10 Integers

One of the most fundamental datatypes in every programming language is the integer type. GAP3 is no exception.

GAP3 integers are entered as a sequence of digits optionally preceded by a + sign for positive integers or a - sign for negative integers. The size of integers in GAP3 is only limited by the amount of available memory, so you can compute with integers having thousands of digits.

    gap> -1234;
    gap> 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890;

The first sections in this chapter describe the operations applicable to integers (see Comparisons of Integers, Operations for Integers, QuoInt and RemInt).

The next sections describe the functions that test whether an object is an integer (see IsInt) and convert objects of various types to integers (see Int).

The next sections describe functions related to the ordering of integers (see AbsInt, SignInt).

The next section describes the function that computes a Chinese remainder (see ChineseRem).

The next sections describe the functions related to the ordering of integers, logarithms, and roots (LogInt, RootInt, SmallestRootInt).

The GAP3 object Integers is the ring domain of all integers. So all set theoretic functions are also applicable to this domain (see chapter Domains and Set Functions for Integers). The only serious use of this however seems to be the generation of random integers.

Since the integers form a Euclidean ring all the ring functions are applicable to integers (see chapter Rings, Ring Functions for Integers, Primes, IsPrimeInt, IsPrimePowerInt, NextPrimeInt, PrevPrimeInt, FactorsInt, DivisorsInt, Sigma, Tau, and MoebiusMu).

Since the integers are naturally embedded in the field of rationals all the field functions are applicable to integers (see chapter Fields and Field Functions for Rationals).

Many more functions that are mainly related to the prime residue group of integers modulo an integer are described in chapter Number Theory.

The external functions are in the file LIBNAME/"integer.g".


  1. Comparisons of Integers
  2. Operations for Integers
  3. QuoInt
  4. RemInt
  5. IsInt
  6. Int
  7. AbsInt
  8. SignInt
  9. IsOddInt
  10. IsEvenInt
  11. ChineseRem
  12. LogInt
  13. RootInt
  14. SmallestRootInt
  15. Set Functions for Integers
  16. Ring Functions for Integers
  17. Primes
  18. IsPrimeInt
  19. IsPrimePowerInt
  20. NextPrimeInt
  21. PrevPrimeInt
  22. FactorsInt
  23. DivisorsInt
  24. Sigma
  25. Tau
  26. MoebiusMu

10.1 Comparisons of Integers

n1 = n2
n1 <> n2

The equality operator = evaluates to true if the integer n1 is equal to the integer n2 and false otherwise. The inequality operator <> evaluates to true if n1 is not equal to n2 and false otherwise.

Integers can also be compared to objects of other types; of course, they are never equal.

    gap> 1 = 1;
    gap> 1 <> 0;
    gap> 1 = (1,2);     # (1,2) is a permutation

n1 < n2
n1 <= n2
n1 > n2
n1 >= n2

The operators <, <=, >, and => evaluate to true if the integer n1 is less than, less than or equal to, greater than, or greater than or equal to the integer n2, respectively.

Integers can also be compared to objects of other types, they are considered smaller than any other object, except rationals, where the ordering reflects the ordering of the rationals (see Comparisons of Rationals).

    gap> 1 < 2;
    gap> 1 < -1;
    gap> 1 < 3/2;
    gap> 1 < false;

10.2 Operations for Integers

n1 + n2

The operator + evaluates to the sum of the two integers n1 and n2.

n1 - n2

The operator - evaluates to the difference of the two integers n1 and n2.

n1 * n2

The operator * evaluates to the product of the two integers n1 and n2.

n1 / n2

The operator / evaluates to the quotient of the two integers n1 and n2. If the divisor does not divide the dividend the quotient is a rational (see Rationals). If the divisor is 0 an error is signalled. The integer part of the quotient can be computed with QuoInt (see QuoInt).

n1 mod n2

The operator mod evaluates to the smallest positive representative of the residue class of the left operand modulo the right, i.e., i mod k is the unique m in the range [0 .. AbsInt(k)-1] such that k divides i - m. If the right operand is 0 an error is signalled. The remainder of the division can be computed with RemInt (see RemInt).

n1 ^ n2

The operator ^ evaluates to the n2-th power of the integer n1. If n2 is a positive integer then n1^n2 is n1* n1* ..* n1 (n2 factors). If n2 is a negative integer n1^n2 is defined as 1 / n1-n2. If 0 is raised to a negative power an error is signalled. Any integer, even 0, raised to the zeroth power yields 1.

