30 Strings and Characters

A character is simply an object in GAP3 that represents an arbitrary character from the character set of the operating system. Character literals can be entered in GAP3 by enclosing the character in singlequotes '.

    gap> 'a';
    gap> '*';

A string is simply a dense list of characters. Strings are used mainly in filenames and error messages. A string literal can either be entered simply as the list of characters or by writing the characters between doublequotes ". GAP3 will always output strings in the latter format.

    gap> s1 := ['H','a','l','l','o',' ','w','o','r','l','d','.'];
    "Hallo world."
    gap> s2 := "Hallo world.";
    "Hallo world."
    gap> s1 = s2;
    gap> s3 := "";
    ""    # the empty string
    gap> s3 = [];

Note that a string is just a special case of a list. So everything that is possible for lists (see Lists) is also possible for strings. Thus you can access the characters in such a string (see List Elements), test for membership (see In), etc. You can even assign to such a string (see List Assignment). Of course unless you assign a character in such a way that the list stays dense, the resulting list will no longer be a string.

    gap> Length( s2 );
    gap> s2[2];
    gap> 'e' in s2;
    gap> s2[2] := 'e';;  s2;
    "Hello world." 

If a string is displayed as result of an evaluation (see Main Loop), it is displayed with enclosing doublequotes. However, if a string is displayed by Print, PrintTo, or AppendTo (see Print, PrintTo, AppendTo) the enclosing doublequotes are dropped.

    gap> s2;
    "Hello world."
    gap> Print( s2 );
    Hello world.gap> 

There are a number of special character sequences that can be used between the single quote of a character literal or between the doublequotes of a string literal to specify characters, which may otherwise be inaccessible. They consist of two characters. The first is a backslash \ . The second may be any character. The meaning is given in the following list

newline character. This is the character that, at least on UNIX systems, separates lines in a text file. Printing of this character in a string has the effect of moving the cursor down one line and back to the beginning of the line.

doublequote character. Inside a string a doublequote must be escaped by the backslash, because it is otherwise interpreted as end of the string.

singlequote character. Inside a character a singlequote must escaped by the backslash, because it is otherwise interpreted as end of the character.

\ :
backslash character. Inside a string a backslash must be escaped by another backslash, because it is otherwise interpreted as first character of an escape sequence.

backspace character. Printing this character should have the effect of moving the cursor back one character. Whether it works or not is system dependent and should not be relied upon.

carriage return character. Printing this character should have the effect of moving the cursor back to the beginning of the same line. Whether this works or not is again system dependent.

flush character. This character is not printed. Its purpose is to flush the output queue. Usually GAP3 waits until it sees a newline before it prints a string. If you want to display a string that does not include this character use \ c.

For any other character the backslash is simply ignored.

Again, if the line is displayed as result of an evaluation, those escape sequences are displayed in the same way that they are input. They are displayed in their special way only by Print, PrintTo, or AppendTo.

    gap> "This is one line.\nThis is another line.\n";
    "This is one line.\nThis is another line.\n"
    gap> Print( last );
    This is one line.
    This is another line. 

It is not allowed to enclose a newline inside the string. You can use the special character sequence \ n to write strings that include newline characters. If, however, a string is too long to fit on a single line it is possible to continue it over several lines. In this case the last character of each line, except the last must be a backslash. Both backslash and newline are thrown away. Note that the same continuation mechanism is available for identifiers and integers.

    gap> "This is a very long string that does not fit on a line \ 
    gap> and is therefore continued on the next line.";
    "This is a very long string that does not fit on a line and is therefo\ 
    re continued on the next line."
    # note that the output is also continued, but at a different place 

This chapter contains sections describing the function that creates the printable representation of a string (see String), the functions that create new strings (see ConcatenationString, SubString), the functions that tests if an object is a string (see IsString), the string comparisons (see Comparisons of Strings), and the function that returns the length of a string (see Length).


  1. String
  2. ConcatenationString
  3. SubString
  4. Comparisons of Strings
  5. IsString
  6. Join
  7. SPrint
  8. PrintToString
  9. Split
  10. StringDate
  11. StringTime
  12. StringPP

30.1 String

String( obj )
String( obj, length )

String returns a representation of the obj, which may be an object of arbitrary type, as a string. This string should approximate as closely as possible the character sequence you see if you print obj.

If length is given it must be an integer. The absolute value gives the minimal length of the result. If the string representation of obj takes less than that many characters it is filled with blanks. If length is positive it is filled on the left, if length is negative it is filled on the right.

    gap> String( 123 );
    gap> String( [1,2,3] );
    "[ 1, 2, 3 ]"
    gap> String( 123, 10 );
    "       123"
    gap> String( 123, -10 );
    "123       "
    gap> String( 123, 2 );

30.2 ConcatenationString

ConcatenationString( string1, string2 )

ConcatenationString returns the concatenation of the two strings string1 and string2. This is a new string that starts with the characters of string1 and ends with the characters of string2.

    gap> ConcatenationString( "Hello ", "world.\n" );
    "Hello world.\n" 

Because strings are now lists, Concatenation (see Concatenation) does exactly the right thing, and the function ConcatenationString is obsolete.

