Langages de Büchi et Omega Langages Locaux
Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, t. 309, Série I, p. 991-995, 1989.
There exist
similarities between the properties of Büchi languages, omega languages
recognized by finite automata or defined by monadic second-order sentences,
and those of local omega languages, defined by J.-P. Ressayre . We establish
some new ties between these two classes of omega languages, and show in
particular that Büchi languages are local omega languages canonically
connected with the regular expressions."
Joint paper with Jean-Pierre
Journal of
Symbolic Logic, Volume 61, Number 2, June 1996, p. 563-585.
Abstract. A structure is locally finite if every finitely generated substructure is finite; local sentences are universal sentences all models of which are locally finite. The stretching theorem for local sentences expresses a remarkable reflection phenomenon between the finite and the infinite models of local sentences. This result in part requires strong axioms to be proved; it was studied by the second named author [J.S.L. 53, No. 4, 1009-1026]. Here we correct and extend this paper; in particular we show that the stretching theorem implies the existence of inaccessible cardinals, and has precisely the consistency strength of Mahlo cardinals of finite order. And we present a sequel due to the first named author: (i) decidability of the spectrum Sp( phi ) of a local sentence phi, below omegaomega ; where Sp( phi ) is the set of ordinals alpha such that phi has a model of order type alpha; (ii) proof that beth omega =sup { Sp( phi ) : phi local sentence with a bounded spectrum}; (iii) existence of a local sentence phi such that Sp( phi ) contains all infinite ordinals except the inaccessible cardinals.
Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 255 (1-2), March 2001, p. 223-261.
(preprint, dvi file
or ps file )
Abstract. We investigate
properties of locally finite languages introduced by J-P. Ressayre. These
languages are defined by locally finite sentences and generalize languages
recognized by automata or defined by monadic second order sentences. We give
many examples, showing that numerous context free languages are locally
finite. Then we study closure properties of the family LOC of locally finite
languages, and show that most undecidability results that hold for context
free languages may be extended to locally finite languages. In a second part,
we consider an extension of these languages to infinite and transfinite length
words. We prove that each alpha-language which is recognized by a Büchi
automaton ( where alpha is an infinite ordinal and alpha <
omegaomega ) is defined by a locally finite sentence. This result,
combined with a preceding one of 2), provides a generalization of Büchi's
result about decidability of monadic second order theory of the structure
(alpha , <).
Computer Science, Volume 262 (1-2), July 2001, p. 669-697.
Topological Properties of Omega Context Free Languages
(preprint, dvi file
or ps file
Abstract. This paper is a study
of topological properties of omega context free languages (omega-CFL). We
first extend some decidability results for the deterministic ones
(omega-DCFL), proving that one can decide whether an omega-DCFL is in a given
Borel class, or in the Wadge class of a given omega regular language. We prove
that omega-CFL exhaust the hierarchy of Borel sets of finite rank, and that
one cannot decide the borel class of an omega-CFL, giving an answer to a
question of Lescow and Thomas [Logical Specifications of Infinite
Computations, In:"A Decade of Concurrency", Springer LNCS 803 (1994),
583-621]. We give also a (partial) answer to a question of Simonnet about
omega powers of finitary languages. We show that Büchi-Landweber's Theorem
cannot be extended to even closed omega-CFL: in a Gale-Stewart game with a
(closed) omega-CFL winning set, one cannot decide which player has a winning
strategy. From the proof of topological properties we derive some
arithmetical properties of omega-CFL.
Joint paper with Jacques Duparc
and Jean-Pierre
Theoretical Computer
Science, Volume 257 (1-2), April 2001, p.85-105.
(preprint, dvi file
or ps file
Abstract. I) Wadge defined a
natural refinement of the Borel hierarchy, now called the Wadge hierarchy WH.
The fundamental properties of WH follow from results of Kuratowski, Martin,
Wadge and Louveau. We give a transparent restatement and proof of Wadge's main
theorem. Our method is new for it yields a wide and unexpected extension: from
Borel sets of reals to a class of natural but non Borel sets of infinite
sequences. Wadge's theorem is quite uneffective and our generalization clearly
worse in this respect. Yet paradoxically our method is appropriate to
effectivize this whole theory in the context discussed below.
Computer Science, Volume 269 (1-2), October 2001, p.283-315.
(preprint, dvi file
or ps file )
Abstract. The main result of
this paper is that the length of the Wadge hierarchy of omega context free
languages is greater than the Cantor ordinal epsilon0, and the same
result holds for the conciliating Wadge hierarchy, defined by J. Duparc, of
infinitary context free languages, studied by D. Beauquier. In the course of
our proof, we get results on the Wadge hierarchy of iterated counter omega
languages, which we define as an extension to omega languages of classical
(finitary) iterated counter languages.
Theoretical Computer Science,
Volume 290 (3), January 2003, p.1385-1405.
