5 Rings

Rings are important algebraic domains. Mathematically a ring is a set R with two operations + and * called addition and multiplication. (R,+) must be an abelian group. The identity of this group is called 0R. (R-{0R},*) must be a monoid. If this monoid has an identity element it is called 1R.

Important examples of rings are the integers (see Integers), the Gaussian integers (see Gaussians), the integers of a cyclotomic field (see Subfields of Cyclotomic Fields), and matrices (see Matrices).

This chapter contains sections that describe how to test whether a domain is a ring (see IsRing), and how to find the smallest and the default ring in which a list of elements lies (see Ring and DefaultRing).

The next sections describe the operations applicable to ring elements (see Comparisons of Ring Elements, Operations for Ring Elements, Quotient).

The next sections describe the functions that test whether a ring has certain properties (IsCommutativeRing, IsIntegralRing, IsUniqueFactorizationRing, and IsEuclideanRing).

The next sections describe functions that are related to the units of a ring (see IsUnit, Units, IsAssociated, StandardAssociate, and Associates).

Then come the sections that describe the functions that deal with the irreducible and prime elements of a ring (see IsIrreducible, IsPrime, and Factors).

Then come the sections that describe the functions that are applicable to elements of rings (see EuclideanDegree, EuclideanRemainder, EuclideanQuotient, QuotientRemainder, QuotientMod, PowerMod, Gcd, GcdRepresentation, Lcm).

The last section describes how ring records are represented internally (see Ring Records).

Because rings are a category of domains all functions applicable to domains are also applicable to rings (see chapter Domains) .

All functions described in this chapter are in LIBNAME/"ring.g".


  1. IsRing
  2. Ring
  3. DefaultRing
  4. Comparisons of Ring Elements
  5. Operations for Ring Elements
  6. Quotient
  7. IsCommutativeRing
  8. IsIntegralRing
  9. IsUniqueFactorizationRing
  10. IsEuclideanRing
  11. IsUnit
  12. Units
  13. IsAssociated
  14. StandardAssociate
  15. Associates
  16. IsIrreducible
  17. IsPrime
  18. Factors
  19. EuclideanDegree
  20. EuclideanRemainder
  21. EuclideanQuotient
  22. QuotientRemainder
  23. Mod
  24. QuotientMod
  25. PowerMod
  26. Gcd
  27. GcdRepresentation
  28. Lcm
  29. Ring Records

5.1 IsRing

IsRing( domain )

IsRing returns true if the object domain is a ring record, representing a ring (see Ring Records), and false otherwise.

More precisely IsRing tests whether domain is a ring record (see Ring Records). So for example a matrix group may in fact be a ring, yet IsRing would return false.

    gap> IsRing( Integers );
    gap> IsRing( Rationals );
    false    # Rationals is a field record not a ring record
    gap> IsRing( rec( isDomain := true, isRing := true ) );
    true    # it is possible to fool IsRing 

5.2 Ring

Ring( r, s... )
Ring( list )

In the first form Ring returns the smallest ring that contains all the elements r, s... etc. In the second form Ring returns the smallest ring that contains all the elements in the list list. If any element is not an element of a ring or if the elements lie in no common ring an error is raised.

    gap> Ring( 1, -1 );
    gap> Ring( [10..20] );

Ring differs from DefaultRing (see DefaultRing) in that it returns the smallest ring in which the elements lie, while DefaultRing may return a larger ring if that makes sense.

5.3 DefaultRing

DefaultRing( r, s... )
DefaultRing( list )

In the first form DefaultRing returns the default ring that contains all the elements r, s... etc. In the second form DefaultRing returns the default ring that contains all the elements in the list list. If any element is not an element of a ring or if the elements lie in no common ring an error is raised.

The ring returned by DefaultRing need not be the smallest ring in which the elements lie. For example for elements from cyclotomic fields DefaultRing may return the ring of integers of the smallest cyclotomic field in which the elements lie, which need not be the smallest ring overall, because the elements may in fact lie in a smaller number field which is not a cyclotomic field.

For the exact definition of the default ring of a certain type of elements read the chapter describing this type.

DefaultRing is used by the ring functions like Quotient, IsPrime, Factors, or Gcd if no explicit ring is given.

    gap> DefaultRing( 1, -1 );
    gap> DefaultRing( [10..20] );

Ring (see Ring) differs from DefaultRing in that it returns the smallest ring in which the elements lie, while DefaultRing may return a larger ring if that makes sense.

