8 Operations of Groups

One of the most important tools in group theory is the operation or action of a group on a certain set.

We say that a group G operates on a set D if we have a function that takes each d ∈ D and each g ∈ G to another element dg ∈ D, which we call the image of d under g, such that didentity = d and (dg)h = dgh for each d ∈ D and g,h ∈ G.

This is equivalent to saying that an operation is a homomorphism of the group G into the full symmetric group on D. We usually call D the domain of the operation and its elements points.

An example of the usage of the functions in this package can be found in the introduction to GAP3 (see About Operations of Groups).

In GAP3 group elements usually operate through the power operator, which is denoted by the caret ^. It is possible however to specify other operations (see Other Operations).

First this chapter describes the functions that take a single element of the group and compute cycles of this group element and related information (see Cycle, CycleLength, Cycles, and CycleLengths), and the function that describes how a group element operates by a permutation that operates the same way on [1..n] (see Permutation).

Next come the functions that test whether an orbit has minimal or maximal length and related functions (see IsFixpoint, IsFixpointFree, DegreeOperation, IsTransitive, and Transitivity).

Next this chapter describes the functions that take a group and compute orbits of this group and related information (see Orbit, OrbitLength, Orbits, and OrbitLengths).

Next are the functions that compute the permutation group P that operates on [ 1 .. Length(D) ] in the same way that G operates on D, and the corresponding homomorphism from G to P (see Operation, OperationHomomorphism).

Next is the functions that compute block systems, i.e., partitions of D such that G operates on the sets of the partition (see Blocks), and the function that tests whether D has such a nontrivial partitioning under the operation of G (see IsPrimitive).

Finally come the functions that relate an orbit of G on D with the subgroup of G that fixes the first point in the orbit (see Stabilizer), and the cosets of this subgroup in G (see RepresentativeOperation and RepresentativesOperation).

All functions described in this chapter are in LIBNAME/"operatio.g".


  1. Other Operations
  2. Cycle
  3. CycleLength
  4. Cycles
  5. CycleLengths
  6. MovedPoints
  7. NrMovedPoints
  8. Permutation
  9. IsFixpoint
  10. IsFixpointFree
  11. DegreeOperation
  12. IsTransitive
  13. Transitivity
  14. IsRegular
  15. IsSemiRegular
  16. Orbit
  17. OrbitLength
  18. Orbits
  19. OrbitLengths
  20. Operation
  21. OperationHomomorphism
  22. Blocks
  23. IsPrimitive
  24. Stabilizer
  25. RepresentativeOperation
  26. RepresentativesOperation
  27. IsEquivalentOperation

8.1 Other Operations

The functions in the operation package generally compute with the operation of group elements defined by the canonical operation that is denoted with the caret (^) in GAP3. However they also allow you to specify other operations. Such operations are specified by functions, which are accepted as optional argument by all the operations package functions.

This function must accept two arguments. The first argument will be the point and the second will be the group element. The function must return the image of the point under the group element.

As an example, the function OnPairs that specifies the operation on pairs could be defined as follows

    OnPairs := function ( pair, g )
        return [ pair[1] ^ g, pair[2] ^ g ];

The following operations are predefined.


specifies the canonical default operation. Passing this function is equivalent to specifying no operation. This function exists because there are places where the operation in not an option.


specifies the componentwise operation of group elements on pairs of points, which are represented by lists of length 2.


specifies the componentwise operation of group elements on tuples of points, which are represented by lists. OnPairs is the special case of OnTuples for tuples with two elements.


specifies the operation of group elements on sets of points, which are represented by sorted lists of points without duplicates (see Sets).


specifies that group elements operate by multiplication from the right.


specifies that group elements operate by multiplication by their inverses from the left. This is an operation, unlike OnLeftAntiOperation (see below).


specifies that group elements operate by multiplication from the right on sets of points, which are represented by sorted lists of points without duplicates (see Sets).


specifies that group elements operate by multiplication from the left on sets of points, which are represented by sorted lists of points without duplicates (see Sets).


specifies that group elements, which must be matrices, operate on lines, which are represented by vectors with first nonzero coefficient one. That is, OnLines multiplies the vector by the group element and then divides the vector by the first nonzero coefficient.

Note that it is your responsibility to make sure that the elements of the domain D on which you are operating are already in normal form. The reason is that all functions will compare points using the = operation. For example, if you are operating on sets with OnSets, you will get an error message it not all elements of the domain are sets.

    gap> Cycle( (1,2), [2,1], OnSets );
    Error, OnSets: <tuple> must be a set 

The former function OnLeft which operated by mulitplication from the left has been renamed OnLeftAntiOperation, to emphasise the point that it does not satisify the axioms of an operation, and may cause errors if supplied where an operation is expected.

8.2 Cycle

Cycle( g, d )
Cycle( g, d, operation )

Cycle returns the orbit of the point d, which may be an object of arbitrary type, under the group element g as a list of points.

The points e in the cycle of d under the group element g are those for which a power gi exists such that dgi = e.

The first point in the list returned by Cycle is the point d itself, the ordering of the other points is such that each point is the image of the previous point.

