\KBMAG (pronounced ``Kay-bee-mag'') stands for Knuth--Bendix on Monoids, and Automatic Groups. It is a stand-alone package written in C, for use under UNIX, with an interface to GAP3. This chapter describes its use as an external share library from within GAP3. The current interface is restricted to finitely presented groups. Interfaces for the use of \KBMAG with monoids and semigroups will be released as soon as these categories exist as established types inGAP3.

To use this package effectively, some knowledge of the underlying theory and algorithms is advisable. The Knuth-Bendix algorithm is described in various places in the literature. Good general references that deal with the applications to groups and monoids are LeC86 and the first few chapters of Sims94. For the theory of automatic groups see the multi-author book ECHLPT92. The algorithms employed by \KBMAG are described more specifically in EHR91 and Holt94.

The manual for the stand-alone \KBMAG package (which can be found in the doc directory of the package) provides more detailed information on the external C programs that are called from GAP3. The stand-alone also includes a number of general programs for manipulating finite state automata, which could easily be made accessible from GAP3. This, and other possible extensions, such as the provision of more orderings on words, may be made in the future, depending to some extent on user-demand.

The overall objective of \KBMAG is to construct a normal form for the elements of a finitely presented group G in terms of the given generators, together with a word reduction algorithm for calculating the normal form representation of an element in G, given as a word in the generators. If this can be achieved, then it is also possible to enumerate the words in normal form up to a given length, and to determine the order of the group, by counting the number of words in normal form. In most serious applications, this will be infinite, since finite groups are (with some exceptions) usually handled better by Todd-Coxeter related methods. In fact a finite state automaton W is calculated that accepts precisely the language of words in the group generators that are in normal form, and W is used for the enumeration and counting functions. It is possible to inspect W directly if required; for example, it is often possible to use W to determine whether an element in G has finite or infinite order. (See Example 4 below.)

The normal form for an element g ∈ G is defined to be the least word in the group generators (and their inverses) that represents G, with respect to a specified ordering on the set of all words in the group generators. The available orderings are described in Setting the ordering below.

\KBMAG offers two possible means of achieving these objectives. The first is to apply the Knuth-Bendix algorithm to the group presentation, with one of the available orderings on words, and hope that the algorithm will complete with a finite confluent presentation. (If the group is finite, then it is guaranteed to complete eventually but, like the Todd-Coxeter procedure, it may take a long time, or require more space than is available.) The second is to use the automatic group program. This also uses the Knuth-Bendix procedure as one component of the algorithm, but it aims to compute certain finite state automata rather than to obtain a finite confluent rewriting system, and it completes successfully on many examples for which such a finite system does not exist. In the current implementation, its use is restricted to the shortlex ordering on words. That is, words are ordered first by increasing length, and then words of equal length are ordered lexicographically, using the specified ordering of the generators.

For both of the above procedures, the first step is to create a GAP3 record known as a rewriting system R from the finitely presented group G. Some of the fields of this record can be used to specify the input parameters for the external programs, such as the ordering on words to be used by the Knuth-Bendix procedure. One of the two external programs is then run on R. If successful, it updates some of the fields of R, which can then be used to reduce words in the group generators to normal form, and to count and enumerate the words in normal form.

In fact, the relationship of a rewriting system to that of the group from which it is constructed is in many ways similar to that between a Presentation Record and its associated finitely presented group, as described in Presentation Records. In particular, the rewriting rules, which can be thought of as (a highly redundant) set of defining relations for the group, can be changed, whereas the defining relators of a finitely presented group cannot be altered without effectively changing the group itself.

In the descriptions of the functions that follow, it is important to distinguish between irreducible words, and words in normal form. As already stated, a word is in normal form if it is the least word under the ordering of the rewriting system that defines a particular group element. So there is always a unique word in normal form for each group element, and it is determined by the group generators and the ordering on words in the group generators. A word in a rewriting system is said to be irreducible if it does not contain the left hand side of any of the reduction rules in the system as a subword. Words in normal form are always irreducible, but the converse is true if and only if the rewriting system is confluent. The automatic groups programs provide a method of reducing words to normal form without obtaining a finite confluent rewriting system (which may not even exist).