5.4 Comparisons of Ring Elements

r = s
r <> s

The equality operator = evaluates to true if the two ring elements r and s are equal, and to false otherwise. The inequality operator <> evaluates to true if the two ring elements r and s are not equal, and to false otherwise. Note that any two ring elements can be compared, even if they do not lie in compatible rings. In this case they can, of course, never be equal. For each type of rings the equality of those ring elements is given in the respective chapter.

Ring elements can also be compared with objects of other types. Of course they are never equal.

r < s
r <= s
r > s
r >= s

The operators <, <=, >, and >= evaluate to true if the ring element r is less than, less than or equal to, greater than, or greater than or equal to the ring element s, and to false otherwise. For each type of rings the definition of the ordering of those ring elements is given in the respective chapter. The ordering of ring elements is as follows. Rationals are smallest, next are cyclotomics, followed by finite ring elements.

Ring elements can also be compared with objects of other types. They are smaller than everything else.

5.5 Operations for Ring Elements

The following operations are always available for ring elements. Of course the operands must lie in compatible rings, i.e., the rings must be equal, or at least have a common superring.

r + s

The operator + evaluates to the sum of the two ring elements r and s, which must lie in compatible rings.

r - s

The operator - evaluates to the difference of the two ring elements r and s, which must lie in compatible rings.

r * s

The operator * evaluates to the product of the two ring elements r and s, which must lie in compatible rings.

r ^ n

The operator ^ evaluates to the n-th power of the ring element r. If n is a positive integer then r^n is r*r*..*r (n factors). If n is a negative integer r^n is defined as 1 / r-n. If 0 is raised to a negative power an error is signalled. Any ring element, even 0, raised to the 0-th power yields 1.

For the precedence of the operators see Operations.

Note that the quotient operator / usually performs the division in the quotient field of the ring. To compute a quotient in a ring use the function Quotient (see Quotient).

5.6 Quotient

Quotient( r, s )
Quotient( R, r, s )

In the first form Quotient returns the quotient of the two ring elements r and s in their default ring (see DefaultRing). In the second form Quotient returns the quotient of the two ring elements r and s in the ring R. It returns false if the quotient does not exist.

    gap> Quotient( 4, 2 );
    gap> Quotient( Integers, 3, 2 );

Quotient calls R.operations.Quotient( R, r, s ) and returns the value.

The default function called this way is RingOps.Quotient, which just signals an error, because there is no generic method to compute the quotient of two ring elements. Thus special categories of rings must overlay this default function with other functions.

5.7 IsCommutativeRing

IsCommutativeRing( R )

IsCommutativeRing returns true if the ring R is commutative and false otherwise.

A ring R is called commutative if for all elements r and s of R we have r s = s r.

    gap> IsCommutativeRing( Integers );

IsCommutativeRing first tests whether the flag R.isCommutativeRing is bound. If the flag is bound, it returns this value. Otherwise it calls R.operations.IsCommutativeRing( R ), remembers the returned value in R.isCommutativeRing, and returns it.

The default function called this way is RingOps.IsCommutativeRing, which tests whether all the generators commute if the component R.generators is bound, and tests whether all elements commute otherwise, unless R is infinite. This function is seldom overlaid, because most rings already have the flag bound.

5.8 IsIntegralRing

IsIntegralRing( R )

IsIntegeralRing returns true if the ring R is integral and false otherwise.

A ring R is called integral if it is commutative and if for all elements r and s of R we have r s = 0R implies that either r or s is 0R.

    gap> IsIntegralRing( Integers );

IsIntegralRing first tests whether the flag R.isIntegralRing is bound. If the flag is bound, it returns this value. Otherwise it calls R.operations.IsIntegralRing( R ), remembers the returned value in R.isIntegralRing, and returns it.

The default function called this way is RingOps.IsIntegralRing, which tests whether the product of each pair of nonzero elements is unequal to zero, unless R is infinite. This function is seldom overlaid, because most rings already have the flag bound.

5.9 IsUniqueFactorizationRing

IsUniqueFactorizationRing( R )

IsUniqueFactorizationRing returns true if R is a unique factorization ring and false otherwise.

