8-12/9 | Conférence en l'honneur d'Emmanuel Ullmo, IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette. |
1-5/9 | J'aide à organiser la conférence 'Period maps - complex and p-adic', Cargese. |
31/3-9/5 | J'aide à organiser le programme "Arithmetic Geometry of K3 surfaces", Bernouilli Center, Lausanne. Web |
13-14/3 | Simons collaboration on Perfection in Algebra, Geometry and Topology Annual Meeting, Simons Foundation, New York.
23/2-1/3 | Motives, mapping class group and monodromy, Canary islands. |
30-31/1 | Northern German Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Bielefeld. Web |
13-15/1 | Rencontre d'ouverture de l'A.N.R. Cyclades, Strasbourg. Web |
8-10/1 | Hodge theory, periods and special loci, in memory of Tobias Kreutz, Humboldt Univ., Berlin. Web |
1/8-25/10: | Professeur invité, RIMS, Kyoto (Host: A. Tamagawa). |
1-31/5: | Chercheur invité, Courant Institute, NYU, New-York et Simons fundation (Host: Y. Tschinkel). |
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25-29/11 | Arithmetic, Geometry, Space and Time: A workshop on the occasion of Minhyong Kim's 61st birthday, ICMS, Bayes Centre, Edinburgh. Web. |
27/11 | Soutenance de HdR de Marco d'Addezio, IRMA, Strasbourg. |
8/11 | Soutenance de thèse de Gabriel Ribeiro, Ecole Polytechnique. |
6/11 | Soutenance de thèse de Elie Studnia, IMJ-PRG. |
29/9-5/10 | J'aide à organiser la conférence 'Anabelian Geometry and Representations of Fundamental Groups', MFO, Oberwolfach. Web. |
27/9 | Soutenance de thèse de Antoine Szabo, IRMA, Strasbourg. |
21-28/9 | Anabelian and Motivic Homotopy Theory (AMH24), Heidelberg. Web. |
25-31/8 | Simons Symposium on Geometry over Non-Closed Fields, Schloss Elmau. Web. |
22-27/7 | Periods, Nisyros. Web. |
17-21/6 | Curves, Abelian VArieties and RElated Topics (CAVARET), Barcelona. Web. |
10-14/6 | J'aide (un peu) à organiser la 1ère conférence EpiGA, IHP - Paris. Web |
3-7/6 | J'aide à organiser la rencontre "Riemann-Hilbert - classical and p-adic", Padova. Web. |
22/4 | Number Theory Seminar, Warwick. Web. |
15/2 | Arithmetic Geometry Preprint Seminar, Jussieu. Web. |
17/7 - 7/10: | Professeur invité, RIMS, Kyoto (Host: A. Tamagawa). |
17/1-26/5: | Simons visiting Professor, Diophantine geometry semester, MSRI, Berkeley. |
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10-11/11 | Number Theory Days, Basel. Web. |
9-13/10 | J'aide à organiser la conférence 'A conference in arithmetic algebraic geometry', IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette. Web. |
23-30/9 | Arithmetic and Homotopic Galois Theory, RIMS, Kyoto (joint with MFO, Oberwolfach). |
18-22/9 | Arithmetic and Cohomology of Algebraic Varieties, Institute of Mathematics of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi. Web. |
21-25/8 | 4th Korea-France conference in mathematics, KIAS, Seoul. Web. |
6-11/7 | Periods, Nisyros. Web. |
12-14/6 | Manin Memorial London-Paris Number Theory Seminar, Imperial College, London. Web. |
30/5-2/6 | A tour in arithmetic geometry, Lorentz Center, Leiden. Web |
24-28/5 | Arithmetic Geometry and Algebraic Groups at UVA, Charlottesville, Virginia. Web. [zoom 😞] |
3/5 | C.S., Sorbonne Université. [zoom 😞] |
11/4 | C.S., Sorbonne Université. [zoom 😞] |
8-10/3 | Cycles algébriques, périodes et motifs (rencontre finale de l'ANR PerGAMo), IRMA, Strasbourg. |
6-10/2 | Diophantine Geometry: Introductory Workshop, MSRI, Berkeley. Web. Video. |
11/7-23/9: | Professeur invité, RIMS, Kyoto (Host: A. Tamagawa). |
17/4-31/5: | Chercheur invité, Courant Institute, NYU, New-York et Simons fundation (Host: Y. Tschinkel). |
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17/11 | Soutenance de HdR de Giuseppe Ancona, IRMA, Strasbourg. |
21/10 | Soutenance de thèse de Dorian Berger, LMNO, Caen. |
24-28/10 | J'aide (un peu) à organiser la conférence 'Motives, quadratic forms and arithmetic (en l'honneur de Bruno Kahn)', Lens.