Diagnostic output from the GAP3 procedures can be turned on by setting the global variable InfoRWS to Print. Diagnostic output from the external programs is controlled by setting the silent, verbose or veryVerbose flags of the rewriting system. See Control parameters below.


  1. Creating a rewriting system
  2. Elementary functions on rewriting systems
  3. Setting the ordering
  4. Control parameters
  5. The Knuth-Bendix program
  6. The automatic groups program
  7. Word reduction
  8. Counting and enumerating irreducible words
  9. Rewriting System Examples

67.1 Creating a rewriting system

FpGroupToRWS(G [,case\_change])

FpGroupToRWS constructs and returns a rewriting system R from a finitely presented group G. The generators of R are the generators of G together with inverses for those generators which are not obviously involutory. Normally, if a generator of G prints as a, say, then its inverse will print, as might be expected, as a-1. However, if the optional argument case\_change is set to true, then its printing string will be derived by changing the case of the letters in the original generator; so, the inverse of a will print as A. One advantage of this is that it can save space in the temporary files used by the external programs.

R is a GAP3 record. However, its internal storage does not correspond precisely to the way in which it is displayed, and so the user is strongly advised not to attempt to modify its fields directly. (To convince yourself of this, try examining some of the fields individually.) In particular, the ordering on words to be used by the Knuth-Bendix procedure should be changed, if desired, by using the functions SetOrderingRWS and ReorderGeneratorsRWS described in Setting the ordering below. However, the control fields that are described in Control parameters below are designed to be set directly.

67.2 Elementary functions on rewriting systems


Returns true if rws is a rewriting system.


Returns true if rws is a rewriting system that is known to be confluent.


Returns true if rws is a rewriting system with an associated normal form. When this is the case, the word-reduction, counting and enumeration functions may be applied to rws and are guaranteed to give the correct answer.

The normal form can only be created by applying one of the two functions KB or Automata to rws.


Returns true if rws is a rewriting system for which words can be reduced. When this is the case, the word-reduction, counting and enumeration functions may be applied to rws, but are NOT guaranteed to give the correct answer.

The result of ReduceWordRWS will always be equal to its argument in the underlying group of rws, but it may not be the correct normal form. The counting and enumeration algorithms may return answers that are too large (never too small). This situation results when KB is run and exits, for some reason, with a non-confluent system of equations.


This function resets the rewriting system rws back to its form as it was before the application of KB or Automata. However, the current ordering and values of control parameters will not be changed. The normal form and reduction algorithms will be unavailable after this call.


Occasionally, as a result of a call of KB on the rewriting system rws, some rewriting rules can be lost, which means that the underlying group of rws is changed. This function appends the original defining relations of the group to the rewriting system, which ensures that the underlying group is made correct again. It is advisable to call this function in between two calls of KB on the same rewriting system.

67.3 Setting the ordering

SetOrderingRWS(rws, ordering [,list])
ReorderGeneratorsRWS(rws, p)

SetOrderingRWS changes the ordering on the words of the rewriting system rws to ordering, which must be one of the strings ``shortlex", ``recursive", ``wtlex" and ``wreathprod". The default is ``shortlex", and this is the ordering of rewriting systems returned by FpGroupToRWS. The orderings ``wtlex" and ``wreathprod" require the third parameter, list, which must be a list of non-negative integers in one-one correspondence with the generators of rws, in the order that they are displayed in the generatorOrder field. They have the effect of attaching weights or levels to the generators, in the cases ``wtlex" and ``wreathprod", respectively.

Each of these orderings depends on the order of the generators, The current ordering of generators is displayed under the generatorOrder field when rws is printed. This ordering can be changed by the function ReorderGeneratorsRWS. The second parameter p to this function should be a permutation that moves at most ng points, where ng is the number of generators. This permutation is applied to the current list of generators.

