91 Iwahori-Hecke algebras

In this chapter we describe functions for dealing with Iwahori-Hecke algebras associated to Coxeter groups.

Let W,S be a Coxeter system, where W is generated by S and denote by ms,t the order of the product st for s,t∈ S. Let R be a commutative ring with 1 and for s∈ S let us,0,us,1 be elements in R such that us,0=ut,0 and us,1=ut,1 whenever s,t∈ S are conjugate in W (this is the same as requiring that us,i=ut,i whenever ms,t is odd). The corresponding Iwahori-Hecke algebra with parameters {us,i} is a deformation of the group algebra of W over R. More precisely, H=H(W,R, {us,i}) is the unitary associative R-algebra generated by elements {Ts}s∈ S subject to the relations:

(Ts-us,0)(Ts-us,1) = 0 for all s (the quadratic relations)
TsTtTs ... = TtTsTt ... with ms,t factors on each side (the braid relations).

If us,0=1 and us,1=-1 for all s then the quadratic relations become Ts2=1 and the deformation of the group algebra is trivial.

Since the generators Ts satisfy the braid relations, the algebra H is in fact a quotient of the group algebra of the braid group associated with W. It follows that, if w=s1 ... sm= t1 ... tm are two reduced expressions of w ∈ W as products of elements of S, then the corresponding products of the generators Tsi respectively Ttj will give the same element of H, which we may therefore denote by Tw. We have T1=1.

If one of us,0 or us,1 is invertible in R, for example us,1, then by changing the generators to -Ts/us,1, and setting qs=-us,0/us,1, the braid relations do no change (since when ms,t is odd we have us,i=ut,i) but the quadratic relations become (Ts-qs)(Ts+1)=0. This last form is the most common form considered in the literature. Another common form in the context of Kazhdan-Lusztig theory is obtained by scaling the generators as -Ts/√-us,0us,1, giving rise to the quadratic relations (Ts-vs)(Ts+vs-1)=0 where vs=√qs. The general form of parameters provided by CHEVIE is a special case of general cyclotomic Hecke algebras, and can be useful in many contexts.

The second form above, or for some algebras the character table in the first form, require a square root of -us,0us,1. CHEVIE provides a way to specify it with the field .rootParameter which can be given when constructing the algebra. If not given a root is automatically extracted when needed by the function RootParameter. Note however that sometimes an explicit choice of root is necessary which cannot be automatically determined.

There is a universal choice for R and {us,i}: Let {us,i}s∈ S,i∈{0,1} be indeterminates such that us,i=ut,i whenever ms,t is odd, and let A0=ℤ[us,i]s,i be the corresponding polynomial ring. Then H0:=H(W,A0,{us,i}) is called the generic Iwahori-Hecke algebra associated with W. Another algebra H(W,R,{vs,i}) can be obtained by specialization from H0: There is a unique ring homomorphism f:A0 → R such that f(us,i)=vs,i for all i. Then we can view R as an A0-module via f and we can identify H(W,R,{vs,i})=R ⊗A0 H0.

The elements {Tw | w ∈ W} actually form an R-basis of H if one of the us,i is invertible for all s. The structure constants in that basis is obtained as follows. To multiply Tv by Tw, choose a reduced expression for v, say v=s1 ... sk and apply inductively the formula:

TsTw = {
Tsw if l(sw)=l(w)+1
-us,0us,1Tsw+(us,0+us,1)Tw if l(sw)=l(w)-1.
If all s we have us,0=q, us,1=-1 then we call the corresponding algebra the one-parameter or Spetsial Iwahori-Hecke algebra associated with W; it can be obtained with the simplified call Hecke(W,q). Certain invariants of the irreducible characters of this algebra play a special role in the representation theory of the underlying finite Coxeter groups, namely the a- and A-invariants already occured in chapter Classes and representations for reflection groups (see LowestPowerGenericDegrees, JInductionTable). For basic properties of Iwahori-Hecke algebras and their relevance to the representation theory of finite groups of Lie type, see for example CR87, Sections 67 and 68.