Since integers embed naturally into the field of rationals all the rational operations are available for integers too (see Operations for Rationals).

For the precedence of the operators see Operations.

    gap> 2 * 3 + 1;

10.3 QuoInt

QuoInt( n1, n2 )

QuoInt returns the integer part of the quotient of its integer operands.

If n1 and n2 are positive QuoInt( n1, n2 ) is the largest positive integer q such that q*n2 <= n1. If n1 or n2 or both are negative the absolute value of the integer part of the quotient is the quotient of the absolute values of n1 and n2, and the sign of it is the product of the signs of n1 and n2.

RemInt (see RemInt) can be used to compute the remainder.

    gap> QuoInt(5,2);  QuoInt(-5,2);  QuoInt(5,-2);  QuoInt(-5,-2);

10.4 RemInt

RemInt( n1, n2 )

RemInt returns the remainder of its two integer operands.

If n2 is not equal to zero RemInt( n1, n2 ) = n1 - n2* QuoInt( n1, n2 ). Note that the rules given for QuoInt (see QuoInt) imply that RemInt( n1, n2 ) has the same sign as n1 and its absolute value is strictly less than the absolute value of n2. Dividing by 0 signals an error.

    gap> RemInt(5,2);  RemInt(-5,2);  RemInt(5,-2);  RemInt(-5,-2);

10.5 IsInt

IsInt( obj )

IsInt returns true if obj, which can be an arbitrary object, is an integer and false otherwise. IsInt will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable.

    gap> IsInt( 1 );
    gap> IsInt( IsInt );
    false        # IsInt is a function, not an integer 

10.6 Int

Int( obj )

Int converts an object obj to an integer. If obj is an integer Int will simply return obj.

If obj is a rational number (see Rationals) Int returns the unique integer that has the same sign as obj and the largest absolute value not larger than the absolute value of obj.

If obj is an element of the prime field of a finite field F, Int returns the least positive integer n such that n* F.one = obj (see IntFFE).

If obj is not of one of the above types an error is signalled.

    gap> Int( 17 );
    gap> Int( 17 / 3 );
    gap> Int( Z(5^3)^62 );
    4  # Z(53)62=(Z(53)124/4)2=Z(5)2=PrimitiveRoot(5)2=22 

10.7 AbsInt

AbsInt( n )

AbsInt returns the absolute value of the integer n, i.e., n if n is positive, -n if n is negative and 0 if n is 0 (see SignInt).

    gap> AbsInt( 33 );
    gap> AbsInt( -214378 );
    gap> AbsInt( 0 );

10.8 SignInt

SignInt( obj )

SignInt returns the sign of the integer obj, i.e., 1 if obj is positive, -1 if obj is negative and 0 if obj is 0 (see AbsInt).

    gap> SignInt( 33 );
    gap> SignInt( -214378 );
    gap> SignInt( 0 );

10.9 IsOddInt

IsOddInt( i )

Determines whether i is odd.

    gap> IsOddInt(3);IsOddInt(4);

10.10 IsEvenInt

IsEvenInt( i )

Determines whether i is even.

    gap> IsEvenInt(3);IsEvenInt(4);

10.11 ChineseRem

ChineseRem( moduli, residues )

ChineseRem returns the combination of the residues modulo the moduli, i.e., the unique integer c from [0..Lcm(moduli)-1] such that c = residues[i] modulo moduli[i] for all i, if it exists. If no such combination exists ChineseRem signals an error.

Such a combination does exist if and only if
residues[i]=residues[k] mod Gcd(moduli[i],moduli[k]) for every pair i, k. Note that this implies that such a combination exists if the moduli are pairwise relatively prime. This is called the Chinese remainder theorem.

    gap> ChineseRem( [ 2, 3, 5, 7 ], [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );
    gap> ChineseRem( [ 6, 10, 14 ], [ 1, 3, 5 ] );
    gap> ChineseRem( [ 6, 10, 14 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
    Error, the residues must be equal modulo 2 

10.12 LogInt

LogInt( n, base )

LogInt returns the integer part of the logarithm of the positive integer n with respect to the positive integer base, i.e., the largest positive integer exp such that baseexp <= n. LogInt will signal an error if either n or base is not positive.

    gap> LogInt( 1030, 2 );
    10        # 210 = 1024
    gap> LogInt( 1, 10 );

10.13 RootInt

RootInt( n )
RootInt( n, k )

RootInt returns the integer part of the kth root of the integer n. If the optional integer argument k is not given it defaults to 2, i.e., RootInt returns the integer part of the square root in this case.