In the ``shortlex" ordering, shorter words come before longer ones, and, for words of equal length, the lexicographically smaller word comes first, using the ordering of generators specified by the generatorOrder field. The ``wtlex" ordering is similar, but instead of using the length of the word as the first criterion, the total weight of the word is used; this is defined as the sum of the weights of the generators in the word. So ``shortlex" is the special case of ``wtlex" in which all generators have the same nonzero weight.

The ``recursive" ordering is the special case of ``wreathprod" in which the levels of the ng generators are 1, 2, ..., ng, in the order defined by the generatorOrder field. We shall not attempt to give a complete definition of these orderings here, but refer the reader instead to pages 46--50 of Sims94. The ``recursive" ordering is the one appropriate for a power-conjugate presentation of a polycyclic group, but where the generators are ordered in the reverse order from the usual convention for polycyclic groups. The confluent presentation will then be the same as the power-conjugate presentation. For example, for the Heisenberg group ⟨ x,y,z \hspace1mm | \hspace1mm [x,z]=[y,z]=1, [y,x]=z ⟩ , a good ordering is ``recursive" with the order of generators [z-1,z,y-1,y,x-1,x]. This example is included in Examples below.

67.4 Control parameters

The Knuth-Bendix procedure is unusually sensitive to the settings of a number of parameters that control its operation. In some examples, a small change in one of these parameters can mean the difference between obtaining a confluent rewriting system fairly quickly on the one hand, and the procedure running on until it uses all available memory on the other hand.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to give even very general guidelines on these settings, although the ``wreathproduct" orderings appear to be more sensitive than the ``shortlex" and ``wtlex" orderings. The user can only acquire a feeling for the influence of these parameters by experimentation on a large number of examples.

The control parameters are defined by the user by setting values of certain fields of a rewriting system rws directly. These fields will now be listed.


A positive integer specifying the maximum number of rewriting rules allowed in rws. The default is 32767. If this number is exceeded, then KB or Automata will abort.


A positive integer, 100 by default. During the Knuth-Bendix procedure, the search for overlaps is interrupted periodically to tidy up the existing system by removing and/or simplifying rewriting rules that have become redundant. This tidying is done after finding rws.tidyint rules since the last tidying.


A positive integer, 500 by default. If rws.confnum overlaps are processed in the Knuth-Bendix procedure but no new rules are found, then a fast test for confluence is carried out. This saves a lot of time if the system really is confluent, but usually wastes time if it is not.


This is a list of two positive integers, maxlhs and maxrhs; the default is that both are infinite. Only those rewriting rules for which the left hand side has length at most maxlhs and the right hand side has length at most maxrhs are stored; longer rules are discarded. In some examples it is essential to impose such limits in order to obtain a confluent rewriting system. Of course, if the Knuth-Bendix procedure halts with such limits imposed, then the resulting system need not be confluent. However, the confluence can then be tested be re-running KB with the limits removed. (To remove the limits, unbind the field.) It is advisable to call AddOriginalEqnsRWS on rws before re-running KB.


This is an integer, which is infinite by default (when not set). Only those overlaps of total length rws.maxoverlaplen are processed. Similar remarks apply to those for maxstoredlen.


This should be true or false, and false is the default. When it is true, the rewriting rules are output in order of increasing length of left hand side. (The default is that they are output in the order that they were found).


This is an integer, which is infinite by default (when not set). When it is set, the rewriting rules are output in order of increasing length of left hand side (as if rws.sorteqns were true), and only those rules having left hand sides of length up to rws.maxoplen are output at all. Again, similar remarks apply to those for maxstoredlen.


