21 Permutation Groups

A permutation group is a group of permutations on a set Ω of positive integers (see chapters Groups and Permutations).

Our standard example in this chapter will be the symmetric group of degree 4, which is defined by the following GAP3 statements.

    gap> s4 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );
    Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ) 

This introduction is followed by a section that describes the function that tests whether an object is a permutation group or not (see section IsPermGroup). The next sections describe the functions that are related to the set of points moved by a permutation group (see PermGroupOps.MovedPoints, PermGroupOps.SmallestMovedPoint, PermGroupOps.LargestMovedPoint, and PermGroupOps.NrMovedPoints). The following section describes the concept of stabilizer chains, which are used by most functions for permutation groups (see Stabilizer Chains). The following sections describe the functions that compute or change a stabilizer chain (see StabChain, ExtendStabChain, ReduceStabChain, MakeStabChainStrongGenerators). The next sections describe the functions that extract information from stabilizer chains (see Base for Permutation Groups, ListStabChain, PermGroupOps.Indices, and PermGroupOps.StrongGenerators). The next two sections describe the functions that find elements or subgroups of a permutation group with a property (see PermGroupOps.ElementProperty and PermGroupOps.SubgroupProperty).

If the permutation groups become bigger, computations become slower. In many cases it is preferable then, to use random methods for computation. This is explained in section Random Methods for Permutation Groups.

Because each permutation group is a domain all set theoretic functions can be applied to it (see chapter Domains and Set Functions for Permutation Groups). Also because each permutation group is after all a group all group functions can be applied to it (see chapter Groups and Group Functions for Permutation Groups). Finally each permutation group operates naturally on the positive integers, so all operations functions can be applied (see chapter Operations of Groups and Operations of Permutation Groups). The last section in this chapter describes the representation of permutation groups (see Permutation Group Records).

The external functions are in the file LIBNAME/"permgrp.g".


  1. IsPermGroup
  2. PermGroupOps.MovedPoints
  3. PermGroupOps.SmallestMovedPoint
  4. PermGroupOps.LargestMovedPoint
  5. PermGroupOps.NrMovedPoints
  6. Stabilizer Chains
  7. StabChain
  8. MakeStabChain
  9. ExtendStabChain
  10. ReduceStabChain
  11. MakeStabChainStrongGenerators
  12. Base for Permutation Groups
  13. PermGroupOps.Indices
  14. PermGroupOps.StrongGenerators
  15. ListStabChain
  16. PermGroupOps.ElementProperty
  17. PermGroupOps.SubgroupProperty
  18. CentralCompositionSeriesPPermGroup
  19. PermGroupOps.PgGroup
  20. Set Functions for Permutation Groups
  21. Group Functions for Permutation Groups
  22. Operations of Permutation Groups
  23. Homomorphisms for Permutation Groups
  24. Random Methods for Permutation Groups
  25. Permutation Group Records

21.1 IsPermGroup

IsPermGroup( obj )

IsPermGroup returns true if the object obj, which may be an object of an arbitrary type, is a permutation group, and false otherwise. It will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable.

    gap> s4 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );; s4.name := "s4";;
    gap> IsPermGroup( s4 );
    gap> f := FactorGroup( s4, Subgroup( s4, [(1,2)(3,4),(1,3)(2,4)] ) );
    (s4 / Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ] ))
    gap> IsPermGroup( f );
    false    # see section FactorGroup
    gap> IsPermGroup( [ 1, 2 ] );

21.2 PermGroupOps.MovedPoints

PermGroupOps.MovedPoints( G )

PermGroupOps.MovedPoints returns the set of moved points of the permutation group G, i.e., points which are moved by at least one element of G (also see PermGroupOps.NrMovedPoints).

    gap> s4 := Group( (1,3,5,7), (1,3) );;
    gap> PermGroupOps.MovedPoints( s4 );
    [ 1, 3, 5, 7 ]
    gap> PermGroupOps.MovedPoints( Group( () ) );
    [  ] 

21.3 PermGroupOps.SmallestMovedPoint

PermGroupOps.SmallestMovedPoint( G )

PermGroupOps.SmallestMovedPoint returns the smallest positive integer which is moved by the permutation group G (see also PermGroupOps.LargestMovedPoint). This function signals an error if G is trivial.

    gap> s3b := Group( (2,3), (2,3,4) );;
    gap> PermGroupOps.SmallestMovedPoint( s3b );

21.4 PermGroupOps.LargestMovedPoint

PermGroupOps.LargestMovedPoint( G )

PermGroupOps.LargestMovedPoint returns the largest positive integer which is moved by the permutation group G (see also PermGroupOps.SmallestMovedPoint). This function signals an error if G is trivial.

    gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );;
    gap> PermGroupOps.LargestMovedPoint( s4 );

21.5 PermGroupOps.NrMovedPoints

PermGroupOps.NrMovedPoints( G )

PermGroupOps.NrMovedPoints returns the number of moved points of the permutation group G, i.e., points which are moved by at least one element of G (also see PermGroupOps.MovedPoints).

    gap> s4 := Group( (1,3,5,7), (1,3) );;
    gap> PermGroupOps.NrMovedPoints( s4 );
    gap> PermGroupOps.NrMovedPoints( Group( () ) );

21.6 Stabilizer Chains

Most of the algorithms for permutation groups need a stabilizer chain of the group. The concept of stabilizer chains was introduced by Charles Sims in Sim70.

If [b1, ..., bn] is a list of points, G(1) = G and G(i+1) = StabG(i)(bi) such that G(n+1) = { () }. The list [b1, ..., bn] is called a base of G, the points bi are called basepoints. A set S of generators for G satisfying the condition < S ∩ G(i) > = G(i) for each 1 ≤ i ≤ n, is called a strong generating set (SGS) of G. More precisely we ought to say that a set S that satisfies the conditions above is a SGS of G relative to B. The chain of subgroups of G itself is called the stabilizer chain of G relative to B.