Cycle accepts a function operation of two arguments d and g as optional third argument, which specifies how the element g operates (see Other Operations).

    gap> Cycle( (1,5,3,8)(4,6,7), 3 );
    [ 3, 8, 1, 5 ]
    gap> Cycle( (1,5,3,8)(4,6,7), [3,4], OnPairs );
    [ [ 3, 4 ], [ 8, 6 ], [ 1, 7 ], [ 5, 4 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 8, 7 ],
      [ 1, 4 ], [ 5, 6 ], [ 3, 7 ], [ 8, 4 ], [ 1, 6 ], [ 5, 7 ] ] 

Cycle calls
Domain([g]).operations.Cycle( g, d, operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for the functions called this way.

The default function called this way is GroupElementsOps.Cycle, which starts with d and applies g to the last point repeatedly until d is reached again. Special categories of group elements overlay this default function with more efficient functions.

8.3 CycleLength

CycleLength( g, d )
CycleLength( g, d, operation )

CycleLength returns the length of the orbit of the point d, which may be an object of arbitrary type, under the group elements g. See Cycle for the definition of cycles.

CycleLength accepts a function operation of two arguments d and g as optional third argument, which specifies how the group element g operates (see Other Operations).

    gap> CycleLength( (1,5,3,8)(4,6,7), 3 );
    gap> CycleLength( (1,5,3,8)(4,6,7), [3,4], OnPairs );

CycleLength calls
Domain([g]).operations.CycleLength( g, d, operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for the functions called this way.

The default function called this way is GroupElementsOps.CycleLength, which starts with d and applies g to the last point repeatedly until d is reached again. Special categories of group elements overlay this default function with more efficient functions.

8.4 Cycles

Cycles( g, D )
Cycles( g, D, operation )

Cycles returns the set of cycles of the group element g on the domain D, which must be a list of points of arbitrary type, as a set of lists of points. See Cycle for the definition of cycles.

It is allowed that D is a proper subset of a domain, i.e., that D is not invariant under the operation of g. In this case D is silently replaced by the smallest superset of D which is invariant.

The first point in each cycle is the smallest point of D in this cycle. The ordering of the other points is such that each point is the image of the previous point. If D is invariant under g, then because Cycles returns a set of cycles, i.e., a sorted list, and because cycles are compared lexicographically, and because the first point in each cycle is the smallest point in that cycle, the list returned by Cycles is in fact sorted with respect to the smallest point in the cycles.

Cycles accepts a function operation of two arguments d and g as optional third argument, which specifies how the element g operates (see Other Operations).

    gap> Cycles( (1,5,3,8)(4,6,7), [3,5,7] );
    [ [ 3, 8, 1, 5 ], [ 7, 4, 6 ] ]
    gap> Cycles( (1,5,3,8)(4,6,7), [[1,3],[4,6]], OnPairs );
    [ [ [ 1, 3 ], [ 5, 8 ], [ 3, 1 ], [ 8, 5 ] ],
      [ [ 4, 6 ], [ 6, 7 ], [ 7, 4 ] ] ] 

Cycles calls
Domain([g]).operations.Cycles( g, D, operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for the functions called this way.

The default function called this way is GroupElementsOps.Cycles, which takes elements from D, computes their orbit, removes all points in the orbit from D, and repeats this until D has been emptied. Special categories of group elements overlay this default function with more efficient functions.

8.5 CycleLengths

CycleLengths( g, D )
CycleLengths( g, D, operation )

CycleLengths returns a list of the lengths of the cycles of the group element g on the domain D, which must be a list of points of arbitrary type. See Cycle for the definition of cycles.

It is allowed that D is a proper subset of a domain, i.e., that D is not invariant under the operation of g. In this case D is silently replaced by the smallest superset of D which is invariant.

The ordering of the lengths of cycles in the list returned by CycleLengths corresponds to the list of cycles returned by Cycles, which is ordered with respect to the smallest point in each cycle.

CycleLengths accepts a function operation of two arguments d and g as optional third argument, which specifies how the element g operates (see Other Operations).

    gap> CycleLengths( (1,5,3,8)(4,6,7), [3,5,7] );
    [ 4, 3 ]
    gap> CycleLengths( (1,5,3,8)(4,6,7), [[1,3],[4,6]], OnPairs );
    [ 4, 3 ] 

CycleLengths calls
Domain([g]).operations.CycleLengths( g, D, operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for the functions called this way.

The default function called this way is GroupElementsOps.CycleLengths, which takes elements from D, computes their orbit, removes all points in the orbit from D, and repeats this until D has been emptied. Special categories of group elements overlay this default function with more efficient functions.

8.6 MovedPoints

MovedPoints( g )

    gap> MovedPoints( (1,7)(2,3,8) );
    [ 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 ] 

8.7 NrMovedPoints

NrMovedPoints( p )

NrMovedPoints returns the number of points moved by the permutation g, the group element g, or the group g.

    gap> NrMovedPoints( (1,7)(2,3,8) );

8.8 Permutation

Permutation( g, D )
Permutation( g, D, operation )

Permutation returns a permutation that operates on the points [1..Length(D)] in the same way that the group element g operates on the domain D, which may be a list of arbitrary type.

It is not allowed that D is a proper subset of a domain, i.e., D must be invariant under the element g.

