05/24 Global Poisson webinar (slides, we got to p.62)
12/23 Quantization days 4.0 (2 hrs), zoom (slides, as well as §4 of this review, and the end of these slides of this talk)
06/23 The Stokes Phenomenon and its Applications in Mathematics and Physics, SCGP 2023 (Video: Part 1, Part 2, slides)
Finite dimensional integrability in mathematical physics, Les Diablerets (slides)
Wall-Crossing Structures, Analyticity and Resurgence, IHES (slides)
[this talk has the same title as the one below, but a quick review of "Pure Wall-Crossing" was added, and there is even less on diagrams]
04/23 Séminaire Ngô: Théorie géométrique des représentations, Collège de France, Paris (slides, resized slides)
[the rest of the story about the diagrams is recounted in these: slides/video/paper]
10/22 Groupe de travail (geometric local systems), ENS, Paris
Équations différentielles motiviques et au-delà, IHP, Paris (indico webpage)
06/22 Workshop on Non-Abelian Hodge Theory, Saint Jacut de la Mer, France
Bundles and conformal blocks with a twist, Edinburgh
02/22 Vertex Algebras and Poisson Geometry, Les Diablerets, Suisse
09/21 Tau Functions, Correlation Functions and Applications, SCGP, Stony Brook
06/21 Pure math. colloquium, Hamburg
01/21 Séminaire de géométrie algébrique, Versailles
Oberseminar "Algebra und Theoretische Mathematik", Chemnitz, Allemagne
12/20 Geometry seminar, Heidelberg
03/20 Séminaire Géométrie et Quantification, IHES
02/20 IST lectures on Algebraic Geometry and Physics, Lisbon
01/20 University of Glasgow, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Scotland
12/19 Conference in honour of Takayama and Iwasaki, Tokyo
YMSC, Tsinghua University, Beijing
BICMR, Peking University, Beijing
11/19 Algebraic Geometry and Complex Geometry, Luminy
10/19 Séminaire Groupes, Représentations et Géométrie, Paris
07/19 Irregular singularities and quantum field theory, Lisbon
Integrability, Geometry and Moduli, Bonn
06/19 Higgs bundles and D-modules, Porto
Resurgence in Mathematics and Physics, IHES
05/19 Geometry and Integrable systems, Dijon
04/19 Simons center, Stony Brook
Geometry/Physics Seminar, Northwestern
Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Illinois/Urbana-Champaign
Minicourse, North Carolina, Chapel Hill
01/19 Groupe de travail operateurs de Dirac, Orsay
12/18 Journées des Prix mathématiques 2018 de l'Académie des Sciences, Rennes (slides, photo, tweet)
05/18 GAP XVI, Lie theory and applications to mathematical physics, Timișoara (affiche)
03/18 ARTIN meeting, Aberdeen
12/17 Differential Geometry and Differential Equations: the influence of Mirror Symmetry and Physics, Tokyo
08/17 Théories de jauge, monopoles, espaces de modules et systèmes intégrables, CRM, Montreal
06/17 Algebraic Analysis in honor of Masaki Kashiwara's 70th birthday, IHES
05/17 Geometry seminar, Oxford
04/17 Théorie de Hodge, phénomène de Stokes et applications, Luminy
03/17 Irregular Connections, Character Varieties and Physics, Paris VII (organiser)
Geometry seminar, Edinburgh
02/17 Hitchin systems in Mathematics and Physics , Perimeter Institute, Waterloo
Representation Theory of Quivers and Finite Dimensional Algebras, Oberwolfach
Quantum Fields, Knots and Integrable Systems, ICMS, Edinburgh
01/17 Quantization of Moduli Spaces, Luxembourg
09/16 Hitchin 70, Madrid
07/16 Geometric and Algebraic Aspects of Integrability, Durham symposium, UK
06/16 Essen Oberseminar
Memorial conference in honor of Louis Boutet de Monvel, ENS, Paris
String-Math 2016, Collège de France, Paris (organiser)
05/16 Flat connections, Higgs bundles and Painleve equations, NTU Taipei
04/16 Geometry seminar, Bath
03/16 Minicourse, workshop and colloquium, Hong Kong University
02/16 Séminaire d'Algèbre , Paris
01/16 Indo-French meeting, Chennai
10/15 Moduli spaces in geometry, Luminy
Narasimhan-Seshadri conference, Chennai
09/15 Spectral data for Higgs bundles, AIM, Californie
07/15 Metric and Analytic Aspects of Moduli Spaces, Cambridge
