22 Words in Abstract Generators

Words in abstract generators are a type of group elements in GAP3. In the following we will abbreviate their full name to abstract words or just to words.

A word is just a sequence of letters, where each letter is an abstract generator or its inverse. Words are multiplied by concatenating them and removing adjacent pairs of a generator and its inverse. Abstract generators are created by the function AbstractGenerator (see AbstractGenerator).

Note that words do not belong to a certain group. Any two words can be multiplied. In effect we compute with words in a free group of potentially infinite rank (potentially infinite because we can always create new abstract generators with AbstractGenerator).

Words are entered as expressions in abstract generators and are displayed as product of abstract generators (and powers thereof). The trivial word can be entered and is displayed as IdWord.

    gap> a := AbstractGenerator( "a" );
    gap> b := AbstractGenerator( "b" );
    gap> w := (a^2*b)^5*b^-1;
    gap> a^0;

The first sections in this chapter describe the functions that create abstract generators (see AbstractGenerator and AbstractGenerators). The next sections define the operations for words (see Comparisons of Words and Operations for Words). The next section describes the function that tests whether an object is a word (see IsWord). The next sections describe the functions that compute the number of letters of a word (see LengthWord and ExponentSumWord). The next sections describe the functions that extract or find a subword (see Subword and PositionWord). The final sections describe the functions that modify words (see SubstitutedWord, EliminatedWord, and MappedWord).

Note that words in abstract generators are different from words in finite polycyclic groups (see Words in Finite Polycyclic Groups).


  1. AbstractGenerator
  2. AbstractGenerators
  3. Comparisons of Words
  4. Operations for Words
  5. IsWord
  6. LengthWord
  7. ExponentSumWord
  8. Subword
  9. PositionWord
  10. SubstitutedWord
  11. EliminatedWord
  12. MappedWord

22.1 AbstractGenerator

AbstractGenerator( string )

AbstractGenerator returns a new abstract generator. This abstract generator is printed using the string string passed as argument to AbstractGenerator.

    gap> a := AbstractGenerator( "a" );
    gap> a^5;

Note that the string is only used to print the abstract generator and to order abstract generators (see Comparisons of Words). It is possible for two different abstract generators to use the same string and still be different.

    gap> b := AbstractGenerator( "a" );
    gap> a = b;

Also when you define abstract generators interactively it is a good idea to use the identifier of the variable as the name of the abstract generator, because then what GAP3 will output for a word is equal to what you can input to obtain this word. The following is an example of what you should probably not do.

    gap> c := AbstractGenerator( "d" );
    gap> d := AbstractGenerator( "c" );
    gap> (c*d)^3;
    gap> d*c*d*c*d*c;

22.2 AbstractGenerators

AbstractGenerators( string, n )

AbstractGenerators returns a list of n new abstract generators. These new generators are printed using string1, string2, ..., string.

    gap> AbstractGenerators( "a", 3 );
    [ a1, a2, a3 ] 

AbstractGenerators could be defined as follows (see AbstractGenerator).

    AbstractGenerators := function ( string, n )
        local   gens, i;
        gens := [];
        for i  in [1..n]  do
            Add( gens,
                     ConcatenationString( string, String(i) ) ) );
        return gens;

22.3 Comparisons of Words

w1 = w2
w1 <> w2

The equality operator = evaluates to true if the two words w1 and w2 are equal and to false otherwise. The inequality operator <> evaluates to true if the two words w1 and w2 are not equal and to false otherwise.

You can compare words with objects of other types, but they are never equal of course.

    gap> a := AbstractGenerator( "a" );;
    gap> b := AbstractGenerator( "b" );;
    gap> a = b;
    gap> (a^2*b)^5*b^-1 = a^2*b*a^2*b*a^2*b*a^2*b*a^2;

w1 < w2
w1 <= w2
w1 > w2
w1 >= w2

The operators <, <=, >, and => evaluate to true if the word w1 is less than, less than or equal to, greater than, and greater than or equal to the word w2.

Words are ordered as follows. One word w1 is considered smaller than another word w2 it it is shorted, or, if they have the same length, if it is first in the lexicographical ordering implied by the ordering of the abstract generators. The ordering of abstract generators is as follows. The abstract generators are ordered with respect to the strings that were passed to AbstractGenerator when creating these abstract generators. Each abstract generator g is also smaller than its inverse, but this inverse is smaller than any abstract generator that is larger than g.

Words can also be compared with objects of other types. Integers, rationals, cyclotomics, finite field elements, and permutations are smaller than words, everything else is larger.

    gap> IdWord<a;  a<a^-1;  a^-1<b;  b<b^-1;  b^-1<a^2; a^2<a*b;

22.4 Operations for Words

w1 * w2

The operator * evaluates to the product of the two words w1 and w2. Note that words do not belong to a specific group, thus any two words can be multiplied. Multiplication of words is done by concatenating the words and removing adjacent pairs of an abstract generator and its inverse.

w1 / w2

The operator / evaluates to the quotient w1*w2-1 of the two words w1 and w2. Inversion of a word is done by reversing the order of its letters and replacing each abstract generator with its inverse.

w1 ^ w2

The operator ^ evaluates to the conjugate w2-1* w1* w2 of the word w1 under the word w2.

w1 ^ i

The powering operator ^ returns the i-th power of the word w1, where i must be an integer. If i is zero, the value is IdWord.

list * w1
w1 * list

In this form the operator * returns a new list where each entry is the product of w1 and the corresponding entry of list. Of course multiplication must be defined between w1 and each entry of list.

list / w1

In this form the operator / returns a new list where each entry is the quotient of w1 and the corresponding entry of list. Of course division must be defined between w1 and each entry of list.