Since [b1, ..., bn], where n is the degree of G and bi are the moved points of G, certainly is a base for G there exists a base for each permutation group. The number of points in a base is called the length of the base. A base B is called reduced if no stabilizer in the chain relative to B is trivial, i.e., there exists no i such that G(i) = G(i+1). Note that different reduced bases for one group G may have different length. For example, the Chevalley Group G2(4) possesses reduced bases of length 5 and 7.

Let R(i) be a right transversal of G(i+1) in G(i), i.e., a set of right coset representatives of the cosets of G(i+1) in G(i). Then each element g of G has a unique representation of the following form g = rn ... r1 with ri ∈ R(i). Thus with the knowledge of the transversals R(i) we know each element of G, in principle. This is one reason why stabilizer chains are one of the most useful tools for permutation groups. Furthermore basic group theory tells us that we can identify the cosets of G(i+1) in G(i) with the points in O(i) := biG(i). So we could represent a transversal as a list T such that T[p] is a representative of the coset corresponding to the point p ∈ O(i), i.e., an element of G(i) that takes bi to p.

For permutation groups of small degree this might be possible, but for permutation groups of large degree it is still not good enough. Our goal then is to store as few different permutations as possible such that we can still reconstruct each representative in R(i), and from them the elements in G. A factorized inverse transversal T is a list where T[p] is a generator of G(i) such that pT[p] is a point that lies earlier in O(i) than p (note that we consider O(i) as a list not as a set). If we assume inductively that we know an element r ∈ G(i) that takes bi to pT[p], then r T[p]-1 is an element in G(i) that takes bi to p.

A stabilizer chain (see StabChain, Permutation Group Records) is stored recursively in GAP3. The group record of a permutation group G with a stabilizer chain has the following additional components.


List of orbitpoints of orbit[1] (which is the basepoint) under the action of the generators.


Factorized inverse transversal as defined above.


Record for the stabilizer of the point orbit[1] in the group generated by generators. The components of this record are again generators, orbit, transversal, identity and stabilizer. The last stabilizer in the stabilizer chain only contains the components generators, which is an empty list, and identity.


A record, that contains all information about the stabilizer chain. Functions acessing the stabilizer chain should do it using this record, as it is planned to remove the above three components from the group record in the future. The components of the stabChain record are described in section Permutation Group Records.

Note that the values of these components are changed by functions that change, extend, or reduce a base (see StabChain, ExtendStabChain, and ReduceStabChain).

Note that the records that represent the stabilizers are not group records (see Group Records). Thus you cannot take such a stabilizer and apply group functions to it. The last stabilizer in the stabilizer chain is a record whose component generators is empty.

Below you find an example for a stabilizer chain for the symmetric group of degree 4.

        identity    := (),
        generators  := [ (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ],
        orbit       := [ 1, 2, 4, 3 ],
        transversal := [ (), (1,2), (1,2,3,4), (1,2,3,4) ],
        stabilizer := rec(
            identity    := (),
            generators  := [ (3,4), (2,4) ],
            orbit       := [ 2, 4, 3 ],
            transversal := [ , (), (3,4), (2,4) ],
            stabilizer := rec(
                identity    := (),
                generators  := [ (3,4) ],
                orbit       := [ 3, 4 ],
                transversal := [ ,, (), (3,4) ],
                stabilizer := rec(
                    identity   := (),
                    generators := [  ]

21.7 StabChain

StabChain( G )
StabChain( G, opt )

StabChain computes and returns a stabilizer chain for G. The option record opt can be given and may contain information that will be used when computing the stabilizer chain. Giving this information might speed up computations. When using random methods (see Random Methods for Permutation Groups), StabChain also guarantees, that the computed stabilizer chain confirms to the information given. For example giving the size ensures correctness of the stabilizer chain.

If information of this kind can also be gotten from the parent group, StabChain does so.

The following components of the option record are currectly supported:


The group size.


An upper limit for the group size.


A list of points. If given, StabChain computes a reduced base starting with the points in base.


A list of points, representing a known base.


A value to supersede global or parent group setting of StabChainOptions.random (see Random Methods for Permutation Groups).

21.8 MakeStabChain

MakeStabChain( G )
MakeStabChain( G, lst )

MakeStabChain computes a reduced stabilizer chain for the permutation group G.

If no stabilizer chain for G is already known and no argument lst is given, it computes a reduced stabilizer chain for the lexicographically smallest reduced base of G.

If no stabilizer chain for G is already known and an argument lst is given, it computes a reduced stabilizer chain with a base that starts with the points in lst. Note that points in lst that would lead to trivial stabilizers will be skipped (see ExtendStabChain).

Deterministically, the stabilizer chain is computed using the Schreier-Sims-Algorithm, which is described in Leo80. The time used is in practice proportional to the third power of the degree of the group.

If a stabilizer chain for G is already known and no argument lst is given, it reduces the known stabilizer chain.

If a stabilizer chain for G is already known and an argument lst is given, it changes the stabilizer chain such that the result is a reduced stabilizer chain with a base that starts with the points in lst (see ExtendStabChain). Note that points in lst that would lead to trivial stabilizers will be skipped.

The algorithm used in this case is called basechange, which is described in But82. The worst cases for the basechange algorithm are groups of large degree which have a long base.

    gap> s4 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );
    Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) )
    gap> MakeStabChain( s4 );    # compute a stabilizer chain
    gap> Base( s4 );
    [ 1, 2, 3 ]
    gap> MakeStabChain( s4, [4,3,2,1] );    # perform a basechange
    gap> Base( s4 );
    [ 4, 3, 2 ] 

MakeStabChain mainly works by calling StabChain with appropriate parameters.