Permutation accepts a function operation of two arguments d and g as optional third argument, which specifies how the element g operates (see Other Operations).

    gap> Permutation( (1,5,3,8)(4,6,7), [4,7,6] );
    gap> D := [ [1,4], [1,6], [1,7], [3,4], [3,6], [3,7],
    >           [4,5], [5,6], [5,7], [4,8], [6,8], [7,8] ];;
    gap> Permutation( (1,5,3,8)(4,6,7), D, OnSets );
    ( 1, 8, 6,10, 2, 9, 4,11, 3, 7, 5,12) 

Permutation calls
Domain([g]).operations.Permutation( g, D, operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for the functions called this way.

The default function called this way is GroupElementsOps.Permutation, which simply applies g to all the points of D, finds the position of the image in D, and finally applies PermList (see PermList) to the list of those positions. Actually this is not quite true. Because finding the position of an image in a sorted list is so much faster than finding it in D, GroupElementsOps.Permutation first sorts a copy of D and remembers how it had to rearrange the elements of D to achieve this. Special categories of group elements overlay this default function with more efficient functions.

8.9 IsFixpoint

IsFixpoint( G, d )
IsFixpoint( G, d, operation )

IsFixpoint returns true if the point d is a fixpoint under the operation of the group G.

We say that d is a fixpoint under the operation of G if every element g of G maps d to itself. This is equivalent to saying that each generator of G maps d to itself.

As a special case it is allowed that the first argument is a single group element, though this does not make a lot of sense, since in this case IsFixpoint simply has to test d^g = d.

IsFixpoint accepts a function operation of two arguments d and g as optional third argument, which specifies how the elements of G operate (see Other Operations).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
    gap> IsFixpoint( g, 1 );
    gap> IsFixpoint( g, [6,7,8], OnSets );

IsFixpoint is so simple that it does all the work by itself, and, unlike the other functions described in this chapter, does not dispatch to another function.

8.10 IsFixpointFree

IsFixpointFree( G, D )
IsFixpointFree( G, D, operation )

IsFixpointFree returns true if the group G operates without a fixpoint (see IsFixpoint) on the domain D, which must be a list of points of arbitrary type.

We say that G operates fixpoint free on the domain D if each point of D is moved by at least one element of G. This is equivalent to saying that each point of D is moved by at least one generator of G. This definition also applies in the case that D is a proper subset of a domain, i.e., that D is not invariant under the operation of G.

As a special case it is allowed that the first argument is a single group element.

IsFixpointFree accepts a function operation of two arguments d and g as optional third argument, which specifies how the elements of G operate (see Other Operations).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
    gap> IsFixpointFree( g, [1..8] );
    gap> sets := Combinations( [1..8], 3 );;  Length( sets );
    56    # a list of all three element subsets of [1..8]
    gap> IsFixpointFree( g, sets, OnSets );

IsFixpointFree calls
G.operations.IsFixpointFree( G, D, operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this way.

The default function called this way is GroupOps.IsFixpointFree, which simply loops over the elements of D and applies to each all generators of G, and tests whether each is moved by at least one generator. This function is seldom overlaid, because it is very difficult to improve it.

8.11 DegreeOperation

DegreeOperation( G, D )
DegreeOperation( G, D, operation )

DegreeOperation returns the degree of the operation of the group G on the domain D, which must be a list of points of arbitrary type.

The degree of the operation of G on D is defined as the number of points of D that are properly moved by at least one element of G. This definition also applies in the case that D is a proper subset of a domain, i.e., that D is not invariant under the operation of G.

DegreeOperation accepts a function operation of two arguments d and g as optional third argument, which specifies how the elements of G operate (see Other Operations).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
    gap> DegreeOperation( g, [1..10] );
    gap> sets := Combinations( [1..8], 3 );;  Length( sets );
    56   # a list of all three element subsets of [1..8]
    gap> DegreeOperation( g, sets, OnSets );

DegreeOperation calls
G.operations.DegreeOperation( G, D, operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this way.

The default function called this way is GroupOps.DegreeOperation, which simply loops over the elements of D and applies to each all generators of G, and counts those that are moved by at least one generator. This function is seldom overlaid, because it is very difficult to improve it.

8.12 IsTransitive

IsTransitive( G, D )
IsTransitive( G, D, operation )

IsTransitive returns true if the group G operates transitively on the domain D, which must be a list of points of arbitrary type.

We say that a group G acts transitively on a domain D if and only if for every pair of points d and e there is an element g of G such that dg = e. An alternative characterization of this property is to say that D as a set is equal to the orbit of every single point.

It is allowed that D is a proper subset of a domain, i.e., that D is not invariant under the operation of G. In this case IsTransitive checks whether for every pair of points d, e of D there is an element g of G, such that dg = e. This can also be characterized by saying that D is a subset of the orbit of every single point.

IsTransitive accepts a function operation of two arguments d and g as optional third argument, which specifies how the elements of G operate (see Other Operations).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
    gap> IsTransitive( g, [1..8] );
    gap> IsTransitive( g, [1,6] );
    false    # note that the domain need not be invariant
    gap> sets := Combinations( [1..5], 3 );;  Length( sets );
    10    # a list of all three element subsets of [1..5]
    gap> IsTransitive( g, sets, OnSets );

IsTransitive calls
G.operations.IsTransitive( G, D, operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this way.