30.3 SubString

SubString( string, from, to )

SubString returns the substring of the string string that begins at position from and continues to position to. The characters at these two positions are included. Indexing is done with origin 1, i.e., the first character is at position 1. from and to must be integers and are both silently forced into the range 1..Length(string) (see Length). If to is less than from the substring is empty.

    gap> SubString( "Hello world.\n", 1, 5 );
    gap> SubString( "Hello world.\n", 5, 1 );

Because strings are now lists, substrings can also be extracted with string{[from..to]} (see List Elements). SubString forces from and to into the range 1..Length(string), which the above does not, but apart from that SubString is obsolete.

30.4 Comparisons of Strings

string1 = string2, string1 <> string2

The equality operator = evaluates to true if the two strings string1 and string2 are equal and false otherwise. The inequality operator <> returns true if the two strings string1 and string2 are not equal and false otherwise.

    gap> "Hello world.\n" = "Hello world.\n";
    gap> "Hello World.\n" = "Hello world.\n";
    false    # string comparison is case sensitive
    gap> "Hello world." = "Hello world.\n";
    false    # the first string has no newline
    gap> "Goodbye world.\n" = "Hello world.\n";
    gap> [ 'a', 'b' ] = "ab";

string1 < string2, string1 <= string2, string1 > string2, string1 => string2

The operators <, <=, >, and => evaluate to true if the string string1 is less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to the string string2 respectively. The ordering of strings is lexicographically according to the order implied by the underlying, system dependent, character set.

You can also compare objects of other types, for example integers or permutations with strings. As strings are dense character lists they compare with other objects as lists do, i.e., they are never equal to those objects, records (see Records) are greater than strings, and objects of every other type are smaller than strings.

    gap> "Hello world.\n" < "Hello world.\n";
    false    # the strings are equal
    gap> "Hello World.\n" < "Hello world.\n";
    true    # in ASCII uppercase letters come before lowercase letters
    gap> "Hello world." < "Hello world.\n";
    true    # prefixes are always smaller
    gap> "Goodbye world.\n" < "Hello world.\n";
    true    # G comes before H, in ASCII at least 

30.5 IsString

IsString( obj )

IsString returns true if the object obj, which may be an object of arbitrary type, is a string and false otherwise. Will cause an error if obj is an unbound variable.

    gap> IsString( "Hello world.\n" );
    gap> IsString( "123" );
    gap> IsString( 123 );
    gap> IsString( [ '1', '2', '3' ] );
    gap> IsString( [ '1', '2', , '4' ] );
    false    # strings must be dense
    gap> IsString( [ '1', '2', 3 ] );
    false    # strings must only contain characters 

30.6 Join

Join( list [, delimiter] )

The function Join is similar to the Perl function of the same name. It first applies the function String to all elements of the list, then joins the resulting strings, separated by the given delimiter (if omitted, "," is used as a delimiter)

   gap> Join([1..4]);
   gap> Join([1..4],"foo");

30.7 SPrint


SPrint(s1,...,sn) is a synonym for Join([s1,...,sn],""). That is, it first applies the function String to all arguments, then joins the resulting strings. If s1,...,sn have string methods, the effect of Print(SPrint(s1,...,sn)) is the same as directly Print(s1,...,sn).

   gap> SPrint(1,"a",[3,4]);
   "1a[ 3, 4 ]"

30.8 PrintToString


PrintToString(s,s1,...,sn) appends to string s the string SPrint(s1,...,sn).

   gap> s:="a";
   gap> PrintToString(s,[1,2]);
   gap> s;
   "a[ 1, 2 ]"

30.9 Split

Split( s [, delimiter] )

This function is similar to the Perl function of the same name. It splits the string s at each occurrence of the delimiter (a character). If delimiter is omitted, ',' is used as a delimiter.

   gap> Split("14,2,2,1,");
    [ "14", "2", "2", "1", "" ]

30.10 StringDate


StringDate([day, month, year])

This function converts to a readable string a date, which can be a number of days since 1-Jan-1970 or a list [day, month, year].

   gap> StringDate([11,3,1998]);
   gap> StringDate(2^14);

30.11 StringTime


StringTime([hour, min, sec, msec])

This function converts to a readable string atime, which can be a number of milliseconds or a list [hour, min, sec, msec].

   gap> StringTime([1,10,5,13]);
   " 1:10:05.013"
   gap> StringTime(2^22);
   " 1:09:54.304"

30.12 StringPP


returns a string representing the prime factor decomposition of the integer int.

   gap> StringPP(40320);

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