(preprint, dvi file
or ps file )
Abstract. We give in this paper
additional answers to questions of Lescow and Thomas [Logical Specifications
of Infinite Computations, In:"A Decade of Concurrency", Springer LNCS 803
(1994), 583-621], proving topological properties of omega context free
languages (omega-CFL) which extend those of 4): there exist some omega-CFL
which are non Borel sets. And one cannot decide whether an omega-CFL is a
Borel set. We give also an answer to questions of Niwinski and Simonnet about
omega powers of finitary languages, giving an example of a finitary context
free language L such that Lomega is not a Borel set. Then we prove
some recursive analogues to preceding properties: in particular one cannot
decide whether an omega-CFL is an arithmetical set.
Theoretical Computer Science,
Volume 301 (1-3), May 2003, p. 217-270.
(preprint, dvi file
or ps file )
Abstract. We extend the well
known notions of ambiguity and of degrees of ambiguity of finitary context
free languages to the case of omega context free languages (omega-CFL)
accepted by Büchi or Muller pushdown automata. We show that these notions may
be defined independantly of the Büchi or Muller acceptance condition which is
considered. We investigate first properties of the subclasses of omega context
free languages we get in that way, giving many examples and studying
topological properties of omega-CFL of a given degree of ambiguity.
Theoretical Computer
Science, Volume 299 (1-3), April 2003, p. 327-346.
(preprint, dvi file
or ps file )
Abstract. This paper is a
continuation of the study of topological properties of omega context free
languages (omega-CFL). We proved before that the class of omega-CFL exhausts
the hierarchy of Borel sets of finite rank, and that there exist some
omega-CFL which are analytic but non Borel sets. We prove here that there
exist some omega context free languages which are Borel sets of infinite (but
not finite) rank, giving additional answer to questions of Lescow and Thomas
[Logical Specifications of Infinite Computations, In:"A Decade of
Concurrency", Springer LNCS 803 (1994), 583-621].
Computer Science and the Fine Structure of Borel
II) Wagner
defined on Büchi automata (accepting words of length omega) a hierarchy and
proved for it an effective analog of Wadge's results. We extend Wagner's
results to more general kinds of Automata: Counters, Push Down Automata and
Büchi Automata reading transfinite words. The notions and methods developed in
(I) are quite useful for this extension. And we start to use them in order to
look for extensions of the fundamental effective determinacy results of
Büchi-Landweber, Rabin; and of Courcelle-Walukiewicz.
Wadge Hierarchy of Omega Context Free Languages
Borel Hierarchy and Omega Context Free Languages
Ambiguity in Omega Context Free Languages
On Omega Context Free Languages which are Borel Sets of Infinite Rank
Archive for Mathematical Logic, Volume 47 (6), September 2008, p. 625-651.
(preprint, on HAL )
Abstract. Locally finite omega
languages were introduced by Ressayre in [Formal Languages Defined by the
Underlying Structure of their Words, Journal of Symbolic Logic 53, No. 4,
1009-1026]. These languages are defined by locally finite sentences and extend
omega languages accepted by Büchi automata or defined by monadic second order
sentences. We investigate their topological complexity. All locally finite
omega languages are analytic sets, the class LOComega of locally
finite omega languages exhausts the finite ranks of the Borel hierarchy and
there exist some locally finite omega languages which are Borel sets of
infinite rank or even analytic but non Borel sets. This gives (partial)
answers to questions of Simonnet [Automates et Théorie Descriptive, Ph. D.
Thesis, Université Paris 7, March 1992] and of Duparc, Finkel and Ressayre
[Computer Science and the Fine Structure of Borel Sets, Theoretical Computer
Science, Volume 257 (1-2), 2001, p.85-105].
Theoretical Computer
Science, Volume 322 (1), August 2004, p. 69-84.
(preprint, dvi
file or ps
file )
Abstract. Locally finite omega
languages were introduced by Ressayre in [Journal of Symbolic Logic 53, No. 4,
1009-1026]. They generalize omega languages accepted by finite automata or
defined by monadic second order sentences. We study here closure properties of
the family LOComega of locally finite omega languages. In
particular we show that the class LOComega is neither closed under
intersection nor under complementation, giving an answer to a question of
Informatics and Applications, Volume 37 (2), April-June 2003, p. 105-113.
(preprint, dvi
file or ps
file )
Abstract. We prove in this
paper that there exists some infinitary rational relations which are analytic
but non Borel sets, giving an answer to a question of Simonnet [Automates et
Théorie Descriptive, Ph. D. Thesis, Université Paris 7, March 1992].
Journal of Automata,
Languages and Combinatorics, Volume 10 (4), 2005, p. 439-464.
(preprint, dvi
file or ps
file )
Abstract. We prove in this
paper that the length of the Wadge hierarchy of omega context free languages
is greater than the Cantor ordinal epsilonomega, which is the
omegath fixed point of the ordinal exponentiation of base omega.
The same result holds for the conciliating Wadge hierarchy, defined by J.
Duparc, of infinitary context free languages, studied by D. Beauquier. We show
also that there exist some omega context free languages which are
Sigma0omega-complete Borel sets, improving previous
results on omega context free languages and the Borel hierarchy.