The default function called this way is GroupOps.IsTransitive, which tests whether D is a subset of the orbit of the first point in D. This function is seldom overlaid, because it is difficult to improve it.

8.13 Transitivity

Transitivity( G, D )
Transitivity( G, D, operation )

Transitivity returns the degree of transitivity of the group G on the domain D, which must be a list of points of arbitrary type. If G does not operate transitively on D then Transitivity returns 0.

The degree of transitivity of the operation of G on D is the largest k such that G operates k-fold transitively on D. We say that G operates k-fold transitively on D if it operates transitively on D (see IsTransitive) and the stabilizer of one point d of D operates k-1-fold transitively on Difference(D,[d]). Because the stabilizers of the points of D are conjugate this is equivalent to saying that the stabilizer of each point d of D operates k-1-fold transitively on Difference(D,[d]).

It is not allowed that D is a proper subset of a domain, i.e., D must be invariant under the operation of G.

Transitivity accepts a function operation of two arguments d and g as optional third argument, which specifies how the elements of G operate (see Other Operations).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
    gap> Transitivity( g, [1..8] );
    gap> Transitivity( g, [1..5] );
    gap> sets := Combinations( [1..5], 3 );;  Length( sets );
    10    # a list of all three element subsets of [1..5]
    gap> Transitivity( g, sets, OnSets );

Transitivity calls
G.operations.Transitivity( G, D, operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this way.

The default function called this way is GroupOps.Transitivity, which first tests whether G operates transitively on D. If so, it returns
if not, it simply returns 0. Special categories of groups overlay this default function with more efficient functions.

8.14 IsRegular

IsRegular( G, D ) IsRegular( G, D, operation )

IsRegular returns true if the group G operates regularly on the domain D, which must be a list of points of arbitrary type, and false otherwise.

A group G operates regularly on a domain D if it operates transitively and no element of G other than the idenity leaves a point of D fixed. An equal characterisation is that G operates transitively on D and the stabilizer of any point of D is trivial. Yet another characterisation is that the operation of G on D is equivalent to the operation of G on its elements by multiplication from the right.

It is not allowed that D is a proper subset of a domain, i.e., D must be invariant under the operation of G.

IsRegular accepts a function operation of two arguments d and g as optional third argument, which specifies how the elements of G operate (see Other Operations).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
    gap> IsRegular( g, [1..5] );
    gap> IsRegular( g, Elements(g), OnRight );
    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3), (3,4,5) );;
    gap> IsRegular( g, Orbit( g, [1,2,3], OnTuples ), OnTuples );

IsRegular calls
G.operations.IsRegular( G, D, operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this way.

The default function called this way is GroupOps.IsRegular, which tests if G operates transitively and semiregularly on D (see IsTransitive and IsSemiRegular).

8.15 IsSemiRegular

IsSemiRegular( G, D )
IsSemiRegular( G, D, operation )

IsSemiRegular returns true if the group G operates semiregularly on the domain D, which must be a list of points of arbitrary type, and false otherwise.

A group G operates semiregularly on a domain D if no element of G other than the idenity leaves a point of D fixed. An equal characterisation is that the stabilizer of any point of D is trivial. Yet another characterisation is that the operation of G on D is equivalent to multiple copies of the operation of G on its elements by multiplication from the right.

It is not allowed that D is a proper subset of a domain, i.e., D must be invariant under the operation of G.

IsSemiRegular accepts a function operation of two arguments d and g as optional third argument, which specifies how the elements of G operate (see Other Operations).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2)(3,4)(5,7)(6,8), (1,3)(2,4)(5,6)(7,8) );;
    gap> IsSemiRegular( g, [1..8] );
    gap> g := Group( (1,2)(3,4)(5,7)(6,8), (1,3)(2,4)(5,6,7,8) );;
    gap> IsSemiRegular( g, [1..8] );
    gap> IsSemiRegular( g, Orbit( g, [1,5], OnSets ), OnSets );

IsSemiRegular calls
G.operations.IsSemiRegular( G, D, operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this way.

The default function called this way is GroupOps.IsSemiRegular, which computes a permutation group P that operates on [1..Length(D)] in the same way that G operates on D (see Operation) and then checks if this permutation group operations semiregularly. This of course only works because this default function is overlaid for permutation groups (see Operations of Permutation Groups).

8.16 Orbit

Orbit( G, d )
Orbit( G, d, operation )

Orbit returns the orbit of the point d, which may be an object of arbitrary type, under the group G as a list of points.

The points e in the orbit of d under the group G are those points for which a group element g of G exists such that dg = e.

Suppose G has n generators. First we order the words of the free monoid with n abstract generators according to length and for words with equal length lexicographically. So if G has two generators called a and b the ordering is identity, a, b, a2, ab, ba, b2, a3, .... Next we order the elements of G that can be written as a product of the generators, i.e., without inverses of the generators, according to the first occurrence of a word representing the element in the above ordering. Then the ordering of points in the orbit returned by Orbit is according to the order of the first representative of each point e, i.e., the smallest g such that dg = e. Note that because the orbit is finite there is for every point in the orbit at least one representative that can be written as a product in the generators of G.