If n is positive RootInt returns the largest positive integer r such that rk <= n. If n is negative and k is odd RootInt returns -RootInt( -n, k ). If n is negative and k is even RootInt will cause an error. RootInt will also cause an error if k is 0 or negative.

    gap> RootInt( 361 );
    gap> RootInt( 2 * 10^12 );
    gap> RootInt( 17000, 5 );
    7        # 75 = 16807 

10.14 SmallestRootInt

SmallestRootInt( n )

SmallestRootInt returns the smallest root of the integer n.

The smallest root of an integer n is the integer r of smallest absolute value for which a positive integer k exists such that n = rk.

    gap> SmallestRootInt( 2^30 );
    gap> SmallestRootInt( -(2^30) );
    -4        # note that (-2)30 = +(230)
    gap> SmallestRootInt( 279936 );
    gap> LogInt( 279936, 6 );
    gap> SmallestRootInt( 1001 );

SmallestRootInt can be used to identify and decompose powers of primes as is demonstrated in the following example (see IsPrimePowerInt)

    p := SmallestRootInt( q );  n := LogInt( q, p );
    if not IsPrimeInt(p) then Error("GF: <q> must be a primepower"); fi;

10.15 Set Functions for Integers

As already mentioned in the first section of this chapter, Integers is the domain of all integers. Thus in principle all set theoretic functions, for example Intersection, Size, and so on can be applied to this domain. This seems generally of little use.

    gap> Intersection( Integers, [ 0, 1/2, 1, 3/2 ] );
    [ 0, 1 ]
    gap> Size( Integers );

Random( Integers )

This seems to be the only useful domain function that can be applied to the domain Integers. It returns pseudo random integers between -10 and 10 distributed according to a binomial distribution.

    gap> Random( Integers );
    gap> Random( Integers );

To generate uniformly distributed integers from a range, use the construct Random( [ low .. high ] ).

10.16 Ring Functions for Integers

As was already noted in the introduction to this chapter the integers form a Euclidean ring, so all ring functions (see chapter Rings) are applicable to the integers. This section comments on the implementation of those functions for the integers and tells you how you can call the corresponding functions directly, for example to save time.

IsPrime( Integers, n )

This is implemented by IsPrimeInt, which you can call directly to save a little bit of time (see IsPrimeInt).

Factors( Integers, n )

This is implemented as by FactorsInt, which you can call directly to save a little bit of time (see FactorsInt).

EuclideanDegree( Integers, n )

The Euclidean degree of an integer is of course simply the absolute value of the integer. Calling AbsInt directly will be a little bit faster.

EuclideanRemainder( Integers, n, m )

This is implemented as RemInt( n, m ), which you can use directly to save a lot of time.

EuclideanQuotient( Integers, n, m )

This is implemented as QuoInt( n, m ), which you can use directly to save a lot of time.

QuotientRemainder( Integers, n, m )

This is implemented as [ QuoInt(n,m), RemInt(n,m) ], which you can use directly to save a lot of time.

QuotientMod( Integers, n1, n2, m )

This is implemented as (n1 / n2) mod m, which you can use directly to save a lot of time.

PowerMod( Integers, n, e, m )

This is implemented by PowerModInt, which you can call directly to save a little bit of time. Note that using n ^ e mod m will generally be slower, because it can not reduce intermediate results like PowerMod.

Gcd( Integers, n1, n2.. )

This is implemented by GcdInt, which you can call directly to save a lot of time. Note that GcdInt takes only two arguments, not several as Gcd does.

Gcdex( n1, n2 )

Gcdex returns a record. The component gcd is the gcd of n1 and n2.

The components coeff1 and coeff2 are integer cofactors such that
g.gcd = g.coeff1*n1 + g.coeff2*n2.
If n1 and n2 both are nonzero, AbsInt( g.coeff1 ) is less than or equal to AbsInt(n2) / (2*g.gcd) and AbsInt( g.coeff2 ) is less than or equal to AbsInt(n1) / (2*g.gcd).

The components coeff3 and coeff4 are integer cofactors such that
0 = g.coeff3*n1 + g.coeff4*n2.
If n1 or n2 or are both nonzero coeff3 is -n2 / g.gcd and coeff4 is n1 / g.gcd.