In the following example, we compute the multiplication table for the 0-Iwahori--Hecke algebra associated with the Coxeter group of type A2.

    gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 2 );

One-parameter algebra with q=0:

    gap> H := Hecke( W, 0 );

Create the T-basis:

    gap> T := Basis( H, "T" );
    function ( arg ) ... end
    gap> el := CoxeterWords( W );
    [ [  ], [ 2 ], [ 1 ], [ 2, 1 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2, 1 ] ]

Multiply any two T-basis elements:

    gap> PrintArray(List(el,x->List(el,y->T(x)*T(y))));
    [[     T(),      T(2),      T(1),    T(2,1),    T(1,2),  T(1,2,1)],
     [    T(2),     -T(2),    T(2,1),   -T(2,1),  T(1,2,1), -T(1,2,1)],
     [    T(1),    T(1,2),     -T(1),  T(1,2,1),   -T(1,2), -T(1,2,1)],
     [  T(2,1),  T(1,2,1),   -T(2,1), -T(1,2,1), -T(1,2,1),  T(1,2,1)],
     [  T(1,2),   -T(1,2),  T(1,2,1), -T(1,2,1), -T(1,2,1),  T(1,2,1)],
     [T(1,2,1), -T(1,2,1), -T(1,2,1),  T(1,2,1),  T(1,2,1), -T(1,2,1)]]

Thus, we work with algebras with arbitrary parameters. We will see that this also works on the level of characters and representations.


  1. Hecke for Coxeter groups
  2. Operations and functions for Iwahori-Hecke algebras
  3. RootParameter
  4. HeckeSubAlgebra
  5. Construction of Hecke elements of the T basis
  6. Operations for Hecke elements of the T basis
  7. HeckeClassPolynomials
  8. HeckeCharValues
  9. Specialization from one Hecke algebra to another
  10. CreateHeckeBasis

91.1 Hecke for Coxeter groups

Hecke( W [, parameter, [rootparameter]] )

Constructs the Iwahori-Hecke algebra H of the given Coxeter group. The following forms are accepted for parameter: if parameter is a single value, it is replicated to become a list of same length as the number of generators of W. Otherwise, parameter should be a list of the same length as the number of generators of W, with possibly unbound entries (which means it can also be a list of lesser length). There should be at least one entry bound for each orbit of reflections, and if several entries are bound for one orbit, they should all be identical. Now again, an entry for a reflection can be either a single value or a list of length 2. If it is a list, it is interpreted as the list [u0,u1] of parameters for that reflection. If it is a single value q, it is interpreted as [q,-1].

If parameter are not given, they are assumed to be equal to 1. The Iwahori-Hecke algebra then degenerates to the group algebra of the Coxeter group. Thus both Hecke(W) and Hecke(W,1) specify the group algebra of W.

rootparameter is used to specify a square root of -u0u1 (a square root of q when [u0,u1] are [q,-1]). It is usually a list like parameter with at least one bound entry per orbit of reflection, or it can be a single value which is replicated to become a list of same length as the number of generators of W. If not given then rootparameter is computed upon need by calling the function RootParameter (see RootParameter).

    gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "B", 3 );
    gap> u := X( Rationals );; u.name := "u";;

One parameter algebra without and with specifying square roots:

    gap> H := Hecke( W, u );
    gap> H := Hecke( W, u^2, u );
    gap> H := Hecke( W, [ u^6, u^4, u^4 ], [ u^3, -u^2, -u^2 ] );

The parameters do not have to be indeterminates:

    gap> H := Hecke( W, 9, 3 );
    gap> H := Hecke( W, [ u^6, u^4, u^8] );
    Error, parameters should be equal for conjugate reflections 3 and 2 in
    function ( arg ) ... end( CoxeterGroup("B",3), [ u^6, u^4, u^8 ]
     ) called from
    function ( arg ) ... end( CoxeterGroup("B",3), [ u^6, u^4, u^8 ]
     ) called from
    Hecke( W, [ u ^ 6, u ^ 4, u ^ 8 ] ) called from
    main loop