Comm( w1, w2 )

Comm returns the commutator w1-1* w2-1* w1* w2 of two words w1 and w2.

LeftQuotient( w1, w2 )

LeftQuotient returns the left quotient w1-1* w2 of two words w1 and w2.

22.5 IsWord

IsWord( obj )

IsWord returns true if the object obj, which may be an object of arbitrary type, is a word and false otherwise. Signals an error if obj is an unbound variable.

    gap> a := AbstractGenerator("a");;
    gap> b := AbstractGenerator("b");;
    gap> w := (a^2*b)^5*b^-1;
    gap> IsWord( w );
    gap> a := (1,2,3);;
    gap> IsWord( a^2 );

22.6 LengthWord

LengthWord( w )

LengthWord returns the length of the word w, i.e., the number of letters in the word.

    gap> a := AbstractGenerator("a");;
    gap> b := AbstractGenerator("b");;
    gap> w := (a^2*b)^5*b^-1;
    gap> LengthWord( w );
    gap> LengthWord( a^13 );
    gap> LengthWord( IdWord );

22.7 ExponentSumWord

ExponentSumWord( w, gen )

ExponentSumWord returns the number of times the generator gen appears in the word w minus the number of times its inverse appears in w. If gen and its inverse do no occur in w, 0 is returned. gen may also be the inverse of a generator of course.

    gap> a := AbstractGenerator("a");;
    gap> b := AbstractGenerator("b");;
    gap> w := (a^2*b)^5*b^-1;
    gap> ExponentSumWord( w, a );
    gap> ExponentSumWord( w, b );
    gap> ExponentSumWord( (a*b*a^-1)^3, a );
    gap> ExponentSumWord( (a*b*a^-1)^3, b^-1 );

22.8 Subword

Subword( w, from, to )

Subword returns the subword of the word w that begins at position from and ends at position to. from and to must be positive integers. Indexing is done with origin 1.

    gap> a := AbstractGenerator("a");;
    gap> b := AbstractGenerator("b");;
    gap> w := (a^2*b)^5*b^-1;
    gap> Subword( w, 5, 8 );

22.9 PositionWord

PositionWord( w, sub, from )

PositionWord returns the position of the first occurrence of the word sub in the word w starting at position from. If there is no such occurrence, false is returned. from must be a positive integer. Indexing is done with origin 1.

In other words, PositionWord(w,sub,from) returns the smallest integer i larger than or equal to from such that Subword( w, i, i+LengthWord(sub)-1 ) = sub (see Subword).

    gap> a := AbstractGenerator("a");;
    gap> b := AbstractGenerator("b");;
    gap> w := (a^2*b)^5*b^-1;
    gap> PositionWord( w, a^2*b, 2 );
    gap> PositionWord( w, a*b^2, 2 );

22.10 SubstitutedWord

SubstitutedWord( w, from, to, by )

SubstitutedWord returns a new word where the subword of the word w that begins at position from and ends at position to is replaced by the word by. from and to must be positive integers. Indexing is done with origin 1.

In other words SubstitutedWord(w,from,to,by) is the word Subword(w,1,from-1) * by * Subword(w,to+1,LengthWord(w) (see Subword).

    gap> a := AbstractGenerator("a");;
    gap> b := AbstractGenerator("b");;
    gap> w := (a^2*b)^5*b^-1;
    gap> SubstitutedWord(w,5,8,b^-1);

22.11 EliminatedWord

EliminatedWord( word, gen, by )

EliminatedWord returns a new word where each occurrence of the generator gen is replaced by the word by.

    gap> a := AbstractGenerator("a");;
    gap> b := AbstractGenerator("b");;
    gap> w := (a^2*b)^5*b^-1;
    gap> EliminatedWord( w, b, b^2 );

22.12 MappedWord

MappedWord( w, gens, imgs )

MappedWord returns the new group element that is obtained by replacing each occurrence of a generator gen in the list of generators gens by the corresponding group element img in the list of group elements imgs. The lists gens and imgs must of course have the same length.

    gap> a := AbstractGenerator("a");;
    gap> b := AbstractGenerator("b");;
    gap> w := (a^2*b)^5*b^-1;
    gap> MappedWord( w, [a,b], [(1,2,3),(1,2)] );

If the images in imgs are all words, and some of them are equal to the corresponding generators in gens, then those may be omitted.

    gap> MappedWord( w, [a], [a^2] );

Note that the special case that the list gens and imgs have only length 1 is handled more efficiently by EliminatedWord (see EliminatedWord).

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27 Nov 2023