21.9 ExtendStabChain

ExtendStabChain( G, lst )

ExtendStabChain inserts trivial stabilizers into the known stabilizer chain of the permutation group G such that lst becomes the base of G. The stabilizer chain which belongs to the base lst must reduce to the old stabilizer chain (see ReduceStabChain).

This function is useful if two different (sub-)groups have to have exactly the same base.

    gap> s4 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );;
    gap> MakeStabChain( s4, [3,2,1] );  Base( s4 );
    [ 3, 2, 1 ]
    gap> h := Subgroup( Parent(s4), [(1,2,3,4), (2,4)] );
    Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ), [ (1,2,3,4), (2,4) ] )
    gap> Base( h );
    [ 1, 2 ]
    gap> MakeStabChain( h, Base( s4 ) );  Base( h );
    [ 3, 2 ]
    gap> ExtendStabChain( h, Base( s4 ) );  Base( h );
    [ 3, 2, 1 ] 

21.10 ReduceStabChain

ReduceStabChain( G )

ReduceStabChain removes trivial stabilizers from a known stabilizer chain of the permutation group G. The result is a reduced stabilizer chain (also see ExtendStabChain).

    gap> s4 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );;
    gap> Base( s4 );
    [ 1, 2, 3 ]
    gap> ExtendStabChain( s4, [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );  Base( s4 );
    [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
    gap> PermGroupOps.Indices( s4 );
    [ 4, 3, 2, 1 ]
    gap> ReduceStabChain( s4 );  Base( s4 );
    [ 1, 2, 3 ] 

21.11 MakeStabChainStrongGenerators

MakeStabChainStrongGenerators( G, base, stronggens )

MakeStabChainStrongGenerators computes a reduced stabilizer chain for the permutation group G with the base base and the strong generating set stronggens. stronggens must be a strong generating set for G relative to the base base; note that this is not tested. Since the generators for G are not changed the strong generating set of G got by PermGroupOps.StrongGenerators is not exactly stronggens afterwards. This function is mostly used to reconstruct a stabilizer chain for a group G and works considerably faster than MakeStabChain (see MakeStabChain).

    gap> G := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3), (4,5) );;
    gap> Base( G );
    [ 1, 2, 4 ]
    gap> ExtendStabChain( G, [1,2,3,4] );
    gap> PermGroupOps.Indices( G );  base := Base( G );
    [ 3, 2, 1, 2 ]    # note that the stabilizer chain is not reduced
    [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
    gap> stronggens := PermGroupOps.StrongGenerators( G );
    [ (4,5), (2,3), (1,2), (1,2,3) ]
    gap> H := Group( (1,2), (1,3), (4,5) );
    Group( (1,2), (1,3), (4,5) )    # of course G = H
    gap> MakeStabChainStrongGenerators( H, base, stronggens );
    gap> PermGroupOps.Indices( H );  Base( H );
    [ 3, 2, 2 ]       # note that the stabilizer chain is reduced
    [ 1, 2, 4 ]
    gap> PermGroupOps.StrongGenerators( H );
    [ (4,5), (2,3), (1,2), (1,3) ]
    # note that this is different from stronggens 

21.12 Base for Permutation Groups

Base( G )

Base returns a base for the permutation group G. If a stabilizer chain for G is already known, Base returns the base for this stabilizer chain. Otherwise a stabilizer chain for the lexicographically smallest reduced base is computed and its base is returned (see Stabilizer Chains).

    gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );;
    gap> Base( s4 );
    [ 1, 2, 3 ]  

21.13 PermGroupOps.Indices

PermGroupOps.Indices( G )

PermGroupOps.Indices returns a list l of indices of the permutation group G with respect to a stabilizer chain of G, i.e., l[i] is the index of G(i+1) in G(i). Thus the size of G is the product of all indices in l. If a stabilizer chain for G is already known, PermGroupOps.Indices returns the indices corresponding to this stabilizer chain. Otherwise a stabilizer chain with the lexicographically smallest reduced base is computed and the indices corresponding to this chain are returned (see Stabilizer Chains).

    gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );;
    gap> PermGroupOps.Indices( s4 );
    [ 4, 3, 2 ]    # note that for s4 the indices are
                   # actually independent of the base 

21.14 PermGroupOps.StrongGenerators

PermGroupOps.StrongGenerators( G )

PermGroupOps.StrongGenerators returns a list of strong generators for the permutation group G. If a stabilizer chain for G is already known, PermGroupOps.StrongGenerators returns a strong generating set corresponding to this stabilizer chain. Otherwise a stabilizer chain with the lexicographically smallest reduced base is computed and a strong generating set corresponding to this chain is returned (see Stabilizer Chains).

    gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );;
    gap> Base( s4 );
    [ 1, 2, 3 ]
    gap> PermGroupOps.StrongGenerators( s4 );
    [ (3,4), (2,3,4), (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ] 

21.15 ListStabChain

ListStabChain( G )

ListStabChain returns a list of stabilizer records of the stabilizer chain of the permutation group G, i.e., the result is a list l such that l[i] is the i-th stabilizer G(i). The records in that list are identical to the records of the stabilizer chain. Thus changes made in a record l[i] are simultaneously done in the stabilizer chain (see Identical Records).