A positive integer, 32767 by default. This is the maximum length that a word is allowed to have during the reduction process. It is only likely to be exceeded when using the ``wreathproduct" or ``recursive" ordering.

rws.silent, rws.verbose, rws.veryVerbose:

These should be true or false, and are false by default. It only makes sense to set one of them to be true. They control the amount of diagnostic output that is printed by KB and Automata. By default there is a small amount of such output.

rws.maxstates, rws.maxwdiffs:

These are positive integers, controlling the maximum number of states of the word-reduction automaton used by KB, and the maximum number of word-differences allowed when running Automata, respectively. These numbers are normally increased automatically when required, so it unusual to want to set these flags. They can be set when either it is desired to limit these parameters (and prevent them being increased automatically), or (as occasionally happens), the number of word-differences increases too rapidly for the program to cope - when this happens, the run is usually doomed to failure anyway.

67.5 The Knuth-Bendix program


Run the external Knuth-Bendix program on the rewriting system rws. KB returns true if it finds a confluent rewriting system and otherwise false. In either case, if it halts normally, then it will update rws by changing the equations field, which contains a list of the rewriting rules, and by appending a finite state automaton rws.reductionFSA that can be used for word reduction, and the counting and enumeration of irreducible words.

All control parameters (as defined in the preceding section) should be set before calling KB. In the author's experience, it is usually most helpful to run KB with the verbose flag rws.verbose set, in order to follow what is happening. KB will halt either when it finds a finite confluent system of rewriting rules, or when one of the control parameters (such as rws.maxeqns) requires it to stop. The program can also be made to halt and output manually at any time by hitting the interrupt key (normally ctr-C) once. (Hitting it twice has unpredictable consequences, since GAP3 may intercept the signal.)

If KB halts without finding a confluent system, but still manages to output the current system and update rws, then it is possible to use the resulting rewriting system to reduce words, and count and enumerate the irreducible words; it cannot be guaranteed that the irreducible words are all in normal form, however. It is also possible to re-run KB on the current system, usually after altering some of the control parameters. In fact, is some more difficult examples, this seems to be the only means of finding a finite confluent system.

67.6 The automatic groups program

Automata(rws, [large], [filestore], [diff1])

Run the external automatic groups program on the rewriting system rws. Autgroup returns true if successful and false otherwise. If successful, it appends two finite state automata rws.diff1c and rws.wa to rws. The first of these can be used for word-reduction, and the second for counting and enumeration of irreducible words (i.e. words in normal form). In fact, the second is the word-acceptor of the automatic structure. (The multiplier automata of the automatic structure are not currently saved when using the GAP3 interface. To access these, the user should either use \KBMAG as a stand-alone, or complain to the author.)

The three optional parameters to Automata are all boolean, and false by default. Setting large true results in some of the control parameters (such as rws.maxeqns and rws.tidyint) being set larger than they would be otherwise. This is necessary for examples that require a large amount of space. Setting filestore true results in more use being made of temporary files than would be otherwise. This makes the program run slower, but it may be necessary if you are short of core memory. Setting diff1 to be true is a more technical option, which is explained more fully in the documentation for the stand-alone \KBMAG package. It is not usually necessary or helpful, but it enables one or two examples to complete that would otherwise run out of space.

The ordering field of rws must currently be equal to ``shortlex" for Automata to be applicable. The control parameters for rws that are likely to be relevant are maxeqns and maxwdiffs.

67.7 Word reduction


Test whether the word w in the generators of the rewriting system rws (or, equivalently, in the generators of the underlying group of rws) is reduced or not, and return true or false.

IsReducedWordRWS can only be used after KB or Automata has been run successfully on rws. In the former case, if KB halted without a confluent set of rules, then irreducible words are not necessarily in normal form (but reducible words are definitely not in normal form). If KB completes with a confluent rewriting system or Automata completes successfully, then it is guaranteed that all irreducible words are in normal form.


Reduce the word w in the generators of the rewriting system rws (or, equivalently, in the generators of the underlying group of rws), and return the result.