91.2 Operations and functions for Iwahori-Hecke algebras

All operations for cyclotomic Hecke algebras are defined for Iwahori-Hecke algebras, in particular :


returns the Coxeter group from which the Hecke algebra was generated.


prints the Hecke algebra in a compact form. use FormatGAP for a form which can be read back into GAP3.


see SchurElement and SchurElements.


returns the character table of the Hecke algebra. This is a record with exactly the same components as for the corresponding finite Coxeter group but where the component irreducibles contains the values of the irreducible characters of the algebra on basis elements Tw where w runs over the elements in the component classtext. Thus, the value are now polynomials in the parameters of the algebra. For more details see the chapter Representations of Iwahori-Hecke algebras.


the T basis is described in the section below. Other bases are described in chapter Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials and bases.

91.3 RootParameter

RootParameter(H, i)

H should be an Iwahori-Hecke algebra. If its parameters are u0, u1 for the i-th generating reflection, this function returns a square root of -u0u1. These roots are necessary for certain operations on the algebra, like the character values of algebras of type E7, E8, or two-parameter G2. If rootparameters have been given at the time of the definition of the Hecke algebra (see Hecke for Coxeter groups) then they are returned. If they had not been specified, then if u0u1=-1 then 1 is returned, else the square root is computed as GetRoot(-u0u1) (see GetRoot). It is useful to specify explicit square roots, since GetRoot does not work in all cases, or may yield the negative of the desired root and is generally inconsistent with respect to various specializations (there cannot exist any function GetRoot which will commute with arbitrary specializations).

    gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",2);;
    gap> q:=X(Rationals);;q.name:="q";;
    gap> H:=Hecke(W,q^2,-q);
    gap> RootParameter(H,1);
    gap> H:=Hecke(W,q^2);
    gap> RootParameter(H,1);
    gap> H:=Hecke(W,3);
    gap> RootParameter(H,1);

RootParameter(H, w)

If w is an element of Group(H) then the function returns the product of the RootParameters for the reflections in a reduced expression for w.

    gap> H:=Hecke(W,q^2,-q);
    gap> RootParameter(H,LongestCoxeterElement(W));

91.4 HeckeSubAlgebra

HeckeSubAlgebra( H, r )

Given an Hecke Algebra H and a set of reflections of Group(H) given as their index in the reflections of Parent(Group(H)) (see ReflectionSubgroup), return the Hecke sub-algebra generated by the Ts corresponding to these reflections. The reflections must be generating reflections if the Hecke algebra is not the group algebra of W.

As for Subgroup, a subalgebra of a subalgebra is given as a subalgebra of the parent algebra.

    gap> u := X( Rationals );; u.name := "u";;
    gap> H := Hecke( CoxeterGroup( "B", 2 ), u );
    gap> HeckeSubAlgebra( H, [ 1, 4 ] );
    gap> HeckeSubAlgebra( H, [ 1, 7 ] );
    Error, Generators of a sub-Hecke algebra should be simple reflections \ 
    function ( H, subW ) ... end( Hecke(B2,u), [ 1, 7 ] ) called from
    HeckeSubAlgebra( H, [ 1, 7 ] ) called from
    main loop

91.5 Construction of Hecke elements of the T basis

Basis( H, "T" )

Let H be a Iwahori-Hecke algebra. The function Basis(H,"T") returns a function which can be used to make elements of the usual T basis of the algebra. It is convenient to assign this function with a shorter name when computing with elements of the Hecke algebra. In what follows we assume that we have done the assignment:

    gap> T := Basis( H, "T" );
    function ( arg ) ... end

T( w )

Here w is an element of the Coxeter group Group(H). This call returns the basis element Tw of H.

T( elts, coeffs)

In this form, elts is a list of elements of Group(H) and coeffs a list of coefficients which should be of the same length k. The element Sum([1..k],i->coeffs[i]*T(elts[i])) of H is returned.

