43 Mappings

A mapping is an object that maps each element of its source to a value in its range.

Precisely, a mapping is a triple. The source is a set of objects. The range is another set of objects. The relation is a subset S of the cartesian product of the source with the range, such that for each element elm of the source there is exactly one element img of the range, so that the pair (elm,img) lies in S. This img is called the image of elm under the mapping, and we say that the mapping maps elm to img.

A multi valued mapping is an object that maps each element of its source to a set of values in its range.

Precisely, a multi valued mapping is a triple. The source is a set of objects. The range is another set of objects. The relation is a subset S of the cartesian product of the source with the range. For each element elm of the source the set img such that the pair (elm,img) lies in S is called the set of images of elm under the mapping, and we say that the mapping maps elm to this set.

Thus a mapping is a special case of a multi valued mapping where the set of images of each element of the source contains exactly one element, which is then called the image of the element under the mapping.

Mappings are created by mapping constructors such as MappingByFunction (see MappingByFunction) or NaturalHomomorphism (see NaturalHomomorphism).

This chapter contains sections that describe the functions that test whether an object is a mapping (see IsGeneralMapping), whether a mapping is single valued (see IsMapping), and the various functions that test if such a mapping has a certain property (see IsInjective, IsSurjective, IsBijection, IsHomomorphism, IsMonomorphism, IsEpimorphism, IsIsomorphism, IsEpimorphism, and IsAutomorphism).

Next this chapter contains functions that describe how mappings are compared (see Comparisons of Mappings) and the operations that are applicable to mappings (see Operations for Mappings).

Next this chapter contains sections that describe the functions that deal with the images and preimages of elements under mappings (see Image, Images, ImagesRepresentative, PreImage, PreImages, and PreImagesRepresentative).

Next this chapter contains sections that describe the functions that compute the composition of two mappings, the power of a mapping, the inverse of a mapping, and the identity mapping on a certain domain (see CompositionMapping, PowerMapping, InverseMapping, and IdentityMapping).

Finally this chapter also contains a section that describes how mappings are represented internally (see Mapping Records).

The functions described in this chapter are in the file libname/"mapping.g".


  1. IsGeneralMapping
  2. IsMapping
  3. IsInjective
  4. IsSurjective
  5. IsBijection
  6. Comparisons of Mappings
  7. Operations for Mappings
  8. Image
  9. Images
  10. ImagesRepresentative
  11. PreImage
  12. PreImages
  13. PreImagesRepresentative
  14. CompositionMapping
  15. PowerMapping
  16. InverseMapping
  17. IdentityMapping
  18. MappingByFunction
  19. Mapping Records

43.1 IsGeneralMapping

IsGeneralMapping( obj )

IsGeneralMapping returns true if the object obj is a mapping (possibly multi valued) and false otherwise.

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> IsGeneralMapping( p4 );
    gap> IsGeneralMapping( InverseMapping( p4 ) );
    true    # note that the inverse mapping is multi valued
    gap> IsGeneralMapping( x -> x^4 );
    false    # a function is not a mapping 

See MappingByFunction for the definition of MappingByFunction and InverseMapping for InverseMapping.

43.2 IsMapping

IsMapping( map )

IsMapping returns true if the general mapping map is single valued and false otherwise. Signals an error if map is not a general mapping.

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> IsMapping( p4 );
    gap> IsMapping( InverseMapping( p4 ) );
    false    # note that the inverse mapping is multi valued
    gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 5;
    end )
    gap> IsMapping( p5 );
    gap> IsMapping( InverseMapping( p5 ) );
    true    # p5 is a bijection 

IsMapping first tests if the flag map.isMapping is bound. If the flag is bound, it returns its value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.IsMapping( map ), remembers the returned value in map.isMapping, and returns it.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.IsMapping, which computes the sets of images of all the elements in the source of map, provided this is finite, and returns true if all those sets have size one. Look in the index under IsMapping to see for which mappings this function is overlaid.

43.3 IsInjective

IsInjective( map )

IsInjective returns true if the mapping map is injective and false otherwise. Signals an error if map is a multi valued mapping.