04/15 Geometry and Analysis seminar, Oxford
Mirror Symmetry, Hodge Theory and Differential Equations, Oberwolfach
03/15 Representation Theory, Special Functions and Painlevé Equations, RIMS, Kyoto
01/15 Conference de théorie des représentations, Paris 7
Séminaire d'Opérateurs de Dirac, Orsay
12/14 Geometry seminar, Kings College, Londres
Séminaire d'Arithmétique et de Géométrie Algébrique, Orsay
11/14Stokes structures, Augsburg
DAHA, Algèbres de Hall, Noeuds Toriques et Combinatoire, Orsay
09/14Journées de Physique Mathématique, Lyon (minicours)
08/14The Geometry, Topology and Physics of Moduli Spaces of Higgs Bundles, Singapore
07/14Integrability and Isomonodromy in Mathematical Physics, Leiden
Espaces de modules de connexions, Rennes
05/14Mirror symmetry, enumerative geometry and related topics, Pavia
Séminaire "Groupes de Lie et espaces des modules", Geneva
03/14Séminaire de géométrie-topologie-dynamique, Orsay
02/14Higher structures in algebraic analysis, Padoue
12/13Séminaire de Geometrie, EPFL Lausanne
11/13réunion ANR vargen, Nancy
ARTIN meeting, Aberdeen
Painlevé conference, Strasbourg
09/13Geometric correspondences of gauge theories, ICTP, Trieste
Conférence en l'honneur des soixante-dix ans de Jean-Pierre Ramis
06/13Moduli spaces and their invariants in mathematical physics, CRM Montreal
05/13Geometry and Physics 2013, CRM Montreal (minicourse abstract)
séminaire d'algèbre, topologie et géométrie, Nice
04/13minicourse in ETH Zürich, (abstracts)
séminaire de géométries algébrique, Rennes
03/13séminaire d'Analyse et Géométrie Complexe, Orsay
séminaire Algèbre et Géométries, Grenoble
02/13minicourse in Geneva
talk in Cambridge
Recent trends in Algebraic Analysis, Padova
01/13Séminaire de Géométrie Algébrique, Montpellier
Journées isomonodromiques, Toulouse
12/12Séminaire d'Arithmétique et de Géométrie Algébrique, Orsay
HDR soutenance, ENS Paris
11/12 Seminar, University of Tokyo Math Dept.
Various aspects of Painlevé equations, RIMS, Kyoto
09/12Mathematics and Physics of Moduli spaces, Heidelberg
08/12Mathematics Colloquium, University of Arizona
07/12Poisson 2012, Utrecht
06/12 MAGIC seminar, Imperial college, London
Séminaire Groupes de Lie et espaces des modules, Geneva
Séminaire GT3, IRMA Strasbourg
SEDIGA conference, Luminy
05/12 Program on geometry and quantization of moduli spaces, CRM Barcelona
Rencontre sur la fibration de Hitchin, Caen
03/12Advances in hyperkahler and holomorphic symplectic geometry, Banff
1-2/12Geometry and analysis of surface group representations, IHP Paris
01/12Talk at IHES, Paris
12/11Workshop on hyperkahler geometry, Bonn
11/11 SEDIGA meeting, ENS Paris
Geometry and analysis seminar, Oxford
10/11Algebra seminar, IHP Paris
07/11Conference on Symplectic resolutions etc, Kavli Royal Society International Centre, UK
06/11Painlevé equations and related topics, Euler Institute, St. Petersburg
05/11Workshop on Algebro-Geometric Aspects of Integrable Systems, Leeds, UK
03/11Conference on representations of surface groups and Higgs bundles, Oxford, UK
11/10Seminaire de geometrie analytique, Rennes
11/10Seminaire Darboux (physique theorique et mathematiques), LPTHE Jussieu
09/10Espaces de modules de connexions méromorphe, ENS, Paris
03/10Théorie de Galois géométrique et différentielle, Luminy
10/09ANR meeting: Representations and reductive groups, Jussieu
09/09Galois and arithmetic theory of differential equations, Luminy
06/09 Algebra and Geometry seminar, Grenoble
Statistical mechanics, condensed matter and integrable systems talk, LPTHE Jussieu
05/09 Geometry and Topology seminar, Imperial
Geometry seminar, Bath
Quivers and integrable systems workshop, Leeds
Fundamental Groups in Algebraic Geometry, Nice
Colloquium, Edinburgh
02/09Algebraic geometry seminar, Liverpool
11/08 Séminaire d'Analyse Algèbrique, Paris VI
10/08 LMS workshop on Integrable Systems, Glasgow
07/08 Gauge Theory and Langlands Duality, Santa Barbara