The coefficients always form a unimodular matrix, i.e., the determinant
g.coeff1*g.coeff4 - g.coeff3*g.coeff2
is 1 or -1.

    gap> Gcdex( 123, 66 );
      gcd := 3,
      coeff1 := 7,
      coeff2 := -13,
      coeff3 := -22,
      coeff4 := 41 )
          # 3 = 7*123 - 13*66, 0 = -22*123 + 41*66
    gap> Gcdex( 0, -3 );
      gcd := 3,
      coeff1 := 0,
      coeff2 := -1,
      coeff3 := 1,
      coeff4 := 0 )
    gap> Gcdex( 0, 0 );
      gcd := 0,
      coeff1 := 1,
      coeff2 := 0,
      coeff3 := 0,
      coeff4 := 1 ) 

Lcm( Integers, n1, n2.. )

This is implemented as LcmInt, which you can call directly to save a little bit of time. Note that LcmInt takes only two arguments, not several as Lcm does.

10.17 Primes

Primes[ n ]

Primes is a set, i.e., a sorted list, of the 168 primes less than 1000.

Primes is used in IsPrimeInt (see IsPrimeInt) and FactorsInt (see FactorsInt) to cast out small prime divisors quickly.

    gap> Primes[1];
    gap> Primes[100];

10.18 IsPrimeInt

IsPrimeInt( n )

IsPrimeInt returns false if it can prove that n is composite and true otherwise. By convention IsPrimeInt(0) = IsPrimeInt(1) = false and we define IsPrimeInt( -n ) = IsPrimeInt( n ).

IsPrimeInt will return true for all prime n. IsPrimeInt will return false for all composite n < 1013 and for all composite n that have a factor p < 1000. So for integers n < 1013, IsPrimeInt is a proper primality test. It is conceivable that IsPrimeInt may return true for some composite n > 1013, but no such n is currently known. So for integers n > 1013, IsPrimeInt is a probable-primality test. If composites that fool IsPrimeInt do exist, they would be extremly rare, and finding one by pure chance is less likely than finding a bug in GAP3.

IsPrimeInt is a deterministic algorithm, i.e., the computations involve no random numbers, and repeated calls will always return the same result. IsPrimeInt first does trial divisions by the primes less than 1000. Then it tests that n is a strong pseudoprime w.r.t. the base 2. Finally it tests whether n is a Lucas pseudoprime w.r.t. the smallest quadratic nonresidue of n. A better description can be found in the comment in the library file integer.g.

The time taken by IsPrimeInt is approximately proportional to the third power of the number of digits of n. Testing numbers with several hundreds digits is quite feasible.

    gap> IsPrimeInt( 2^31 - 1 );
    gap> IsPrimeInt( 10^42 + 1 );

10.19 IsPrimePowerInt

IsPrimePowerInt( n )

IsPrimePowerInt returns true if the integer n is a prime power and false otherwise.

n is a prime power if there exists a prime p and a positive integer i such that pi = n. If n is negative the condition is that there must exist a negative prime p and an odd positive integer i such that pi = n. 1 and -1 are not prime powers.

Note that IsPrimePowerInt uses SmallestRootInt (see SmallestRootInt) and a probable-primality test (see IsPrimeInt).

    gap> IsPrimePowerInt( 31^5 );
    gap> IsPrimePowerInt( 2^31-1 );
    true        # 231-1 is actually a prime
    gap> IsPrimePowerInt( 2^63-1 );
    gap> Filtered( [-10..10], IsPrimePowerInt );
    [ -8, -7, -5, -3, -2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 ] 

10.20 NextPrimeInt

NextPrimeInt( n )

NextPrimeInt returns the smallest prime which is strictly larger than the integer n.

Note that NextPrimeInt uses a probable-primality test (see IsPrimeInt).

    gap> NextPrimeInt( 541 );
    gap> NextPrimeInt( -1 );

10.21 PrevPrimeInt

PrevPrimeInt( n )

PrevPrimeInt returns the largest prime which is strictly smaller than the integer n.

Note that PrevPrimeInt uses a probable-primality test (see IsPrimeInt).

    gap> PrevPrimeInt( 541 );
    gap> PrevPrimeInt( 1 );

10.22 FactorsInt

FactorsInt( n )

FactorsInt returns a list of the prime factors of the integer n. If the ith power of a prime divides n this prime appears i times. The list is sorted, that is the smallest prime factors come first. The first element has the same sign as n, the others are positive. For any integer n it holds that Product( FactorsInt( n ) ) = n.