A ring R is called a unique factorization ring if it is an integral ring, and every element has a unique factorization into irreducible elements, i.e., a unique representation as product of irreducibles (see IsIrreducible). Unique in this context means unique up to permutations of the factors and up to multiplication of the factors by units (see Units).

    gap> IsUniqueFactorizationRing( Integers );

IsUniqueFactorizationRing tests whether R.isUniqueFactorizationRing is bound. If the flag is bound, it returns this value. If this flag has no assigned value it calls the function R.operations.IsUniqueFactorizationRing( R ), remembers the returned value in R.isUniqueFactorizationRing, and returns it.

The default function called this way is RingOps.IsUniqueFactorizationRing, which just signals an error, since there is no generic method to test whether a ring is a unique factorization ring. Special categories of rings thus must either have the flag bound or overlay this default function.

5.10 IsEuclideanRing

IsEuclideanRing( R )

IsEuclideanRing returns true if the ring R is a Euclidean ring and false otherwise.

A ring R is called a Euclidean ring if it is an integral ring and there exists a function δ, called the Euclidean degree, from R-{0R} to the nonnegative integers, such that for every pair r ∈ R and s ∈ R-{0R} there exists an element q such that either r - q s = 0R or δ(r - q s) < δ( s ). The existence of this division with remainder implies that the Euclidean algorithm can be applied to compute a greatest common divisor of two elements, which in turn implies that R is a unique factorization ring.

    gap> IsEuclideanRing( Integers );

IsEuclideanRing first tests whether the flag R.isEuclideanRing is bound. If the flag is bound, it returns this value. Otherwise it calls R.operations.IsEuclideanRing( R ), remembers the returned value in R.isEuclideanRing, and returns it.

The default function called this way is RingOps.IsEuclideanRing, which just signals an error, because there is no generic way to test whether a ring is a Euclidean ring. This function is seldom overlaid because most rings already have the flag bound.

5.11 IsUnit

IsUnit( r )
IsUnit( R, r )

In the first form IsUnit returns true if the ring element r is a unit in its default ring (see DefaultRing). In the second form IsUnit returns true if r is a unit in the ring R.

An element r is called a unit in a ring R, if r has an inverse in R.

    gap> IsUnit( Integers, 2 );
    gap> IsUnit( Integers, -1 );

IsUnit calls R.operations.IsUnit( R, r ) and returns the value.

The default function called this way is RingOps.IsUnit, which tries to compute the inverse of r with R.operations.Quotient( R, R.one, r ) and returns true if the result is not false, and false otherwise. Special categories of rings overlay this default function with more efficient functions.

5.12 Units

Units( R )

Units returns the group of units of the ring R. This may either be returned as a list or as a group described by a group record (see Groups).

An element r is called a unit of a ring R, if r has an inverse in R. It is easy to see that the set of units forms a multiplicative group.

    gap> Units( Integers );
    [ -1, 1 ] 

Units first tests whether the component R.units is bound. If the component is bound, it returns this value. Otherwise it calls R.operations.Units( R ), remembers the returned value in R.units, and returns it.

The default function called this way is RingOps.Units, which runs over all elements of R and tests for each whether it is a unit, provided that R is finite. Special categories of rings overlay this default function with more efficient functions.

5.13 IsAssociated

IsAssociated( r, s )
IsAssociated( R, r, s )

In the first form IsAssociated returns true if the two ring elements r and s are associated in their default ring (see DefaultRing) and false otherwise. In the second form IsAssociated returns true if the two ring elements r and s are associated in the ring R and false otherwise.

Two elements r and s of a ring R are called associates if there is a unit u of R such that r u = s.

    gap> IsAssociated( Integers, 2, 3 );
    gap> IsAssociated( Integers, 17, -17 );

IsAssociated calls R.operations.IsAssociated( R, r, s ) and returns the value.

The default function called this way is RingOps.IsAssociated, which tries to compute the quotient of r and s and returns true if the quotient exists and is a unit. Special categories of rings overlay this default function with more efficient functions.

5.14 StandardAssociate

StandardAssociate( r )
StandardAssociate( R, r )

In the first form StandardAssociate returns the standard associate of the ring element r in its default ring (see DefaultRing). In the second form StandardAssociate returns the standard associate of the ring element r in the ring R.