ReduceWordRWS can only be used after KB or Automata has been run successfully on rws. In the former case, if KB halted without a confluent set of rules, then the irreducible word returned is not necessarily in normal form. If KB completes with a confluent rewriting system or Automata completes successfully, then it is guaranteed that all irreducible words are in normal form.

67.8 Counting and enumerating irreducible words


Returns the number of irreducible words in the rewriting system rws. If this is infinite, then the string ``infinite" is returned.

SizeRWS can only be used after KB or Automata has been run successfully on rws. In the former case, if KB halted without a confluent set of rules, then the number of irreducible words may be greater than the number of words in normal form (which is equal to the order of the underlying group of rws). If KB completes with a confluent rewriting system or Automata completes successfully, then it is guaranteed that SizeRWS will return the correct order of the underlying group.

EnumerateRWS(rws, min, max)

Enumerate all irreducible words in the rewriting system rws that have lengths between min and max (inclusive), which should be non-negative integers. The result is returned as a list of words. The enumeration is by depth-first search of a finite state automaton, and so the words in the list returned are ordered lexicographically (not by shortlex).

EnumerateRWS can only be used after KB or Automata has been run successfully on rws. In the former case, if KB halted without a confluent set of rules, then not all irreducible words in the list returned will necessarily be in normal form. If KB completes with a confluent rewriting system or Automata completes successfully, then it is guaranteed that all words in the list will be in normal form.

SortEnumerateRWS(rws, min, max)

This is the same as EnumerateRWS but the list returned contains the words in shortlex order; so shorter words come before longer ones. It is slightly slower than EnumerateRWS.

SizeEnumerateRWS(rws, min, max)

This returns the length of the list that would be returned by EnumerateRWS(rws, min, max); that is, the number of irreducible words of rws that have lengths between min and max inclusive. It is faster than EnumerateRWS, since it does not need to store the words enumerated.

67.9 Rewriting System Examples

Example 1

We start with a easy example - the alternating group A4.

    gap> G:=FreeGroup("a","b");;
    gap> a:=G.1;; b:=G.2;;
    gap> G.relators:=[a^2, b^3, (a*b)^3];;
    gap> R:=FpGroupToRWS(G);
               isRWS := true,
      generatorOrder := [a,b,b^-1],
            inverses := [a,b^-1,b],
            ordering := "shortlex",
           equations := [
    gap> KB(R);
    #System is confluent.
    #Halting with 11 equations.
    gap> R;
               isRWS := true,
         isConfluent := true,
      generatorOrder := [a,b,b^-1],
            inverses := [a,b^-1,b],
            ordering := "shortlex",
           equations := [
    #The equations field of R is now a complete system of rewriting rules
    gap> SizeRWS(R);
    gap> SortEnumerateRWS(R,0,12);
    [ IdWord, a, b, b^-1, a*b, a*b^-1, b*a, b^-1*a, a*b*a, a*b^-1*a,
      b*a*b^-1, b^-1*a*b ]
    #We have enumerated all of the elements of the group
Example 2

The Heisenberg group - that is, the free 2-generator nilpotent group of class 2. For this to complete, we need to use the recursive ordering, and reverse our initial order of generators. (Alternatively, we could avoid this reversal, by using a wreathproduct ordering, and setting the levels of the generators to be 6,5,4,3,2,1.)

    gap> G:=FreeGroup("x","y","z");;
    gap> x:=G.1;; y:=G.2;; z:=G.3;;
    gap> G.relators:=[Comm(y,x)*z^-1, Comm(z,x), Comm(z,y)];;
    gap> R:=FpGroupToRWS(G);
               isRWS := true,
      generatorOrder := [x,x^-1,y,y^-1,z,z^-1],
            inverses := [x^-1,x,y^-1,y,z^-1,z],
            ordering := "shortlex",
           equations := [
    gap> SetOrderingRWS(R,"recursive");
    gap> ReorderGeneratorsRWS(R,(1,6)(2,5)(3,4));
    gap> R;
               isRWS := true,
      generatorOrder := [z^-1,z,y^-1,y,x^-1,x],
            inverses := [z,z^-1,y,y^-1,x,x^-1],
            ordering := "recursive",
           equations := [
    gap> KB(R);
    #System is confluent.
    #Halting with 18 equations.
    gap> R;
               isRWS := true,
         isConfluent := true,
      generatorOrder := [z^-1,z,y^-1,y,x^-1,x],
            inverses := [z,z^-1,y,y^-1,x,x^-1],
            ordering := "recursive",
           equations := [
    gap> SizeRWS(R);
    gap> IsReducedWordRWS(R,z*y*x);
    gap> ReduceWordRWS(R,z*y*x);
    gap> IsReducedWordRWS(R,x*y*z^2);
Example 3