Web. |
26-30/9 | 'Diophantine Geometry and L-functions (en l'honneur de Marc Hindry)', Bordeaux. Web. |
26-30/9 | 'Women in Arithmetic Geometry', Heidelberg Web. |
6/9 | Soutenance de thèse de Tobias Kreutz, Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin, Berlin. [zoom 😞] |
3-8/7 | 'Derived Categories, Arithmetic, and Reconstruction in Algebraic Geometry', BIRS, Banff
Web, Video. |
22-26/6 | 'Advances in Algebra and Applications' (ICM Satellite), Minsk, Belarus
Web. [participation annulée 😞] |
20-24/6 | 'Dynamical systems and systems of equations', CRM Ennio de Giorgi - Pisa, Italie.
Web. |
20-24/6 | 'Arithmetic geometry, cycles, Hodge theory, regulators, periods and heights', INI, Cambridge - UK.
Web. |
24/6 | FWO. [zoom 😞] |
16/5 | COGENT online Seminar. Web. |
28-29/4 | FWO. [zoom 😞] |
11-15/4 | 'Periods, Motives and Differential equations: between Arithmetic and Geometry (en l'honneur de Yves André)', IHP, Paris.
Web. [report 2020, 2021] |
6-8/4 | 'Arithmétique et géométrie dans les extensions de corps de nombres', LMB, Besançon.
4-8/4 | 'A tour of arithmetic geometry: a conference in honour of Bas Edixhoven's 60th birthday', Schiermonnikoog, Pays-Bas.
Web. [annulée 😭 😭] |
30/3 | Séminaire "Raconte Moi", ENS, Paris. Web. |
21/3 | FWO. [zoom 😞] |
28/2-4/3 | Workshop in Arithmetic Geometry, Roma, Italie.
7-9/2 | C.N.U. - CRCT/Qualif, IHP, Paris. |
Été / Automne: | Professeur invité, RIMS, Kyoto (Host: A. Tamagawa). [invitation reportée 😞] |
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6-7/12 | Jury Prix Fermat, Toulouse. |
17/9 | FWO |
1-7/8 | J'aide à organiser la conférence finale d'ECOVA 'Arithmetic of Shimura varieties over global fields', Grand Hotel San Michele, Cetraro. Web. [report 2020] |
21-23 / 26-27/7 | HKU Number Theory Days, The Uiversity of Hong Kong.
Web. [zoom 🤬] |
4-9/7 | J'aide à organiser la conférence 'Fundamental Groups and their Representations in Arithmetic Geometry', BIRS, Banff. [reportée 😞] |
28/6 | Soutenance de thèse d'Amadou Bah, IHES, Bure-sur-Yvette |
23-25/6 | Workshop 'Standard Conjectures, Weil's Riemann Hypothesis, and Relations to Dynamical Systems', University of Oslo, Oslo.
Web. [zoom 🤬] |
21-25/6 | 'Periods, Motives and Differential equations: between Arithmetic and Geometry', IHP, Paris.
Web. [report 2020], [reportée 😞] |
21/6 | FWO |
7-11/6 | J'aide à organiser la conférence 'Diophantine geometry and L-functions', CIRM, Luminy.
Web. [reportée 😞] |
7-11/6 | J'aide à organiser la conférence 'Motives, quadratic forms and arithmetic', Université d'Artois, Lens.
Web. [reportée 😞] |
28/5 | Soutenance de thèse d'Angelot Behajaina, Univ. Caen. [zoom 🤬] |
17-18/5 | C.S., Univ. Caen. [zoom 😞] |
10-11/5 | C.S., Univ. Paris. [zoom 😞] |
7/5 | C.S., Univ. Caen. [zoom 😞] |
3/5 | C.S., Sorbonne Univ. [zoom 😞] |
26/4 | C.S., Univ. Lorraine. [zoom 😞] |
22-23/4 | FWO. [zoom 😞] |
16/4 | C.S., Univ. Lorraine. [zoom 😞] |
12-14/4 | Conference on unlikely intersections, Diophantine geometry and related areas, Oxford. Web. [zoom 🤬] |
6/4 | C.S., Univ. Paris. [zoom 😞] |
2/4 | C.S., Sorbonne Univ. [zoom 😞] |
7-13/3 | `Homotopic and geometric Galois theory', MFO, Oberwolfach. [zoom 🤬] |
1/3 | Séminaire de théorie des nombres, IMJ-PRG.