Orbit accepts a function operation of two arguments d and g as optional third argument, which specifies how the elements of G operate (see Other Operations).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
    gap> Orbit( g, 1 );
    [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
    gap> Orbit( g, 2 );
    [ 2, 3, 1, 4, 5 ]
    gap> Orbit( g, [1,6], OnPairs );
    [ [ 1, 6 ], [ 2, 7 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 2, 8 ], [ 1, 7 ], [ 4, 6 ],
      [ 3, 8 ], [ 2, 6 ], [ 1, 8 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 5, 6 ], [ 3, 7 ],
      [ 5, 8 ], [ 5, 7 ], [ 4, 8 ] ] 

Orbit calls
G.operations.Orbit( G, d, operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this way.

The default function called this way is GroupOps.Orbit, which performs an ordinary orbit algorithm. Special categories of groups overlay this default function with more efficient functions.

8.17 OrbitLength

OrbitLength( G, d )
OrbitLength( G, d, operation )

OrbitLength returns the length of the orbit of the point d, which may be an object of arbitrary type, under the group G. See Orbit for the definition of orbits.

OrbitLength accepts a function operation of two arguments d and g as optional third argument, which specifies how the elements of G operate (see Other Operations).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
    gap> OrbitLength( g, 1 );
    gap> OrbitLength( g, 10 );
    gap> OrbitLength( g, [1,6], OnPairs );

OrbitLength calls
G.operations.OrbitLength( G, d, operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this way.

The default function called this way is GroupOps.OrbitLength, which performs an ordinary orbit algorithm. Special categories of groups overlay this default function with more efficient functions.

8.18 Orbits

Orbits( G, D )
Orbits( G, D, operation )

Orbits returns the orbits of the group G on the domain D, which must be a list of points of arbitrary type, as a set of lists of points. See Orbit for the definition of orbits.

It is allowed that D is a proper subset of a domain, i.e., that D is not invariant under the operation of G. In this case D is silently replaced by the smallest superset of D which is invariant.

The first point in each orbit is the smallest point, the other points of each orbit are ordered in the standard order defined for orbits (see Orbit). Because Orbits returns a set of orbits, i.e., a sorted list, and because those orbits are compared lexicographically, and because the first point in each orbit is the smallest point in that orbit, the list returned by Orbits is in fact sorted with respect to the smallest points the orbits.

Orbits accepts a function operation of two arguments d and g as optional third argument, which specifies how the elements of G operate (see Other Operations).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
    gap> Orbits( g, [1..8] );
    [ [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], [ 6, 7, 8 ] ]
    gap> Orbits( g, [1,6] );
    [ [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], [ 6, 7, 8 ] ]    # the domain is not invariant
    gap> sets := Combinations( [1..8], 3 );; Length( sets );
    56    # a list of all three element subsets of [1..8]
    gap> Orbits( g, sets, OnSets );
    [ [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 4 ], [ 2, 3, 4 ], [ 1, 2, 5 ], [ 1, 3, 4 ],
          [ 2, 4, 5 ], [ 2, 3, 5 ], [ 1, 4, 5 ], [ 3, 4, 5 ], [ 1, 3, 5 ]
      [ [ 1, 2, 6 ], [ 2, 3, 7 ], [ 1, 3, 6 ], [ 2, 4, 8 ], [ 1, 2, 7 ],
          [ 1, 4, 6 ], [ 3, 4, 8 ], [ 2, 5, 7 ], [ 2, 3, 6 ],
          [ 1, 2, 8 ], [ 2, 4, 7 ], [ 1, 5, 6 ], [ 1, 4, 8 ],
          [ 4, 5, 7 ], [ 3, 5, 6 ], [ 2, 3, 8 ], [ 1, 3, 7 ],
          [ 2, 4, 6 ], [ 3, 4, 6 ], [ 2, 5, 8 ], [ 1, 5, 7 ],
          [ 4, 5, 6 ], [ 3, 5, 8 ], [ 1, 3, 8 ], [ 3, 4, 7 ],
          [ 2, 5, 6 ], [ 1, 4, 7 ], [ 1, 5, 8 ], [ 4, 5, 8 ], [ 3, 5, 7 ]
      [ [ 1, 6, 7 ], [ 2, 6, 7 ], [ 1, 6, 8 ], [ 3, 6, 7 ], [ 2, 6, 8 ],
          [ 2, 7, 8 ], [ 4, 6, 8 ], [ 3, 7, 8 ], [ 3, 6, 8 ],
          [ 4, 7, 8 ], [ 5, 6, 7 ], [ 1, 7, 8 ], [ 4, 6, 7 ],
          [ 5, 7, 8 ], [ 5, 6, 8 ] ], [ [ 6, 7, 8 ] ] ] 

Orbits calls
G.operations.Orbits( G, D, operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this way.

The default function called this way is GroupOps.Orbits, which takes an element from D, computes its orbit, removes all points in the orbit from D, and repeats this until D has been emptied. Special categories of groups overlay this default function with more efficient functions.

8.19 OrbitLengths

OrbitLengths( G, D )
OrbitLengths( G, D, operation )

OrbitLengths returns a list of the lengths of the orbits of the group G on the domain D, which may be a list of points of arbitrary type. See Orbit for the definition of orbits.