This is an example of the use of the Knuth-Bendix algorithm to prove the nilpotence of a finitely presented group. (The method is due to Sims, and is described in Chapter 11.8 of Sims94.) This example is of intermediate difficulty, and demonstrates the necessity of using the maxstoredlen control parameter.

The group is

⟨ a,b \hspace1mm| \hspace1mm[b,a,b], [b,a,a,a,a], [b,a,a,a,b,a,a] ⟩
with left-normed commutators. The first step in the method is to check that there is a maximal nilpotent quotient of the group, for which we could use, for example, the GAP3 NilpotentQuotient command, from the shared-library ``nq". We find that there is a maximal such quotient, and it has class 7, and the layers going down the lower central series have the abelian structures [0,0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [2], [2].

By using the stand-alone C nilpotent quotient program, it is possible to find a power-commutator presentation of this maximal quotient. We now construct a new presentation of the same group, by introducing the generators in this power-commutator presentation, together with their definitions as powers or commutators of earlier generators. It is this new presentation that we use as input for the Knuth-Bendix program. Again we use the recursive ordering, but this time we will be careful to introduce the generators in the correct order in the first place!

    gap> G:=FreeGroup("h","g","f","e","d","c","b","a");;
    gap> h:=G.1;;g:=G.2;;f:=G.3;;e:=G.4;;d:=G.5;;c:=G.6;;b:=G.7;;a:=G.8;;
    gap> G.relators:=[Comm(b,a)*c^-1, Comm(c,a)*d^-1, Comm(d,a)*e^-1,
    > Comm(e,b)*f^-1, Comm(f,a)*g^-1, Comm(g,b)*h^-1,
    > Comm(g,a), Comm(c,b), Comm(e,a)];;
    gap> R:=FpGroupToRWS(G);                     
               isRWS := true,
      generatorOrder := [h,h^-1,g,g^-1,f,f^-1,e,e^-1,d,d^-1,c,c^-1,
            inverses := [h^-1,h,g^-1,g,f^-1,f,e^-1,e,d^-1,d,c^-1,c,
            ordering := "shortlex",
           equations := [
    gap> SetOrderingRWS(R,"recursive");
A little experimentation reveals that this example works best when only those equations with left and right hand sides of lengths at most 10 are kept.
    gap> R.maxstoredlen:=[10,10];;
    gap> R.verbose:=true;;
    gap> KB(R);
      #60 eqns; total len:\hspace2mmlhs, rhs = 129, 143; 25 states; 0 secs.
      #68 eqns; total len:\hspace2mmlhs, rhs = 364, 326; 28 states; 0 secs.
      #77 eqns; total len:\hspace2mmlhs, rhs = 918, 486; 45 states; 0 secs.
      #91 eqns; total len:\hspace2mmlhs, rhs = 728, 683; 58 states; 0 secs.
      #102 eqns; total len:\hspace2mmlhs, rhs = 1385, 1479; 89 states; 0 secs.
      . . . .
      #310 eqns; total len:\hspace2mmlhs, rhs = 4095, 4313; 489 states; 1 secs.
      #200 eqns; total len:\hspace2mmlhs, rhs = 2214, 2433; 292 states; 1 secs.
      #194 eqns; total len:\hspace2mmlhs, rhs = 835, 922; 204 states; 1 secs.
      #157 eqns; total len:\hspace2mmlhs, rhs = 702, 723; 126 states; 1 secs.
      #151 eqns; total len:\hspace2mmlhs, rhs = 553, 444; 107 states; 1 secs.
      #101 eqns; total len:\hspace2mmlhs, rhs = 204, 236; 19 states; 1 secs.
      #No new eqns for some time - testing for confluence
      #System is not confluent.