The standard associate of an ring element r of R is an associated element of r which is, in a ring dependent way, distinguished among the set of associates of r. For example, in the ring of integers the standard associate is the absolute value.

    gap> StandardAssociate( Integers, -17 );

StandardAssociate calls R.operations.StandardAssociate( R, r ) and returns the value.

The default function called this way is RingOps.StandardAssociate, which just signals an error, because there is no generic way even to define the standard associate. Thus special categories of rings must overlay this default function with other functions.

5.15 Associates

Associates( r )
Associates( R, r )

In the first form Associates returns the set of associates of the ring element r in its default ring (see DefaultRing). In the second form Associates returns the set of associates of r in the ring R.

Two elements r and s of a ring R are called associate if there is a unit u of R such that r u = s.

    gap> Associates( Integers, 17 );
    [ -17, 17 ] 

Associates calls R.operations.Associates( R, r ) and returns the value.

The default function called this way is RingOps.Associates, which multiplies the set of units of R with the element r, and returns the set of those elements. Special categories of rings overlay this default function with more efficient functions.

5.16 IsIrreducible

IsIrreducible( r )
IsIrreducible( R, r )

In the first form IsIrreducible returns true if the ring element r is irreducible in its default ring (see DefaultRing) and false otherwise. In the second form IsIrreducible returns true if the ring element r is irreducible in the ring R and false otherwise.

An element r of a ring R is called irreducible if there is no nontrivial factorization of r in R, i.e., if there is no representation of r as product s t such that neither s nor t is a unit (see IsUnit). Each prime element (see IsPrime) is irreducible.

    gap> IsIrreducible( Integers, 4 );
    gap> IsIrreducible( Integers, 3 );

IsIrreducible calls R.operations.IsIrreducible( R, r ) and returns the value.

The default function called this way is RingOps.IsIrreducible, which justs signals an error, because there is no generic way to test whether an element is irreducible. Thus special categories of rings must overlay this default function with other functions.

5.17 IsPrime

IsPrime( r )
IsPrime( R, r )

In the first form IsPrime returns true if the ring element r is a prime in its default ring (see DefaultRing) and false otherwise. In the second form IsPrime returns true if the ring element r is a prime in the ring R and false otherwise.

An element r of a ring R is called prime if for each pair s and t such that r divides s t the element r divides either s or t. Note that there are rings where not every irreducible element (see IsIrreducible) is a prime.

    gap> IsPrime( Integers, 4 );
    gap> IsPrime( Integers, 3 );

IsPrime calls R.operations.IsPrime( R, r ) and returns the value.

The default function called this way is RingOps.IsPrime, which just signals an error, because there is no generic way to test whether an element is prime. Thus special categories of rings must overlay this default function with other functions.

5.18 Factors

Factors( r )
Factors( R, r )

In the first form Factors returns the factorization of the ring element r in its default ring (see DefaultRing). In the second form Factors returns the factorization of the ring element r in the ring R. The factorization is returned as a list of primes (see IsPrime). Each element in the list is a standard associate (see StandardAssociate) except the first one, which is multiplied by a unit as necessary to have Product( Factors( R, r ) ) = r. This list is usually also sorted, thus smallest prime factors come first. If r is a unit or zero, Factors( R, r ) = [ r ].

    gap> Factors( -Factorial(6) );
    [ -2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5 ]
    gap> Set( Factors( Factorial(13)/11 ) );
    [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 13 ]
    gap> Factors( 2^63 - 1 );
    [ 7, 7, 73, 127, 337, 92737, 649657 ]
    gap> Factors( 10^42 + 1 );
    [ 29, 101, 281, 9901, 226549, 121499449, 4458192223320340849 ] 

Factors calls R.operations.Factors( R, r ) and returns the value.

The default function called this way is RingOps.Factors, which just signals an error, because there is no generic way to compute the factorization of ring elements. Thus special categories of ring elements must overlay this default function with other functions.

5.19 EuclideanDegree

EuclideanDegree( r )
EuclideanDegree( R, r )

In the first form EuclideanDegree returns the Euclidean degree of the ring element r in its default ring. In the second form EuclideanDegree returns the Euclidean degree of the ring element in the ring R. R must of course be an Euclidean ring (see IsEuclideanRing).