It is allowed that D is proper subset of a domain, i.e., that D is not invariant under the operation of G. In this case D is silently replaced by the smallest superset of D which is invariant.

The ordering of the lengths of orbits in the list returned by OrbitLengths corresponds to the list of cycles returned by Orbits, which is ordered with respect to the smallest point in each orbit.

OrbitLengths accepts a function operation of two arguments d and g as optional third argument, which specifies how the elements of G operate (see Other Operations).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
    gap> OrbitLengths( g, [1..8] );
    [ 5, 3 ]
    gap> sets := Combinations( [1..8], 3 );; Length( sets );
    56    # a list of all three element subsets of [1..8]
    gap> OrbitLengths( g, sets, OnSets );
    [ 10, 30, 15, 1 ] 

OrbitLengths calls
G.operations.OrbitLenghts( G, D, operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this way.

The default function called this way is GroupOps.OrbitLengths, which takes an element from D, computes its orbit, removes all points in the orbit from D, and repeats this until D has been emptied. Special categories of groups overlay this default function with more efficient functions.

8.20 Operation

Operation( G, D )
Operation( G, D, operation )

Operation returns a permutation group with the same number of generators as G, such that each generator of the permutation group operates on the set [1..Length(D)] in the same way that the corresponding generator of the group G operates on the domain D, which may be a list of arbitrary type.

It is not allowed that D is a proper subset of a domain, i.e., D must be invariant under the element g.

Operation accepts a function operation of two arguments d and g as optional third argument, which specifies how the elements of G operate (see Other Operations).

The function OperationHomomorphism (see OperationHomomorphism) can be used to compute the homomorphism that maps G onto the new permutation group. Of course if you are only interested in mapping single elements of G into the new permutation group you may also use Permutation (see Permutation).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
    gap> Operation( g, [1..5] );
    Group( (1,2,3), (3,4,5) )
    gap> Operation( g, Orbit( g, [1,6], OnPairs ), OnPairs );
    Group( ( 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,12)( 4, 7, 9)( 6,10)(11,14), ( 2, 4)( 3, 6,11)
    ( 5, 9)( 7,10,13,12,15,14) ) 

Operation calls
G.operations.Operation( G, D, operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this way.

The default function called this way is GroupOps.Operation, which simply applies each generator of G to all the points of D, finds the position of the image in D, and finally applies PermList (see PermList) to the list of those positions. Actually this is not quite true. Because finding the position on an image in a sorted list is so much faster than finding it in D, GroupElementsOps.Operation first sorts a copy of D and remembers how it had to rearrange the elements of D to achieve this. Special categories of groups overlay this default function with more efficient functions.

8.21 OperationHomomorphism

OperationHomomorphism( G, P )

OperationHomomorphism returns the group homomorphism (see Group Homomorphisms) from the group G to the permutation group P, which must be the result of a prior call to Operation (see Operation) with G or a group of which G is a subgroup (see IsSubgroup) as first argument.

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
    gap> h := Operation( g, [1..5] );
    Group( (1,2,3), (3,4,5) )
    gap> p := OperationHomomorphism( g, h );
    OperationHomomorphism( Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) ), Group(
    (1,2,3), (3,4,5) ) )
    gap> (1,4,2,5,3)(6,7,8) ^ p;
    gap> h := Operation( g, Orbit( g, [1,6], OnPairs ), OnPairs );
    Group( ( 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,12)( 4, 7, 9)( 6,10)(11,14), ( 2, 4)( 3, 6,11)
    ( 5, 9)( 7,10,13,12,15,14) )
    gap> p := OperationHomomorphism( g, h );;
    gap> s := SylowSubgroup( g, 2 );
    Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) ),
    [ (7,8), (7,8), (2,5)(3,4), (2,3)(4,5) ] )
    gap> Images( p, s );
    Subgroup( Group( ( 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,12)( 4, 7, 9)( 6,10)(11,14), ( 2, 4)
    ( 3, 6,11)( 5, 9)( 7,10,13,12,15,14) ),
    [ ( 2, 4)( 5, 9)( 7,12)(10,15)(13,14),
      ( 2, 4)( 5, 9)( 7,12)(10,15)(13,14),
      ( 2,14)( 3, 6)( 4,13)( 7,15)( 8,11)(10,12),
      ( 2,12)( 3, 8)( 4, 7)( 6,11)(10,14)(13,15) ] )
    gap> OperationHomomorphism( g, Group( (1,2,3), (3,4,5) ) );
    Error, Record: element 'operation' must have an assigned value 

OperationHomomorphism calls
P.operations.OperationHomomorphism( G, P )
and returns the value.

The default function called this way is GroupOps.OperationHomomorphism, which uses the fields P.operationGroup, P.operationDomain, and P.operationOperation (the arguments to the Operation call that created P) to construct a generic homomorphism h. This homomorphism uses
to compute the image of an element g of G under h. It uses Representative to compute the preimages of an element p of P under h. And it computes the kernel by intersecting the cores (see Core) of the stabilizers (see Stabilizer) of representatives of the orbits of G. Look under OperationHomomorphism in the index to see for which groups and operations this function is overlaid.