A mapping map is injective if for each element img of the range there is at most one element elm of the source that map maps to img.

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> IsInjective( p4 );
    gap> IsInjective( InverseMapping( p4 ) );
    Error, <map> must be a single valued mapping
    gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 5;
    end )
    gap> IsInjective( p5 );
    gap> IsInjective( InverseMapping( p5 ) );
    true    # p5 is a bijection 

IsInjective first tests if the flag map.isInjective is bound. If the flag is bound, it returns this value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.isInjective( map ), remembers the returned value in map.isInjective, and returns it.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.IsInjective, which compares the sizes of the source and image of map, and returns true if they are equal (see Image). Look in the index under IsInjective to see for which mappings this function is overlaid.

43.4 IsSurjective

IsSurjective( map )

IsSurjective returns true if the mapping map is surjective and false otherwise. Signals an error if map is a multi valued mapping.

A mapping map is surjective if for each element img of the range there is at least one element elm of the source that map maps to img.

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> IsSurjective( p4 );
    gap> IsSurjective( InverseMapping( p4 ) );
    Error, <map> must be a single valued mapping
    gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 5;
    end )
    gap> IsSurjective( p5 );
    gap> IsSurjective( InverseMapping( p5 ) );
    true    # p5 is a bijection 

IsSurjective first tests if the flag map.isSurjective is bound. If the flag is bound, it returns this value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.IsSurjective( map ), remembers the returned value in map.isSurjective, and returns it.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.IsSurjective, which compares the sizes of the range and image of map, and returns true if they are equal (see Image). Look in the index under IsSurjective to see for which mappings this function is overlaid.

43.5 IsBijection

IsBijection( map )

IsBijection returns true if the mapping map is a bijection and false otherwise. Signals an error if map is a multi valued mapping.

A mapping map is a bijection if for each element img of the range there is exactly one element elm of the source that map maps to img. We also say that map is bijective.

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> IsBijection( p4 );
    gap> IsBijection( InverseMapping( p4 ) );
    Error, <map> must be a single valued mapping
    gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 5;
    end )
    gap> IsBijection( p5 );
    gap> IsBijection( InverseMapping( p5 ) );
    true    # p5 is a bijection 

IsBijection first tests if the flag map.isBijection is bound. If the flag is bound, it returns its value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.IsBijection( map ), remembers the returned value in map.isBijection, and returns it.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.IsBijection, which calls IsInjective and IsSurjective, and returns the logical and of the results. This function is seldom overlaid, because all the interesting work is done by IsInjective and IsSurjective.

43.6 Comparisons of Mappings

map1 = map2
map1 <> map2

The equality operator = applied to two mappings map1 and map2 evaluates to true if the two mappings are equal and to false otherwise. The unequality operator <> applied to two mappings map1 and map2 evaluates to true if the two mappings are not equal and to false otherwise. A mapping can also be compared with another object that is not a mapping, of course they are never equal.

Two mappings are considered equal if and only if their sources are equal, their ranges are equal, and for each elment elm of the source Images( map1, elm ) is equal to Images( map2, elm ) (see Images).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> p13 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^13 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 13;
    end )
    gap> p4 = p13;
    gap> p13 = IdentityMapping( g );

map1 < map2
map1 <= map2
map1 > map2
map1 >= map2

The operators <, <=, >, and >= applied to two mappings evaluates to true if map1 is less than, less than or equal to, greater than, or greater than or equal to map2 and false otherwise. A mapping can also be compared with another object that is not a mapping, everything except booleans, lists, and records is smaller than a mapping.

If the source of map1 is less than the source of map2, then map1 is considered to be less than map2. If the sources are equal and the range of map1 is less than the range of map2, then map1 is considered to be less than map2. If the sources and the ranges are equal the mappings are compared lexicographically with respect to the sets of images of the elements of the source under the mappings.