Informatics and Applications, Volume 37 (2), April-June 2003, p. 115-126.
(preprint, dvi
file or ps
file )
Abstract. We prove that for
every countable ordinal alpha one cannot decide whether a given infinitary
rational relation is in the Borel class Sigma0alpha (
respectively Pi0alpha). Furthermore one cannot decide
whether a given infinitary rational relation is a Borel set or a
Sigma11-complete set. We prove some recursive analogues
to these properties. In particular one cannot decide whether an infinitary
rational relation is an arithmetical set. We then deduce from these results
that one cannot decide whether the complement of an infinitary rational
relation is also an infinitary rational relation.
Joint paper with Jean-Pierre
Ressayre and Pierre Simonnet
Zapiski Nauchnyh Seminarov
POMI, Volume 316, December 2004, p. 205-223.
(preprint, dvi
file or ps
file )
Abstract. We consider the set
of infinite real traces, over a dependence alphabet (Gamma, D) with no
isolated letter, equipped with the topology induced by the prefix metric. We
then prove that all rational languages of infinite real traces are analytic
sets and that there exist some rational languages of infinite real traces
which are analytic but non Borel sets, and even
Sigma11-complete, hence of maximum possible topological
Joint paper with Pierre Simonnet
Bulletin of the
Belgian Mathematical Society, Volume 10 (5), December 2003, p. 707-722.
file or
file )
Abstract. We study the links
between the topological complexity of an omega context free language and its
degree of ambiguity. In particular, using known facts from classical
descriptive set theory, we prove that non Borel omega context free languages
which are recognized by Büchi pushdown automata have a maximum degree of
ambiguity. This result implies that degrees of ambiguity are really not
preserved by the operation of taking the omega power of a finitary context
free language. We prove also that taking the adherence or the delta-limit of a
finitary language preserves neither unambiguity nor inherent ambiguity. On the
other side we show that methods used in the study of omega context free
languages can also be applied to study the notion of ambiguity in infinitary
rational relations accepted by Büchi 2-tape automata and we get first results
in that direction.
International Journal of
Foundations of Computer Science, Volume 15 (6), December 2004, p. 823-840.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv
Abstract. Languages of infinite
pictures which are recognizable by finite tiling systems with various
acceptance conditions have been recently investigated by Altenbernd, Thomas
and Wöhrle in [Tiling Systems over Infinite Pictures and their Acceptance
Conditions, in the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on
Developements in Language Theory, DLT 2002, LNCS Volume 2450, Springer, p.
297-306]. The authors asked for comparing the tiling system acceptance with an
acceptance of pictures row by row using an automaton model over ordinal words
of length omega2. We give in this paper a solution to this problem,
showing that all languages of infinite pictures which are accepted row by row
by Büchi or Choueka automata reading words of length omega2 are
Büchi recognized by a finite tiling system, but the converse is not true. We
give also the answer to two other questions which were raised in that paper,
showing that it is undecidable whether a Büchi recognizable language of
infinite pictures is E-recognizable (respectively, A-recognizable).
An erratum is added at the end of the preprint :
The supremum of the set of Borel ranks of Büchi recognizable
languages of infinite pictures is not the first non recursive ordinal
but an ordinal gamma21 which is strictly
greater than the first non recursive ordinal.
This follows from a result proved by
A. S. Kechris, D. Marker and R. L. Sami, in
[ Pi11 Borel sets, Journal of Symbolic Logic, Volume 54 (3), p. 915-920, 1989 ].
Computer Science Journal of Moldova, Volume 15 (1), June 2007, p. 3-21.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
We give in this paper an example of infinitary rational relation, accepted
by a 2-tape Büchi automaton, which is Pi30-complete in the Borel hierarchy.
Moreover the example of infinitary rational relation
given in this paper has a very simple structure and can be easily
described by its sections.
Informaticae, Volume 62 (3-4), August 2004, p. 333-342.
(preprint, dvi
file or ps
file )
Abstract. omega-powers of
finitary languages are omega languages in the form Vomega, where V
is a finitary language over a finite alphabet X. Since the set of infinite
words over X can be equipped with the usual Cantor topology, the question of
the topological complexity of omega-powers naturally arises and has been
raised by Niwinski, by Simonnet, and by Staiger. It has been recently proved
in [ 4 ]
that for each integer n > 0 , there exist some omega-powers of context free
languages which are Pin0-complete Borel sets, and in [ 7 ] that
there exists a context free language L such that Lomega is analytic
but not Borel. But the question was still open whether there exists a finitary
language V such that Vomega is a Borel set of infinite rank. We
answer this question in this paper, giving an example of a finitary language
whose omega-power is Borel of infinite rank.
Theoretical Computer
Science, Volume 364 (2), November 2006, p. 196-211.