A ring R is called a Euclidean ring, if it is an integral ring, and there exists a function δ, called the Euclidean degree, from R-{0R} to the nonnegative integers, such that for every pair r ∈ R and s ∈ R-{0R} there exists an element q such that either r - q s = 0R or δ(r - q s) < δ( s ). The existence of this division with remainder implies that the Euclidean algorithm can be applied to compute a greatest common divisors of two elements, which in turn implies that R is a unique factorization ring.

    gap> EuclideanDegree( Integers, 17 );
    gap> EuclideanDegree( Integers, -17 );

EuclideanDegree calls R.operations.EuclideanDegree( R, r ) and returns the value.

The default function called this way is RingOps.EuclideanDegree, which justs signals an error, because there is no default way to compute the Euclidean degree of an element. Thus Euclidean rings must overlay this default function with other functions.

5.20 EuclideanRemainder

EuclideanRemainder( r, m )
EuclideanRemainder( R, r, m )

In the first form EuclideanRemainder returns the remainder of the ring element r modulo the ring element m in their default ring. In the second form EuclideanRemainder returns the remainder of the ring element r modulo the ring element m in the ring R. The ring R must be a Euclidean ring (see IsEuclideanRing) otherwise an error is signalled.

A ring R is called a Euclidean ring, if it is an integral ring, and there exists a function δ, called the Euclidean degree, from R-{0R} to the nonnegative integers, such that for every pair r ∈ R and s ∈ R-{0R} there exists an element q such that either r - q s = 0R or δ(r - q s) < δ( s ). The existence of this division with remainder implies that the Euclidean algorithm can be applied to compute a greatest common divisors of two elements, which in turn implies that R is a unique factorization ring. EuclideanRemainder returns this remainder r - q s.

    gap> EuclideanRemainder( 16, 3 );          
    gap> EuclideanRemainder( Integers, 201, 11 );

EuclideanRemainder calls R.operations.EuclideanRemainder( R, r, m ) in order to compute the remainder and returns the value.

The default function called this way uses QuotientRemainder in order to compute the remainder.

5.21 EuclideanQuotient

EuclideanQuotient( r, m )
EuclideanQuotient( R, r, m )

In the first form EuclideanQuotient returns the Euclidean quotient of the ring elements r and m in their default ring. In the second form EuclideanQuotient returns the Euclidean quotient of the ring elements rand m in the ring R. The ring R must be a Euclidean ring (see IsEuclideanRing) otherwise an error is signalled.

A ring R is called a Euclidean ring, if it is an integral ring, and there exists a function δ, called the Euclidean degree, from R-{0R} to the nonnegative integers, such that for every pair r ∈ R and s ∈ R-{0R} there exists an element q such that either r - q s = 0R or δ(r - q s) < δ( s ). The existence of this division with remainder implies that the Euclidean algorithm can be applied to compute a greatest common divisors of two elements, which in turn implies that R is a unique factorization ring. EuclideanQuotient returns the quotient q.

    gap> EuclideanQuotient( 16, 3 );             
    gap> EuclideanQuotient( Integers, 201, 11 );

EuclideanQuotient calls R.operations.EuclideanQuotient( R, r, m ) and returns the value.

The default function called this way uses QuotientRemainder in order to compute the quotient.

5.22 QuotientRemainder

QuotientRemainder( r, m )
QuotientRemainder( R, r, m )

In the first form QuotientRemainder returns the Euclidean quotient and the Euclidean remainder of the ring elements r and m in their default ring as pair of ring elements. In the second form QuotientRemainder returns the Euclidean quotient and the Euclidean remainder of the ring elements r and m in the ring R. The ring R must be a Euclidean ring (see IsEuclideanRing) otherwise an error is signalled.

A ring R is called a Euclidean ring, if it is an integral ring, and there exists a function δ, called the Euclidean degree, from R-{0R} to the nonnegative integers, such that for every pair r ∈ R and s ∈ R-{0R} there exists an element q such that either r - q s = 0R or δ(r - q s) < δ( s ). The existence of this division with remainder implies that the Euclidean algorithm can be applied to compute a greatest common divisors of two elements, which in turn implies that R is a unique factorization ring. QuotientRemainder returns this quotient q and the remainder r - q s.

    gap> qr := QuotientRemainder( 16, 3 );
    [ 5, 1 ]
    gap> 3 * qr[1] + qr[2]; 
    gap> QuotientRemainder( Integers, 201, 11 );
    [ 18, 3 ] 

QuotientRemainder calls R.operations.QuotientRemainder( R, r, m ) and returns the value.