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 5;
    end )
    gap> p4 < p5;
    true    # since (5,6,7) is the smallest nontrivial element of g
            # and the image of (5,6,7) under p4 is smaller
            # than the image of (5,6,7) under p5 

The operator = calls map2.operations.=( map1, map2 ) and returns this value. The operator <> also calls map2.operations.=( map1, map2 ) and returns the logical not of this value.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.=, which first compares the sources of map1 and map2, then, if they are equal, compares the ranges of map1 and map2, and then, if both are equal and the source is finite, compares the images of all elements of the source under map1 and map2. Look in the index under equality to see for which mappings this function is overlaid.

The operator < calls map2.operations.<( map1, map2 ) and returns this value. The operator <= calls map2.operations.<( map2, map1 ) and returns the logical not of this value. The operator > calls map2.operations.<( map2, map1 ) and returns this value. The operator >= calls map2.operations.<( map1, map2 ) and returns the logical not of this value.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.<, which first compares the sources of map1 and map2, then, if they are equal, compares the ranges of map1 and map2, and then, if both are equal and the source is finite, compares the images of all elements of the source under map1 and map2. Look in the index under ordering to see for which mappings this function is overlaid.

43.7 Operations for Mappings

map1 * map2

The product operator * applied to two mappings map1 and map2 evaluates to the product of the two mappings, i.e., the mapping map that maps each element elm of the source of map1 to the value (elm ^ map1) ^ map2. Note that the range of map1 must be a subset of the source of map2. If map1 and map2 are homomorphisms then so is the result. This can also be expressed as CompositionMapping( map2, map1 ) (see CompositionMapping). Note that the arguments of CompositionMapping are reversed.

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 5;
    end )
    gap> p20 := p4 * p5;
    CompositionMapping( MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 5;
    end ), MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end ) ) 

list * map
map * list

As with every other type of group elements a mapping map can also be multiplied with a list of mappings list. The result is a new list, such that each entry is the product of the corresponding entry of list with map (see Operations for Lists).

elm ^ map

The power operator ^ applied to an element elm and a mapping map evaluates to the image of elm under map, i.e., the element of the range to which map maps elm. Note that map must be a single valued mapping, a multi valued mapping is not allowed (see Images). This can also be expressed as Image( map, elm ) (see Image).

    gap> (1,2,3,4) ^ p4;
    gap> (2,4)(5,6,7) ^ p20;

map ^ 0

The power operator ^ applied to a mapping map, for which the range must be a subset of the source, and the integer 0 evaluates to the identity mapping on the source of map, i.e., the mapping that maps each element of the source to itself. If map is a homomorphism then so is the result. This can also be expressed as IdentityMapping( map.source ) (see IdentityMapping).

    gap> p20 ^ 0;
    IdentityMapping( g ) 

map ^ n

The power operator ^ applied to a mapping map, for which the range must be a subset of the source, and an positive integer n evaluates to the n-fold composition of map. If map is a homomorphism then so is the result. This can also be expressed as PowerMapping( map, n ) (see PowerMapping).

    gap> p16 := p4 ^ 2;
    CompositionMapping( CompositionMapping( IdentityMapping( g ), MappingB\ 
    yFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end ) ), CompositionMapping( IdentityMapping( g ), MappingByFunction( \ 
    g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end ) ) )
    gap> p16 = MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^16 );

bij ^ -1

The power operator ^ applied to a bijection bij and the integer -1 evaluates to the inverse mapping of bij, i.e., the mapping that maps each element img of the range of bij to the uniq element elm of the source of bij that maps to img. Note that bij must be a bijection, a mapping that is not a bijection is not allowed. This can also be expressed as InverseMapping( bij ) (see InverseMapping).

    gap> p5 ^ -1;
    InverseMapping( MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 5;
    end ) )
    gap> p4 ^ -1;
    Error, <lft> must be a bijection 

bij ^ z

The power operator ^ applied to a bijection bij, for which the source and the range must be equal, and an integer z returns the z-fold composition of bij. If z is 0 or positive see above, if z is negative, this is equivalent to (bij ^ -1) ^ -z. If bij is an automorphism then so is the result.

aut1 ^ aut2

The power operator ^ applied to two automorphisms aut1 and aut2, which must have equal sources (and thus ranges) returns the conjugate of aut1 by aut2, i.e., aut2 ^ -1 * aut1 * aut2. The result if of course again an automorphism.