06/08 Geometry, Integrability and Twistor Theory, Cambridge
Conference in honour of K. Okamoto, Tokyo
03/08 Institut de Recherche Mathématique de Rennes, Seminaire
02/08 Trinity College Dublin, Seminar
11/07 Workshop on gauge theory and representation theory, IAS, Princeton
10/07 Geometry and Topology seminar, Maryland
Geometry, algebra, singularities, combinatorics seminar, NorthEastern
08/07 Workshop on non-linear integral transforms: Fourier-Mukai amd Nahm, CRM Montreal
05/07 Electric-Magnetic Duality and Geometric Langlands seminar, MIT
04/07 Conference honouring the contributions of John McKay, CRM Montreal
Mathematical physics seminar, Centre de Recherche Mathematiques,  Montreal
02/07 Center for the Topology and quantization of moduli spaces, Aarhus, Denmark
09/06 Hitchin's 60th birthday conference, Madrid
The Painlevé Equations and Monodromy Problems, Newton Institute, Cambridge
07/06 Rencontres mathématiques de Glanon
05/06 Japanese-French Symposium RIMS Kyoto
Quantum groups and Poisson geometry day, IHP Paris, 29 May
01/06 Groupe de travail différentiel, Jussieu
01/05 Séminaire de géométrie analytique, Rennes
12/04 Galois theory, Painlevé equations and Algebraic geometry, conference in honour of H. Umemura, Nagoya University
Seminar on Integrable Systems, Department of Mathematics, Kobe University
11/04 Colloque "Singularités des équations différentielles, systèmes intégrables et groupes quantiques", IRMA Strasbourg, France
06/04 International Conference on Asymptotic Theories and Painlevé Equations, Angers, France
03/04 Groupes de Galois arithmétiques et différentiels Luminy, France
02/04 Geometry Seminar, Oxford, UK
Quantum groups seminar, ENS, Paris
Geometry Seminar, Edinburgh, UK
01/04 Séminaire d'Analyse Algèbrique, Jussieu, Paris
Geometry Seminar, Cambridge, UK
Two talks in Toulouse
11/03 Seminaire Chevalley, IHP Paris
08/03 Seminar, Erwin Schrodinger Institute, Vienna, Austria
06/03 Geometry seminar, University of Geneva
04/03 AMS Special section on algebraic geometry and gauge theory, Courant Institute, New York
03/03 Rutgers Geometry seminar, Rutgers University, New Jersey
10/02 Geometric Langlands seminar (two long talks), University of Chicago
09/02 Algebraic geometry and gauge theory seminar, Columbia University, New York
Été 2002 Conference on Hamiltonian and quasi-Hamiltonian spaces, Strasbourg
Géométrie des variétiés de petites dimensions et géométries spéciales, Luminy
AMS-IMU joint meeting, Session on Poisson geometry and integrable systems, Pisa
Colloque en l'honneur de Frédéric Pham, Nice
European Differential Geometry Endeavour midterm conference, Edinburgh
02/02 Institut Fourier, Grenoble (two talks)
Institut Girard Desargues, Lyon
Universite de Geneve, Section de mathematiques
01/02 Seminar on Group Representations and Harmonic Analysis, University of Nancy, France
12/01 Séminaire d'Analyse Algèbrique, Institut de Mathematiques, Jussieu, Paris
Differential Geometry Seminar, Universite Libre Brussels
Séminaire "Equations Fonctionnelles", IRMA Strasbourg
10/01 Séminaire "Quantique", IRMA Strasbourg
Algebraic Geometry Seminar, ICTP, Trieste
09/01 Conference on Geometry of Moduli Spaces and Integrable Systems, RIMS, Kyoto
08/01 School on Geometry of Moduli spaces and Integrable Systems, Otsu, Lake Biwa, Japan (mini lecture course on isomonodromy given)
06/01 Conference on Poisson Geometry, Erwin Schrodinger Institute, Vienna
02/01 Conference on Differential Equations in the Complex Domain in memory of R. Gerard, IRMA Strasbourg
11/00 Conference on Integrable Systems and Algebraic Geometry, SISSA, Trieste, Italy
12/99 Besse Differential Geometry Seminar, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris
11/99 Algebraic Geometry Seminar, ICTP, Trieste, Italy
07/99 Conference on Geometry, Topology and Physics, Porto, Portugal
05/99 Meeting on Classical and Quantum Integrability, Leeds, U.K.
02/99 Mathematical Physics Seminar, Oxford