Hilbert schemes, non-commutative algebra, and McKay correspondence

Du 27 au 31 octobre 2003 au CIRM

Titres et résumés des exposés

Tom Bridgeland, Stability conditions on derived categories, dvi, pdf.
Kevin Costello, Hilbert schemes and integrable systems, dvi, pdf.
Stéphane Druel, Structures de Poisson sur les variétés projectives de dimension 3, dvi, pdf.
Baohua Fu, Symplectic resolutions for symplectic singularities, dvi, pdf.
Peter Jørgensen, Resolutions of singularities and triangulated categories, dvi, pdf.
Alastair King, The McKay Correspondence, dvi, pdf.
Lieven Lebruyn, Non-commutative desingularizations and partial resolutions, dvi, pdf.
Olivier Mathieu, Connections sur les fibrés stables, dvi, pdf.
Alexander Premet, Nilpotent commuting varieties and punctual Hilbert schemes, ps,
Markus Reineke, Cohomology of non-commutative Hilbert schemes, dvi, pdf.
Idun Reiten, Hypersurfaces, finite dimensional algebras and hereditary categories, dvi, pdf.
Christoph Sorger, L'anneau de cohomologie du schéma de Hilbert des points sur une surface, dvi, pdf.
Toby Stafford, Sklyanin Algebras and Hilbert Schemes of Points, dvi, pdf.
Eric Vasserot, Double affine Hecke algebras and affine Springer fibers, dvi, pdf.
Michel Van den Bergh, Crepant resolutions and noncommutative algebra. dvi, pdf.


Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi
9h So1 So2 So3 Reiten VdB 3
10h15 Ki 1 Ki 2 Ki 3 Le 3 Joergensen
11h30 Le 1 Le 2 VdB 1 VdB 2 Bridgeland

(à 14h)
16h15 Reineke


17h30 Premet


Ki = Alastair King
Le  = Lieven Lebruyn
So   = Christoph Sorger
Vdb  = Michel Van den Bergh

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Bernhard Keller, le 24 septembre 2003