The operator * calls map2.operations.*( map1, map2 ) and returns this value.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.* which calls CompositionMapping to do the work. This function is seldom overlaid, since CompositionMapping does all the interesting work.

The operator ^ calls map.operations.^( map1, map2 ) and returns this value.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.^, which calls Image, IdentityMapping, InverseMapping, or PowerMapping to do the work. This function is seldom overlaid, since Image, IdentityMapping, InverseMapping, and PowerMapping do all the interesting work.

43.8 Image

Image( map, elm )

In this form Image returns the image of the element elm of the source of the mapping map under map, i.e., the element of the range to which map maps elm. Note that map must be a single valued mapping, a multi valued mapping is not allowed (see Images). This can also be expressed as elm ^ map (see Operations for Mappings).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> Image( p4, (2,4)(5,6,7) );
    gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 5;
    end )
    gap> Image( p5, (2,4)(5,6,7) );

Image( map, elms )

In this form Image returns the image of the set of elements elms of the source of the mapping map under map, i.e., set of images of the elements in elms. elms may be a proper set (see Sets) or a domain (see Domains). The result will be a subset of the range of map, either as a proper set or as a domain. Again map must be a single valued mapping, a multi valued mapping is not allowed (see Images).

    gap> Image( p4, Subgroup( g, [ (2,4), (5,6,7) ] ) );
    [ (), (5,6,7), (5,7,6) ]
    gap> Image( p5, [ (5,6,7), (2,4) ] );
    [ (5,7,6), (2,4) ] 

Note that in the first example, the result is returned as a proper set, even though it is mathematically a subgroup. This is because p4 is not known to be a homomorphism, even though it is one.

Image( map )

In this form Image returns the image of the mapping map, i.e., the subset of element of the range of map that are actually values of map. Note that in this case the argument may also be a multi valued mapping.

    gap> Image( p4 );
    [ (), (5,6,7), (5,7,6) ]
    gap> Image( p5 ) = g;

Image firsts checks in which form it is called.

In the first case it calls map.operations.ImageElm( map, elm ) and returns this value.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.ImageElm, which checks that map is indeed a single valued mapping, calls Images( map, elm ), and returns the single element of the set returned by Images. Look in the index under Image to see for which mappings this function is overlaid.

In the second case it calls map.operations.ImageSet( map, elms ) and returns this value.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.ImageSet, which checks that map is indeed a single valued mapping, calls Images( map, elms ), and returns this value. Look in the index under Image to see for which mappings this function is overlaid.

In the third case it tests if the field map.image is bound. If this field is bound, it simply returns this value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.ImageSource( map ), remembers the returned value in map.image, and returns it.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.ImageSource, which calls Images( map, map.source ), and returns this value. This function is seldom overlaid, since all the work is done by map.operations.ImagesSet.

43.9 Images

Images( map, elm )

In this form Images returns the set of images of the element elm in the source of the mapping map under map. map may be a multi valued mapping.

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> i4 := InverseMapping( p4 );
    InverseMapping( MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end ) )
    gap> IsMapping( i4 );
    false    # i4 is multi valued
    gap> Images( i4, () );
    [ (), (2,4), (1,2)(3,4), (1,2,3,4), (1,3), (1,3)(2,4), (1,4,3,2),
      (1,4)(2,3) ]
    gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 5;
    end )
    gap> i5 := InverseMapping( p5 );
    InverseMapping( MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 5;
    end ) )
    gap> Images( i5, () );
    [ () ] 

Images( map, elms )

In this form Images returns the set of images of the set of elements elms in the source of map under map. map may be a multi valued mapping. In any case Images returns a set of elements of the range of map, either as a proper set (see Sets) or as a domain (see Domains).

    gap> Images( i4, [ (), (5,6,7) ] );
    [ (), (5,6,7), (2,4), (2,4)(5,6,7), (1,2)(3,4), (1,2)(3,4)(5,6,7), 
      (1,2,3,4), (1,2,3,4)(5,6,7), (1,3), (1,3)(5,6,7), (1,3)(2,4), 
      (1,3)(2,4)(5,6,7), (1,4,3,2), (1,4,3,2)(5,6,7), (1,4)(2,3), 
      (1,4)(2,3)(5,6,7) ]
    gap> Images( i5, [ (), (5,6,7) ] );
    [ (), (5,7,6) ] 

Images first checks in which form it is called.