8.22 Blocks

Blocks( G, D, seed )
Blocks( G, D, seed, operation )

In this form Blocks returns a block system of the domain D, which may be a list of points of arbitrary type, under the group G, such that the points in the list seed all lie in the same block. If no such nontrivial block system exists, Blocks returns [ D ]. G must operate transitively on D, otherwise an error is signalled.

Blocks( G, D )
Blocks( G, D, operation )

In this form Blocks returns a minimal block system of the domain D, which may be a list of points of arbitrary type, under the group G. If no nontrivial block system exists, Blocks returns [ D ]. G must operate transitively on D, otherwise an error is signalled.

A block system B is a list of blocks with the following properties. Each block b of B is a subset of D. The blocks are pairwise disjoint. The union of blocks is D. The image of each block under each element g of G is as a set equal to some block of the block system. Note that this implies that all blocks contain the same number of elements as G operates transitive on D. Put differently a block system B of D is a partition of D such that G operates with OnSets (see Other Operations) on B. The block system that consists of only singleton sets and the block system consisting only of D are called trivial. A block system B is called minimal if there is no nontrivial block system whose blocks are all subsets of the blocks of B and whose number of blocks is larger than the number of blocks of B.

Blocks accepts a function operation of two arguments d and g as optional third, resp. fourth, argument, which specifies how the elements of G operate (see Other Operations).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
    gap> Blocks( g, [1..5] );
    [ [ 1 .. 5 ] ]
    gap> Blocks( g, Orbit( g, [1,2], OnPairs ), OnPairs );
    [ [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 2 ], [ 4, 2 ], [ 5, 2 ] ],
      [ [ 1, 3 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 4, 3 ], [ 5, 3 ] ],
      [ [ 1, 4 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 5, 4 ] ],
      [ [ 1, 5 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 3, 5 ], [ 4, 5 ] ],
      [ [ 2, 1 ], [ 3, 1 ], [ 4, 1 ], [ 5, 1 ] ] ] 

Blocks calls
G.operations.Blocks( G, D, seed, operation )
and returns the value. If no seed was given as argument to Blocks it passes the empty list. Note that the fourth argument is not optional for functions called this way.

The default function called this way is GroupOps.Blocks, which computes a permutation group P that operates on [1..Length(D)] in the same way that G operates on D (see Operation) and leaves it to this permutation group to find the blocks. This of course works only because this default function is overlaid for permutation groups (see Operations of Permutation Groups).

8.23 IsPrimitive

IsPrimitive( G, D )
IsPrimitive( G, D, operation )

IsPrimitive returns true if the group G operates primitively on the domain D, which may be a list of points of arbitrary type, and false otherwise.

A group G operates primitively on a domain D if and only if D operates transitively (see IsTransitive) and has only the trivial block systems (see Blocks).

IsPrimitive accepts a function operation of two arguments d and g as optional third argument, which specifies how the elements of G operate (see Other Operations).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
    gap> IsPrimitive( g, [1..5] );
    gap> IsPrimitive( g, Orbit( g, [1,2], OnPairs ), OnPairs );

IsPrimitive calls
G.operations.IsPrimitive( G, D, operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this way.

The default function called this way is GroupOps.IsPrimitive, which simply calls Blocks( G, D, operation ) and tests whether the returned block system is [ D ]. This function is seldom overlaid, because all the important work is done in Blocks.

8.24 Stabilizer

Stabilizer( G, d )
Stabilizer( G, d, operation )

Stabilizer returns the stabilizer of the point d under the operation of the group G.

The stabilizer S of d in G is the subgroup of those elements g of G that fix d, i.e., for which dg = d. The right cosets of S correspond in a canonical way to the points p in the orbit O of d under G; namely all elements from a right coset S g map d to the same point dg ∈ O, and elements from different right cosets S g and S h map d to different points dg and dh. Thus the index of the stabilizer S in G is equal to the length of the orbit O. RepresentativesOperation (see RepresentativesOperation) computes a system of representatives of the right cosets of S in G.

Stabilizer accepts a function operation of two arguments d and g as optional third argument, which specifies how the elements of G operate (see Other Operations).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
    gap> g.name := "G";;
    gap> Stabilizer( g, 1 );
    Subgroup( G, [ (3,4,5)(7,8), (2,5,3)(6,7) ] )
    gap> Stabilizer( g, [1,2,3], OnSets );
    Subgroup( G, [ (7,8), (6,8), (2,3)(4,5)(6,7,8), (1,2)(4,5)(6,7,8) ] )

Stabilizer calls
G.operations.Stabilizer( G, d, operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this way.

The default function called this way is GroupOps.Stabilizer, which computes the orbit of d under G, remembers a representative re for each point e in the orbit, and uses Schreier's theorem, which says that the stabilizer is generated by the elements re g reg-1. Special categories of groups overlay this default function with more efficient functions.

8.25 RepresentativeOperation

RepresentativeOperation( G, d, e )
RepresentativeOperation( G, d, e, operation )

RepresentativeOperation returns a representative of the point e in the orbit of the point d under the group G. If d = e then RepresentativeOperation returns G.identity, otherwise it is not specified which group element RepresentativeOperation will return if there are several that map d to e. If e is not in the orbit of d under G, RepresentativeOperation returns false.