21.16 PermGroupOps.ElementProperty

PermGroupOps.ElementProperty( G, prop )
PermGroupOps.ElementProperty( G, prop, K )

PermGroupOps.ElementProperty returns an element g in the permutation group G such that prop(g) is true. prop must be a function of one argument that returns either true or false when applied to an element of G. If G has no such element, false is returned.

    gap> V4 := Group((1,2),(3,4));;
    gap> PermGroupOps.ElementProperty( V4, g -> (1,2)^g = (3,4) );

PermGroupOps.ElementProperty first computes a stabilizer chain for G, if necessary. Then it performs a backtrack search through G for an element satisfying prop, i.e., enumerates all elements of G as described in section Stabilizer Chains, and applies prop to each until one element g is found for which prop(g) is true. This algorithm is described in detail in But82.

    gap> S8 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) );;  S8.name := "S8";;
    gap> Size( S8 );
    gap> V := Subgroup( S8, [(1,2),(1,2,3),(6,7),(6,7,8)] );;
    gap> Size( V );
    gap> U := V ^ (1,2,3,4)(5,6,7,8);;
    gap> PermGroupOps.ElementProperty( S8, g -> U ^ g = V );
    (1,4,2)(5,6)    # another permutation conjugating U to V 

This search will of course take quite a while if G is large, especially if no element of G satisfies prop, and therefore all elements of G must be tried.

To speed up the computation you may pass a subgroup K of G as optional third argument. This subgroup must preserve prop in the sense that either all elements of a left coset g*K satisfy prop or no element of g*K does.

In our example above such a subgroup is the normalizer NG(V) because h ∈ g NG(V) takes U to V if and only if g does. Of course every subgroup of NG(V) has this property too. Below we use the subgroup V itself. In this example this speeds up the computation by a factor of 4.

    gap> K := Subgroup( S8, V.generators );;
    gap> PermGroupOps.ElementProperty( S8, g -> U ^ g = V, K );

In the following example, we use the same subgroup, but with a larger generating system. This speeds up the computation by another factor of 3. Something like this may happen frequently. The reason is too complicated to be explained here.

    gap> K2 := Subgroup( S8, Union( V.generators, [(2,3),(7,8)] ) );;
    gap> K2 = K;
    gap> PermGroupOps.ElementProperty( S8, g -> U ^ g = V, K2 );

Passing the full normalizer speeds up the computation in this example by another factor of 2. Beware though that in other examples the computation of the normalizer alone may take longer than calling PermGroupOps.ElementProperty with only the subgroup itself as argument.

    gap> N := Normalizer( S8, V );
    Subgroup( S8, [ (1,2), (1,2,3), (6,7), (6,7,8), (2,3), (7,8),
      (1,6)(2,7)(3,8), (4,5) ] )
    gap> Size( N );
    gap> PermGroupOps.ElementProperty( S8, g -> U ^ g = V, N );

21.17 PermGroupOps.SubgroupProperty

PermGroupOps.SubgroupProperty( G, prop )
PermGroupOps.SubgroupProperty( G, prop, K )

PermGroupOps.SubgroupProperty returns the subgroup U of the permutation group G of all elements in G that satisfy prop, i.e., the subgroup of all elements g in G such that prop(g) is true. prop must be a function of one argument that returns either true or false when applied to an element of G. Of course the elements that satisfy prop must form a subgroup of G. PermGroupOps.SubgroupProperty builds a stabilizer chain for U.

    gap> S8 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) );;  S8.name := "S8";;
    gap> Size(S8);
    gap> V := Subgroup( S8, [(1,2),(1,2,3),(6,7),(6,7,8)] );;
    gap> Size(V);
    gap> PermGroupOps.SubgroupProperty( S8, g -> V ^ g = V );
    Subgroup( S8, [ (7,8), (6,7), (4,5), (2,3)(4,5)(6,8,7), (1,2),
      (1,6,3,8)(2,7) ] )
    # the normalizer of V in S8 

PermGroupOps.SubgroupProperty first computes a stabilizer chain for G, if necessary. Then it performs a backtrack search through G for the elements satisfying prop, i.e., enumerates all elements of G as described in section Stabilizer Chains, and applies prop to each, adding elements for which prop(g) is true to the subgroup U. Once U has become non-trivial, it is used to eliminate whole cosets of stabilizers in the stabilizer chain of G if they cannot contain elements with the property prop that are not already in U. This algorithm is described in detail in But82.

This search will of course take quite a while if G is large. To speed up the computation you may pass a subgroup K of U as optional third argument.

Passing the subgroup V itself, speeds up the computation in this example by a factor of 2.

    gap> K := Subgroup( S8, V.generators );;
    gap> PermGroupOps.SubgroupProperty( S8, g -> V ^ g = V, K );
    Subgroup( S8, [ (1,2), (1,2,3), (6,7), (6,7,8), (2,3), (7,8), (4,5),
      (1,6,3,8)(2,7) ] ) 

21.18 CentralCompositionSeriesPPermGroup

CentralCompositionSeriesPPermGroup( G )

This function calculates a central composition series for the p-group G. The method used is known as Holt's algorithm. If G is not a p-group, an error is signalled.

    gap> D := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,3) );; D.name := "d8";;
    gap> CentralCompositionSeriesPPermGroup( D );
    [ d8, Subgroup( d8, [ (2,4), (1,3) ] ),
      Subgroup( d8, [ (1,3)(2,4) ] ), Subgroup( d8, [  ] ) ] 

21.19 PermGroupOps.PgGroup

PermGroupOps.PgGroup( G )

This function converts a permutation group G of prime power order pd into an ag group P such that the presentation corresponds to a p-step central series of G. This central composition series is constructed by calling CentralCompositionSeriesPPermGroup (see CentralCompositionSeriesPPermGroup). An isomorphism from the ag group to the permutation group is bound to P.bijection.

There is no dispatcher to this function, it must be called as PermGroupOps.PgGroup.