In the first case it calls map.operations.ImagesElm( map, elm ) and returns this value.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.ImagesElm, which just raises an error, since their is no default way to compute the images of an element under a mapping about which nothing is known. Look in the index under Images to see how images are computed for the various mappings.

In the second case it calls map.operations.ImagesSet( map, elms ) and returns this value.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.ImagesSet, which returns the union of the images of all the elements in the set elms. Look in the index under Images to see for which mappings this function is overlaid.

43.10 ImagesRepresentative

ImagesRepresentative( map, elm )

ImagesRepresentative returns a representative of the set of images of elm under map, i.e., a single element img, such that img in Images( map, elm ) (see Images). map may be a multi valued mapping.

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> i4 := InverseMapping( p4 );
    InverseMapping( MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end ) )
    gap> IsMapping( i4 );
    false    # i4 is multi valued
    gap> ImagesRepresentative( i4, () );

ImagesRepresentative calls
map.operations.ImagesRepresentative( map, elm ) and returns this value.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.ImagesRepresentative, which calls Images( map, elm ) and returns the first element in this set. Look in the index under ImagesRepresentative to see for which mappings this function is overlaid.

43.11 PreImage

PreImage( bij, img )

In this form PreImage returns the preimage of the element img of the range of the bijection bij under bij. The preimage is the unique element of the source of bij that is mapped by bij to img. Note that bij must be a bijection, a mapping that is not a bijection is not allowed (see PreImages).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> PreImage( p4, (5,6,7) );
    Error, <bij> must be a bijection, not an arbitrary mapping
    gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 5;
    end )
    gap> PreImage( p5, (2,4)(5,6,7) );

PreImage( bij, imgs )

In this form PreImage returns the preimage of the elements imgs of the range of the bijection bij under bij. The primage of imgs is the set of all preimages of the elements in imgs. imgs may be a proper set (see Set) or a domain (see Domains). The result will be a subset of the source of bij, either as a proper set or as a domain. Again bij must be a bijection, a mapping that is not a bijection is not allowed (see PreImages).

    gap> PreImage( p4, [ (), (5,6,7) ] );
    [ (), (5,6,7), (2,4), (2,4)(5,6,7), (1,2)(3,4), (1,2)(3,4)(5,6,7), 
      (1,2,3,4), (1,2,3,4)(5,6,7), (1,3), (1,3)(5,6,7), (1,3)(2,4), 
      (1,3)(2,4)(5,6,7), (1,4,3,2), (1,4,3,2)(5,6,7), (1,4)(2,3), 
      (1,4)(2,3)(5,6,7) ]
    gap> PreImage( p5, Subgroup( g, [ (5,7,6), (2,4) ] ) );
    [ (), (5,6,7), (5,7,6), (2,4), (2,4)(5,6,7), (2,4)(5,7,6) ] 

PreImage( map )

In this form PreImage returns the preimage of the mapping map. The preimage is the set of elements elm of the source of map that are actually mapped to at least one element, i.e., for which PreImages( map, elm ) is nonempty. Note that in this case the argument may be an arbitrary mapping (especially a multi valued one).

    gap> PreImage( p4 ) = g;

PreImage firsts checks in which form it is called.

In the first case it calls bij.operations.PreImageElm( bij, elm ) and returns this value.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.PreImageElm, which checks that bij is indeed a bijection, calls PreImages( bij, elm ), and returns the single element of the set returned by PreImages. Look in the index under PreImage to see for which mappings this function is overlaid.

In the second case it calls bij.operations.PreImageSet( bij, elms ) and returns this value.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.PreImageSet, which checks that map is indeed a bijection, calls PreImages( bij, elms ), and returns this value. Look in the index under PreImage to see for which mappings this is overlaid.