(preprint, ps
file or pdf
file )
Local (first order)
sentences, introduced by Ressayre, enjoy very nice decidability properties,
following from some stretching theorems stating some remarkable links between
the finite and the infinite model theory of these sentences. We prove here several
additional results on local sentences. The first one is a new decidability
result in the case of local sentences whose function symbols are at most
unary: one can decide, for every regular cardinal k whether a local sentence
phi has a model of order type k. Secondly we show that this result can not be
extended to the general case. Assuming the consistency of an inaccessible
cardinal we prove that the set of local sentences having a model of order type
omega2 is not determined by the axiomatic system ZFC + GCH, where
GCH is the generalized continuum hypothesis.
Informaticae, Volume 66 (3), April 2005, p. 277-298.
(preprint, ps
file or pdf
file )
Abstract. Some decidable
winning conditions of arbitrarily high finite Borel complexity for games on
finite graphs or on pushdown graphs have been recently presented by O. Serre
in [ Games with Winning Conditions of High Borel Complexity, in the
Proceedings of the International Conference ICALP 2004, LNCS, Volume 3142, p.
1150-1162 ]. We answer in this paper several questions which were raised by
Serre in the above cited paper. We first show that, for every positive integer
n, the class Cn(A), which arises in the definition of decidable
winning conditions, is included in the class of non-ambiguous context free
omega languages, and that it is neither closed under union nor under
intersection. We prove also that there exists pushdown games, equipped with
such decidable winning conditions, where the winning sets are not
deterministic context free languages, giving examples of winning sets which
are non-deterministic non-ambiguous context free languages, inherently
ambiguous context free languages, or even non context free languages.
(preprint, ps file
or pdf
file )
We solve some decision problems for timed automata which were recently
raised by S. Tripakis in [ Folk Theorems on the Determinization and
Minimization of Timed Automata, in the Proceedings of the International Workshop
FORMATS'2003, LNCS, Volume 2791, p. 182-188, 2004 ]
and by E. Asarin in [ Challenges in Timed Languages, From Applied Theory to
Basic Theory, Bulletin of the EATCS, Volume
83, p. 106-120, 2004 ]. In particular,
we show that one cannot decide whether a given timed automaton is determinizable
or whether the complement of a timed regular language is timed regular.
(preprint, ps
file or pdf
file )
We show
that the class of regular timed languages is not closed under shuffle. This gives an answer to a question
which was raised by E. Asarin in [Challenges in Timed Languages, From Applied Theory to
Basic Theory, Bulletin of the EATCS, Volume
83, p. 106-120, 2004].
(preprint, on HAL )
Joint paper with Stevo Todorcevic
Logic Quarterly, Volume 53 (6), November 2007, p. 558-563.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Joint paper with Dominique Lecomte
Annals of Pure and Applied
Logic, Volume 160 (2), August 2009, p. 163-191.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Joint paper with Olivier Carton and Pierre Simonnet
Special Issue: A nonstandard spirit among computer scientists:
a tribute to Serge Grigorieff
at the occasion of his 60th birthday.
Informatics and Applications, Volume 42 (1), January-March 2008, p. 183-196.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Special Issue on Intensional Programming & Semantics
in honour of Bill Wadge
on the occasion of his 60th cycle.
Mathematics in Computer Science,
Volume 2 (1), November 2008, p. 85-102.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Special Issue on Machines, Computations and Universality.
Fundamenta Informaticae,
Volume 91 (2), March 2009, p. 305-323.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Joint paper with Pierre Simonnet
Fundamenta Informaticae,
Volume 95 (2-3), October 2009, p. 287-303.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Informatics and Applications, Volume 43 (2), April-June 2009, p. 339-364.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Journal of Cellular Automata, Volume 6 (2-3), 2011, p. 181-193.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Joint paper with Dominique Lecomte
Processing Letters, Volume 109 (23-24), November 2009, p. 1223-1226.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Mathematical Logic Quarterly, Volume 56 (5), October 2010, p. 452-460.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Logical Methods in Computer Science, Volume 5 (4:4), December 2009, p. 1-19.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Joint paper with Stevo Todorcevic
Central European Journal of Mathematics, Volume 8 (2), April 2010, p. 299-313.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Special Issue: Frontier Between Decidability and Undecidability and Related Problems.
International Journal of
Foundations of Computer Science, Volume 23 (7), November 2012, p. 1481-1498.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Joint paper with Stevo Todorcevic
Journal of
Symbolic Logic, Volume 77 (1), March 2012, p. 350-368.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Informatics and Applications, Volume 45 (4), November 2011, p. 383 - 397.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Joint paper with Stevo Todorcevic
Special Issue on New Worlds of Computation 2011.
International Journal of
Unconventional Computing, Volume 9 (1-2), 2013, p. 61-70.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Journal of
Symbolic Logic, Volume 78 (4), December 2013, p. 1115-1134.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Joint paper with Michał Skrzypczak
Information Processing Letters, Volume 114 (5), May 2014, p. 229-233.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Logical Methods in Computer Science, Volume 10 (3:12), August 2014, p. 1-18.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Information Processing Letters, Volume 115 (6-8), June–August 2015, p. 609-611.