21.20 Set Functions for Permutation Groups

All set theoretic functions described in chapter Domains are also applicable to permutation groups. This section describes which functions are implemented specially for permutation groups. Functions not mentioned here are handled by the default methods described in the respective sections.

Random( G )

To compute a random element in a permutation group G GAP3 computes a stabilizer chain for G, takes on each level a random representative and returns the product of those. All elements of G are chosen with equal probability by this method.

Size( G )

Size calls StabChain (see StabChain), if necessary, and returns the product of the indices of the stabilizer chain (see Stabilizer Chains).

Elements( G )

Elements calls StabChain (see StabChain), if necessary, and enumerates the elements of G as described in Stabilizer Chains. It returns the set of those elements.

Intersection( G1, G2 )

Intersection first computes stabilizer chains for G1 and G2 for a common base. If either group already has a stabilizer chain a basechange is performed (see MakeStabChain). Intersection enumerates the elements of G1 and G2 using a backtrack algorithm, eliminating whole cosets of stabilizers in the stabilizer chains if possible (see PermGroupOps.SubgroupProperty). It builds a stabilizer chain for the intersection.

21.21 Group Functions for Permutation Groups

All group functions for groups described in chapter Group are also applicable to permutation groups. This section describes which functions are implemented specially for permutation groups. Functions not mentioned here are handled by the default methods described in the respective sections.

G ^ p
ConjugateSubgroup( G, p )

Returns the conjugate permutation group of G with the permutation p. p must be an element of the parent group of G. If a stabilizer chain for G is already known, it is also conjugated.

Centralizer( G, U )
Centralizer( G, g )
Normalizer( G, U )

These functions first compute a stabilizer chain for G. If a stabilizer chain is already known a basechange may be performed to obtain a base that is better suited for the problem. These functions then enumerate the elements of G with a backtrack algorithm, eliminating whole cosets of stabilizers in the stabilizer chain if possible (see PermGroupOps.SubgroupProperty). They build a stabilizer chain for the resulting subgroup.

SylowSubgroup( G, p )

If G is not transitive, its p-Sylow subgroup is computed by starting with P:=G, and for each transitive constituent homomorphism hom iterating
P := PreImage( SylowSubgroup( Image( hom, P ), p ) ).

If G is transitive but not primitive, its p-Sylow subgroup is computed as
SylowSubgroup( PreImage( SylowSubgroup(Image(hom,G),p) ), p ).

If G is primitive, SylowSubgroup takes random elements in G, until it finds a p-element g, whose centralizer in G contains the whole p-Sylow subgroup. Such an element must exist, because a p-group has a nontrivial centre. Then the p-Sylow subgroup of the centralizer is computed and returned. Note that the centralizer must be a proper subgroup of G, because it operates imprimitively on the cycles of g.

Coset( U, g )

Returns the coset U*g. The representative chosen is the lexicographically smallest element of that coset. It is computed with an algorithm that is very similar to the backtrack algorithm.

    gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );;  s4.name := "s4";;
    gap> u := Subgroup( s4, [(1,2,3)] );;
    gap> Coset( u, (1,3,2) );
    (Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3) ] )*())
    gap> Coset( u, (3,2) );
    (Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3) ] )*(2,3)) 

Cosets( G, U )

Returns the cosets of U in G. Cosets first computes stabilizer chains for G and U with a common base. If either subgroup already has a stabilizer chain, a basechange is performed (see MakeStabChain). A transversal is computed recursively using the fact that if S is a transversal of U(2) = StabU(b1) in G(2) = StabG(b1), and R(1) is a transversal of G(2) in G, then a transversal of U in G is a subset of S * R(1).

    gap> Cosets( s4, u );
    [ (Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3) ] )*()),
      (Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3) ] )*(3,4)),
      (Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3) ] )*(2,3)),
      (Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3) ] )*(2,3,4)),
      (Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3) ] )*(2,4,3)),
      (Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3) ] )*(2,4)),
      (Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3) ] )*(1,2,3,4)),
      (Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3) ] )*(1,2,4)) ] 

PermutationCharacter( P )

Computes the character of the natural permutation representation of P, i.e. it does the same as PermutationCharacter( P, StabP(1) ) but works much faster.

    gap> G := SymmetricPermGroup(5);;
    gap> PermutationCharacter(G);
    [ 5, 3, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0 ] 

ElementaryAbelianSeries( G )

This function builds an elementary abelian series of G by iterated construction of normal closures. If a partial elementary abelian series reaches up to a subgroup U of G which does not yet contain the generator s of G then the series is extended up to the normal closure N of U and s. If the factor N/U is not elementary abelian, i.e., if some commutator of s with one of its conjugates under G does not lie in U, intermediate subgroups are calculated recursively by extending U with that commutator. If G is solvable this process must come to an end since commutators of arbitrary depth cannot exist in solvable groups.

Hence this method gives an elementary abelian series if G is solvable and gives an infinite recursion if it is not. For permutation groups, however, there is a bound on the derived length that depends only on the degree d of the group. According to Dixon this is (5 log3(d))/2. So if the commutators get deeper than this bound the algorithm stops and sets G.isSolvable to false, signalling an error. Otherwise G.isSolvable is set to true and the elementary abelian series is returned as a list of subgroups of G.

    gap> S := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );; S.name := "s4";;
    gap> ElementaryAbelianSeries( S );
    [ Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2), (1,3,2), (1,4)(2,3), (1,2)(3,4) ] ),
      Subgroup( s4, [ (1,3,2), (1,4)(2,3), (1,2)(3,4) ] ),
      Subgroup( s4, [ (1,4)(2,3), (1,2)(3,4) ] ), Subgroup( s4, [  ] ) ]
    gap> A := Group( (1,2,3), (3,4,5) );;
    gap> ElementaryAbelianSeries( A );
    Error, <G> must be solvable