In the third case it tests if the field map.preImage is bound. If this field is bound, it simply returns this value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.PreImageRange( map ), remembers the returned value in map.preImage, and returns it.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.PreImageRange, which calls PreImages( map, map.source ), and returns this value. This function is seldom overlaid, since all the work is done by map.operations.PreImagesSet.

43.12 PreImages

PreImages( map, img )

In the first form PreImages returns the set of elements from the source of the mapping map that are mapped by map to the element img in the range of map, i.e., the set of elements elm such that img in Images( map, elm ) (see Images). map may be a multi valued mapping.

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> PreImages( p4, (5,6,7) );
    [ (5,6,7), (2,4)(5,6,7), (1,2)(3,4)(5,6,7), (1,2,3,4)(5,6,7), 
      (1,3)(5,6,7), (1,3)(2,4)(5,6,7), (1,4,3,2)(5,6,7), 
      (1,4)(2,3)(5,6,7) ]
    gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 5;
    end )
    gap> PreImages( p5, (2,4)(5,6,7) );
    [ (2,4)(5,7,6) ] 

PreImages( map, imgs )

In the second form PreImages returns the set of all preimages of the elements in the set of elements imgs, i.e., the union of the preimages of the single elements of imgs. map may be a multi valued mapping.

    gap> PreImages( p4, [ (), (5,6,7) ] );
    [ (), (5,6,7), (2,4), (2,4)(5,6,7), (1,2)(3,4), (1,2)(3,4)(5,6,7), 
      (1,2,3,4), (1,2,3,4)(5,6,7), (1,3), (1,3)(5,6,7), (1,3)(2,4), 
      (1,3)(2,4)(5,6,7), (1,4,3,2), (1,4,3,2)(5,6,7), (1,4)(2,3), 
      (1,4)(2,3)(5,6,7) ]
    gap> PreImages( p5, [ (), (5,6,7) ] );
    [ (), (5,7,6) ] 

PreImages first checks in which form it is called.

In the first case it calls map.operations.PreImagesElm( map, img ) and returns this value.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.PreImagesElm, which runs through all elements of the source of map, if it is finite, and returns the set of those that have img in their images. Look in the index under PreImages to see for which mappings this function is overlaid.

In the second case if calls map.operations.PreImagesSet( map, imgs ) and returns this value.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.PreImagesSet, which returns the union of the preimages of all the elements of the set imgs. Look in the index under PreImages to see for which mappings this function is overlaid.

43.13 PreImagesRepresentative

PreImagesRepresentative( map, img )

PreImagesRepresentative returns an representative of the set of preimages of img under map, i.e., a single element elm, such that img in Images( map, elm ) (see Images).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> PreImagesRepresentative( p4, (5,6,7) );
    gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 5;
    end )
    gap> PreImagesRepresentative( p5, (2,4)(5,6,7) );

PreImagesRepresentative calls
map.operations.PreImagesRepresentative( map, img ) and returns this value.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.PreImagesRepresentative, which calls PreImages( map, img ) and returns the first element in this set. Look in the index under PreImagesRepresentative to see for which mappings this function is overlaid.

43.14 CompositionMapping

CompositionMapping( map1.. )

CompositionMapping returns the composition of the mappings map1, map2, etc. where the range of each mapping must be a subset of the source of the previous mapping. The mappings need not be single valued mappings, i.e., multi valued mappings are allowed.

The composition of map1 and map2 is the mapping map that maps each element elm of the source of map2 to Images( map1, Images( map2, elm ) ). If map1 and map2 are single valued mappings this can also be expressed as map2 * map1 (see Operations for Mappings). Note the reversed operands.

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 5;
    end )
    gap> p20 := CompositionMapping( p4, p5 );
    CompositionMapping( MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end ), MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 5;
    end ) )
    gap> (2,4)(5,6,7) ^ p20;

CompositionMapping calls
map2.operations.CompositionMapping( map1, map2 ) and returns this value.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.CompositionMapping, which constructs a new mapping com. This new mapping remembers map1 and map2 as its factors in com.map1 and com.map2 and delegates everything to them. For example to compute Images( com, elm ), com.operations.ImagesElm calls Images( com.map1, Images( com.map2, elm ) ). Look in the index under CompositionMapping to see for which mappings this function is overlaid.

