Muriel Livernet - Publications

[1] Homotopie rationnelle des algèbres de Leibniz , C.R.A.S. 325 (1997), 819-823 [2] Rational homotopy of Leibniz algebras, Manus. Math. 96, (1998), 295-315 [3] Homologie des algèbres de matrices d'une algèbre associative à homotopie près, C.R.A.S. 329 (1999), 113-116 [4] On a plus-construction for algebras over an operad, K-theory 18 (1999), 317-337 [5] (avec F. Chapoton) Pre-Lie algebras and the rooted trees operad, Internat. Math. Res. Notices, 8, (2001), 395-408 [6] (avec R. Kaufmann et R. Penner) Arc operads and arc algebras, Geometry and Topology, 7, (2003), 511-568 [7] (avec D. Chataur) Adem-Cartan operads, Communications in Algebra 33, (2005), 4337-4360 [8] A rigidity theorem for preLie algebras, JPAA, 207, 1, (2006), 1-18 [9] (avec M. Aguiar) The associative operad and the weak order on the symmetric group, Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, 2, (2007), No. 1, pp. 57-84 [10] (avec F. Chapoton) Relating two Hopf algebras built from an operad, Intern. Math. Res. Notices (2007), No. 24, rnm131-27, 27pages [11] (avec F. Patras) Lie theory for Hopf operads, Journal of Algebra, 319, (2008) pp. 4899-4920 [12] (avec N. Bergeron) The non-symmetric operad pre-Lie is free, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 214 (2010), No. 7, pp 1165-1172 [13] From left modules to algebras over an operad: application to combinatorial Hopf algebras, Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal 17, No. 1 (2010), 47-96 [14] (avec N. Bergeron) A combinatorial basis for the free Lie algebra of the labelled rooted trees, Journal of Lie Theory 20 (2010), 3-15 [15] (avec B. Richter) An interpretation of En-homology as functor homology, Mathematische Zeitschrift, Volume 269, Numbers 1-2 / Oktober 2011, 193--219 [16] Koszul duality of the category of trees and bar construction for operads, Proc. Int. Conf., in Nankai Series in Pure, Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Vol. 9 (World Scientific, Singapore, 2012), 107-138 [17] (avec E. Hoefel) Open-closed homotopy algebras and strong homotopy Leibniz pairs through Koszul operad theory, Letters in Math. Phys. 101 (2012),p195--222 DOI 10.1007/s11005-012-0556-7 [18] (avec C. Roitzheim et S. Whitehouse) Derived A-infinity algebras in an operadic context, Algebraic and Geometric Topology 13 (2013) 409-440 [19] (avec E. Hoefel) On the Spectral Sequence of the Swiss-cheese Operad, Algebraic and Geometric Topology 13 (2013) 2039-2060 [20] Pre-Lie systems and obstruction to A_infty-structures over a ring, Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures 9 (2014), No.1, 109-124, DOI 10.1007/s40062-013-0054-3 [21] (avec B. Mesablishvili et R. Wisbauer) Generalised bialgebras and entwined monads and comonads, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 219 (2015), 3263-3278 [22] (avec C. Aponte, M. Robertson, S. Whitehouse et S. Ziegenhagen) Representations of derived A-infinity algebras, dans "Women in Topology: Collaborations in Homotopy Theory", Contemporary Mathematics, 641 (2015), pp 1-28 [23] Non-formality of the Swiss-cheese operad, Journal of Topoloy 8 (4) (2015), 1156-1166, doi:10.1112/jtopol/jtv018 (11 pages) [24] (avec E. Hoefel et J. Stasheff) A-infinity-actions and recognition of relative loop spaces, Topology and its applications 206 (2016) p 126-147 [25] (avec J. Cirici, D. Egas Santander et S. Whitehouse) Derived A-infinity algebras and their homotopies , Topology and its applications 235 (2018) p 214-268 [26] (avec E. Hoefel et A. Quesney) On the deformation complex of homotopy affine actions, Adv. in Maths. 358 (2019) 106857 [27] (avec S. Whitehouse et S. Ziegenhagen) On the spectral sequence associated to a multicomplex, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 224 (2020), No. 2, 528-535 [28] (avec J. Cirici, D. Egas Santander et S. Whitehouse) Model category structures and spectral sequences , Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Sect.A 150 (2020), no.6, 2815-2848. [29] (avec X. Fu, A. Guan et S. Whitehouse) Model category structures on multicomplexes, Topology Appl. 316, (2022) Paper No. 108104, 26 pp. [30] (avec S. Whitehouse) Homotopy theory of spectral sequences, HHA, vol 26(1), 2024, p 69-86. [31] (avec P.-L. Curien and G. Saadia) Rigidification of cubical quasi-categories arxiv: 2211.13679 , accepté pour publication dans AGT.