An element g of G is called a representative for the point e in the orbit of d under G if g maps d to e, i.e., dg = e. Note that the set of such representatives that map d to e forms a right coset of the stabilizer of d in G (see Stabilizer).

RepresentativeOperation accepts a function operation of two arguments d and g as optional third argument, which specifies how the elements of G operate (see Other Operations).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
    gap> RepresentativeOperation( g, 1, 5 );
    gap> RepresentativeOperation( g, 1, 6 );
    gap> RepresentativeOperation( g, [1,2,3], [3,4,5], OnSets );
    gap> RepresentativeOperation( g, [1,2,3,4], [3,4,5,2], OnTuples );

RepresentativeOperation calls
G.operations.RepresentativeOperation( G, d, e, operation )
and returns the value. Note that the fourth argument is not optional for functions called this way.

The default function called this way is GroupOper.RepresentativeOperation, which starts a normal orbit calculation to compute the orbit of d under G, and remembers for each point how it was obtained, i.e., which generator of G took which orbit point to this new point. When the point e appears this information can be traced back to write down the representative of e as a word in the generators. Special categories of groups overlay this default function with more efficient functions.

8.26 RepresentativesOperation

RepresentativesOperation( G, d )
RepresentativesOperation( G, d, operation )

RepresentativesOperation returns a list of representatives of the points in the orbit of the point d under the group G.

The ordering of the representatives corresponds to the ordering of the points in the orbit as returned by Orbit (see Orbit). Therefore List( RepresentativesOperation(G,d), r->d^r ) = Orbit(G,d).

An element g of G is called a representative for the point e in the orbit of d under G if g maps d to e, i.e., dg = e. Note that the set of such representatives that map d to e forms a right coset of the stabilizer of d in G (see Stabilizer). The set of all representatives of the orbit of d under G thus forms a system of representatives of the right cosets of the stabilizer of d in G.

RepresentativesOperation accepts a function operation of two arguments d and g as optional third argument, which specifies how the elements of G operate (see Other Operations).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
    gap> RepresentativesOperation( g, 1 );
    [ (), (1,2,3)(6,7), (1,3,2), (1,4,5,3,2)(7,8), (1,5,4,3,2) ]
    gap> Orbit( g, [1,2], OnSets );
    [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 3, 4 ],
      [ 2, 5 ], [ 1, 5 ], [ 4, 5 ], [ 3, 5 ] ]
    gap> RepresentativesOperation( g, [1,2], OnSets );
    [ (), (1,2,3)(6,7), (1,3,2), (1,2,4,5,3)(6,8,7), (1,4,5,3,2)(7,8),
      (1,3,2,4,5)(6,8), (1,2,5,4,3)(6,7), (1,5,4,3,2), (1,4,3,2,5)(6,7,8),
      (1,3,2,5,4) ] 

RepresentativesOperation calls
G.operations.RepresentativesOperation( G, d, operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this way.

The default function called this way is GroupOps.RepresentativesOperation, which computes the orbit of d with the normal algorithm, but remembers for each point e in the orbit a representative re. When a generator g of G takes an old point e to a point f not yet in the orbit, the representative rf for f is computed as re g. Special categories of groups overlay this default function with more efficient functions.

8.27 IsEquivalentOperation

IsEquivalentOperation( G, D, H, E )
IsEquivalentOperation( G, D, H, E, operationH )
IsEquivalentOperation( G, D, operationG, H, E )
IsEquivalentOperation( G, D, operationG, H, E, operationH )

IsEquivalentOperation returns true if G operates on D in like H operates on E, and false otherwise.

The operations of G on D and H on E are equivalent if they have the same number of generators and there is a permutation F of the elements of E such that for every generator g of G and the corresponding generator h of H we have Position( D, Dig ) = Position( F, Fih ). Note that this assumes that the mapping defined by mapping G.generators to H.generators is a homomorphism (actually an isomorphism of factor groups of G and H represented by the respective operation).

IsEquivalentOperation accepts functions operationG and operationH of two arguments d and g as optional third and sixth arguments, which specify how the elements of G and H operate (see Other Operations).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2)(4,5), (1,2,3)(4,5,6) );;
    gap> h := Group( (2,3)(4,5), (1,2,3)(4,5,6) );;
    gap> IsEquivalentOperation( g, [1..6], h, [1..6] );
    gap> h := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) );;
    gap> IsEquivalentOperation(g,[[1,4],[2,5],[3,6]],OnPairs,h,[1..3]);
    gap> h := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3)(4,5,6) );;
    gap> IsEquivalentOperation( g, [1..6], h, [1..6] );
    gap> h := Group( (1,2,3)(4,5,6), (1,2)(4,5) );;
    gap> IsEquivalentOperation( g, [1..6], h, [1..6] );
    false    # the generators must correspond 

IsEquivalentOperation calls
G.operations.IsEquivalentOperation(G,D,oprG,H,E,oprH) and returns the value. Note that the third and sixth argument are not optional for functions called this way.

The default function called this way is GroupOps.IsEquivalentOperation, which tries to rearrange E so that the above condition is satisfied. This is done one orbit of G at a time, and for each such orbit all the orbits of H of the same length are tried to see if there is one which can be rearranged as necessary. Special categories of groups overlay this function with more efficient ones.

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27 Nov 2023