T( list )

T( s1, .., sn )

In the above two forms, the GAP3 list list or the GAP3 list [s1,..,sn] represents the Coxeter word for an element w of Group(H). The basis element Tw is returned (actually the call works even if the word [s1,..,sn] is not reduced and the element Ts1... Tsn is returned also in that case).

    gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "B", 3 );;
    gap> u := X( Rationals );; u.name := "u";;
    gap> H := Hecke( W, u );;
    gap> T := Basis( H, "T" );
    function ( arg ) ... end
    gap> T( 1, 2 ) = T( [ 1, 2 ] );
    gap> T( 1, 2 ) = T( EltWord( W, [ 1, 2 ] ) );
    gap> T(1,1);
    gap> l := [ [], [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ] ];;
    gap> pl := List( l, i -> EltWord( W, i ) );;
    gap> h := T( pl, [ u^100, 1/u^20, 1, -5, 0 ] );
    gap> h.elm;
    [ (), ( 1, 4)( 2,11)( 3, 5)( 8, 9)(10,13)(12,14)(17,18),
      ( 1,10)( 2, 6)( 5, 8)(11,15)(14,17),
      ( 1,16,13,10, 7, 4)( 2, 8,12,11,17, 3)( 5, 9, 6,14,18,15) ]
    gap> h.coeff;
    [ u^100, -5, 1, u^(-20) ]

The last two lines show that a Hecke element is represented internally by a list of elements of W and the corresponding list of coefficients of the basis elements in H.

The way elements of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra are printed depends on CHEVIE.PrintHecke . If it is set to CHEVIE.PrintHecke:=rec(GAP:=true), they are printed in a way which can be input back in GAP3. When you load CHEVIE, the record PrintHecke initially set to rec(). To go on from the above example:

    gap> CHEVIE.PrintHecke:=rec(GAP:=true);;
    gap> h;
    gap> CHEVIE.PrintHecke:=rec();;
    gap> h;

91.6 Operations for Hecke elements of the T basis

All examples below are with CHEVIE.PrintHecke="".

Hecke( a ):
returns the Hecke algebra of which a is an element.

a * b:
The multiplication of two elements given in the T basis of the same Iwahori-Hecke algebra is defined, returning a Hecke element expressed in the T basis.

    gap> q := X( Rationals );; q.name := "q";;
    gap> H := Hecke( CoxeterGroup( "A", 2 ), q );
    gap> T := Basis( H, "T" );
    function ( arg ) ... end
    gap> ( T() + T( 1 ) ) * ( T() + T( 2 ) );
    gap> T( 1 ) * T( 1 );
    gap> T( 1, 1 ); # the same

a ^ i:
An element of the T basis with a coefficient whose inverse is still a Laurent polynomial in q can be raised to an integral, positive or negative, power, returning another element of the algebra. An arbitrary element of the algebra can only be raised to a positive power.

    gap> ( q * T( 1, 2 ) ) ^ -1;
    gap> ( T( 1 ) + T( 2 ) ) ^ -1;
    Error, inverse implemented only for single T_w in
    h.operations.inverse( h ) called from
    <rec1> ^ <rec2> called from
    main loop
    gap> ( T( 1 ) + T( 2 ) ) ^ 2;

a / b:
This is equivalent to a* b^-1.

a + b

a - b:
Elements of the algebra expressed in the T basis can be added or subtracted, giving other elements of the algebra.

    gap> T( 1 ) + T();
    gap> T( 1 ) - T( 1 );

Print( a ):
prints the element a, using the form initialized in CHEVIE.PrintHecke.

String( a ):
provides a string containing the same result that is printed with Print.

Coefficient( a, w ):
Returns the coefficient of the Hecke element a on the basis element Tw. Here w can be given either as a Coxeter word or as an element of the Coxeter group.

AlphaInvolution( a ):
This implements the involution on the algebra defined by Tw→ Tw-1.

    gap> AlphaInvolution( T( 1, 2 ) );

BetaInvolution( a ):
This is only defined when the Kazhdan-Lusztig bases of the Hecke algebra can be defined. It implements the involution on the algebra defined by x→x on coefficients and and Tw→ qw0-1Tw0w.

