomials"; some functions require further that variables are raised only to positive powers: we refer then to "true polynomials". Rational fractions (RatFrac) have been added, thanks to work of Gwenaëlle Genet (the main difficulty there was to write an algorithm for the Gcd of multivariate polynomials, a non-trivial task). The coefficients of our polynomials can in principle be elements of any ring, but some algorithms like division or Gcd require the coefficients of their arguments to be invertible.


  1. Mvp
  2. Operations for Mvp
  3. IsMvp
  4. ScalMvp
  5. Variables for Mvp
  6. LaurentDenominator
  7. OnPolynomials
  8. FactorizeQuadraticForm
  9. MvpGcd
  10. MvpLcm
  11. RatFrac
  12. Operations for RatFrac
  13. IsRatFrac

112.1 Mvp

Mvp( string s [, coeffs v] )

Defines an indeterminate with name s suitable to build multivariate polynomials.

    gap> x:=Mvp("x");y:=Mvp("y");(x+y)^3;

If a second argument (a vector of coefficients v) is given, returns Sum([1..Length(v)],i->Mvp(s)^(i-1)*v[i]).

    gap> Mvp("a",[1,2,0,4]);

Mvp( polynomial x)

Converts the GAP3 polynomial x to an Mvp. It is an error if x.baseRing.indeterminate.name is not bound; otherwise this is taken as the name of the Mvp variable.

    gap> q:=Indeterminate(Rationals);
    gap> Mvp(q^2+q);
    Error, X(Rationals) should have .name bound in
    Mvp( q ^ 2 + q ) called from
    main loop
    gap> q.name:="q";;
    gap> Mvp(q^2+q); 

Mvp( FracRat x)

Returns false if the argument rational fraction is not in fact a Laurent polynomial. Otherwise returns that polynomial.

    gap> Mvp(x/y);
    gap> Mvp(x/(y+1));

Mvp( elm, coeff)

Build efficiently an Mvp from the given list of coefficients and the list elm describing the corresponding monomials. A monomial is itself described by a record with a field .elm containing the list of involved variable names and a field .coeff containing the list of corresponding exponents.

    gap> Mvp([rec(elm:=["y","x"],coeff:=[1,-1])],[1]);       

Mvp( scalar x)

A scalar is anything which is not one of the previous types (like a cyclotomic, or a finite-field-element, etc). Returns the constant multivariate polynomial whose constant term is x.

    gap> Degree(Mvp(1));

112.2 Operations for Mvp

The arithmetic operations +, -, *, / and ^ work for Mvps. They also have Print and String methods. The operations +, -, * work for any inputs. / works only for Laurent polynomials, and may return a rational fraction (see below); if one is sure that the division is exact, one should call MvpOps.ExactDiv (see below).

    gap> x:=Mvp("x");y:=Mvp("y");
    gap> a:=x^(-1/2);
    gap> (a+y)^4;
    gap> (x^2-y^2)/(x-y);
    gap> (x-y^2)/(x-y);
    gap> (x-y^2)/(x^(1/2)-y);
    Error, x^(1/2)-y is not a polynomial with respect to x
    V.operations.Coefficients( V, v ) called from
    Coefficients( q, var ) called from
    MvpOps.ExactDiv( x, q ) called from
    fun( arg[1][i] ) called from
    List( p, function ( x ) ... end ) called from

Only monomials can be raised to a non-integral power; they can be raised to a fractional power of denominator b only if GetRoot(x,b) is defined where x is their leading coefficient. For an Mvp m, the function GetRoot(m,n) is equivalent to m^(1/n). Raising a non-monomial Laurent polynomial to a negative power returns a rational fraction.

    gap> (2*x)^(1/2);
    gap> (evalf(2)*x)^(1/2);
    gap> GetRoot(evalf(2)*x,2);

The Degree of a monomial is the sum of the exponent of the variables. The Degree of an Mvp is the largest degree of a monomial.

    gap> a;
    gap> Degree(a);
    gap> Degree(a+x);
    gap> Degree(Mvp(0));

There exists also a form of Degree taking as second argument a variable name, which returns the degree of the polynomial in that variable.

    gap> p:=x/y;
    gap> Degree(p,"x");
    gap> Degree(p,"y");
    gap> Degree(p);

The Valuation of an Mvp is the minimal degree of a monomial.

    gap> a;
    gap> Valuation(a);
    gap> Valuation(a+x);
    gap> Valuation(Mvp(0));

There exists also a form of Valuation taking as second argument a variable name, which returns the valuation of the polynomial in that variable.

    gap> Valuation(x^2+y^2);      
    gap> Valuation(x^2+y^2,"x");
    gap> Valuation(x^2+y^2,"y");

The Format routine formats Mvps in such a way that they can be read back in by GAP3 or by some other systems, by giving an appropriate option as a second argument, or using the functions FormatGAP, FormatMaple or FormatTeX. The String method is equivalent to Format, and gives a compact display.

    gap> p:=7*x^5*y^-1-2;  
    gap> Format(p);        
    gap> FormatGAP(p);  
    gap> FormatMaple(p);
    gap> FormatTeX(p);  

The Value method evaluates an Mvp by fixing simultaneously the value of several variables. The syntax is Value(x, [ string1, value1, string2, value2, ... ]).

    gap> p;
    gap> Value(p,["x",2]);
    gap> Value(p,["y",3]);
    gap> Value(p,["x",2,"y",3]);

One should pay attention to the fact that the last value is not a rational number, but a constant Mvp (for consistency). See the function ScalMvp below for how to convert such constants to their base ring.

    gap> Value(p,["x",y]);
    gap> Value(p,["x",y,"y",x]);