      #172 eqns; total len:\hspace2mmlhs, rhs = 616, 473; 156 states; 1 secs.
      #171 eqns; total len:\hspace2mmlhs, rhs = 606, 472; 156 states; 1 secs.
      #No new eqns for some time - testing for confluence
      #System is not confluent.
      #151 eqns; total len:\hspace2mmlhs, rhs = 452, 453; 92 states; 1 secs.
      #151 eqns; total len:\hspace2mmlhs, rhs = 452, 453; 92 states; 1 secs.
      #No new eqns for some time - testing for confluence
      #System is not confluent.
      #101 eqns; total len:\hspace2mmlhs, rhs = 200, 239; 15 states; 1 secs.
      #101 eqns; total len:\hspace2mmlhs, rhs = 200, 239; 15 states; 1 secs.
      #No new eqns for some time - testing for confluence
    #System is confluent.
    #Halting with 101 equations.
    WARNING: The monoid defined by the presentation may have changed,
             since equations have been discarded.
             If you re-run, include the original equations.
    #We re-run with the maxstoredlen limit removed and the original
    #equations added, to check that the system really is confluent.
    gap> Unbind(R.maxstoredlen);
    gap> AddOriginalEqnsRWS(R);
    gap> KB(R);
      #101 eqns; total len:\hspace2mmlhs, rhs = 200, 239; 15 states; 0 secs.
      #No new eqns for some time - testing for confluence
    #System is confluent.
    #Halting with 101 equations.
    #In fact, in this case, we did have a confluent set already.
Inspection of the confluent set now reveals it to be precisely a power-commutator presentation of a nilpotent group, and so we have proved that the group we started with really is nilpotent. Of course, this means also that it is equal to its largest nilpotent quotient, of which we already know the structure.

Example 4

Our final example illustrates the use of the Automata command, which runs the automatic groups programs. The group has a balanced symmetrical presentation with 3 generators and 3 relators, and was originally proposed by Heineken as a possible example of a finite group with such a presentation. In fact, the Automata command proves it to be infinite.

This example is of intermediate difficulty, but there is no need to use any special options. It takes about 20 minutes to run on a fast WorkStation.

We will not attempt to explain all of the output in detail here; the interested user should consult the documentation for the stand-alone \KBMAG package. Roughly speaking, it first runs the Knuth-Bendix program, which does not halt with a confluent rewriting system, but is used instead to construct a word-difference finite state automaton. This in turn is used to construct the word-acceptor and multiplier automata for the group. Sometimes the initial constructions are incorrect, and part of the procedure consists in checking for this, and making corrections. In fact, in this example, the correct automata are considerably smaller than the ones first constructed. The final stage is to run an axiom-checking program, which essentially checks that the automata satisfy the group relations. If this completes successfully, then the correctness of the automata has been proved, and they can be used for correct word-reduction and enumeration in the group.