AltInvolution( a ):
This is only defined when the Kazhdan-Lusztig bases of the Hecke algebra can be defined. It implements the involution on the algebra defined by x→x on coefficients and Ts→ -qsTs. Essentially it corresponds to tensoring with the sign representation.

Frobenius(WF)( a ):
The Frobenius of a Coxeter Coset associated to Group(Hecke(a)) can be applied to a. For more details see chapter Frobenius.

    gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("D",4);WF:=CoxeterCoset(W,(1,2,4));
    gap> H:=Hecke(W,X(Rationals));
    gap> T:=Basis(H,"T");
    function ( arg ) ... end
    gap> Frobenius(WF)(T(1));
    gap> Frobenius(WF)(T(1),-1);

Representation(a)( n ):
Returns the image of a in the representation n of H:=Hecke(a). n can be a representation of H, or an integer specifying the n-th representation of H.

    gap> Representation(T(1,2),2);
    [ [ -q, 0*q^0, 0*q^0 ], [ 0*q^0, -q, 0*q^0 ],
      [ q^2 - q, -q + 1, q^0 ] ]
    gap> r:=Representations(H,2);
    [ [ [ q - 1, -q^0, 0*q^0 ], [ -q, 0*q^0, 0*q^0 ],
          [ -q^2 + q, q - 1, -q^0 ] ],
      [ [ 0*q^0, q^0, 0*q^0 ], [ q, q - 1, 0*q^0 ],
          [ 0*q^0, 0*q^0, -q^0 ] ],
      [ [ -q^0, 0*q^0, 0*q^0 ], [ 0*q^0, 0*q^0, q^0 ],
          [ 0*q^0, q, q - 1 ] ],
      [ [ 0*q^0, q^0, 0*q^0 ], [ q, q - 1, 0*q^0 ],
          [ 0*q^0, 0*q^0, -q^0 ] ] ]
    gap> Representation(T(1,2),r);
    [ [ -q, 0*q^0, 0*q^0 ], [ 0*q^0, -q, 0*q^0 ],
      [ q^2 - q, -q + 1, q^0 ] ]

91.7 HeckeClassPolynomials

HeckeClassPolynomials( h )

returns the class polynomials of the Hecke element h of the Hecke algebra H with respect to representatives reps of minimal length in the conjugacy classes of the Coxeter group Group(H). Such minimal length representatives are given by the function ChevieClassInfo(Group(H)).classtext. These polynomials have the following property. Given the class polynomials p corresponding to h and the matrix X of the values of the irreducible characters of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra on Tw (for w in reps), then the product X*p is the list of values of the irreducible characters on the element h of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra.

    gap> u := X( Rationals );; u.name := "u";;
    gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 3 );
    gap> H := Hecke( W, u );;
    gap> h := Basis( H, "T" )( LongestCoxeterElement( W ) );
    gap> cp := HeckeClassPolynomials( h );
    [ 0*u^0, 0*u^0, u^2, u^3 - 2*u^2 + u, u^3 - u^2 + u - 1 ]
    gap> CharTable( H ).irreducibles * cp;
    [ u^0, -u^2, 2*u^3, -u^4, u^6 ]

So, the entries in this list are the values of the irreducible characters on the basis element corresponding to the longest element in the Coxeter group.

The class polynomials were introduced in GP93.

91.8 HeckeCharValues

HeckeCharValues( h [,irreds])

h is an element of an Iwahori-Hecke algebra (expressed in any basis) and irreds is a set of irreducible characters of the algebra (given as vectors). HeckeCharValues returns the values of irreds on the element h (the method used is to convert to the T basis, and then use HeckeClassPolynomials). If irreds is not given, all character values are returned.

    gap> q := X( Rationals );; q.name := "q";;
    gap> H := Hecke( CoxeterGroup( "B", 2 ), q ^ 2, q );;
    gap> HeckeCharValues( Basis( H, "C'" )( 1, 2, 1 ) );
    [ -q - q^(-1), q + q^(-1), 0*q^0, q^3 + 2*q + 2*q^(-1) + q^(-3),
      0*q^0 ]

See also HeckeClassPolynomials.