15-17/3 | C.N.U. - CRCT/Qualif. [zoom 😞] |
29/6-29/9 | Professeur invité, RIMS, Kyoto (Host: A. Tamagawa). [invitation reportée 😞] |
1/5-31/5 | Chercheur invité, Courant Institute, NYU, New-York (Host: Y. Tschinkel). [invitation reportée 😞] |
| |
31/8-4/9 | J'aide à organiser la conférence finale d'ECOVA 'Arithmetic of Shimura varieties over global fields', Humboldt Universitat, Berlin. [reportée 😞] |
15-19/6 | J'aide (un tout petit peu) à organiser la conférence 'EpiGA 2020', IHP, Paris.
Web. [reportée 😞] |
12/6 | Séminaire de Théorie des nombres, IMB, Bordeaux. Web. [invitation reportée 😞] |
5/6 | Domenico Valloni's Viva, Imperial College, London. [zoom 😞] |
6-10/4 | 'Periods, Motives and Differential equations: between Arithmetic and Geometry', IHP, Paris.
Web. [reportée 😞] |
18/3 | Soutenance de thèse d'Alexandre Lourdeaux, UCBL, Lyon.
[zoom 😞] |
14/2 | Belgian-Dutch Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Leuven, Belgique.
Web |
10/2 | Journée APP/GVL, Kortrijk, Belgique.
Web |
20-22/1 | C.N.U. - CRCT/Qualif, Paris. |
14/1 | SFB Lecture, Regensburg. Web |
1/7-30/9 | Professeur invité, RIMS, Kyoto (Host: A. Tamagawa). |
28/2-31/5 | Chercheur invité, Courant Institute, NYU, New-York (Host: Y. Tschinkel). |
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2/12 | C.N.U. - Election bureau, Paris. |
11-15/11 | 'Geometric realizations of Jacquet-Langlands correspondences', AIM, San Jose CA.
Web |
17-18/10 | ECOVA Working group 'Diophantine problems and p-adic period mappings (after Lawrence-Venkatesh), Part II', IMJ-PRG, SU, Paris.
Web |
23-27/9 | 'Wild Ramification and Irregular Singularities', IMPAN, Warsaw.
Web |
16-21/9 | 'School (and workshop) on Diophantine Geometry and Special Varieties', CIRM, Universita du Trento. Web [participation annulée 😞] |
2-6/9 | 'Geometry of arithmetic varieties', BICMR, Beijing.
Web, Beamer |
22-26/7 | 'The 1st JNT biennal conference', Cetraro.
Web, Beamer |
24-28/6 | 'Rational points on irrational varieties', IHP, Paris.
Web, Video |
28/6 | Soutenance de thèse de Jorge Antonio,Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse. |
26/6 | Soutenance de thèse de Linyuan Liu, IMJ-PRG, Sorbonne université, Paris.
18/6 | Soutenance de thèse d'Emiliano Ambrosi, CMLS, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris.
3-5/4 | Humboldt / ECOVA Working group 'Diophantine problems and p-adic period mappings (after Lawrence-Venkatesh), Part I', Humboldt Universitat, Berlin.
Web |
25/2 | Séminaire Groupes réductifs et formes automorphes, IMJ-PRG. Web |
14/2 | Séminaire Arithmétique et Géométrie Algébrique, IRMA, Strasbourg. Web |
19/1 | Séminaire Bourbaki, IHP. Web, Video, la méthode scientifique du 17/1/2019 consacrée à Nicolas Bourbaki. |
27/6-15/9 | Professeur invité, RIMS, Kyoto (Host: A. Tamagawa). |
7/1-22/3 | Chercheur invité, Courant Institute, NYU, New-York (Host: A. Pirutka). |
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14/12 | Variétés rationnelles, IMJ-PRG.
Web |
30/11 | Séminaire de géométrie arithmétique et motivique, Paris 13.
Web |
12-16/11 | 'Arithmétique et fonctions L', Besançon.
