44 Homomorphisms

An important special class of mappings are homomorphisms.

A mapping map is a homomorphism if the source and the range are domains of the same category, and map respects their structure. For example, if both source and range are groups and for each x,y in the source (xy)map = xmap ymap, then map is a group homomorphism.

GAP3 currently supports field and group homomorphisms (see Field Homomorphisms, Group Homomorphisms).

Homomorphism are created by homomorphism constructors, which are ordinary GAP3 functions that return homomorphisms, such as FrobeniusAutomorphism (see FrobeniusAutomorphism) or NaturalHomomorphism (see NaturalHomomorphism).

The first section in this chapter describes the function that tests whether a mapping is a homomorphism (see IsHomomorphism). The next sections describe the functions that test whether a homomorphism has certain properties (see IsMonomorphism, IsEpimorphism, IsIsomorphism, IsEndomorphism, and IsAutomorphism). The last section describes the function that computes the kernel of a homomorphism (see Kernel).

Because homomorphisms are just a special case of mappings all operations and functions described in chapter Mappings are applicable to homomorphisms. For example, the image of an element elm under a homomorphism hom can be computed by elm ^ hom (see Operations for Mappings).


  1. IsHomomorphism
  2. IsMonomorphism
  3. IsEpimorphism
  4. IsIsomorphism
  5. IsEndomorphism
  6. IsAutomorphism
  7. Kernel

44.1 IsHomomorphism

IsHomomorphism( map )

IsHomomorphism returns true if the mapping map is a homomorphism and false otherwise. Signals an error if map is a multi valued mapping.

A mapping map is a homomorphism if the source and the range are sources of the same category, and map respects the structure. For example, if both source and range are groups and for each x,y in the source (xy)map = xmap ymap, then map is a homomorphism.

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> IsHomomorphism( p4 );
    gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 5;
    end )
    gap> IsHomomorphism( p5 );
    gap> p6 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^6 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 6;
    end )
    gap> IsHomomorphism( p6 );

IsHomomorphism first tests if the flag map.isHomomorphism is bound. If the flag is bound, it returns its value. Otherwise it calls map.source.operations.IsHomomorphism( map ), remembers the returned value in map.isHomomorphism, and returns it.

The functions usually called this way are IsGroupHomomorphism if the source of map is a group and IsFieldHomomorphism if the source of map is a field (see IsGroupHomomorphism, IsFieldHomomorphism).

44.2 IsMonomorphism

IsMonomorphism( map )

IsMonomorphism returns true if the mapping map is a monomorphism and false otherwise. Signals an error if map is a multi valued mapping.

A mapping is a monomorphism if it is an injective homomorphism (see IsInjective, IsHomomorphism).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> IsMonomorphism( p4 );
    gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 5;
    end )
    gap> IsMonomorphism( p5 );

IsMonomorphism first test if the flag map.isMonomorphism is bound. If the flag is bound, it returns this value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.IsMonomorphism( map ), remembers the returned value in map.isMonomorphism, and returns it.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.IsMonomorphism, which calls the functions IsInjective and IsHomomorphism, and returns the logical and of the results. This function is seldom overlaid, because all the interesting work is done in IsInjective and IsHomomorphism.

44.3 IsEpimorphism

IsEpimorphism( map )

IsEpimorphism returns true if the mapping map is an epimorphism and false otherwise. Signals an error if map is a multi valued mapping.

A mapping is an epimorphism if it is an surjective homomorphism (see IsSurjective, IsHomomorphism).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> IsEpimorphism( p4 );
    gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 5;
    end )
    gap> IsEpimorphism( p5 );

IsEpimorphism first test if the flag map.isEpimorphism is bound. If the flag is bound, it returns this value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.IsEpimorphism( map ), remembers the returned value in map.isEpimorphism, and returns it.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.IsEpimorphism, which calls the functions IsSurjective and IsHomomorphism, and returns the logical and of the results. This function is seldom overlaid, because all the interesting work is done in IsSurjective and IsHomomorphism.

44.4 IsIsomorphism

IsIsomorphism( map )

IsIsomorphism returns true if the mapping map is an isomorphism and false otherwise. Signals an error if map is a multi valued mapping.

A mapping is an isomorphism if it is a bijective homomorphism (see IsBijection, IsHomomorphism).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> IsIsomorphism( p4 );
    gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 5;
    end )
    gap> IsIsomorphism( p5 );

IsIsomorphism first test if the flag map.isIsomorphism is bound. If the flag is bound, it returns this value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.IsIsomorphism( map ), remembers the returned value in map.isIsomorphism, and returns it.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.IsIsomorphism, which calls the functions IsInjective, IsSurjective, and IsHomomorphism, and returns the logical and of the results. This function is seldom overlaid, because all the interesting work is done in IsInjective, IsSurjective, and IsHomomorphism.

44.5 IsEndomorphism

IsEndomorphism( map )

IsEndomorphism returns true if the mapping map is a endomorphism and false otherwise. Signals an error if map is a multi valued mapping.

A mapping is an endomorphism if it is a homomorphism (see IsHomomorphism) and the range is a subset of the source.

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> IsEndomorphism( p4 );
    gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 5;
    end )
    gap> IsEndomorphism( p5 );

IsEndomorphism first test if the flag map.isEndomorphism is bound. If the flag is bound, it returns this value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.IsEndomorphism( map ), remembers the returned value in map.isEndomorphism, and returns it.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.IsEndomorphism, which tests if the range is a subset of the source, calls IsHomomorphism, and returns the logical and of the results. This function is seldom overlaid, because all the interesting work is done in IsSubset and IsHomomorphism.

44.6 IsAutomorphism

IsAutomorphism( map )

IsAutomorphism returns true if the mapping map is an automorphism and false otherwise. Signals an error if map is a multi valued mapping.

A mapping is an automorphism if it is an isomorphism where the source and the range are equal (see IsIsomorphism, IsEndomorphism).

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> IsAutomorphism( p4 );
    gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 5;
    end )
    gap> IsAutomorphism( p5 );

IsAutomorphism first test if the flag map.isAutomorphism is bound. If the flag is bound, it returns this value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.IsAutomorphism( map ), remembers the returned value in map.isAutomorphism, and returns it.

The default function called this way is MappingOps.IsAutomorphism, which calls the functions IsEndomorphism and IsBijection, and returns the logical and of the results. This function is seldom overlaid, because all the interesting work is done in IsEndomorphism and IsBijection.

44.7 Kernel

Kernel( hom )

Kernel returns the kernel of the homomorphism hom. The kernel is usually returned as a source, though in some cases it might be returned as a proper set.

The kernel is the set of elements that are mapped hom to the identity element of hom.range, i.e., to hom.range.identity if hom is a group homomorphism, and to hom.range.zero if hom is a ring or field homomorphism. The kernel is a substructure of hom.source.

    gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );;  g.name := "g";;
    gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 4;
    end )
    gap> Kernel( p4 );
    Subgroup( g, [ (1,2,3,4), (1,4)(2,3) ] )
    gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
    MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
        return x ^ 5;
    end )
    gap> Kernel( p5 );
    Subgroup( g, [  ] ) 

Kernel first tests if the field hom.kernel is bound. If the field is bound it returns its value. Otherwise it calls hom.source.operations.Kernel( hom ), remembers the returned value in hom.kernel, and returns it.

The functions usually called this way from the dispatcher are KernelGroupHomomorphism and KernelFieldHomomorphism (see KernelGroupHomomorphism, KernelFieldHomomorphism).

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27 Nov 2023