91.9 Specialization from one Hecke algebra to another

Specialization( H1, H2, f)

H1 and H2 should be Hecke algebras of the same group, and f should be a function which applied to the parameters of H1 gives those of H2. The result is a function which can transport Hecke elements from H1 to H2 by the specialization map induced by f. As an example below, we compute the so-called ``Kazhdan-Lusztig basis'' of the symmetric group by specializing that of the Hecke algebra.

    gap> q:=X(Rationals);;q.name:="q";;
    gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",2);H1:=Hecke(W,q^2);H2:=Hecke(W);
    gap> T:=Basis(H1,"T");Cp:=Basis(H1,"C'");
    function ( arg ) ... end
    #warning: C' basis: q chosen as 2nd root of q\^2
    function ( arg ) ... end
    gap> f:=function(x)
    >  if IsPolynomial(x) then return Value(x,1);
    >  else return x; fi;
    > end;
    function ( x ) ... end
    gap> s:=Specialization(H1,H2,f);
    function ( t ) ... end
    gap> CoxeterWords(W);
    [ [  ], [ 2 ], [ 1 ], [ 2, 1 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2, 1 ] ]
    gap> List(last,x->s(T(Cp(x))));
    [ T(), T()+T(2), T()+T(1), T()+T(1)+T(2)+T(2,1), T()+T(1)+T(2)+T(1,2),
      T()+T(1)+T(2)+T(1,2)+T(2,1)+T(1,2,1) ]

Note that in the above example we specialize T(Cp(x)), not Cp(x): since Kazhdan-Lusztig bases do not, strictly speaking, exist for the symmetric group algebra, it does not make sense to specialize them so they have no Specialization method. Rather, one has to convert to basis T first, which has a specialization method.

91.10 CreateHeckeBasis

CreateHeckeBasis(basis, ops, heckealgebraops)

creates a new basis for Hecke algebras in which to do computations. (The design of this function has benefited from conversation with Andrew Mathas, the author of the package Specht).

The first argument basis must be a unique (different from that used for other bases) character string. The second argument ops is a record which should contain at least two fields, ops.T and ops.(basis) which should contain :

a function which takes an element in the basis basis and converts it to the T basis.

a function which takes an element in the T basis and converts it to the basis basis.

The third arguments should be the field .operations of some Hecke algebra. After the call to CreateHeckeBasis, a new field (basis) is added to heckealgebraops which contains a function to create elements of the basis basis. Thus all Hecke algebras which have the same field .operations will have the new basis.

The elements of the new basis will have the standard operations for Hecke elements: +, -, *, ^, =, Print, Coefficient, plus all extra operations that the user may have specified in ops. It is thus possible to create a new basis which has extra operations. In addition, for any already created basis y of the algebra, the function (y) will have the added capability to convert elements from the basis basis to the y basis. If the user has provided a field ops.(y) , the function found there will be used. Otherwise, the function ops.T will be used to convert our basis element to the T basis, followed by calling the function (y) which was given in ops at the time the y basis was created, to convert to the y basis. The following forms of the Basis function will be accepted (as for the T basis):

Basis( H, basis )( w )

Basis( H, basis )( elts, coeffs)

Basis( H, basis )( list )

Basis( H, basis )( s1, .. , sn )

One should note, however that for the last two forms only reduced expressions will be accepted in general.

Below is an example where the basis tw=q-l(w)/2Tw is created and used; we assume the equal parameter case. As an example of an extra operation in ops, we have given a method for BetaInvolution, which just dos the map w→ w w0 for the t basis. If methods for one of BetaInvolution, AltInvolution are given they will be automatically called by the generic functions with the same name.