(preprint, on HAL
Joint paper with Dominique Lecomte and
Pierre Simonnet
Informatics and Applications, Volume 49 (2), April-June 2015, p. 121-137.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Mathematical Logic Quarterly,
Volume 62 (4-5), August 2016, p. 303-318.
(preprint, on HAL
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic,
Volume 167 (12), December 2016, p. 1184-1212.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
International Journal of
Foundations of Computer Science, Volume 30 (3), April 2019, p. 449-467.
(preprint, on HAL
Joint paper with Jérémie Cabessa
Journal of Computer and System Sciences,
Volume 101, May 2019, p. 86-99.
(preprint, on HAL
Joint paper with Olivier Carton and Dominique Lecomte
Logical Methods in Computer Science, Volume 15 (2:9), May 2019, p. 1-21.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Joint paper with Dominique Lecomte
Archive for Mathematical Logic, Volume 60 (1-2), February 2021, p. 161–187.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Joint paper with Michał Skrzypczak
Special Issue: Extended versions of papers from Petri Nets 2020.
Fundamenta Informaticae, Volume 183 (3-4), December 2021, p. 243–291.
(preprint, on HAL
ArXiv )
International Journal of
Foundations of Computer Science, Volume 32 (7), November 2021, p. 901–920.
(preprint, on HAL
Joint paper with Vesa Halava and Tero Harju and Esa Sahla
Theoretical Informatics and Applications, Volume 57, October 2023, Article number 7, p. 1-11.
(preprint, on HAL
Joint paper with Dominique Lecomte
Mathematical Logic Quaterly, to appear.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Language, Culture, Computation: Studies in Honor of Yaacov Choueka.
Ed. by Nachum Dershowitz and Ephraim Nissan, Part I, Computing, Theory and Technology,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8001, Springer,
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Joint paper with Jacques Duparc
and Jean-Pierre
In: Logic, Computation, Hierarchies,
Festschrift Volume in Honor of Victor Selivanov at the occasion of his sixtieth birthday
Ed. by Vasco Brattka, Hannes Diener, and Dieter Spreen, Ontos Mathematical Logic, Volume 4, De Gruyter, 2014, p. 109–138,
(preprint, on HAL
Joint paper with Dominique Lecomte
In: Contemporary Logic and Computing.
Ed. by Adrian Rezus, Landscapes in Logic, Volume 1, College Publications, London, 2020, pp. 518-541.
Joint paper with Jacques Duparc
and Jean-Pierre
Abstract corresponding to the above journal paper [ 5 ],
(Résumé correspondant aux articles [ 4 ] et [ 7 ]
Abstract, in Contributed Papers of Logic Colloquium 2000 , Paris, 23-31
July 2000, p. 149-150
Extended abstract, in the Proceedings of Computer Science Logic , 15th
International Workshop, CSL 2001, 10th Annual Conference of the European
Association for Computer Science Logic Paris, September 10-13, 2001, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2142, (c) Springer, p. 369-383.
(preprint, ps
file or pdf
file )
Abstract. The extension of the
Wagner hierarchy to blind counter automata accepting infinite words with a
Muller acceptance condition is effective. We determine precisely this
Extended abstract, short version of the above journal paper [ 13 ],
(preprint, ps
file or pdf
file )
Abstract. The main result of
this paper is that the length of the Wadge hierarchy of omega context free
languages is greater than the Cantor ordinal epsilonomega, which is
the omegath fixed point of the ordinal exponentiation of base omega
and the same result holds for the conciliating Wadge hierarchy, defined by J.
Duparc, of infinitary context free languages, studied by D. Beauquier.
Extended abstract, short version of the above journal papers [ 12 ] and
[ 14 ],
(preprint, ps
file or pdf
file )
Abstract. We study the
topological complexity of infinitary rational relations, with regard to the
Borel and projective hierarchies. In particular we show that there exists some
infinitary rational relations which are analytic but non Borel sets hence also
non arithmetical sets, giving an answer to a question of Simonnet [Automates
et théorie descriptive, Ph. D. Thesis, Université Paris 7, March 1992]. We
then deduce the undecidability of numerous topological and arithmetical
properties of infinitary rational relations.
Joint paper with Pierre Simonnet
Extended abstract, short version of the above journal paper [ 16 ],
Abstract. We study the links
between the topological complexity of an omega context free language and its
degree of ambiguity. In particular we show that analytic but non Borel omega
context free languages have a maximum degree of ambiguity.
Extended abstract, in the Proceedings of the Fourth
International Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer
Science DMTCS'03, 7 - 12 July 2003, Dijon, France, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2731, (c) Springer, 2003, p. 155-167.
(preprint, ps
file or pdf
file )
Abstract. We prove in this
paper that there exists some infinitary rational relations which are
Sigma30-complete Borel sets and some others which are
Pi30-complete. This implies that there exists some
infinitary rational relations which are Delta40-sets but
not (Sigma30U Pi30)-sets. These
results give additional answers to questions of Simonnet [Automates et Théorie
Descriptive, Ph. D. Thesis, Université Paris 7, March 1992] and of Lescow and
Thomas [Logical Specifications of Infinite Computations, In:"A Decade of
Concurrency", Springer LNCS 803 (1994), 583-621].