Web |
15-19/10 | J'aide à organiser la conférence 'Cohomology of algebraic varieties', CIRM, Luminy.
Web |
27/9 | Colloquium, IMAG, Montpellier.
Web, Beamer |
29/8 | Arithmetic Geometry Seminar, RIMS, Kyodai.
3-9/6 | 'Field arithmetic', Oberwolfach.
Web |
22/5 | C.S., Ecole Polytechnique.
11/5 | C.S., Strasbourg.
9/5 | C.S., Ecole Polytechnique.
2-4/5 | 'K3 surfaces and Galois representations', Shepperton.
Web, Beamer |
15-21/4 | 'Arithmetic Geometry and Symmetries around Galois and Fundamental Groups', Oberwolfach.
Web |
4/4 | RÉGA, IHP,
Web |
28/2 | Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook. Web
23/2 | Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Brown University, Providence. Web
9/2 | Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Columbia University, New-York. Web
26/6- 16/9 | Professeur invité, RIMS, Kyoto (Host: A. Tamagawa). |
13/3-11/4 | Chercheur invité, RIMS, Kyoto (Host: A. Tamagawa). |
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4-6/12 | `Conference on Algebraic geometry and number theory on the occasion of Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène's 70 birthday', Villa Finaly, Firenze. Web, Beamer |
23/11 | Number Theory Seminar, Oxford University, Oxford. Web
23/10 | Installation IUF, Collège de France. |
19/10 | Séminaire de théorie des nombres, Institut Joseph Fourier, Grenoble.
17/10 | Journée de rentrée de l'IMJ-PRG. Beamer
9/10 | Séminaire de théorie des nombres, IMJ-PRG.
5-8/7 | Exposé, Soutenance de thèse d' J. Commelin, Radboud University, Nijmegen. Web
6-9/6 | 'Algebraic Analysis', in honor of Kashiwara's 70 birthday, IHES
Web, Video, Beamer |
2-3/6 | `NCube Days', University of Copenhaguen, Copenhaguen.
Web |
9-10/3 | C.S., Milano.
8/2 | Colloquium talk, University of Zurich, Zurich.
8/6-25/8 | Professeur invité, RIMS, Kyoto (Host: A. Tamagawa). |
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5-7/12 | Conférence de cloture de l'ANR GATHo, IHP, Paris.
Web |
1-4/11 | `Non-archimedean geometry and algebraic groups', Goethe Universitat, Frankfurt.
Web |
21/9 | Bruxelles. |
29/8-2/9 | `Algebraic arithmetic geometry', Courant Institute - NYU, New-York.
Web |
4-8/7 | `Xiamen workshop in arithmetic geometry', Xiamen University, Xiamen.
Web |
20-21/6 | `Paris-London number theory seminar', UCL, London.
Web |
2-3/6 | `Journées de GDR Théorie de Lie algébrique et géométrique', Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Reims.
Web |
26/5-3/6 |
J'ai aidé à organiser la conférence `Fundamental groups in arithmetic geometry', IHP et ENS, Paris.
Web |
23-27/5 | `Sino-french conference in algebraic and arithmetic geometry', Université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux.
Web |
11/3 | `Number theory seminar', ETH, Zurich.
19-22/1 | `Torsors in arithmetic and algebraic geometry', Université de Nice, Nice.
Web |
17/5-28/8 | Professeur invité, RIMS, Kyoto (Host: A. Tamagawa). |
11/1-23/1 | Chercheur invité, Math. Department, Radboud University, Nijmegen (Host: B. Moonen). |
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15-20/12 | Alfred Renyi Institute (exposé au séminaire AGDT le 16/12), Budapest. Web |
11/12 | Séminaire Géométries, UCBL, Lyon.
Web |
3/12 | Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry Seminar, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
Web |
13-16/10 | Adam Mickiewicz University (exposé le 15/10), Poznan. Web |
16-21/8 | `Lifting problems in Galois theory', BIRS, Banff.
Web, Video, Beamer |
27-31/7 | `AMS Summer Institute in Algebraic Geometry', University of Utah, Salt Lake City.
Web, Video, Notes |
6-12/7 | `29th Journées arithmétiques J.A. 2015', University of Debrecen, Debrecen.
Web, Beamer |
3/2 | SAGA, Orsay.
29/1 | Séminaire d'algèbre et théorie des nombres, Besançon.