The default function called this way is RingOps.QuotientRemainder, which just signals an error, because there is no default function to compute the Euclidean quotient or remainder of one ring element modulo another. Thus Euclidean rings must overlay this default function with other functions.

5.23 Mod

Mod( r, m )
Mod( R, r, m )

Mod is a synonym for EuclideanRemainder and is obsolete, see EuclideanRemainder.

5.24 QuotientMod

QuotientMod( r, s, m )
QuotientMod( R, r, s, m )

In the first form QuotientMod returns the quotient of the ring elements r and s modulo the ring element m in their default ring (see DefaultRing). In the second form QuotientMod returns the quotient of the ring elements r and s modulo the ring element m in the ring R. R must be a Euclidean ring (see IsEuclideanRing) so that EuclideanRemainder (see EuclideanRemainder) can be applied. If the modular quotient does not exist, false is returned.

The quotient q of r and s modulo m is an element of R such that q s = r modulo m, i.e., such that q s - r is divisable by m in R and that q is either 0 (if r is divisable by m) or the Euclidean degree of q is strictly smaller than the Euclidean degree of m.

    gap> QuotientMod( Integers, 13, 7, 11 );
    gap> QuotientMod( Integers, 13, 7, 21 );

QuotientMod calls R.operations.QuotientMod( R, r, s, m ) and returns the value.

The default function called this way is RingOps.QuotientMod, which applies the Euclidean gcd algorithm to compute the gcd g of s and m, together with the representation of this gcd as linear combination in s and m, g = a * s + b * m. The modular quotient exists if and only if r is divisible by g, in which case the quotient is a * Quotient( R, r, g ). This default function is seldom overlaid, because there is seldom a better way to compute the quotient.

5.25 PowerMod

PowerMod( r, e, m )
PowerMod( R, r, e, m )

In the first form PowerMod returns the e-th power of the ring element r modulo the ring element m in their default ring (see DefaultRing). In the second form PowerMod returns the e-th power of the ring element r modulo the ring element m in the ring R. e must be an integer. R must be a Euclidean ring (see IsEuclideanRing) so that EuclideanRemainder (see EuclideanRemainder) can be applied to its elements.

If e is positive the result is re modulo m. If e is negative then PowerMod first tries to find the inverse of r modulo m, i.e., i such that i r = 1 modulo m. If the inverse does not exist an error is signalled. If the inverse does exist PowerMod returns PowerMod( R, i, -e, m ).

PowerMod reduces the intermediate values modulo m, improving performance drastically when e is large and m small.

    gap> PowerMod( Integers, 2, 20, 100 );
    76        # 220 = 1048576
    gap> PowerMod( Integers, 3, 2^32, 2^32+1 );
    3029026160        # which proves that 232+1 is not a prime
    gap> PowerMod( Integers, 3, -1, 22 );
    15        # 3*15 = 45 = 1 modulo 22 

PowerMod calls R.operations.PowerMod( R, r, e, m ) and returns the value.

The default function called this way is RingOps.PowerMod, which uses QuotientMod (see QuotientMod) if necessary to invert r, and then uses a right-to-left repeated squaring, reducing the intermediate results modulo m in each step. This function is seldom overlaid, because there is seldom a better way of computing the power.

5.26 Gcd

Gcd( r1, r2... )
Gcd( R, r1, r2... )

In the first form Gcd returns the greatest common divisor of the ring elements r1, r2... etc. in their default ring (see DefaultRing). In the second form Gcd returns the greatest common divisor of the ring elements r1, r2... etc. in the ring R. R must be a Euclidean ring (see IsEuclideanRing) so that QuotientRemainder (see QuotientRemainder) can be applied to its elements. Gcd returns the standard associate (see StandardAssociate) of the greatest common divisors.

A greatest common divisor of the elements r1, r2... etc. of the ring R is an element of largest Euclidean degree (see EuclideanDegree) that is a divisor of r1, r2... etc. We define gcd( r, 0R ) = gcd( 0R, r ) = StandardAssociate( r ) and gcd( 0R, 0R ) = 0R.

    gap> Gcd( Integers, 123, 66 );

Gcd calls R.operations.Gcd repeatedly, each time passing the result of the previous call and the next argument, and returns the value of the last call.