Joint paper with Jean-Pierre Ressayre and Pierre
Abstract, in
Contributed Papers of 22nd
Journées sur les Arithmétiques Faibles, June 11-14, 2003, Napoli, Italy.
in the Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Logic,
Language, Information and Computation WoLLIC 2004, July 19th to 22nd,
2004, Paris-Fontainebleau, France, Electronic
Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 123, (c) Elsevier, March
2005, p. 75-92.
(preprint, ps
file or pdf
file )
Abstract. Local (first order)
sentences, introduced by Ressayre, enjoy very nice decidability properties,
following from some stretching theorems stating some remarkable links between
the finite and the infinite model theory of these sentences. We prove here two
additional results on local sentences. The first one is a new decidability
result in the case of local sentences whose function symbols are at most
unary: one can decide, for every regular cardinal k whether a local sentence
phi has a model of order type k. Secondly we show that this result can not be
extended to the general case. Assuming the consistency of an inaccessible
cardinal we prove that the set of local sentences having a model of order type
omega2 is not determined by the axiomatic system ZFC + GCH, where
GCH is the generalized continuum hypothesis.
Joint paper with Olivier Carton and Pierre Simonnet
Abstract, in the Proceedings of the 10 th International Conference Journées Montoises on Theoretical Computer
Science, September 8-11, 2004, Liège, Belgique.
Abstract. An omega rational
function is a function whose graph is recognized by a Büchi finite state
transducer, or accepted by a 2-tape Büchi automaton with two reading heads,
i.e. is an infinitary rational relation. We study the set C(F) of points of
continuity of an omega rational function F which is always a Borel
Pi20-set. In the case of a function F accepted by a
synchronous 2-tape Büchi automaton we show that the set C(F) is an omega
regular set which can be computed. Conversely every Pi20
omega regular set is the set of points of continuity C(F) of some function F
accepted by a synchronous 2-tape Büchi automaton. This result cannot be
extended to the case of asynchronous omega rational functions: one cannot
decide whether the set C(F) of an omega rational function F is empty,
rational, or context free.
Joint paper with Jacques Duparc
in the Proceedings
of the International Conference Foundations of the Formal
Sciences V : Infinite Games, November 26th to 29th, 2004, Bonn, Germany,
Stefan Bold, Benedikt Löwe, Thoralf Räsch, Johan van Benthem (eds.),
College Publications at King's College, Studies in Logic, Volume 11, London, 2007, p. 109-122.
(preprint, on HAL
Abstract. We show, using a
backspace operation that arises very naturally when studying the Wadge
hierarchy of Borel sets, that there is a context free language whose omega
power is both Borel and strictly above Deltaomega0 in
the Borel hierarchy.
Extended Abstract, in the Proceedings of New
Computational Paradigms: First Conference on Computability in
Europe, CiE 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 8-12, 2005.
Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Volume 3526, (c) Springer, 2005, p. 129-138.
(preprint, ps
file or pdf
file )
We show that, for each recursive non null
ordinal alpha, there exist some Sigma0alpha-complete
and some Pi0alpha-complete omega languages
accepted by Büchi 1-counter automata.
Closure Properties of Locally Finite Omega Languages
On the Topological Complexity of Infinitary Rational Relations
On the Length of the Wadge Hierarchy of Omega Context Free Languages
Undecidability of Topological and Arithmetical Properties of
Infinitary Rational Relations
On Infinite Real Trace Rational Languages of Maximum Topological
Topology and Ambiguity in Omega Context Free Languages
On Recognizable Languages of Infinite Pictures
An Example of Pi30-complete
Infinitary Rational Relation
An omega-Power of a Finitary Language Which is a Borel Set of
Infinite Rank
On Decidability Properties of Local Sentences
On Winning Conditions of High Borel Complexity in Pushdown Games
On Decision Problems for Timed Automata
On the Shuffle of Timed Regular Languages
Borel Ranks and Wadge
Degrees of Omega Context Free Languages
Local Sentences and Mahlo Cardinals
Classical and Effective Descriptive Complexities of omega-Powers
On the Continuity Set of an omega Rational Function
Wadge Degrees of Infinitary Rational Relations
Highly Undecidable Problems about Recognizability by Tiling Systems
On Recognizable Tree Languages Beyond the Borel Hierarchy
Highly Undecidable Problems For Infinite Computations
On Decidability Properties of One-Dimensional Cellular Automata
Decision Problems For Turing Machines
On Some Sets of Dictionaries Whose omega-Powers Have a Given Complexity
The Complexity of Infinite Computations In Models of Set Theory
The Isomorphism Relation Between Tree-Automatic Structures
A Hierarchy of Tree-Automatic Structures
Some Problems in Automata Theory Which Depend on the Models of Set Theory
The Determinacy of Context-Free Games
On the Topological Complexity of omega-Languages of Non-Deterministic Petri Nets
Ambiguity of omega-Languages of Turing Machines
The Exact Complexity of the Infinite Post Correspondence Problem
An Upper Bound on the Complexity of Recognizable Tree Languages
Locally Finite omega-Languages and Effective Analytic Sets Have the Same Topological Complexity
Infinite Games Specified by 2-Tape Automata
Incompleteness Theorems, Large Cardinals, and Automata over Finite Words
Computational Capabilities of Analog and Evolving Neural Networks
over Infinite Input Streams
Polishness of Some Topologies Related to Word or Tree Automata
Some Complete omega-Powers of a One-Counter Language, for Any Borel Class of Finite Rank
On the Expressive Power of Non-Deterministic and Unambiguous Petri Nets over Infinite Words
Two Effective Properties of omega-Rational Functions
On Bi-infinite and Conjugate Post Correspondence Problems
Wadge Degrees of $\Delta^0_2$ omega-Powers
Chapters of Books
Topological Complexity of Context-Free omega-Languages: A Survey
The Wadge Hierarchy of Petri Nets omega-Languages
Descriptive Set Theory and omega-Powers of Finitary Languages
Conference papers
in the Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 5th Barcelona Logic
Meeting and the 6th Kurt Gödel colloquium, 16-19 June 1999, Collegium Logicum,
Annals of the Kurt-Gödel-Society, Vol
4, 2000.