IsSolvable( G )

Solvability of a permutation group G is tested by trying to construct an elementary abelian series as described above. After this has been done the flag G.isSolvable is set correctly, so its value is returned.

    gap> S := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );;
    gap> IsSolvable( S );
    gap> A := Group( (1,2,3), (3,4,5) );;
    gap> IsSolvable( A );

CompositionSeries( G )

A composition series for the solvable group G is calculated either from a given subnormal series, which must be bound to G.subnormalSeries, in which case G.bssgs must hold the corresponding base-strong subnormal generating system, or from an elementary abelian series (as computed by ElementaryAbelianSeries( G ) above) by inserting intermediate subgroups (i.e. powers of the polycyclic generators or composition series along bases of the vector spaces in the elementary abelian series). In either case, after execution of this function, G.bssgs holds a base-strong pag system corresponding to the composition series calculated.

    gap> S := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );; S.name := "s4";;
    gap> CompositionSeries( S );
    [ Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2), (1,3,2), (1,4)(2,3), (1,2)(3,4) ] ),
      Subgroup( s4, [ (1,3,2), (1,4)(2,3), (1,2)(3,4) ] ),
      Subgroup( s4, [ (1,4)(2,3), (1,2)(3,4) ] ),
      Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2)(3,4) ] ), Subgroup( s4, [  ] ) ] 

If G is not solvable then a composition series cs is computed with an algorithm by A. Seress and R. Beals. In this case the factor group of each element cs[i] in the composition series modulo the next one cs[i+1] are represented as primitive permutation groups. One should call cs[i].operations.FactorGroup( cs[i], cs[i+1] ) directly to avoid the check in FactorGroup that cs[i+1] is normal in cs[i]. The natural homomorphism of cs[i] onto this factor group will be given as a GroupHomomorphismByImages (see GroupHomomorphismByImages).

    gap> pyl29 := Group( (1,2,3)(4,5,6)(7,8,9), (2,6,4,9,3,8,7,5),
    >                     (4,7)(5,8)(6,9), (1,10)(4,7)(5,6)(8,9) );;
    gap> pyl29.name := "pyl29";;
    gap> cs := CompositionSeries( pyl29 );
    [ Subgroup( pyl29, [ (1,9,5)(2,7,6)(3,8,4), (2,7,3,4)(5,8,9,6),
          ( 1, 2,10)( 4, 9, 5)( 6, 8, 7), (2,6,4,9,3,8,7,5),
          (4,7)(5,8)(6,9) ] ),
      Subgroup( pyl29, [ (1,9,5)(2,7,6)(3,8,4), (2,7,3,4)(5,8,9,6),
          ( 1, 2,10)( 4, 9, 5)( 6, 8, 7), (2,6,4,9,3,8,7,5) ] ),
      Subgroup( pyl29, [ (1,9,5)(2,7,6)(3,8,4), (2,7,3,4)(5,8,9,6),
          ( 1, 2,10)( 4, 9, 5)( 6, 8, 7) ] ), Subgroup( pyl29, [  ] ) ]
    gap> List( [1..3], i->cs[i].operations.FactorGroup(cs[i],cs[i+1]) );
    [ Group( (1,2) ), Group( (1,2) ),
      Group( (1,9,5)(2,7,6)(3,8,4), (2,7,3,4)(5,8,9,6), ( 1, 2,10)
        ( 4, 9, 5)( 6, 8, 7) ) ]
    gap> List( last, Size );
    [ 2, 2, 360 ] 

ExponentsPermSolvablePermGroup( G, perm [, start ] )

ExponentsPermSolvablePermGroup returns a list e, such that perm = G.bssgs[1]^e[1] {*} G.bssgs[2]^e[2] {*} ... {*} G.bssgs[n]^e[n], where G.bssgs must be a prime-step base-strong subnormal generating system as calculated by ElementaryAbelianSeries (see ElementaryAbelianSeries and above). If the optional third argument start is given, the list entries exps[1], ..., exps[start-1] are left unbound and the element perm is decomposed as product of the remaining pag generators G.bssgs[start], ..., G.bssgs[n].

    gap> S := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );; S.name := "s4";;
    gap> ElementaryAbelianSeries( S );;
    gap> S.bssgs;
    [ (1,2), (1,3,2), (1,4)(2,3), (1,2)(3,4) ]
    gap> ExponentsPermSolvablePermGroup( S, (1,2,3) );
    [ 0, 2, 0, 0 ]

AgGroup( G )

This function converts a solvable permutation group into an ag group. It calculates an elementary abelian series and a prime-step bssgs for G (see ElementaryAbelianSeries above) and then finds the relators belonging to this prime-step bssgs using the function ExponentsPermSolvablePermGroup (see above). An isomorphism from the ag group to the permutation group is bound to AgGroup( G ).bijection.

    gap> G := WreathProduct( SymmetricGroup( 4 ), CyclicGroup( 3 ) );;
    gap> A := AgGroup( G );
    Group( g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12, g13 )
    gap> (A.1*A.3)^A.bijection;
    ( 1, 6,10, 2, 5, 9)( 3, 7,11)( 4, 8,12) 

DirectProduct( G, H )

If G and H are both permutation groups, DirectProduct constructs the direct product of G and H as an intransitive permutation group. There are special routines for Centre, Centralizer and SylowSubgroup for such groups that will work faster than the standard permutation group functions. These functions are DirectProductPermGroupCentre, DirectProductPermGroupCentralizer and DirectProductPermGroupSylowSubgroup. You can enforce that these routines will be always used for direct products of permutation groups by issuing the following three commands (They are not performed by standard as the code has not been well-tested).

    gap> DirectProductPermGroupOps.Centre:=DirectProductPermGroupCentre;;
    gap> DirectProductPermGroupOps.Centralizer:=
    >    DirectProductPermGroupCentralizer;;
    gap> DirectProductPermGroupOps.SylowSubgroup:=
    >    DirectProductPermGroupSylowSubgroup;;

21.22 Operations of Permutation Groups

All functions that deal with operations of groups are applicable to permutation groups (see Operations of Groups). This section describes which functions are implemented specially for permutation groups. Functions not mentioned here are handled by the default methods described in the respective sections.