Evaluating an Mvp which is a Puiseux polynomial may cause calls to GetRoot

    gap> p:=x^(1/2)*y^(1/3);
    gap> Value(p,["x",y]);
    gap>  Value(p,["x",2]);
    gap>  Value(p,["y",2]);
    Error, : unable to compute 3-th root of 2
    GetRoot( values[i], d[i] ) called from
    f.operations.Value( f, x ) called from
    Value( p, [ "y", 2 ] ) called from
    main loop

The function Derivative(p,v) returns the derivative of p with respect to the variable given by the string v; if v is not given, with respect to the first variable in alphabetical order.

    gap>  p:=7*x^5*y^-1-2;
    gap> Derivative(p,"x");
    gap> Derivative(p,"y");
    gap> Derivative(p);
    gap>  p:=x^(1/2)*y^(1/3);
    gap>  Derivative(p,"x");
    gap>  Derivative(p,"y");
    gap>  Derivative(p,"z");

The function Coefficients(p, var) is defined only for Mvps which are polynomials in the variable var . It returns as a list the list of coefficients of p with respect to var.

    gap> p:=x+y^-1;
    gap> Coefficients(p,"x");
    [ y^-1, 1 ]
    gap> Coefficients(p,"y");
    Error, y^-1+x is not a polynomial with respect to y
    V.operations.Coefficients( V, v ) called from
    Coefficients( p, "y" ) called from
    main loop

The same caveat is applicable to Coefficients as to Value: the result is always a list of Mvps. To get a list of scalars for univariate polynomials represented as Mvps, one should use ScalMvp.

Finally we mention the functions ComplexConjugate and evalf which are defined using for coefficients the Complex and Decimal numbers of the CHEVIE package.

    gap> p:=E(3)*x+E(5);
    gap> evalf(p);
    gap> p:=E(3)*x+E(5);          
    gap> ComplexConjugate(p);
    gap> evalf(p);
    gap> ComplexConjugate(last);

112.3 IsMvp

IsMvp( p )

Returns true if p is an Mvp and false otherwise.

    gap> IsMvp(1+Mvp("x"));
    gap> IsMvp(1);         

112.4 ScalMvp

ScalMvp( p )

If p is an Mvp then if p is a scalar, return that scalar, otherwise return false. Or if p is a list, then apply ScalMvp recursively to it (but return false if it contains any Mvp which is not a scalar). Else assume p is already a scalar and thus return p.

    gap> v:=[Mvp("x"),Mvp("y")];        
    [ x, y ]
    gap> ScalMvp(v);
    gap> w:=List(v,p->Value(p,["x",2,"y",3]));
    [ 2, 3 ]
    gap> Gcd(w);
    Error, sorry, the elements of <arg> lie in no common ring domain in
    Domain( arg[1] ) called from
    DefaultRing( ns ) called from
    Gcd( w ) called from
    main loop
    gap> Gcd(ScalMvp(w));

112.5 Variables for Mvp

Variables for Mvp( p )

Returns the list of variables of the Mvp p as a sorted list of strings.

    gap> Variables(x+x^4+y);
    [ "x", "y" ]

112.6 LaurentDenominator

LaurentDenominator( p1, p2, ... )

Returns the unique monomial m of minimal degree such that for all the Laurent polynomial arguments p1, p2, etc... the product m* pi is a true polynomial.

    gap> LaurentDenominator(x^-1,y^-2+x^4);

112.7 OnPolynomials

OnPolynomials( m, p [,vars] )

Implements the action of a matrix on Mvps. vars should be a list of strings representing variables. If v=List(vars,Mvp), the polynomial p is changed by replacing in it vi by (v× m)i. If vars is omitted, it is taken to be Variables(p).

    gap> OnPolynomials([[1,2],[3,1]],x+y);    

112.8 FactorizeQuadraticForm

FactorizeQuadraticForm( p)

p should be an Mvp of degree 2 which represents a quadratic form. The function returns a list of two linear forms of which p is the product if such forms exist, otherwise it returns false (it returns [Mvp(1),p] if p is of degree 1).

    gap> FactorizeQuadraticForm(x^2-y^2+x+3*y-2);
    [ -1+x+y, 2+x-y ]
    gap> FactorizeQuadraticForm(x^2+x+1);        
    [ -E3+x, -E3^2+x ]
    gap> FactorizeQuadraticForm(x*y+1);  

112.9 MvpGcd

MvpGcd( p1, p2, ...)

Returns the Gcd of the Mvp arguments. The arguments must be true polynomials.

    gap> MvpGcd(x^2-y^2,(x+y)^2);

112.10 MvpLcm

MvpLcm( p1, p2, ...)

Returns the Lcm of the Mvp arguments. The arguments must be true polynomials.

    gap> MvpLcm(x^2-y^2,(x+y)^2);

112.11 RatFrac

RatFrac( num [,den] )

Build the rational fraction (RatFrac) with numerator num and denominator den (when den is omitted it is taken to be 1).

    gap> RatFrac(x,y);
    gap> RatFrac(x*y^-1);

112.12 Operations for RatFrac

The arithmetic operations +, -, *, / and ^ work for RatFracs. They also have Print and String methods.

    gap> 1/(x+1)+y^-1;
    gap> 1/(x+1)*y^-1;
    gap> 1/(x+1)/y;   
    gap> 1/(x+1)^-2;

Similarly to Mvps, RatFracs hav Format and Value methods:

    gap> Format(1/(x*y+1));
    gap> FormatGAP(1/(x*y+1));
    gap> Value(1/(x*y+1),["x",2]);

112.13 IsRatFrac

IsRatFrac( p )

Returns true if p is an Mvp and false otherwise.

    gap> IsRatFrac(1+RatFrac(x));
    gap> IsRatFrac(x);         

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27 Nov 2023