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Current positionMaître de conférences (permanent position),
Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu,
Analyse Algébrique.
curriculum vitae
My current research interests
Arithmetic geometry:
Global analytic geometry, global motivic and derived geometry,
cohomological invariants of arithmetic varieties;
moduli spaces, Abelian varieties,
Hodge structures, Galois representations, Shimura varieties,
Mumford-Tate groups, representations of reductive groups.
Interactions physics/geometries:
Algebraic and categorical methods in quantum field theory,
geometry of non-linear partial differential equations,
homotopical Poisson reduction of general gauge theories,
factorization algebras,
perturbative and non-perturbative renormalization;
Spontaneous symmetry breaking in number theory,
quantum statistical physics of Q-lattices with additional structures.