IsSemiRegular( G, D, opr )

IsSemiRegular returns true if G operates semiregularly on the domain D and false otherwise.

If D is a list of integers and opr is OnPoints, IsSemiRegular uses the lemma that says that such an operation is semiregular if all orbits of G on D have the same length, and if for an arbitrary point p of D and for each generator g of G there is a permutation zg (not necessarily in G) such that pzg = pg and which commutes with all elements of G, and if there is a permutation z (again not necessarily in G) that permutes the orbits of G on D setwise and commutes with all elements of G. This can be tested in time proportional to o n2 + d n, where o is the size of a single orbit, n is the number of generators of G, and d is the size of D.

RepresentativeOperation( G, d, e, opr )

RepresentativeOperation returns a permutation perm in G that maps d to e in respect to the given operation opr if such a permutation exists, and false otherwise.

If the operation is OnPoints, OnPairs, OnTuples, or OnSets and d and e are positive integers or lists of integers, a basechange is performed and the representative is computed from the factorized inverse transversal (see Stabilizer Chains and StabChain).

If the operation is OnPoints, OnPairs, OnTuples or OnSets and d and e are permutations or lists of permutations, a backtrack search is performed (see PermGroupOps.ElementProperty).

Stabilizer( G, D, opr )

Stabilizer returns the stabilizer of D in G using the operation opr on the D. If D is a positive integer (respectively a list of positive integers) and the operation opr is OnPoints (respectively OnPairs or OnTuples) a basechange of G is performed (see MakeStabChain). If D is a set of positive integers and the operation opr is OnSets a backtrack algorithm for set-stabilizers of permutation groups is performed.

Blocks( G, D [, seed ] [, operation ] )

Returns a partition of D being a minimal block system of G in respect to the operation opreration on the objects of D. If the argument seed is given the objects of seed are contained in the same block. If D is a list of positive integers an Atkinson algorithm is performed.

Theoretically the algorithm lies in {O}(n3 m) but in practice it is mostly in {O}(n2 m) with m the number of generators and n the cardinality of D.

21.23 Homomorphisms for Permutation Groups

This section describes the various homomorphisms that are treated specially for permutation groups.

GroupHomomorphisByImages( P, H, gens, imgs )

The group homomorphism of a permutation group P into another group H is handled especially by GroupHomomorphisByImages. Below we describe how the various mapping functions are implemented for such a group homomorphism ghom. The mapping functions not mentioned below are implemented by the default functions described in GroupHomomorphismByImages.

To work with ghom, a stabilizer chain for the source of ghom is computed and stored as ghom.orbit, ghom.transversal, ghom.stabilizer. For every stabilizer stab in the stabilizer chain there is a list parallel to stab.generators, which is called stab.genimages, and contains images of the generators. The stabilizer chain is computed with a random Schreier Sims algorithm, using the size of the source to know when to stop.

IsMapping( ghom )

To test if ghom is a (single valued) mapping, all Schreier generatores are computed. Each Schreier generator is then reduced along the stabilizer chain. Because the chain is complete, each one must reduce to the identity. Parallel the images of the strong generators are multiplied. If they also reduce to the identity (in the range), ghom is a function, otherwise the remainders form a normal generating set for the subgroup of images of the identity of the source.

Image( ghom, elm )

The image of an element elm can be computed by reducing the element along the stabilizer chain, and at each step multiplying the corresponding images of the strong generators.

CompositionMapping( hom, ghom )

The composition of an arbitrary group homomorphism hom and ghom the stabilizer chain of ghom is copied. On each level the images of the generators in stab.genimages are replaced by their images under hom.

OperationHomomorphism( P, Operation( P, list ) )

The operation of a permutation group P on a list list of integers is handled especially by OperationHomomorphism. (Note that list must be a union of orbits of P for Operation to work.) We call the resulting homomorphism a transitive constituent homomorphism. Below we describe how the various mapping functions are implemented for a transitive constituent homomorphism tchom. The mapping functions not mentioned below are implemented by the default functions described in OperationHomomorphism.

Image( tchom, elm )

The image of an element is computed by restricting elm to list (see RestrictedPerm) and conjugating the restricted permutation with tchom.conperm, which maps it to a permutation that operates on [1..Length(list)] instead of list.

Image( tchom, H )

The image of a subgroup H is computed as follows. First a stabilizer chain for H is computed. This stabilizer chain is such that the base starts with points in list. Then the images of the strong generators of sub form a strong generating set of the image.

PreImages( tchom, H )

The preimage of a subgroup H is computed as follows. First a stabilizer chain for the source of tchom is computed. This stabilizer chain is such that the base starts with the point in list. Then the kernel of tchom is a stabilizer in this stabilizer chain. The preimages of the strong generators for H together with the strong generators for the kernel form a strong generating set of the preimage subgroup.

OperationHomomorphism( P, Operation( P, blocks, OnSets ) )

The operation of a permutation group P on a block system blocks (see Blocks) is handled especially by OperationHomomorphism. We call the resulting homomorphism a blocks homomorphism. Below we describe how the various mapping functions are implemented for a blocks homomorphism bhom. The mapping functions not mentioned below are implemented by the default functions described in OperationHomomorphism.