    gap> G:=FreeGroup("a","b","c");;
    gap> a:=G.1;;b:=G.2;;c:=G.3;;
    gap> G.relators:=[Comm(a,Comm(a,b))*c^-1, Comm(b,Comm(b,c))*a^-1,
    >                 Comm(c,Comm(c,a))*b^-1];
    [ a^-1*b^-1*a^-1*b*a*b^-1*a*b*c^-1, b^-1*c^-1*b^-1*c*b*c^-1*b*c*a^-1, 
      c^-1*a^-1*c^-1*a*c*a^-1*c*a*b^-1 ]
    gap> R:=FpGroupToRWS(G);
               isRWS := true,
      generatorOrder := [a,a^-1,b,b^-1,c,c^-1],
            inverses := [a^-1,a,b^-1,b,c^-1,c],
            ordering := "shortlex",
           equations := [
    gap> Automata(R);
    #Running Knuth-Bendix Program:
    #Maximum number of equations exceeded.
    #Halting with 200 equations.
    #First word-difference machine with 161 states computed.
    #Second word-difference machine with 175 states computed.
    #Re-running Knuth-Bendix Program
    #Halting with 7672 equations.
    #First word-difference machine with 259 states computed.
    #Second word-difference machine with 269 states computed.
    #System is confluent, or halting factor condition holds.
    #Running program to construct word-acceptor and multiplier automata
    #Word-acceptor with 5488 states computed.
    #General multiplier with 6806 states computed.
    #Multiplier incorrect with generator number 2.
    #Equation found between two words accepted by word-acceptor.
    #Word-acceptor with 1106 states computed.
    #General multiplier with 2428 states computed.
    #Validity test on general multiplier succeeded.
    #Running program to verify axioms on the automatic structure
    #General length-2 multiplier with 2820 states computed.
    #Checking inverse and short relations.
    #Checking relation:\hspace2mma^-1*b^-1*a^-1*b*a = c*b^-1*a^-1*b
    #Checking relation:\hspace2mmb^-1*c^-1*b^-1*c*b = a*c^-1*b^-1*c
    #Checking relation:\hspace2mmc^-1*a^-1*c^-1*a*c = b*a^-1*c^-1*a
    #Axiom checking succeeded.
    #Minimal reducible word acceptor with 1058 states computed.
    #Minimal Knuth-Bendix equation fsa with 1891 states computed.
    #Minimal diff1 fsa with 271 states computed.
    gap> SizeRWS(R);
We have proved that the group is infinite, but it would also be interesting to know whether the group generators have infinite order. This can often be shown by inspecting the word-acceptor automaton directly.

The GAP3 interface to \KBMAG includes a number of (currently undocumented) functions for manipulating finite state automata. The calculation below illustrates the use of one or two of these. In this example, it turns out that all powers of the generators are accepted by the word-acceptor automaton R.wa. The accepted language of this automaton is precisely the set of words in normal form, and so this proves that each of these powers is in normal form - so, in particular, no such power is equal to the identity, and the generators have infinite order.

The comments in the example below were added after the run.

    gap> IsFSA(R.wa);
    true  #R.wa is a finite-state automaton.
    gap> RecFields(R.wa);
    [ "isFSA", "alphabet", "states", "flags", "initial",
      "accepting", "table", "denseDTable", "operations",
      "isInitializedFSA" ]
    gap> R.wa.states.size;
    1106	#The number of states of the automaton R.wa
    gap> R.wa.initial;
    [ 1 ]   #The initial state of R.wa is state number 1.
    gap> R.wa.flags;
    [ "BFS", "DFA", "accessible", "minimized", "trim" ]
    #The flags fields list properties that are known to be true in the
    #automaton. For example, ``DFA" means that it is deterministic.
    #The alphabet of the automaton is the set of integers {1, ..., 6 },
    #the integer i in this set corresponds to the i-th generator of
    #R, as listed in R.generatorOrder.
    #To inspect transitions, we use the function TargetDFA.
    gap> TargetDFA(R.wa,1,1);
    2   # The first generator, a, maps the initial state 1 to state 2.
    gap> TargetDFA(R.wa,1,2);
    8   #It maps state 2 to state 8 -
    gap> TargetDFA(R.wa,1,8);
    8   #and state 8 to itself.
    gap> 8 in R.wa.accepting;
We now know that all powers of the first generator, a, map the initial state of the word-acceptor to an accepting state, which establishes our claim that all powers of a are in normal form. In fact, the same can be verified for all 6 generators.

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27 Nov 2023