43.15 PowerMapping

PowerMapping( map, n )

PowerMapping returns the n-th power of the mapping map. map must be a mapping whose range is a subset of its source. n must be a nonnegative integer. map may be a multi valued mapping.

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> p16 := p4 ^ 2;
    CompositionMapping( CompositionMapping( IdentityMapping( g ), MappingB\ 
    yFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end ) ), CompositionMapping( IdentityMapping( g ), MappingByFunction( \ 
    g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end ) ) )
    gap> p16 = MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^16 );

PowerMapping calls map.operations.PowerMapping( map, n ) and returns this value.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.PowerMapping, which computes the power using a binary powering algorithm, IdentityMapping, and CompositionMapping. This function is seldom overlaid, because CompositionMapping does the interesting work.

43.16 InverseMapping

InverseMapping( map )

InverseMapping returns the inverse mapping of the mapping map. The inverse mapping inv is a mapping with source map.range, range map.source, such that each element elm of its source is mapped to the set PreImages( map, elm ) (see PreImages). map may be a multi valued mapping.

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> i4 := InverseMapping( p4 );
    InverseMapping( MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end ) )
    gap> Images( i4, () );
    [ (), (2,4), (1,2)(3,4), (1,2,3,4), (1,3), (1,3)(2,4), (1,4,3,2),
      (1,4)(2,3) ] 

InverseMapping first tests if the field map.inverseMapping is bound. If the field is bound, it returns its value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.InverseMapping( map ), remembers the returned value in map.inverseMapping, and returns it.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.InverseMapping, which constructs a new mapping inv. This new mapping remembers map as its own inverse mapping in inv.inverseMapping and delegates everything to it. For example to compute Image( inv, elm ), inv.operations.ImageElm calls PreImage(inv.inverseMapping,elm). Special types of mappings will overlay this default function with more efficient functions.

43.17 IdentityMapping

IdentityMapping( D )

IdentityMapping returns the identity mapping on the domain D.

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> i := IdentityMapping( g );
    IdentityMapping( g )
    gap> (1,2,3,4) ^ i;
    gap> IsBijection( i );

IdentityMapping calls D.operations.IdentityMapping( D ) and returns this value.

The functions usually called this way are GroupOps.IdentityMapping if the domain D is a group and FieldOps.IdentityMapping if the domain D is a field.

43.18 MappingByFunction

MappingByFunction( D, E, fun )

MappingByFunction returns a mapping map with source D and range E such that each element d of D is mapped to the element fun(d), where fun is a GAP3 function.

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> m := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^2 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 2;
    end )
    gap> (1,2,3) ^ m;
    gap> IsHomomorphism( m );

MappingByFunction constructs the mapping in the obvious way. For example the image of an element under map is simply computed by applying fun to the element.

43.19 Mapping Records

A mapping map is represented by a record with the following components


always true, indicating that this is a general mapping.


the source of the mapping, i.e., the set of elements to which the mapping can be applied.


the range of the mapping, i.e., a set in which all value of the mapping lie.

The following entries are optional. The functions with the corresponding names will generally test if they are present. If they are then their value is simply returned. Otherwise the functions will perform the computation and add those fields to those record for the next time.


true if map is a single valued mapping and false otherwise.



true if map has the corresponding property and false otherwise.


the subset of map.source of elements pre that are actually mapped to at least one element, i.e., for which Images( map, pre ) is nonempty.


the subset of map.range of the elements img that are actually values of the mapping, i.e., for which PreImages( map, img ) is nonempty.


the inverse mapping of map. This is a mapping from map.range to map.source that maps each element img to the set PreImages( map, img ).

The following entry is optional. It must be bound only if the inverse of map is indeed a single valued mapping.


the inverse function of map.

The following entry is optional. It must be bound only if map is a homomorphism.


the elements of map.source that are mapped to the identity element of map.range.

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27 Nov 2023