Image( bhom, elm )

To compute the image of an element elm under bhom, the record for bhom contains a list bhom.reps, which contains for each point in the union of the blocks the position of this block in blocks. Then the image of an element can simply be computed by applying the element to a representative of each block and using bhom.reps to find in which block the image lies.

Image( bhom, H )
PreImage( bhom, elm )
PreImage( bhom, H )
Kernel( bhom )

The image of a subgroup, the preimage of an element, and the preimage of a subgroup are computed by rather complicated algorithms. For a description of these algorithms see But85a.

21.24 Random Methods for Permutation Groups

When permutation groups become larger, computations become slower. This increase might make it impossible to compute with these groups. The reason is mainly the creation of stabilizer chains (see StabChain): During this process a lot of schreier generators are produced for the next point stabilizer in the chain, and these generators must be processed. In actual examples, it is observed, however, that much fewer generators are needed. This observation can be justified theoretically and the random methods exploit it by using a method of the Schreier-Sims algorithm which gives the correct result with an user-given error probability.


Computations become much faster. In fact, large problems may be handled only by using random methods.


Computations might produce wrong results. However, you can set an error margin, which is guaranteed. The practical performance is even better than our guarantee. You should also keep in mind, that it is impossible, to eliminate system, user or programming errors.

However, there are many situations, when theory offers methods to check correctness of the results. As an example, consider the following situation. You want to compute some maximal subgroups of large sporadic groups. The ATLAS of finite groups then tells you the sizes of the groups as well as the sizes of the subgroups. The error of the random methods is one-sided in the sense that they never create strong generators which are not elements of the group. Hence if the resulting group sizes are correct, you have indeed obtained the correct result. You might also give this information to StabChain, and computation will not only be much faster, but also corresponding to the information, i.e. if you give the size, the stabilizer chain is computed correctly.

The stabilizer chain is computed using methods from BCFS91.

How to use the random methods

GAP3 provides the global variable StabChainOptions. This record might contain a component random. If it is set to a number i between 1 and 1000 at the beginning, random methods with guaranteed correctness i/10 percent are used (though practically the probability for correctness is much higher). This means that at all applicable places random methods will be used automatically by the same function calls. If the component is not set or set to 1000, all computations are deterministic. By standard, this component is not set, so unless you explicitely allow random computations none are used.

If the group acts on not more than a hundered points, the use of random methods has no advantage. For these groups always the deterministic methods are used.

    gap> g:=SL(4,7);
    gap> o:=Orbit(g,[1,0,0,0]*Z(7)^0,OnLines);;Length(o);
    gap> op:=Operation(g,o,OnLines);;

We create a large permutation group on 400 points. First we compute deterministic.

    gap> g:=Group(op.generators,());;
    gap> StabChain(g);;time;
    gap> Size(g);

Now random methods will be used. We allow that the result is guaranteed correct only with 10 percent probability. The group is created anew.

    gap> StabChainOptions.random:=100;
    gap> g:=Group(op.generators,());;
    gap> StabChain(g);;time;
    gap> Size(g);

The result is still correct, though it took only less than one tenth of the time (your mileage may vary). If you give the algorithm a chance to check its results, things become even faster.

    gap> g:=Group(op.generators,());;
    gap> StabChain(g,rec(size:=2317591180800));;time;

More about random methods

When stabilizer chains are created, while random methods are allowed, it is noted in the respective groups, by setting of a record component G.stabChainOptions, which is itself a record, containg the component random. This component has the value indicated by StabChainOptions at the time the group was created. Values set in this component override the global setting of StabChainOptions. Whenever stabilizer chains are created for a group not posessing the .stabChainOptions.random entry, it is created anew from the global value StabChainOptions.

If a subgroup has no own record stabChainOptions, the one of the parent group is used instead.

As errors induced by the random functions might propagate, any (applicable) object created from the group inherits the component .stabChainOptions from the group. This applies for example to Operations and Homomorphisms.

21.25 Permutation Group Records

All groups are represented by a record that contains information about the group. A permutation group record contains the following components in addition to those described in section Group Records.


always true.


always true as permutation groups are always of finite order.

A stabilizer chain (see Stabilizer Chains) is stored recursively in GAP3. The group record of a permutation group G with a stabilizer chain has the following additional components.


List of orbitpoints of orbit[1] (which is the basepoint) under the action of the generators.


Factorized inverse transversal as defined in Stabilizer Chains.


Record for the stabilizer of the point orbit[1] in the group generated by generators. The components of this record are again generators, orbit, transversal and stabilizer. The last stabilizer in the stabilizer chain only contains the component generators, which is an empty list.


A record, that contains information about creation of the stabilizer chain. For example, whether it has been computed using random methods (see Random Methods for Permutation Groups). Some functions also use this record for passing local information about basechanges.


A record, that contains all information about the stabilizer chain. Functions acessing the stabilizer chain should do it using this record, as it is planned to remove the above three components from the group record in the future. The components of the stabChain record are described below.

The components of the stabChain record for a group G are


Contains G.identity.


Contains a copy of the generators of G, created by ShallowCopy(G.generators).


is the same as G.orbit.


is the same as G.transversal.


is the same as G.stabilizer.

Note that the values of all these components are changed by functions that change, extend, or reduce a base (see MakeStabChain, ExtendStabChain, and ReduceStabChain).

Note that the records that represent the stabilizers are not themselves group records (see Group Records). Thus you cannot take such a stabilizer and apply group functions to it. The last stabilizer in the stabilizer chain is a record whose component generators is empty.

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27 Nov 2023