Actes des huitièmes Journées
Montoises d' Informatique Théorique à Marne-la-Vallée , 6-8 Mars 2000 , p.
in the Proceedings of International
Workshop on Logic and Complexity in Computer Science, held in honour to Anatol
Slissenko for his 60th birthday, September 3-5, 2001, Université Paris 12,
Créteil, France, p. 69-79.
in the Proceedings of Denis Richard 60 th Birthday
Conference, May 16-17, 2002, Clermont Ferrand.
in the Proceedings of the 9 th International Conference Journées Montoises on Theoretical Computer
Science, September 9-11, 2002 Montpellier, France.
Erratum. An error appeared in this paper and is corrected in the journal paper [ 24 ]: the supremum of the set of Borel ranks of context free omega languages is not the first non recursive ordinal but an ordinal gamma21 which is strictly greater than the first non recursive ordinal. This follows from a result proved by A. S. Kechris, D. Marker and R. L. Sami, in [ Pi11 Borel sets, Journal of Symbolic Logic, Volume 54 (3), p. 915-920, 1989 ].
Extended Abstract, in the Proceedings of 23rd International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, STACS 2006, Marseille, France, February 23-25, 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3884, (c) Springer, 2006, p. 301-312 .
(preprint, on HAL
in the Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems, FORMATS'06, Paris, France, September 25-27, 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4202, (c) Springer, 2006, p. 187-199.
(preprint, on HAL
Joint paper with Dominique Lecomte
in the Proceedings of the 16th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science and Logic, CSL 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 11-15, 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4646, (c) Springer, 2007, p. 115-129.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Abstract. Omega-powers of
finitary languages are omega languages in the form Vomega, where V
is a finitary language over a finite alphabet X. They appear very naturally in the characterizaton of regular or context-free omega-languages.
Since the set of infinite words over a finite alphabet X can be equipped
with the usual Cantor topology, the question of the topological complexity of omega-powers of
finitary languages naturally arises and has been posed by
Niwinski (1990), Simonnet (1992) and Staiger (1997). It has been recently proved
in [ 4 ]
that for each integer n > 0 , there exist some omega-powers of context free
languages which are Pin0-complete Borel sets, and in [ 7 ] that
there exists a context free language L such that Lomega is analytic
but not Borel. It has been also proved in [ 19 ]
that there exists a finitary language V
such that Vomega is a Borel set of infinite rank, but it was still unknown which could be the possible infinite Borel ranks of omega-powers.
We fill this gap here, proving the following very surprising result which shows that omega-powers exhibit a great topological complexity:
for each non-null countable ordinal alpha, there exist
some Sigma0alpha-complete omega-powers, and some Pi0alpha-complete omega-powers.
Joint paper with Dominique Lecomte
in the Proceedings of
Dagstuhl Seminar on "Topological and Game-Theoretic Aspects of Infinite
Computations" 29.06.08 - 04.07.08, Dagstuhl, Germany.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
This is an extended abstract presenting new results on the topological complexity of omega-powers
(which are included in a paper "Classical and effective descriptive complexities of omega-powers" published in the Annals of Pure and Applied Logic)
and reflecting also some open questions which were discussed during the Dagstuhl seminar on "Topological and Game-Theoretic Aspects of Infinite Computations" 29.06.08 - 04.07.08.
in: ``Studies in Weak Arithmetics",
Proceedings of the International Conference
28 th Weak Arithmetic Days, Fontainebleau, France, June 17-19, 2009, edited by P. Cegielski,
Publications of the Center for the Study of Language and Information, Lecture Notes, Volume 196,
Stanford University, 2010, p. 127-151.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Altenbernd, Thomas and
Wöhrle have considered acceptance of
languages of infinite two-dimensional words (infinite pictures) by finite tiling systems,
with the usual acceptance conditions, such as the
Büchi and Muller ones, firstly used for infinite words.
