Publications et articles/Papers

• Publications

D. Lecomte, Classes de Wadge potentielles et théorèmes d'uniformisation partielle, Fund. Math. 143 (1993), 231-258

D. Lecomte, Classes de Wadge potentielles des boréliens à coupes dénombrables, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 317, Série 1 (1993), 1045-1048

D. Lecomte, Uniformisations partielles et critères à la Hurewicz dans le plan, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 347, 11 (1995), 4433-4460

D. Lecomte, Tests à la Hurewicz dans le plan, Fund. Math. 156 (1998), 131-165

D. Lecomte, Complexité des boréliens à coupes dénombrables, Fund. Math. 165 (2000), 139-174

D. Lecomte, How can we recover Baire class one functions?,  Mathematika 50 (2003), 171-198

D. Lecomte, Hurewicz-like tests for Borel subsets of the plane, Electron. Res. Announc. Amer. Math. Soc. 11 (2005), 95-102

D. Lecomte, Omega-powers and descriptive set theory, J. Symbolic Logic 70, 4 (2005), 1210-1232

D. Lecomte, On minimal non potentially closed subsets of the plane, Topology Appl. 154, 1 (2007), 241-262

O. Finkel and D. Lecomte, There exist some omega-powers of any Borel rank, CSL 2007, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 4646 Springer-Verlag (2007), 115-129

D. Lecomte and B. D. Miller, Basis theorems for non-potentially closed sets and graphs of uncountable Borel chromatic number, JMathLog. 8 (2008), 121-162

D. Lecomte, A dichotomy characterizing analytic digraphs of uncountable Borel chromatic number in any dimension, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 361 (2009), 4181-4193

O. Finkel and D. Lecomte, Classical and effective descriptive complexities of  omega-powersAnn. Pure Appl. Logic 160, 2 (2009), 163-191

O. Finkel and D. Lecomte, Decision problems for Turing machines, Inform. Process. Lett. 109 (2009), 1223-1226

D. Lecomte, How can we recognize potentially Pi0xi subsets of the plane?, J. Math. Log. 9, 1 (2009), 39-62

D. Lecomte, Potential Wadge classes, Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 221, 1038 (2013)

D. Lecomte and M. Zeleny, Baire-class xi colorings: the first three levelsTrans. Amer. Math. Soc. 366, 5 (2014), 2345-2373

D. Lecomte and M. Zeleny, Descriptive complexity of countable unions of Borel rectanglesTopology Appl. 166 (2014), 66-84

J. D. Clemens, D. Lecomte and B. D. Miller, Essential countability of treeable equivalence relations, Adv. Math. 265 (2014), 1-31

O. Finkel, D. Lecomte and P. Simonnet, An upper bound on the complexity of recognizable tree languages, RAIRO Theor. Inform. Appl. 49, 2 (2015), 121-137

D. Lecomte and M. Zeleny, Borel chromatic number of closed graphs, Fund. Math. 234 (2016), 163-169

J. D. Clemens, D. Lecomte and B. D. Miller, Dichotomy theorems for families of non-cofinal essential complexity, Adv. Math. 304 (2017), 285-299

O. Carton, O. Finkel and D. Lecomte, Polishness of some topologies related to automata, Computer Science Logic 2017, Art. No. 22, 16 pp., LIPIcs. Leibniz Int. Proc. Inform., 82, Schloss Dagstuhl. Leibniz-Zent. Inform., Wadern, 2017

D. Lecomte and M. Zeleny, Universal and complete sets in martingale theory, Math. Logic Quart. 64, 4-5 (2018) 312-335

D. Lecomte and R. Zamora, Injective tests of low complexity in the plane, Math. Logic Quart. 65, 2 (2019) 134-169

D. Lecomte, Acyclicity and reduction, Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 170, 3 (2019) 383-426

D. Lecomte, A separation result for countable unions of Borel rectangles, J. Symbolic Logic 84, 2 (2019) 517-532

O. Carton, O. Finkel and D. Lecomte, Polishness of some topologies related to word or tree automata, Log. Methods Comput. Sci. 15, 2 (2019) 9.1-9.21

D. Lecomte, On the complexity of Borel equivalence relations with some countability property, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 373, 3 (2020), 1845-1883

O. Finkel and D. Lecomte, Descriptive set theory and omega-powers of finitary languages, in: A. Rezus (ed.), Contemporary Logic and Computing, College Publications, London, 2020 [Series: Landscapes in Logic, Volume 1], vi + 732 pp., pp. 518-541

O. Finkel and D. Lecomte, Some complete omega-powers of a one-counter language, for any Borel class of finite rank, Arch. Math. Logic 60, 1-2 (2021), 161-187

D. Lecomte, On small analytic relations (36 pages, to appear in Fund. Math.)

D. Lecomte, Continuous 2-colorings and topological dynamics, Dissertationes Math. 586 (2023), 1-92

Articles soumis

O. Finkel and D. Lecomte, Wadge degrees of Delta02 omega-powers (10 pages)

O. Finkel, J. Girardot and D. Lecomte, Some regular omega-powers in the Hausdorff-Kuratowski hierarchy (18 pages)

Autres travaux

C. T. Conley, D. Lecomte and B. D. Miller, Descriptive set theoretic dichotomy theorems and limits superior (18 pages)

D. Lecomte and M. Zeleny, Analytic digraphs of uncountable Borel chromatic number under injective definable homomorphism (28 pages, arXiv:1811.04738)

W. Banks, A. Harcharras and D. Lecomte, Descriptive properties of the type of an irrational number (30 pages, arXiv:2307.05965)