In order to understand the following code, one has to recall that an arbitrary Hecke element is a record representing a sum of basis elements; it contains a list of Coxeter group elements in the component elm and the corresponding list of coefficients in the component coeff. For efficiency reasons, it is desirable to describe how to convert to another base such general Hecke elements and not just one basis element Tw or tw.

    gap> CreateHeckeBasis("t", rec(
    >   T := h->Basis( Hecke(h), "T" )(h.elm, List( [1 .. Length( h.elm )],
    >      i->RootParameter(Hecke(h),h.elm[i])^-1*h.coeff[i])),
    >   t := h->Basis( Hecke(h), "t" )(h.elm, List( [1 .. Length( h.elm )],
    >      i->RootParameter(Hecke(h), h.elm[i])*h.coeff[i])),
    >   BetaInvolution := h->Basis(Hecke(h),"t")(List(h.elm,
    >    x->x*LongestCoxeterElement(Group(Hecke(h)))),h.coeff)),
    >    H.operations);

Now we setup the algebra using v=q1/2 and use the basis t.

    gap> v := X( Rationals );; v.name := "v";;
    gap> H := Hecke( CoxeterGroup( "A", 3 ), v ^ 2, v );;
    gap> h := Basis( H, "t" )( 3, 1, 2 );
    gap> h1 := Basis( H, "T")( h );
    gap> h2 := Basis( H, "t" )( h1 );
    gap> BetaInvolution( h2 );

Parameterized bases

One can defined parameterized bases, that is bases whose behavior depend on some parameter(s). As an example we will define the basis t(i)w=qi l(w)Tw, where we assume that 2i is an integer. We first write the example and then comment its differences from the previous case.

    gap> CreateHeckeBasis( "ti", rec(
    > T := h->Basis( Hecke(h), "T" )( h.elm, List( [1 .. Length( h.elm )],
    >  i->Hecke(h).rootParameter[1]^(-CoxeterLength(
    >          Group( Hecke(h) ), h.elm[i])*2*h.i)*h.coeff[i] ) ),
    > extraFields:=["i"],
    > ti := function(h,extra) return Basis( Hecke(h), "ti" )
    >    ( h.elm, List( [1 .. Length( h.elm )],
    >    i->Hecke(h).rootParameter[1]^(CoxeterLength(
    >        Group( Hecke(h) ), h.elm[i])*2*extra.i)*h.coeff[i]), extra);
    >    end,
    > BetaInvolution:=h->Basis(Hecke(h),"ti")(
    >   H.operations.T.BetaInvolution(Basis(Hecke(h),"T")(h)),
    >   HeckeEltOps.GetExtra(h)),
    > FormatBasis:=h->SPrint("t[",h.i,"]")),
    > H.operations );

Here each Hecke element h has a field h.i holding the value of i. This is used in converting the element to basis T. The field i must be copied from one object to the other during various operations on Hecke elements. For CHEVIE to know which fields must be copied, the list of such fields must be declared, which is done by the above assignment extraFields:=["i"]. A record containing the extra fields must be passed as the last argument of each call of the Basis function, so it knows which information to put in the built Hecke elements; thus the call take one of the forms

Basis( H, basis )( w, extra )

Basis( H, basis )( elts, coeffs, extra)

Basis( H, basis )( list, extra )

Basis( H, basis )( s1, .. , sn, extra )

The function ti to convert to the basis ti requires also a record argument containing the extra information, which it passes to the second form above. The function BetaInvolution illustrates how one can extract this extra information record from a Hecke element using the function HeckeEltOps.GetExtra(h)); we also used a different method to compute the BetaInvolution, delegating the computation to basis T instead of doing it directly. Finally the function FormatBasis, if given, produces a parameterized printing of a basis element. Here is how one can use the above definitions:

    gap> v := X( Rationals );; v.name := "v";;
    gap> H := Hecke( CoxeterGroup( "A", 3 ), v ^ 2, v );;
    gap> t:=function(arg) Add(arg,rec(i:=1/2));
    >  return ApplyFunc(Basis(H,"ti"),arg);end;
    function ( arg ) ... end

Here the function t does exactly the same as Basis(H,"t") in the

previous example, excepted for the printing of Hecke elements:

    gap> h := t( 3, 1, 2 );
    gap> h1 := Basis( H, "T")( h );
    gap> h2 := t( h1 );
    gap> BetaInvolution( h2 );

The point is that one can now just as easily define similar functions for other values of i.

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27 Nov 2023