The default function called this way is RingOps.Gcd, which applies the Euclidean algorithm to compute the greatest common divisor. Special categories of rings overlay this default function with more efficient functions.

5.27 GcdRepresentation

GcdRepresentation( r1, r2... )
GcdRepresentation( R, r1, r2... )

In the first form GcdRepresentation returns the representation of the greatest common divisor of the ring elements r1, r2... etc. in their default ring (see DefaultRing). In the second form GcdRepresentation returns the representation of the greatest common divisor of the ring elements r1, r2... etc. in the ring R. R must be a Euclidean ring (see IsEuclideanRing) so that Gcd (see Gcd) can be applied to its elements. The representation is returned as a list of ring elements.

The representation of the gcd g of the elements r1, r2... etc. of a ring R is a list of ring elements s1, s2... etc. of R, such that g = s1 r1 + s2 r2 .... That this representation exists can be shown using the Euclidean algorithm, which in fact can compute those coefficients.

    gap> GcdRepresentation( 123, 66 );
    [ 7, -13 ]    # 3 = 7*123 - 13*66
    gap> Gcd( 123, 66 ) = last * [ 123, 66 ];

GcdRepresentation calls R.operations.GcdRepresentation repeatedly, each time passing the gcd result of the previous call and the next argument, and returns the value of the last call.

The default function called this way is RingOps.GcdRepresentation, which applies the Euclidean algorithm to compute the greatest common divisor and its representation. Special categories of rings overlay this default function with more efficient functions.

5.28 Lcm

Lcm( r1, r2... )
Lcm( R, r1, r2... )

In the first form Lcm returns the least common multiple of the ring elements r1, r2... etc. in their default ring (see DefaultRing). In the second form Lcm returns the least common multiple of the ring elements r1, r2,... etc. in the ring R. R must be a Euclidean ring (see IsEuclideanRing) so that Gcd (see Gcd) can be applied to its elements. Lcm returns the standard associate (see StandardAssociate) of the least common multiples.

A least common multiple of the elements r1, r2... etc. of the ring R is an element of smallest Euclidean degree (see EuclideanDegree) that is a multiple of r1, r2... etc. We define lcm( r, 0R ) = lcm( 0R, r ) = StandardAssociate( r ) and Lcm( 0R, 0R ) = 0R.

Lcm uses the equality lcm(m,n) = m*n / gcd(m,n) (see Gcd).

    gap> Lcm( Integers, 123, 66 );

Lcm calls R.operations.Lcm repeatedly, each time passing the result of the previous call and the next argument, and returns the value of the last call.

The default function called this way is RingOps.Lcm, which simply returns the product of r with the quotient of s and the greatest common divisor of r and s. Special categories of rings overlay this default function with more efficient functions.

5.29 Ring Records

A ring R is represented by a record with the following entries.


is of course always the value true.


is of course always the value true.


is true if the multiplication is known to be commutative, false if the multiplication is known to be noncommutative, and unbound otherwise.


is true if R is known to be a commutative domain with 1 without zero divisor, false if R is known to lack one of these properties, and unbound otherwise.


is true if R is known to be a domain with unique factorization into primes, false if R is known to have a nonunique factorization, and unbound otherwise.


is true if R is known to be a Euclidean domain, false if it is known not to be a Euclidean domain, and unbound otherwise.


is the additive neutral element.


is the list of units of the ring if it is known.


is the size of the ring if it is known. If the ring is not finite this is the string "infinity".


is the multiplicative neutral element, if the ring has one.


if the ring is, as additive group, isomorphic to the direct product of a finite number of copies of Z this contains a base.

As an example of a ring record, here is the definition of the ring record Integers.


        # category components
        isDomain                    := true,
        isRing                      := true,

        # identity components
        generators                  := [ 1 ],
        zero                        := 0,
        one                         := 1,
        name                        := "Integers",

        # knowledge components
        size                        := "infinity",
        isFinite                    := false,
        isCommutativeRing           := true,
        isIntegralRing              := true,
        isUniqueFactorizationRing   := true,
        isEuclideanRing             := true,
        units                       := [ -1, 1 ],

        # operations record
        operations                  := rec(
            IsPrime                 := function ( Integers, n )
                return IsPrimeInt( n );
            'mod'                   := function ( Integers, n, m )
                return n mod m;
            ... ) ) 

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27 Nov 2023