Many classical decision problems are studied in formal language theory and in automata theory and arise now naturally about
recognizable languages of infinite pictures.
We first review in this paper some recent results of [ 29 ] where
we gave the exact degree of numerous undecidable problems for Büchi-recognizable
languages of infinite pictures, which are actually located at the first or at the
second level of the analytical hierarchy, and ``highly undecidable".
Then we prove here some more (high) undecidability results. We first show that it is Pi12-complete to determine whether a given
Büchi-recognizable language of infinite pictures is unambiguous. Then we investigate cardinality problems.
We prove that it is D2(Sigma11)-complete
to determine whether a given Büchi-recognizable language of infinite pictures is countably infinite, and that
it is Sigma11-complete to determine whether a given Büchi-recognizable language of infinite pictures is uncountable.
Next we consider complements of recognizable languages of infinite pictures and
we show, using some results of Set Theory, that the cardinality of the complement of a Büchi-recognizable language of infinite pictures
may depend on the model of the axiomatic system ZFC.
In Contributed Abstracts of the 2nd Workshop on Games for Design, Verification and Synthesis, GASICS 2010, Paris,
September 4, 2010. And
Contributed Abstracts of the Annual Workshop
of the ESF Networking Programme on Games for Design and Verification, GAMES 2010, Oxford, September 20-23, 2010.
Note: The results of this abstract are included in the following STACS conference paper.
In the Proceedings
of the 29 th International Symposium on
Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science,
STACS 2012, Paris, France, February 29-March 3, 2012, Leibniz International
Proceedings in Informatics, Volume 14, 2012, p. 555-566.
(preprint, on HAL
or ArXiv )
We prove that the determinacy of Gale-Stewart games whose winning sets are accepted by
real-time 1-counter Büchi automata is equivalent to the determinacy of (effective) analytic Gale-Stewart games which is known to be a large cardinal
assumption. We show also that the determinacy of Wadge games between two players in charge of
omega-languages accepted by 1-counter Büchi automata is equivalent to the (effective) analytic Wadge determinacy.
Using some results of set theory we prove that one can effectively construct a
1-counter Büchi automaton A and a Büchi automaton B such that: (1) There exists a model of ZFC
in which Player 2 has a winning strategy in the Wadge game W(L(A), L(B)); (2) There exists a model of ZFC
in which the Wadge game W(L(A), L(B)) is not determined.
Moreover these are the only two possibilities, i.e. there are no models of ZFC in which
Player 1 has a
winning strategy in the Wadge game W(L(A), L(B)).
In Contributed Abstracts of Turing Centenary Conference,
Computability in Europe, CiE 2012, Cambridge,
June 18-23, 2012.
(paper, on HAL
or ArXiv )
Joint paper with Jacques Duparc
and Jean-Pierre
In the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science,
LFCS 2013, January 6 - 8, 2013,
San Diego, California, U.S.A, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Volume 7734, (c) Springer, 2013, p. 179-193.
This paper was also exposed at the Annual Workshop of the ESF Networking Programme on Games for Design and Verification, GAMES 2012,
Napoli, Italy, September 7-12, 2012.
(Extended version, on HAL
In Contributed Abstracts of Logic Colloquium,
LC 2014, part of Vienna Summer of Logic, Vienna, Autriche, 14-18 juillet 2014.
In the Proceedings of the 42nd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, ICALP 2015, Kyoto,
Japan, July 6-10, 2015,
Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Volume 9135, (c) Springer, 2015, p. 222--233.
(preprint, on HAL
In Contributed Abstracts of the Twelfth International Conference on Computability in Europe, Pursuit of the Universal, CiE 2016, Paris,
June 27th- July 1st, 2016.
In the Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference on
Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, TAMC 2017,
Bern, Switzerland, 20-22 April 2017,
Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Volume 10185, (c) Springer, 2017, p. 231--246.
(preprint, on HAL
Joint paper with Olivier Carton and Dominique Lecomte
In the Proceedings of the 26th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science and Logic,
CSL 2017, Stockholm,
Sweden, August 20-24, 2017,
Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, Volume 82, 2017, p. 22:1 - 22:16.
(preprint, on HAL
Joint paper with Jérémie Cabessa
In the Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory, FCT 2017, Bordeaux,
France, September 11-13, 2017,
Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Volume 10472, (c) Springer, 2017, p. 150--163.
(preprint, on HAL
In the Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications
LATA 2020,
Milan, Italy - March 4-6, 2020,(postponed),
Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Volume 12038, (c) Springer, 2020, p. 303--314.
(preprint, on HAL
In the Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency, Petri Nets 2020, Paris, held virtually,
France, June 24-25, 2020,
Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Volume 12152, (c) Springer, 2020, p. 69--88.
(preprint, on HAL
Best paper award