Note that FactorsInt uses a probable-primality test (see IsPrimeInt). Thus FactorsInt might return a list which contains composite integers.

The time taken by FactorsInt is approximately proportional to the square root of the second largest prime factor of n, which is the last one that FactorsInt has to find, since the largest factor is simply what remains when all others have been removed. Thus the time is roughly bounded by the fourth root of n. FactorsInt is guaranteed to find all factors less than 106 and will find most factors less than 1010. If n contains multiple factors larger than that FactorsInt may not be able to factor n and will then signal an error.

    gap> FactorsInt( -Factorial(6) );
    [ -2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5 ]
    gap> Set( FactorsInt( Factorial(13)/11 ) );
    [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 13 ]
    gap> FactorsInt( 2^63 - 1 );
    [ 7, 7, 73, 127, 337, 92737, 649657 ]
    gap> FactorsInt( 10^42 + 1 );
    [ 29, 101, 281, 9901, 226549, 121499449, 4458192223320340849 ] 

10.23 DivisorsInt

DivisorsInt( n )

DivisorsInt returns a list of all positive divisors of the integer n. The list is sorted, so it starts with 1 and ends with n. We define DivisorsInt( -n ) = DivisorsInt( n ). Since the set of divisors of 0 is infinite calling DivisorsInt( 0 ) causes an error.

DivisorsInt calls FactorsInt (see FactorsInt) to obtain the prime factors. Sigma (see Sigma) computes the sum, Tau (see Tau) the number of positive divisors.

    gap> DivisorsInt( 1 );
    [ 1 ]
    gap> DivisorsInt( 20 );
    [ 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20 ]
    gap> DivisorsInt( 541 );
    [ 1, 541 ] 

10.24 Sigma

Sigma( n )

Sigma returns the sum of the positive divisors (see DivisorsInt) of the integer n.

Sigma is a multiplicative arithmetic function, i.e., if n and m are relatively prime we have σ(n m) = σ(n) σ(m). Together with the formula σ(pe) = (pe+1-1) / (p-1) this allows you to compute σ(n).

Integers n for which σ(n)=2 n are called perfect. Even perfect integers are exactly of the form 2n-1(2n-1) where 2n-1 is prime. Primes of the form 2n-1 are called Mersenne primes, the known ones are obtained for n = 2, 3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 31, 61, 89, 107, 127, 521, 607, 1279, 2203, 2281, 3217, 4253, 4423, 9689, 9941, 11213, 19937, 21701, 23209, 44497, 86243, 110503, 132049, 216091, 756839, and 859433. It is not known whether odd perfect integers exist, however BC89 show that any such integer must have at least 300 decimal digits.

Sigma usually spends most of its time factoring n (see FactorsInt).

    gap> Sigma( 0 );
    Error, Sigma: <n> must not be 0
    gap> Sigma( 1 );
    gap> Sigma( 1009 );
    1010        # thus 1009 is a prime
    gap> Sigma( 8128 ) = 2*8128;
    true        # thus 8128 is a perfect number 

10.25 Tau

Tau( n )

Tau returns the number of the positive divisors (see DivisorsInt) of the integer n.

Tau is a multiplicative arithmetic function, i.e., if n and m are relatively prime we have τ(n m) = τ(n) τ(m). Together with the formula τ(pe) = e+1 this allows us to compute τ(n).

Tau usually spends most of its time factoring n (see FactorsInt).

    gap> Tau( 0 );
    Error, Tau: <n> must not be 0
    gap> Tau( 1 );
    gap> Tau( 1013 );
    2        # thus 1013 is a prime
    gap> Tau( 8128 );
    gap> Tau( 36 );
    9        # τ(n) is odd if and only if n is a perfect square 

10.26 MoebiusMu

MoebiusMu( n )

MoebiusMu computes the value of the Moebius function for the integer n. This is 0 for integers which are not squarefree, i.e., which are divisible by a square r2. Otherwise it is 1 if n has an even number and -1 if n has an odd number of prime factors.

The importance of μ stems from the so called inversion formula. Suppose f(n) is a function defined on the positive integers and let g(n)=∑d | nf(d). Then f(n)=∑d | nμ(d) g(n/d). As a special case we have φ(n) = ∑d | nμ(d) n/d since n = ∑d | nφ(d) (see Phi).

MoebiusMu usually spends all of its time factoring n (see FactorsInt).

    gap> MoebiusMu( 60 );
    gap> MoebiusMu( 61 );
    gap> MoebiusMu( 62 );

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27 Nov 2023